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Gangs of Africans chasing cars with machetes in broad daylight. The same behaviour everywhere they go. They got the red carpet rolled out for them here, free money, housing, medical and everything else, yet they’ll blame the Irish somehow as they always do. Oh, and remember you're far right for not wanting your neighbourhood turned into a third world war zone

Incredible interaction between an Irish man and Barry O'Kelly.
Barry is a professional antagonist who works for taxpayer funded state media.
He attends most Plantation site protests .The people protesting have called him a traitor.In this clip he's driving around with what he claims are foreign election candidates trying to instigate trouble.

Mike Robinson, Vanessa Beeley and Charles Malet with today's UK Column News.

Note - She raises peoples' hackles.
Complete exchange 9 mins then < 2mins outside.

Remarque88 Channel - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/GISyVy9bw05Q/
REMARQUE88/CROWNUTS CHANNELS GiveSendGo Donation link - https://www.givesendgo.com/GBUJ1

DNA12 Note: Sinn Féin - Blames "Far Right" for their drop in support.They destroyed their own voter base for calling them Far Right and racist.. They then flipped and tried to win votes.That didn't work, so they are back calling everyone far right and racist again. BYE BYE....

Brian Gerrish, Mark Anderson, and Prof. Diane Rasmussen McAdie with today's UK Column News.

Note: Another talking shop......
Rich McCormick plays this audio back to Tony Fauci.
Watch the reaction.
Fauci(audio): "..And it's been proven, that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullsh!! and they get vaccinated."
McCormick: "Are all objections to covid vaccination ideological bullsh!!, Dr Fauci?"
Fauci: "No,they are not, and that's not what I was referring to."
McCormick: "In reference to making it hard for people to get an education, work, travel, I'd say it very much was in context."

Globally They won't be able to walk the streets....This is only the beginning.
They will become very vulnerable the longer the agenda is forced.

Ireland does not have an army.It has a defence force.Their oath is to defend the Irish people.From 2010 They Failed to defend Irish people against eviction from their "Dwelling" when asked by some people.Led up the garden path by their "leaders".The defence act 1950 and subsequent changes - when Irish "peacekeepers" went abroad - Were they invading mercenaries ? Nobody can confirm if they were covered under the Geneva convention.The Country is lawless.Allowing the plantation to happen should come as no surprise,In 2020 "they" quarantined people in hotels during the scamdemic.UNLAWFULLY.

DNA12 note :Only took 4+ years..... Opposition to the slow-kill Bio weapon..... A Corrupted Country like every other on the planet.
Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and current House of Representative Kazuhiro Haraguchi
Hayashi Chihatsu

Bens (Slang for a Local) - Video from 30th May then full song from earlier in May.
The Bens behind the wire (Lyrics)
Garda cars and riot vans, came to destroy our protest plans
But everyone must stand behind, the bens behind the wire
Garda cars and riot vans, came to destroy our protest plans
But everyone must stand behind, the bens behind the wire

On the little road of Trudder, in the dark of early morn
Roderics soldiers came a-running, to wreck our little town with scorn
Baton charged our peaceful protest, hitting people in the head
Claimed we used an axe against them, taken from our firewood shed.

Garda cars and riot vans, came to destroy our protest plans
But everyone must stand behind the bens behind the wire
Garda cars and riot vans, came to destroy our protest plans
But everyone must stand behind the bens behind the wire

Six weeks of a peaceful protest, not a single crime at all
McEntee calls us guilty so were guilty one and all
Around the world the truth will echo, Cromwell’s men are here again
Governments name is sullied, in the eyes of honest men.

Garda cars and riot vans, came to destroy our protest plans
But everyone must stand behind, the bens behind the wire
Garda cars and riot vans, came to destroy our protest plans
But everyone must stand behind, the bens behind the wire

Proudly march behind our banner, proudly march behind the Bens
We will soon take back our village and send the riot squads home again
Simon Harris you have failed us, time you were on your way
Baton charges will not break us, the Newtown Bens are here to stay.

Garda cars and riot vans, came to destroy our protest plans
But everyone must stand behind, the bens behind the wire
Garda cars and riot vans, came to destroy our protest plans
But everyone must stand behind, the bens behind the wire.

Brian Gerrish, Ben Rubin, Debi Evans and guest James Roguski with today's UK Column News.

Shot (injured) by Police.MSM will run cover for the terrorist.Media Headline - Man Attacked "FAR RIGHT DEMO" with a knife.
Knife attack against anti-Islamisation activist Michael Stürzenberger and his team in Mannheim on the BPE anti-Islamisation rally.

Only weeks after she had warned about the dangerous geopolitical situation following the attack on Slovakian PM Robert Fico.
She has been one of the few European politicians to take a stand against Big Pharma, the vaccines and the war in Ukraine.


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

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Category Education

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