Immortal Hearts

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Immortal Hearts

Certified Health Coach news


There is some evidence in history that we need to examine.

Truth is stranger than fiction, we see through a dark glass but the story is becoming more clear every moment.

He said it twice

Revelation 2:9, 3:9 but still there is no understanding among American Christians who are oblivious to the plans of evil men.

Almost all the churches worship a trinity and are called idol worshipping heathen that must die-

How an ancient Egyptian god spurred the rise of Trump

As it happened, the 77777777th “get” was for the message “Trump will win”.

Historical inaccuracies notwithstanding, this series of coincidences proved too much for the 4chan community to ignore, and the cult of Kek was born. The frog-headed Kek became the father, Pepe the holy spirit, and Trump the son, sent to Earth to fulfil a divine destiny.

Here is some information I hope you find valuable

Obey Acts 2:38-39 the time is short

I hope you find this information useful

Well if it’s true this is one more reason to believe he is the little horn.

If you have any information about Trump and his Freemason connections please leave a comment below

You may find this interesting

Hold on to your hats 🎩 this is a wild ride!

This is part two of the section of a documentary on the founding of America 🇺🇸

I have edited this section because I believe that this information is extremely important for us to understand in this hour.

This is a portion of an 8 hour documentary that I believe is extremely informative about the day and hour we live in

My thoughts on the time changes and prayer

I’m sharing what I have personally experienced, there is no condemnation on anyone mentioned, it’s merely my testimony which I am free to share that others may learn from my experience

Can we know what the proper time is?

Time, does it matter?

I believe it does, why else would there be so much confusion with such a daily occurrence?

How the early church screwed up time-

Information on various topics-

Reported from an undisclosed location deep within enemy territory

I will be going over this study for the next two weeks and using clips for my instagram account- I will share the gems 💎 here

Chuck has passed on and so did the Apostle John, we get to enjoy what they left us.



Created 4 years ago.

212 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Seeking Truth? So are we.