J. Beverly Greene

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J. Beverly Greene



i really enjoy this guy. i look forward to his stuff when he puts out something new on WeChat. i wish I knew where to get all his videos to upload. this is how we were meant to live!! cities are not where it's at. working hard & staying out of trouble was the plan. When Jesus comes, this is how those who survive Armaggedon will live.

Jason Bermas was the creator of Loose Change on 9/11
Bilderberg is currently meeting in Madrid
my apologies for the commercials, i can only post 5 minute video creations with my free movie maker. this one is uploaded just the way i downloaded.

I'm happy to see some of these old rock n' roll stars stand up for the right. he's made a lot of mistakes & is not always right, but he's right about this.

looks like another CIA film with government support in the filming. looks rather hastily made too. are they trying to give the Q crowd some kind of false hope they could take D.C.? they'd be crushed like a bug & the Elite would use nukes to do it if they had to, just like they predict in Fallout. what a shame. America had some wonderful things about it & it stills have some of the best people in the world, but they are a tiny minority now. only God can save America & why should he. more like he'll let them get what they deserve & what they've done to the rest of the world with their greed & covetousness. destroyed in one hour like it says in Revelation 17-18
the world will never be right until Jesus comes back & takes over.

& the beating just goes on & on
i saw some people giving Abby Martin a hard time. You would be hard pressed to find any, at all, inaccuracies in her reporting. she is very thorough in her reporting & has been for many years.

RFK Jr. has completely wrecked his credibility & ruined the Kennedy family name. It might as well be Nixon or Bush or Manson or Clinton! He sold his soul. It's obvious. He couldn't make such false statements without realizing that he's lying.

it's interesting if you listen to Neil's lyrics. it's kind of like eat, drink & be merry, because tomorrow we die. here's a guy that came out of that dark world of Laurel Canyon with all those witches, satanists & Charlie Mansonites; a burnt-out old hippy who seems to be complaining about all the problems in the USA in 1989, but is content to "keep on rockin'". it's more like an admission that he sold out.
& f_ck blinken! here he's in Ukraine, the center of pedophilia, organ harvesting, & child sex slavery rocking away with easy chords to play (Em C D A) & a redundancy that is hypnotic. half a million dead on the battlefield so NATO can do the impossible: defeat Russia. LMAO! as if! it would be funnier if it wasn't so tragic. the West & Ukraine are suffering for the coup noodle-land pulled in 2014 & all the provocations against Russia. winkin', blinken & nod. ZZZZZZZ
i went back to my old 2013 & 2014 books to get some Obama era illustrations, since in this Neil Young concert he praises Obamanation with "Yes, we can".

tried a new format, i'm just reading the article, but my recording devices sounds kind of funny
anywho, it's from: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/05/15/three-decades-ago-clint-eastwood-presented-us-with-a-picture-of-justice-prevailing-over-authority/

Jerry Seinfeld was recently booed at some University graduation address. good for them, the minority at the brainwashing government camp. he's recorded as attending a seminar around 2018, i think, that taught tourist IDF wet work. it's believed that Seinfeld actually took part in killing Palestinians at that time.
also, I'm showing a video I saw on Twitter about the Scofield misinterpretations of the Bible funded by Zionist at the turn of the 1900s. the roots of Scofield Zionism is rooted in Satanism & the occult


news from on the ground about persecution from the USG & their spoiled brat IsraHell. churches burned worldwide, Christians killed worldwide & more to come. the world is anti-Christ & the NWO is ramping up their attack on churches. the US congress just voted the Bible is antisemitic. it'll only get worse. what happened? even Russia & China are not killing Christians like the US is.

a classic old song from the 80s, I think. It's entirely Bible verses from Revelation. Theophobes beware. Babylon in Revelation is not talking about ancient Iraq either. It's Jerusalem & the USA & their allies destroyed in one hour in a nuclear holocaust. Jerusalem in Revelation is seen as "the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." Revelation 11:8

i'm watching this now. i'll hold my comments.

you can listen to that song in full at: https://www.nubeat.org/abwgst.html
it's a free download. there's some other good songs on that album. Jeremy Spencer from the original Fleetwood Mac is on many of the songs. Theophobe warning! it's Christian music. it's stuff done in the 80s, so it has a outdated sound & it's not commercial music.

it's not a scoop. they just stole news from their competitors & hard-working independent journalist who stood up to the Epstein honey-pot scheme to blackmail politicians, celebrities & whoever to follow political correctness & do the bidding of the Mossad & Elite who run the world.
At the same time they provided international concerns with the flesh, child sacrifices & adrenocrome they required. who really knows how far up it went or what they did! the FBI has all the evidence & they've concealed it. they raided the island not for the purpose of prosecuting Epstein or Maxwell, but to cover-up & destroy the tapes, the videos, the photos, the emails, the communication between pimps & procurers...
what about the folder on Weiner's computer called "insurance" that exposed his wife Huma & Hillary?
this BBC sham is just softcore, softball pitching balls, no strikes, nothing contreversial & the idea that having sex with a 17 year old is somehow the worst thing Andrew ever did is absurd.
whitewash, damage control, creating PERCEPTIONS!!!

i thot it funny how Matt Walsh first said the protests on campuses was a communist ploy, etc. & then when the Congress votes to make "antisemitism" aka criticizing IsraHell a crime, he flip-flops & says that's wrong. Israel/Zionism is a litmus test on who is awake & fighting the NWO & who is not.

is this true? is he an imposter? i don't think so. like fiona barnett, he might be pretty mixed up in his head, but i think most of what he says is probably true, but i don't know. i tried to get a screenshot of the post on Twitter/X but sometimes it won't allow for screenshots

back in the saddle. I'm still having to learn to live with this insulin treatment for now. sure took the wind out of my sails. need to get out & exercise more.

this is more like the life we were meant to live. hard work & productive labor to keep us out of trouble. making things, not making war & killing & taking from others.

interesting points from what actually happen on Oct. 7th

what happened to the liberal darlings that protested the Vietnam War? they're as rabid now as the reactionary Right.. take a trip back to 1970. when i was in high school, if you wore a black patch on your arm to protest the War, in Denton, Texas, you would get punched by the jocks.
some things don't just change. it's good to see this generation waking up to the horror of Zionism & the obvious genocide in Gaza.

matt walsh calls them "anti-Israel protestors"--there's nothing about the genocide in Gaza. he's just a pro-Zionist scumbag. pardon my language.
i'm so sick of these subhuman, cowardly sell-outs who support Israel. there's nothing more anti-Christ than supporting Israel & Zionism. It's a rare Christian that is awake to that fact.
the Tate brothers are just thrown in for fun. you get the truth from the craziest sources. Not that they're right about everything.

I've been working on a Christian tract covering the atrocities in Gaza & have a friend translating it for me in the local language. Today I was told by The Family International that I'm not allowed to used material from David Berg's The Real War Goes On from the early 1980s. His message was written for the general public, but they claim copyright on it. Berg passed away in 1994. I could just use the parts with quotation marks & credit Berg with the work, but it distracts from the message & I'm not always quoting him directly.
But what really bothers me is their attempt to censor criticism of Israel & the Jews. Can there be anything more anti-Christ that Christians supporting Israel? What a deceit & the origins of Christian Zionism are so well documented. Shame & contempt!

these are the people they want to silence
there's a war on real Christians


Created 7 years, 2 months ago.

720 videos

Category Arts & Literature

mostly original political art & commentary from a texan living & working--teaching english in china since '98.