Curious Magpie

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Curious Magpie



A heckler asks some very pertinent questions - which, as usual, don't get any answers to

Opel created this driverless car in 1928
It obviously didn't take off or, it was suppressed

Why weren't those who were vaccinated with this kicking up a fuss? Rare side effect? I think it's a bit more than rare
Is it that they believe the garbage about it being due to worldwide surplus? If that was true, why was it just one brand that was pulled?

The carbon is pumped deep underground, where it turns into rock.
Source: World Economic Forum
This plant removes the annual emissions of 870 cars, for a cost of $10-$15 million
There are 1.5 billion cars in the world
So, we’re going to need 1.7 million of these facilities, at a cost of $17-25 trillion…just for cars. That’s before we get to industry & other transport and, let's not get started on air carbon from jets and aeroplanes
Also, doesn't rock emit CO2? I think it does!

Is Diet Coke REALLY that healthy?
Whilst its label might be full of green indicators, how healthy are its raw ingredients?
Will drinking Diet Coke help you lose weight?
Join award-winning broadcaster, practising NHS doctor and leading academic Chris van Tulleken as he explores the invention of Ultra Processed Foods.

Greg Wrightson, Director of CO2 Coalition gives us some facts about CO2 and why we need it to live and how we are reaching dangerously low levels

A hidden gem!
Sydney White presents "A History of Vaccines" for Studies in Propaganda 2011 at the Free University of Toronto.

If you want to get straight on with it, vaccines begin at 15:30 mark and History of Vaccines begin at the 28:20 mark

Why the hell would the Government fund a study to create a Virus that the Human Immune System can not beat?

No one ever talks about how they started, what they do and why they make you sick.

In the early 1700’s they mixed the blood of a plague victim or smallpox survivor with the blood of an untested person hoping it would work

“Pfizer and Moderna potentially could have permanently changed the human genome.”

A study by Aldén and colleagues showed something alarming.

“The Pfizer genetic code, at least that centre 444 base pair amplicon, is taken up into the human genome within about an hour,” summarized Dr. McCullough.

“Now, experts say if the middle part is taken up, almost certainly the whole thing is.”

“What if eggs and sperm took up the Pfizer-Moderna code, and it’s permanently installed?” posed Dr. McCullough.

“Then they would pass it on to the baby,” he answered.

“There hasn’t been a study to confirm this one, and there hasn’t been one rejecting it. So as we sit here today, we have to reconcile that Pfizer and Moderna potentially could have permanently changed the human genome.”

May 29th 2024

We don't know when but YOU do don't you Bill
Look at the smile as he is totting up his profits already

Mama waits patiently . . .

European Central Bank head, Christine Lagarde, announces the launch of the EU's new CBDC—the digital euro—which will grant unelected technocrats the ability to dictate how, when, where, on what and by whom it can be spent, including the imposition of social credit, carbon allowance and vaccine passport systems.

And despite the lie that "cash is here to stay", you can be 100% certain that megalomaniacs like Lagarde have every intention of incrementally phasing out cash altogether.

Another case of 'slowly, slowly, catchee monkey'
False promise of both cash and digital. Once we have got used to digital being there, the cash WILL go;
They think we are dumb

Paul Weston gives us the run down on a number of 'coincidences'

A report on the incredible numbers of chickens destroyed

Restored footage from 1896 of the cities Paris and Lyon in France. You can see pedestrians and vehicles of the past in various locations across the two cities. This footage was primarily filmed and produced by pioneers of motion pictures, the Lumière brothers. Brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière created one of the first motion picture cameras, the Cinématographe Lumière. Locations featured in this video are: The Eiffel Tower, Place des Cordeliers, Place de la Concorde, and Place du Pont.
Footage frame rate increased, upscaled and “colorized” by HistoryColored using AI technology. Please note the colour added is not necessarily historically accurate.
Footage originally from: Wikimedia Commons and Internet Archive

Can't find very much on this chap in English
Dr. Carlos Labarrere holds certifications from the American Heart Association (FAHA) and the American College of Cardiology (FACC). His expertise spans multiple areas, including cardiology, internal medicine, and scientific research

When they come canvassing for your vote, a list of questions to ask them
There are so many wrongdoings going on nowadays, we need to restore real order and cut out all corruption
Richard Vobes

Shane Lynch of Boyzone talks about the evil side of the music industry

If a child were to open these and eat them, the consequences would be dire

Senator Kennedy grills David Turk the Deputy Secretary of US Department of Energy
And, he can't give an answer

Dr David Martin has been warning us for years but his research has uncovered this

A call centre set up to help prevent people being scammed and stop real time scamming
Well done to them

This video is from October 2021
India had eradicated covid with the use of Ivermectin
But here we are 2 years on and the bioweapon is still being pushed
We have to ask why?

Does this remind you of 2023 when the food processing factories were going up without any reason or cause?

Back in 2013 Alex Jones Censored Dr.Coldwell, the best cancer doctor in the world, curing over 92%
How many people could have lived if he hadn't done that?
Maybe it's a good thing Infowars is being taken off air (as we speak) June 2nd 2024 by the Federal Government:

A biopsy does more harm because it releases toxins into the body
A tumour and cancer are there to help the body heal
Mammograms are another harmful 'precaution'
Recently it has been found that mammograms are giving false positive results and women are being treated when there is in fact no cancer there"
Dr Leonard Coldwell


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

585 videos

Category Education

Aiming to open people's eyes about the lies, the cover ups and to expose the truth
Many would consider this being a conspiracy theorist but I like to think that I have an open mind and consider my self a conspiracy researcher
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