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If you've been following me this month you know that May was the ugliest month I've had in several years. So in this video I wrap up the month and talk about the lessons learned as I begin to dig myself out of the mess that was this month. But there are good lessons here as there is usually more to learn in tough times that good times. And this is all about learning. So take a look and let me know what you think.

As I cross the 5 year mark doing these videos, the big thing on my mind was $NVDA earnings. In preparation for them, I took off one of my trade for a small profit and put it back on after the earnings. As it turned out, that wasn't necessary but we can't know the future and if I'm going to be wrong, I'd rather make a little money doing it.

Thanks to everyone who has been watching me over these 5 years. Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments or just to talk options.

So May hasn't exactly been my month. I took a 2nd week in the red, not as bad as last week but a loss. So the key here is to learn what I did wrong and to keep trading. It's easy to get discouraged when you've hit a rough patch, but if your strategy is sound, the way to get better is to keep trading better.

I haven't made a really bad trade in a while...until this week. I definitely stayed in too long while fighting a falling IV. It sucks but this is how we learn. So take a look here to learn what not to do so you can avoid doing this. I also put on a new trade that is doing much better. Take look and let's talk trading

A very eventful week with big tech earnings as well as an FOMC meeting and the market rocked back and forth like crazy. But in this review, I'll show how my trade rode it out just fine and made money. Take a look and let me know what you think and what you're doing. I like talking options.

Kind of a stripped down review this week as I'm on the road but still a good review. I only did one trade this week due to the plethora of big tech earnings and an upcoming FOMC meeting. But the trade I chose was very resilient and worth a look as it survived a very up and down week in the market. Take a look, let me know what you think, ask quesitons, or tell me what you're doing.

So we had a definite down week and my trade from last week came off as a loser, but I put on 2 other trades that did quite well and was still up for the week. This episode has a lot of good lessons with how to deal with the downside while still trading in a non-directional style. Take a look and tell me what you think!

It's a short video this week as I only did one trade since I waited out the CPI. But the trade got challenged due the increase in volatility so there are good lessons here. If you want to watch an options trader review his trades, take a look. And, as always, feel free to reach out to talk options.

This week was a bit of a roller coaster plus we have a CPI print next week, but my trades were well positioned and I took 3 off for good profits. But I did make a few tweaks to my trades based on the fact that we are near all-time highs as well as the big event next week. Take a look and let me know what you think. I like to talk trading.

I wrap on a the week strong which was the end of a very strong March. I talk about why I think I did well in March as well as go over 3 trades I worked this week. Even when the market isn't moving around much, it's possible to make good money. In fact, that's when I have my best trades!

This is an FOMC week and I used that to put on a ratio fly earlier than I usually would to see if it would get challenged so I could see how I executed my trade plan. Like Seraph from The Matrix, "You do not truly know someone until you fight them", I don't like scaling up a trade that's only been successful. So this is an interesting week not just for the usual FOMC fun, but seeing how I handle the ratio fly when it goes against me. Take a look and reach out with any questions or comments.

So there was another CPI and although it came in worse than expected, to the market it was much ado about nothing. While I traded around it, I had a very good week and closed some trades for profit. The ratio flies are still working as well as calendars. Take a look and let me know what you think or if you have questions about what I'm doing. That's what makes this stuff fun.

As we push towards all-time highs, I re-discovered a trade I haven't done in years that I believe can work well here, and it has. So if you're tired of my usual calendars and butterflies, take a look at something a little different. I also did a couple of calendars. All in all, March started out quite well. Take a look and reach out with any questions or comments.

This week I wrap up a rough February with some good trades while the market climbed to new highs by the end of the week. My trades were very well positioned and for a week that could be potentially difficult, it went quite well. I also do a wrap up of February and an annual update.

This will be likely the shortest video of the series because I only did one trade this week. I just didn't like the risk of the $NVDA earnings hype so I got out before the announcement and let things settle down. As a non-directional trader, sometimes cash is ok. Still some good things to see here so take a look and ask any questions you may have.

This was not my finest week. We did have a CPI print and I did hold one trade through it that I shouldn't have and took a bad loss. But this is how I (and hopefully you) learn this stuff. I have other examples of well managed trades as well so it's a good comparison. Take a look and let me know what you think.

After a couple of days of trying, the S&P broke over and closed over 5000. On the way up I manage three different trades as we prepare for the CPI next week.

Lots of events this week with a ton of big earnings and, of course, the FOMC announcement. I came into the week with 3 trades on and all 3 came off for good profit. I put on a new trade that faced a challenge and I did a review of January. Lots of good stuff here. Take a look and let me know what you think.

So the rise in the market continued this week which made me work quite a bit and not close anything this week. But that's ok, I managed what I already had on coming into the week and added on one new trade as we head into the heart of earnings season and the next FOMC meeting.

Despite everything going on in the world, the market decided to close at all time highs this week. That meant I had to work harder on a couple of trades but I did get 2 others off for good profit early in the week before the run-up. Some good stuff here. Take a look and feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.

With the CPI this week I decided to try a hedge as my trade went through it. This is something I haven't done in a while so I decided to try it. The trade didn't work out but I learned how I want to handle this situation in the future. I also put on a new trade that is working much better so far. So if you would like to see something a bit different from me, take a look. And, as always, I appreciate any feedback and discussions.

New Year, new goals and the work starts here. I put on a couple of trades and take one off for a good profit. Not a bad way to start things off. If you want to watch as I trade options and learn along with me, take a look. Now is as good of a time as any to start!

The last week of the year can be a bit unusual due to it being thinly traded so I didn't put on anything new but did manage a trade from last week to a decent profit. I also do a high level view of December and 2023 which overall was a good year with a good annualized return (30%) so I'm not complaining. Onward to next year!

The last 2 weeks of the year can be interesting as they tend to be thinly traded a lot of professionals are on vacation. And this week we had an interesting move after a bond auction and my timing on that was...let's just say...unfortunate. But in this are some good lessons about risk management. So take a look and tell me what you think. One of the big reasons I do this is to start some conversations about options trading.

This was the last big event week of the year with Tues and Weds full of news culminating with the FOMC on Weds afternoon. As I trade non-directionally I traded around these events and made a decent profit. I'll talk about why I made the moves I did and how the Greeks change around events.


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

287 videos

Category Business & Finance

I am a part-time options trader. I'd like to share some of the trades I've been doing and hopefully encourage discussion and sharing of ideas. If you're interested in options, please take a look and leave some feedback about the kind of content you'd like. Beginner, Advanced, whatever.