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To train you like rats in a maze. Literally. He wants to block main streets on the weekend so that ze Deutschens vill learn how to be smarter, and enjoy your climate lockdown, stay inside your smart zone, where everything is in walking / cycling distance. Even if you're in a wheelchair.

"Are you're staged attacks not going to plan? Are your globalist agendas failing because you're using sub-par crisis actors? Well then look no further, Hi, I'm Harrisson Hanks, the ultimate crisis actor!..."
It's not even Paris Olympics O'Clock and already we're having some whoppers and humdngers like the Mannheim Matinee Street Theater with 'Soul Humanity' [Sulaiman Ataee] and the Slovakian president bloodless shooting. Not to mention the hundreds of local ops in every country from week to week and almost day to day. This is a great little vid for just sharpening your wits and recignizing all of the 'Harrisson Hanks' we're gonna see over the next few weeks and months.

It's high season now. Street performers everywhere will tell you they make their bread in high tourist season. Bring it on Bitches.

Retractable blade noise capture. You might need some good headphones / speakers for this one. Hence the repeats in quick succession cut just before the 'bang'. Click-Bang. It's there. Yea, of course they have a 'smart city' project. Everywhere you see these running LARPs have either a nationwide or a citywide smart project underway. These psy-ops are to bring about or, create a 'need' for more AI / which is a bullshit term for surveillance using ANPR, facial recognition, imei / imac triangulation of your 'smart' and dumb devices, even your bank cards are trackable now. Probably your car key, maybe even your old one if it has a button on it to open the doors. That's 'RFID'. Yes. 'AI'. My arse. Totalitatian technocracy is that it is. TT.

All the far right i know of in all countries in EU are pushing these as real events. I don't think so. Therefore, why are they all pushing the same exact narrative as the state / government? There's only one answer. In short, they are not 'in opposition', let's just leave it at that without getting into the nitty gritty, the most abject term for them. The bottom of the shit heap. - All your nations popup covid borne 'far right' are nothing more than crisis actors and government paid agents. Pied pipers to hold your ears and gaze, just long enough to have the 'net' down around you and tight fastened.

There'll be no need for them then and that'll be the end of them. You'll turn around and see what they were distracting you all with their afternoon alfresco street theater. Then the fight might begin, a far tougher one than would have otherwise have been.

Some bits here are blurred out here. The police officer's face 'reported' dead is blurred, the bits where the retractable blade makes contact with the stab plates, can be heard clicking as it retracts, has also been blurred out and made snowflake friendly. Everyone has seen it by now. It doesn't need to be shown again. it's still around. There's a lot of other detail here you haven't seen anywhere else.You'll probably notice some things I didn't. Maybe some Germans can answer some of the oddities, like, where they all were. There doesn't seem to be any groups or individuals there that appear to have gone there specifically. Just a handful of people in the back ground going about their business a dude on a bike, an old couple, and Sulaiman Ataee.

Apologies, don't have the subtitles for the German man speaking at the end of this 'alternative' Lamour Tojours edit. Cheers, Gigi!

There's another video going around reverse angle tik tokker camera man with a sound overlaid. This is cut from the original 1080p upload by Pax Europa. BitChuted to 480p. [ ] So it's cut from the original HD audio and video streamed on YT from top end recording equipment. And? You can't hear the gun shot. In the slow mo breakdown I did, I didn't even notice it, Went back into it, removed the music overlay, still can hear nothing above the shlow-moe action noises from the LARPers. They say the cop died... I'm going to show you him walking away, standing for about 5 minutes speaking with the director and the producer before the vicsim treating scene is shown. Watch this space. And Paris is still miles away! It's gonna be one heck of a summer. Roll on Le Olympics.

REAL onboard footage of the Chinese zooming into Google Moon, I mean, landing on the moon. With no stars. They're gone because of moon climate change. Or something. Images: CNSA [China Not Space Agency]

Almost looses his ice cream! Thais one heck of a 'shrón' Simo. Did this happen to distract everyone fro Colm and the football ground named after him~? Someone probably wasn't supposed to remind people of the detective shot with his own gun, out on patrol without his wingman. That old turkey. Gobble gobble. /

Cock a bleedin doo, eh Phil? They don't learn the art of silence being golden. Just keep on digging. No one cares if you have a dog or not, it's the lying in court under oath that most people can't stand. A man who lied to try and defraud the state for an undeserved payout when he himself was the villain inflicting violence on tiny creatures. The poor dumb animals. /

Even Barry couldn't believe what was happening. Spot the hand signals. 'Their' secret symbols.

May he die roaring in a snow drift.

Please send all you can to help the starving cats in Gaza. These pussies need you now more than ever.

Maybe one day we'll see one or two of these adrenaline junkies do an impression of a fly hitting a windshield as they drift ever so slightly to the left or right. That would be something. Would be more impressive if they could flap their suits and take off again. Like in the red bull ads.

2 Gaza kids pushing 'esim', part of your digital control grid, the elimination of sim cards, meaning you vill not own ze fone, you vill own nuffing und be happy muhuhawhawhawhaw....

If you can think about anything else other than the decapitated tent melted babies in Rafah, and not be outraged, screaming, throwing tantrums and being a crazy bastard, then YOU'RE NOT NORMAL!! I'M NORMAL, YOU'RE NOT, CRAZY CALM PERSON! LOL

They've been sitting around round tables having brainstorming sessions on how to brainwash you better. They know you've been watching their recent piss poor fake stabbings closely, they know you've been noticing there's never any blood.. Or knives. Spot the 'fake blood droppers' from the get go, one as the movie begins standing behind the tables with weird looking rubber gloves on and a mask. And later on the pants blood pouch dropper with foot activation. I bet these guys spend their days pick-pocketing tourists.

When up close later the gloves appear to be empty, floppy. Maybe there's some fake blood in there! Or hidden up the sleeves.

The fake wound also, is just a red patch stuck on the guys leg, through a perfectly square piece of his pants cut out. The Cameraman stay on it, ignoring the 'action' the man with he cut has gloves on. In summertime. And basically displays his cut, makes no effort to get out of the situation, is not in any real agony, just wants the camera man to film it.

Also see people going about their business in the background, strolling, hands in pockets. Calmly watching the Live Action 'LiveStream' production as per the signs all around. And finally, see the open mouthed faces on tram in the background. "Oh my God!!!".

You are been had Germania. Wake the heck up. We thought you would have when they blew up your damn pipe line.

On the ground these clouds were like giant rolls i the sky, blue grey on one side, white silver on the other linear S to N. I randomly came across this video looking for some HAARP nuggets thought it was interesting. There have been recent annoncements of even more A-roar-A-Bore-Yer-Alice's coming soon to a sky-screen near you! Expect some more 'climate change' just like last month in Brazil and elsewhere with 'biblical' flooding, and higher than av temps in Europe and North America. This week the old 'Sun' is flaring up again and firing it's tranny coloured beams at 'Mother' Earth again. Let's all gaze up at them as one, together, like we're in a Lighthouse. A 'Beam' Team. Like a pack of spanners.

I don't know the site here but you'll get this imagery but I know EOSDIS NASA put up a daily sat image. Looks similar to this shot in part on the 28th but with an obvious overlay of most of the frequency waves on the NASA site [Not A Space Agency...]

All for 400 Credits. Or, a way for 'they live' people to hide harder. You know who.

Oh look, another 'almost stabbing' didn't happen. This time it's a white, umm, migrant. Paddy is so fucking confused after finding out that the not little girl that wasn't not didn't wasn't not stabbeded to death was in fact, another migrant. Even the fake rioters are getting councilling now. One said, "I can't believe I spent the night hitting a building with a signpost I dug up off the street as the public teenage ninja turtle order gardaí pretended I had the power of invisibility, and just fucking stood there, LARPing"

Supposedly this guy had 2 knives! - the production crew are hoping you will be too distracted by the cops doing the on cue funny walk once the tik tok camera man is in position ready to catch the pale faced migrant. This is to confuse Paddy also, he's just getting over the revelation that the nameless girl that wasn't stabbed to death outside this very spot last Thanksgiving is a tripple migrant variant! Her mammy is from Timbuktu, and her Daddy is from BallygoJayses in South bleedin America! They met in Ireland and then she came alone - in the 'story'.

Now the 'far right' don't know why they were watching Antifa digging up signposts to hit buildings and windows with while their Garda mates played 'the enemy is 'pretend invisible' and just stood there for a few hours, stood there in their full teenage ninja turtle kit standing doing nothing.

The migrant fake stabber.. fake stabbed - another migrant! Who is still nameless! All the heros were migrants, one even sells Paddy Whiskey! It's the most diverse fake 'terrier' attack anywhere on the planet. It's like, there's just so many migrants now, that the whole story from start to finish is just about migrants. Paddy is so God damn confused right now! And now the double knifer no blader! He's another migrant.. B.. But, he looks like Seamus from down the road! = 'Jayzznow.. wouldn't wan-a-dem digital 'eye-deeezz' be a handy yoke!' Then ye could just shhhhcan a fella, and ye'd know wazha Mick, or a Muhamed Ali! Fasche-shhhcan-boyy.'

It's almost election o'clock, the fakers are mopping up the boiled over pissed off Paddies, and splinter arsed voters having done the tiniest bit of homework are being herded back to the establishment. 'Sure there hasta be one good one to vote for'. The plan is rolling along nicely. Funny the day after Hodnett quietly and neatly sends her homework off to teacher in Brussels awaiting her gold star, they return to the scene of the shitstorm that put wind in the sales of the sinking hate speech sales pitch.

What a crock of almighty ..... Soon as the elections and the summer of modular home building under the noses of 'gone fishin' Paddy', the better. Let everyone see now the absolute bullshit evaporate as the flying monkeys get called back to Oz, on their holliers, The trucks will be rolling at the crack of dawn, by the time people are going to work they'll see roof lines in the fields by August. Kippure will have received their retention planning overturning as will Coole in Westmeath under Cloudview Properties, their enforcement orders probably with an appeal to an Bord Planeala, with every NGO and trickster with pockets full of government cash to place bets grifting for the appeal to go through, placing the government in a no win but 'grant' position. It's their money being squandered on these developments with no planning permission. The egg ultimately lands on their face, they would otherwise have to demolish these places, and rebuild them somewhere else, trebling the cost. and allow the 'much needed housing' for all the poor poor poor new and improved 'Palestinian' [fake Hamas] migrants to come and settle into. Because everyone is bored of the 'Ukrainian-Africans'...

Dammit, who left the shit batteries in the green screen remote.

Summer anthem 2024: gigi d'agostino L'amour toujours. A 1999 Italian dance anthem, banned in 2024 because it's fucking racist to be a patriot. Rise up now Europe. This is your 21st century rebel music. Banned as a 'hate' song while Black Afticans immigrants with London twangs in Dublin can call for the murder of Irish people and call it fucking art. Play this song everywhere, download this version or make your own remix. Time to give them all the 'real' Céad míle fuckin' fáilte. The holiday is over boys, time to piss off back out of it now. Paddy loves a joke, but ye can go and fuck yer pantomime.

Is Éireannaigh í Éire, eachtrannaigh amuigh
La France est française, les étrangers dehors
Nederland is Nederlands, maak buitenlanders kwaad
Agus mar sin air adhart

And other outtakes.

A really well put together documentary on the hidden history of the Khazars and the Rothschilds, one of the best on the entire internet, a real "must watch".


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

789 videos

Category News & Politics

Disobey and it will all be over.