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Biblical Cosmology - What does the Bible really teach about the design and nature of the place we live? In part 4 of this series we not only look at what the Bible teaches but what other ancient civilizations believed as well. Could this be Earth's real Cosmological design? You Decide.

Biblical Cosmology is sometimes referred to as flat earth.

How can anyone question what we have been taught about the Earth's cosmology seeing that we have photographic evidence from NASA? In part 3 we take a look at this photographic evidence and expose some unsettling facts about the entire space program and its founders.

Biblical Cosmology is sometimes referred to as flat earth.

In Part 2 we take a look at some compelling evidence that seriously questions whether everything we have been taught about the place we all live is really true. Is the Earth a Globe? You Decide.

Biblical Cosmology is sometimes referred to as flat earth.

This four part video presentation is an abbreviated compilation of 38 years of research which gives a compelling review of modern and biblical cosmology. The viewer needs to understand that the material in this video is highly controversial and may upset you or the ones you share it with. Nevertheless, it is given with the hopes that it will help restore the foundations of truth so that we are not as susceptible to being deceived and led into captivity by those who know the truth but are suppressing it for their own gain.

Biblical Cosmology is sometimes referred to as flat earth.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

4 videos

Category Science & Technology

This site is dedicated to exposing the unfruitful deeds of darkness. A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it and the truth is the truth even if no one believes it. Modern Cosmology vs Biblical Cosmology is a 4 part series exposing some unsettling facts about what we have all been taught about the nature and design fo the place we live.

Biblical Cosmology is sometimes referred to as flat earth.