Mike in Tokyo

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Mike in Tokyo

Waters PCT 2021


Training hike in Tokyo Japan. Originally published July 25, 2018


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

1 video

Category Sports & Fitness

Welcome to my channel. As the name implies, I live in Tokyo Japan (although I am temporarily in the U.S. for the next 6 years). I moved to Japan in 2000 and made it my home. I own a house in Fussa-shi (Fussa city) which is a small city on the far outskirts of Tokyo which is where I will return when I retire. I am dedicating this channel to posting videos of my various hiking and backpacking trips in Japan and the U.S. I like hiking long traWelcome to my channel. As the name implies, I live in Tokyo Japan. I moved here in 2000 and decided I have found my home. I now own a house here in Fussa-shi (Fussa city) which is a small city on the far outskirts of Tokyo. I am dedicating this channel to posting videos of my various hiking and backpacking trips, most of which will center on Japan. I intend to eventually do a long trail in the U.S. and have my sites set on the PCT (which may be more of a dream than reality). So, welcome to my journey, please enjoy and feel free to comment!