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Unbelievable huh, this is old school video.

These people are the lowest of the ses barrel.


I wasn't home this day and I received this on my phone. I don't know him, more weird shit at my front door cam.

Here comes the BOOM!!! Watch as she makes up alot of bs thanks sickchiatry. She wasn't like this untill she got put on it she's so doped up she has no idea how much side effects she's got. She's completely fucked up!! I've known Stacy for about 20 years and she was not like how she is now and the fucking sick shrinks say ohh you need your depo your mentally ill and there drugs are safe. All depo injections need banned world wide, but it will never happen as there's big money on those depo death shots for the big pharma industries £300 a month for my one when I falsely got put on, forced against my own will obviously and WHO owns the big pharma and tobacco industries etc it's All greed and power and money, shrinks are like the most Powerful evilist people in the world, and they have there little gofers mhos cpns etc to go out and give them the mind altering shots. I can write a book on how sick and vile psychiatry are, they do NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK about any of there subjects experiment's aka the so called mentally ill because you think out the box and do odd things. Etc... making a person that does not want a depo is against human rights but that gets thrown out the window.

This happens now and then ironically after I meet new pal.


This was the video I was trying to upload earlier so I had to mess around with the video to get it to upload. And just as I say (Listen) it stops. coincidence?? trying to gaslight me as usual 😆 And also if it was a real emergency the ambulance would keep there sirens on constantly!!

colours don't mean shit, red Does NOT mean power.

So I have been trying to upload the original 6 and a half min video but it wont upload strangely enough, this video is about me going out the back garden for a cigarette and within like 5 mins someone sets off an ambulance siren and on here when I say listen it stops instantly. But if you put your phone or wireless devices to ur ear you will hear it faintly, now this is very annoying as this happens almost every single time I come out for a cig. And it's piercing my ears the frequency of it annoys the shit outa me and I'm certain it's a gang stalker or some sort of agent that presses a button to trigger the siren and the siren is a box or some sort of speaker hidden near my vacininity as it's low frequency is extremely annoying. It's not all the time I go for a cigarette but now it's like it's synced and it usually happens when I'm not thinking of it, this started When my fathers mind controlling evil sinister mason swine next door neighbours did a midnight flit to go to another assignment, 2 years ago roughly. I have many vids on those disgusting evil pigs. And there mutt that the man let the dog out same time I came out for a cig. And the dog just ran onto my dads garden and shat.

well well well time ias almost done I'd say the nwo is 85percent complete I wonder if the real God , Jehovah and Jesus will allow this insane hienis mass murder go on or is this when they step in?? ⏰

There all sell outs.

targeted individuals I'm thinking you wont like certain points on this video, remember I'm T.I also don't forget that. I feel sick watching this, evil Inhumane scum that's doing this. (Ban secret societies and there shitty illegal black market technology and death 2 all Illuminati ASAP that has the cure FOR cancer. Satans fucked us all, if God and jesus don't come to earth to not stop this I will loose all faith and Last thing is fuck illegal black market technologies. an ex friend rosheeen said he could see threw my eyes back in 2003 roughly and he spiked my tap water Which was all true, so anyways my point is this. Has the seeing threw other people's eyes technology been out since 2002 - 2003 ???????

Fuck there new world order kill them all get all street gangs together and let them see bitchute.also Bring on the gulitines I'd rather be beheaded than bow to that piece of shit satan 🖕🏽 the Illuminati hide like lil pussys in there underground tunnels and control everything hence why we can't do shit to them.

No new world order vids allowed on jew tube haha great.

They were all over me that day.

You know I moved in this house in 2018 exactly a week after my mother passed away, that they murdered her. It wasn't cancer it was a slow release poisen they gave her. I complained about the mess of the house the housing company I'm with are terrible, half the workers are under qualified and when I need a repair even like a new light switch they send out two guys as my names been slandered smear campaign. This began to annoy me as one would stand there and just watch the other do the work so I called the housing company about this I got diverted to one woman to the next and long story short it was the local police who informed them that I was dangerous and had knife on me when I was down one of the streets at a bus stop and statred mouthing of at a waster of a female gang stalker who really got under my skin that day, so how did the police know to inform the housing company an knew where I was moving to?? And just to add I remember that day well I was searched and stopped the police even went into the shop that I supposedly had. It was that fat bitch gang stalker that mentioned I had a knife. I have only ever carried a knife once in my life and that was back in 1999.

This will show you how the depo injections do to someone and sickchiatry say there mind altering injections are safe pfft. I was a mad man not mentally ill there is a difference the shrink was sweating at the teibuneral.

They have no empathy sympathy or compassion about us T.Is they are heartless psychopaths. They have no feelings there like the Illuminati. Sometimes I think these gang stalkers are not even real people. Some sort of man made like in that part of the matrix when they all in pods.

I was drunk on this video and what I have noticed that my local gang stalkers always have backpacks, and when I am a little out off control they use more and more cars to try keep me in check they are complete control freaks like psychiatry, and you will hear me on this video I read out car registration plates as I know the masons are the handlers and they hire and pay bits of shit to gang stalk us. The number plates as you may hear me say is they have X Y or 66 that's some of the main ones that use on me daily, if you look at the link on my homepage about the freemasons by joe Stirling who I met face to face back in 2012 roughly he was dubious, suspicious of me at first long story short he called me a mason. And I fully understand now as it's very difficult to trust anyone when you are one of Gods chosen ones.

I have never met anything or anyone as evil as the psychiatric system, I was always a mad man not a mentally ill man there's a difference. But the psychiatrists are complete control freaks brainwashed in thinking a pill and mind altering jags is the cure, for the mentally ill. I can write a book on how they work and operate. I loathe and will die loathing sickchiatry.



Created 1 year, 10 months ago.

325 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I am another genuine T.I from the UK. almost 14 years now, and still going I have been heavily targeted for many years. The program has took my mother one in a trillion mothers the best, also murdered my best pal for 17 years in 2013. Fuck the system only God can fix it now the world is fucked. I moved back to my home town due to my amazing mother dying. I won't go into that as I know the program was behind her death, also I first became a victim in 2010 well that's when I noticed a mass amount of council vans stalking me I was with my best pal one time walking to his house there was loads of council vans passing he turned around in a comical way, said what you done look at all the council vans. I said oh don't worry there spying on me, I exposed and confronted a luciferian degree freemason not long after I moved in my new house in 2010 as he was moving sneaking in people below my home, while the gang stalkers in my street kept eyes open knowing I always looked out my windows ironically. I didn't know he was a top mason at this time. I got cocky with him one time I said "who have you got living here and smirked" He lent forward saying to me. Oh you watch yourself son, he put the hairs on back my neck up he was pure creepy and not long after that is when the council vans started stalking me as the local council is owned by the masons then I must have spoken to the right person as they stopped stalking and harassing me, then the masons started stalking me look up joe stirling on google from glasgow long time victim to the masons. I wish I never met him now but he use to run a victim support group for all masons victims, anyways massive story cut short the masons sold me over to the gang stalking program there's a slight difference between being a victim to the masons and being a T.I I feel like I am being human trafficked sold on to other handlers/gang stalkers. I will occasionally upload videos that has nothing to do with gang stalking, as there interesting and I like to share them and try to wake the sheeple up.