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Alligators are opportunistic feeders and have been know to prey on snakes, including venomous snakes such as cottonmouth and rattlesnakes. But they also prey on larger snakes, such as the invasive Burmese Python in Florida. Killing such powerful snakes can turn out fatal even for a fully grown alligator.

Alligators prefer to drown their prey and would keep it submerged for a few minutes before swallowing it whole. This killing technique might work well with birds and most mammals but it doesn’t work as well for snakes, which can stay underwater for about thirty minutes. Alligator Eats Python was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in South Florida in 2014.

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The American alligator lays 20 to 50 white eggs, about the size of a goose egg. The female covers them with decaying vegetation, which produces heats needed for incubation. The temperature at which American alligator eggs develop determines their sex. Those eggs which are hatched at a temperature of 34 °C (93 °F) or more become males, while those at a temperature of 32 °C (86 °F) or lower become female. In general, the nests built on levees are warmer and thus produce males, while the cooler nests of wet marsh produce females.

The female remains near the nest throughout the 65 day incubation period, protecting it from predators. When the young begin to hatch the mother digs them out and carries the hatchlings to the water in her mouth. But the calling alligator hatchlings also attack possible predators as well as other female alligators. If a female has lost her nest to predation, flooding etc., in such case the female might try to take over the nest of another female alligator. Such confrontations can end with the death of the weaker alligator but for the most part the younger and less experienced female will be simply chased away.

The hatching of American alligators can last for days and the hatchlings have to make use of their sharp egg tooth to cut through the hard egg shell. Eventually, the egg shell becomes bridle and brakes apart due to the hatchling’s constant scratching. This is truly an exhausting task for any baby alligator. Hence, the hatchlings take periodically naps to regain new energy before braking through the shell. American alligator mothers protecting hatchlings was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2017. The stock footage is available at www.Ojatrovisuals.com

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The American alligator lays 20 to 50 white eggs, about the size of a goose egg. The female covers them with decaying vegetation, which produces heats needed for incubation. The temperature at which American alligator eggs develop determines their sex. Those eggs which are hatched at a temperature of 34 °C (93 °F) or more become males, while those at a temperature of 32 °C (86 °F) or lower become female. In general, the nests built on levees are warmer and thus produce males, while the cooler nests of wet marsh produce females.

The female remains near the nest throughout the 65 day incubation period, protecting it from predators. When the young begin to hatch the mother digs them out and carries the hatchlings to the water in her mouth. But the calling alligator hatchlings also attack possible predators as well as other female alligators. If a female has lost her nest to predation, flooding etc., in such case the female might try to take over the nest of another female alligator. Such confrontations can end with the death of the weaker alligator but for the most part the younger and less experienced female will be simply chased away.

The hatching of American alligators can last for days and the hatchlings have to make use of their sharp egg tooth to cut through the hard egg shell. Eventually, the egg shell becomes bridle and brakes apart due to the hatchling’s constant scratching. This is truly an exhausting task for any baby alligator. Hence, the hatchlings take periodically naps to regain new energy before braking through the shell. American alligator mothers protecting hatchlings was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2017. The stock footage is available at www.Ojatrovisuals.com

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Each year, the mating season of the american alligator begins in early spring throughout the wetlands of the southeastern United States. These impressive reptiles use a low-frequency sound, called bellowing, to declare territory and locate suitable mates. Females gather in large numbers for courtship, performing their ”alligator dances” at the surface. But it also attacks other male eager to mate. Alligators are apex predators and no strangers to cannibalistic behavior. A flat out attack on the competition will only scare the females away, therefore even the dominate male in its territory will have to slowly approach a mating couple and gently push the opponent away to gain access to the female.

Regardless, scuffles occur frequently to insure the dominance of the ruling male. Mating only takes place in the fresh water which can become problematic during drought and water mismanagement in South Florida. The courtship is help at the surface while the actual copulation will be performed at a secure location underwater to prevent any disruption. It is unclear why the breeding activities only take place during daylight, in particular near dawn and dusk. At nighttime, the behavior of the american alligators changes entirely, mainly driven by their predatory instinct and the constant hunt for food.

But above all the dominant male relentlessly patrols his large water territory ready to fend off any male intruder. During nighttime, the female builds a nest of vegetation and mud or sometimes even excavating a hole in the ground. After laying 20 to 50 eggs, she will cover them with vegetation. The exothermic reaction of the decaying biomass keep the eggs warm and the temperature at which the embryos develop determines their sex. Incubation at 93 °F or more will produce males, while incubat..

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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The American alligator lays 20 to 50 white eggs, about the size of a goose egg. The female covers them with decaying vegetation, which produces heats needed for incubation. The temperature at which American alligator eggs develop determines their sex. Those eggs which are hatched at a temperature of 34 °C (93 °F) or more become males, while those at a temperature of 32 °C (86 °F) or lower become female. In general, the nests built on levees are warmer and thus produce males, while the cooler nests of wet marsh produce females. The female remains near the nest throughout the 65 day incubation period, protecting it from predators. When the young begin to hatch the mother digs them out and carries the hatchlings to the water in her mouth.

The hatching of American alligators can last for days and the hatchlings have to make use of their sharp egg tooth to cut through the hard egg shell. Eventually, the egg shell becomes bridle and brakes apart due to the hatchling’s constant scratching. This is truly an exhausting task for any baby alligator. Hence, the hatchlings take periodically naps to regain new energy before braking through the shell. The hatching of american alligator was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2010.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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The Walking Catfish (Clarias batrachus) is a species of freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. In Florida, they grow to about 20 inches long and 2.5 pounds, and their distinct long bodies have long dorsal and anal fins. Most Walking Catfish in the wild are a uniform shade of gray-brown with white spots on their sides, though albinos are sometimes encountered. These bottom dwelling fish prefer to move from one body of water to another in search of new food sources or mating partners. They move across the land by wiggling from side to side and use their pectoral fins to stay upright usually during wet weather. They have a special gill structure that allows them to breathe atmospheric air when out of water. This non-native fish species was most likely introduced to Florida by humans in the 1960s, probably due to escapes from aquaculture facilities. The Walking Catfish thrives in South Florida’s climate, and prefers the stagnant or slow-moving waters of ponds and canals that can be found in much of Florida.

Walking catfish are a bottom feeders and the barbels around their mouths help them locate food under low light conditions, at night and in low visibility water. Which is necessary because they prefer to live in murky waters and usually feed at night. They are omnivores who indiscriminately feed on insects, crustaceans, eggs and larva of other fish, as well as smaller fish, and a wide variety of plant matter. When food options run low in their current habitat, they are motivated to move to another body of water in search of better food choices. The walking catfish provides an important food source for many native animals, including American alligators, during South Florida’s dry season when the water levels can fall dangerously low. This footage was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka ojatr..

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Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes will feed on both warm and cold-blooded prey and occasionally they also prey on alligator hatchlings if available. Rattlesnakes are predators who live in a wide array of habitats, including wetlands and swamps. They are good swimmers but hunting meanly frogs, birds, rodents and other small mammals. Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes kill their prey with a venomous bite. They possess a set of long fangs with which they inject large quantities of hemotoxic venom. The venom travels through the bloodstream, destroying the victim’s tissue and causing swelling, internal bleeding, and intense pain. This pit vipers are primarily active at night, but they bask in the sun during the day time as well. The threat of envenomation, advertised with the shaking of the rattle, deters many predators. However, rattlesnakes fall prey to hawks, weasels, king snakes and a variety of other species, including larger alligators. The footage was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka ojatro in 2010. The stock footage is available at www. Ojatrovisuals.com

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes will feed on both warm and cold-blooded prey and occasionally they also prey on alligator hatchlings if available. Rattlesnakes are predators who live in a wide array of habitats, including wetlands and swamps. They are good swimmers but hunting meanly frogs, birds, rodents and other small mammals. Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes kill their prey with a venomous bite. They possess a set of long fangs with which they inject large quantities of hemotoxic venom. The venom travels through the bloodstream, destroying the victim’s tissue and causing swelling, internal bleeding, and intense pain. This pit vipers are primarily active at night, but they bask in the sun during the day time as well. The threat of envenomation, advertised with the shaking of the rattle, deters many predators. However, rattlesnakes fall prey to hawks, weasels, king snakes and a variety of other species, including larger alligators. The footage was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka ojatro in 2010. The stock footage is available at www. Ojatrovisuals.com

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Monitor lizards such as black throat monitors, nile monitors and others came into Florida through the pet trade. Many lizards have been released by their previous owners or escaped from exotic importers during natural disasters like Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Most of these large lizards like the green iguana, tegu and nile monitors have already established a breeding populations in South Florida. While the black throated monitor has been occasionally seen and captured, which might indicate that those lizards have not been breeding successfully in Florida’s wilderness. Nevertheless, most lizards are opportunistic feeders and will include carrion such as roadkill in their diet. But lizards are exceptional hunters too, stalking and feeding on small mammals (including small pets!), birds and other reptiles. Their voracious appetite for all kinds of eggs, including alligator and crocodile eggs could pose a threat to Florida’s American crocodile population. Monitor eats dead rat was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in 2010. Stock footage is available at www.Ojatrovisuals.com

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Jameson's mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) is a highly venomous snake of the family Elapidae. The species is extremely fast and endemic to Africa. This mostly arboreal mamba species will hunt for prey in trees. When prey is caught, Jameson's mamba will hold on to its prey until it dies. Since this species is arboreal, birds make up a large portion of its diet. Small mammals such as mice, rats, and bats and small lizards are also preyed upon. The main predators of this species are various birds of prey, other snakes, honey badger and mongoose may also occasionally prey on this elusive mamba species.

Jameson's mamba is a large, slender elapid snake with smooth scales and a long tapering tail which typically accounts for almost 25% of its total length. The average length of an adult snake is approximately 5 ft to 7.5 ft. They grow as large as 9 ft. Adults tend to be dull green across the back, blending to pale green towards the underbelly with scales generally edged with black. The ventral side, neck and throat are typically cream or yellowish in color. Jameson's mambas have a narrow and elongated head containing a small eye and round pupil. Like the western green mamba, the neck may be flattened. The subspecies D. jamesoni kaimosae, which is typically found in the eastern part of the species' range, feature a black tail while central and western examples typically have a pale green or yellow tail. Jameson Mamba stock footage was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in 2007. The stock footage is available at www.Ojatrovisuals.com

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The black mamba takes shelter in a burrow, but the rainy season poses the risk of drowning for many ground dwellers each year as well. Unable to dislodge the eroded material from the exit, Africa’s most fear snake is trapped and becomes highly vulnerable to the rising water level. Most snakes can remain under water for over thirty minutes but with no chance of escape the black mamba will be dead soon.

The black mamba is endemic to Sub-Saharan Africa and it prefers to rest during night time in a permanent lair such as an abandoned burrow or a termite mound. Mambas are diurnal ambush predators, hunting for food during daytime. They are known to be unpredictable but prefer to avoid any unnecessary confrontation if possible. Even with the lion gone, the snake remains alert, carefully observing its surroundings before leaving the safety of its lair. Black mambas have relative short fangs located in front of their mouth. Its neurotoxic venom is less viscous than any know snake venom, making it extremely fast acting indeed.

Some black mamba victims reported, that they were not even aware of being bitten but felt its symptoms within twenty minutes. This was also the case with Nathan Layton, a student at the Southern African Wildlife College, where he help capturing an escaped black mamba. Nathan didn’t realized being bitten at all and returned to his classroom where he collapsed twenty minutes after the incident and was pronounced death less than an hour after the snake capture took place. Black mamba drowning was recorded by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in 2010. The stock footage is available at www.Ojatrovisuals.com

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The eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps), also known as the common mamba, green mamba, or white-mouthed mamba, is a large, tree-dwelling, highly venomous snake species of the mamba genus Dendroaspis. This snake mostly inhabits the coastal regions of southern East Africa. Adult females average approximately 6.6 ft in length, and males are slightly smaller. Eastern green mambas prey on birds, eggs, bats, and rodents such as mice, rats, and gerbils. The elusiveness of green mambas is attributed to its ability to blend with its environment, and its arboreal lifestyle. This agile ambush predation will often wait for prey to pass before attacking but they also hunt and stalk like most other snakes.

The eastern green mamba is a highly venomous snake. The venom consists of both neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. Symptoms of envenomation by this species include swelling of the bite site, dizziness and nausea, accompanied by difficulty breathing and swallowing, irregular heartbeat and convulsions progressing to respiratory paralysis. Bites that produce severe envenomation can lead to death in humans as well. Eastern green mamba basking in tree was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in 2010. This stock footage is available at www.Ojatrovisuals.com

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Black mambas are territorial and hunt for food throughout the day time. They usually have a favorite basking spot near water where the snake absorbs the early morning warmth on a rock or in a tree. The mamba stays alert throughout the entire time, watching out for potential prey or even predators such as large birds of prey.

The most chilling facts are documented in reports on rogue black mambas. Snake expert C.P. Ionides wrote in his book “Mambas and Man-Eaters” that eight people were killed in one night near Mtwara in South Tanzania. On March 7th 1954 Ionides captured a ten foot female basking in a tree near the village and sold it to the London zoo. No further death from snake bites have been reported since its capture.

Charles Pitman described yet another rogue black mamba incident in his book “Snakes of Uganda”, in which an aggressive black mamba began chasing after life stock and eventually killing eleven villagers in Northern Rhodesia within a year.

A large black mamba pursued two wildlife filmmakers in Tanzania in 2010. The frightened men escaped into their vehicle and to everyone’s surprise the agitated black mamba even attacked the car to gain entry before the vehicle drove away.

Reports on rogue black mambas are rare but they do occur occasionally just like individual king cobras that chase and kill forest workers in Asia, while passing through its territory during matting season. Local authorities posted warning signs in specific areas to avoid fatalities.This stock footage was recorded by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in 2010.

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I only posted a small portion of the entire feeding sequence, which lasted for three hours until the python fully devoured the muscovy duck, which in itself is an invasive species in Florida just as the many pythons found in the Everglades today. Also, in this video you’ll see a reticulated python which is not that often found or reported in Florida’s wilderness. Nevertheless, random reports confirmed that escaped or “let go” pet reticulated pythons do surface from time to time in Florida.
Pythons are large constrictors and became very popular reptiles in the US pet trade during the late eighties but the mass importation has led to serious ecological problem in South Florida. The small python hatchlings out grow fast their initial setup cage and reaching eight foot in length within three years. Many pet owners no longer wish to care for their snake(s) and some people even decided to release their pythons back into the wild. During Hurricane Andrew, a mass escape of reptiles, including thousands of burmese pythons, from their exotic importers took place in 1992.
A hungry adult python stalks its prey with fast forward movements, its head slightly elevated and tongue flickering, picking up the sent particles of possible prey near by. When a possible prey animal is detected the attack is swift with a strike and a bite to the neck, coiling around the prey’s body, tighter and tighter until it eventually dies of asphyxiation. The python starts mostly feeding on the dead animal head first mostly but it has been observed that very often pythons will swallow their prey alive. The feeding can take up to an hour depending on the size of the prey. Python eats duck was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in South Florida in 2014.

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I only posted a small portion of the entire feeding sequence, which lasted for three hours until the python fully devoured the muscovy duck, which in itself is an invasive species in Florida just as the many pythons found in the Everglades today. Also, in this video you’ll see a reticulated python which is not that often found or reported in Florida’s wilderness. Nevertheless, random reports confirmed that escaped or “let go” pet reticulated pythons do surface from time to time in Florida.
Pythons are large constrictors and became very popular reptiles in the US pet trade during the late eighties but the mass importation has led to serious ecological problem in South Florida. The small python hatchlings out grow fast their initial setup cage and reaching eight foot in length within three years. Many pet owners no longer wish to care for their snake(s) and some people even decided to release their pythons back into the wild. During Hurricane Andrew, a mass escape of reptiles, including thousands of burmese pythons, from their exotic importers took place in 1992.
A hungry adult python stalks its prey with fast forward movements, its head slightly elevated and tongue flickering, picking up the sent particles of possible prey near by. When a possible prey animal is detected the attack is swift with a strike and a bite to the neck, coiling around the prey’s body, tighter and tighter until it eventually dies of asphyxiation. The python starts mostly feeding on the dead animal head first mostly but it has been observed that very often pythons will swallow their prey alive. The feeding can take up to an hour depending on the size of the prey. Python eats duck was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in South Florida in 2014.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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Google: https://plus.google.com/+ojatro/postst
Donate: paypal.me/Ojatro

Female alligators guard their nests well and throughout the entire incubation period but they are not always around when their babies hatch. In particular when the female alligator carries some of her hatchlings to a distant water hole. Predators are quick to detect an unprotected nest and even raccoons kits will use every opportunity to feed on the alligator’s eggs. Sometimes the raccoon is lucking to plunder an unprotected nest but if the alligator mother returns, the young raccoon will be in danger of being eaten themselves. raccoon kits eat alligator eggs was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2010.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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Female alligators guard their nests well and throughout the entire incubation period but they are not always around when their babies hatch. In particular when the female alligator carries some of her hatchlings to a distant water hole. Predators are quick to detect an unprotected nest and even raccoons kits will use every opportunity to feed on the alligator’s eggs. Sometimes the raccoon is lucking to plunder an unprotected nest but if the alligator mother returns, the young raccoon will be in danger of being eaten themselves. raccoon kits eat alligator eggs was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2010.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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Donate: paypal.me/Ojatro

The American alligator lays 20 to 50 white eggs, about the size of a goose egg. The female covers them with decaying vegetation, which produces heats needed for incubation. The temperature at which American alligator eggs develop determines their sex. Those eggs which are hatched at a temperature of 34 °C (93 °F) or more become males, while those at a temperature of 32 °C (86 °F) or lower become female. In general, the nests built on levees are warmer and thus produce males, while the cooler nests of wet marsh produce females. The female remains near the nest throughout the 65 day incubation period, protecting it from predators. When the young begin to hatch the mother digs them out and carries the hatchlings to the water in her mouth.

The hatching of American alligators can last for days and the hatchlings have to make use of their sharp egg tooth to cut through the hard egg shell. Eventually, the egg shell becomes bridle and brakes apart due to the hatchling’s constant scratching. This is truly an exhausting task for any baby alligator. Hence, the hatchlings take periodically naps to regain new energy before braking through the shell. The hatching of american alligator was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2010.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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Female alligators guard their nests well and throughout the entire incubation period but they are not always around when their babies hatch. In particular when the female alligator carries some of her hatchlings to a distant water hole. Predators are quick to detect an unprotected nest and even raccoons kits will use every opportunity to feed on the alligator’s eggs. Sometimes the raccoon is lucking to plunder an unprotected nest but if the alligator mother returns, the young raccoon will be in danger of being eaten themselves. raccoon kits eat alligator eggs was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2010.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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Donate: paypal.me/Ojatro

The American alligator lays 20 to 50 white eggs, about the size of a goose egg. The female covers them with decaying vegetation, which produces heats needed for incubation. The temperature at which American alligator eggs develop determines their sex. Those eggs which are hatched at a temperature of 34 °C (93 °F) or more become males, while those at a temperature of 32 °C (86 °F) or lower become female. In general, the nests built on levees are warmer and thus produce males, while the cooler nests of wet marsh produce females. The female remains near the nest throughout the 65 day incubation period, protecting it from predators. When the young begin to hatch the mother digs them out and carries the hatchlings to the water in her mouth.

The hatching of American alligators can last for days and the hatchlings have to make use of their sharp egg tooth to cut through the hard egg shell. Eventually, the egg shell becomes bridle and brakes apart due to the hatchling’s constant scratching. This is truly an exhausting task for any baby alligator. Hence, the hatchlings take periodically naps to regain new energy before braking through the shell. The hatching of american alligator was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2010.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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South Florida has proved to be the perfect home for large reptiles from other tropical parts of the world. For example, the Burmese python, a native of Southeast Asia, has taken root in the Everglades over the last several decades. Therefore, it’s not surprising that a few Nile crocodiles (crocodylus niloticus) have been reported patrolling Florida’s swamps. But it’s still unclear if the Nile crocodiles are breeding in the wild. Florida law requires croc keepers to have a permit and report any animals that escape. To date, only four incidents have been reported and they may correspond to the four individuals identified by scientists. If they have established a population, getting rid of them may prove to be a bureaucratic nightmare. The Nile crocodile is protected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act. Special permission has to be obtained to move or euthanize individual crocs–even though they’re in a non-native habitat. Nile crocodiles in Florida was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro and is available at www.Ojatrovisuals.com

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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Google: https://plus.google.com/+ojatro/postst
Donate: paypal.me/Ojatro

South Florida has proved to be the perfect home for large reptiles from other tropical parts of the world. For example, the Burmese python, a native of Southeast Asia, has taken root in the Everglades over the last several decades. Therefore, it’s not surprising that a few Nile crocodiles (crocodylus niloticus) have been reported patrolling Florida’s swamps. But it’s still unclear if the Nile crocodiles are breeding in the wild. Florida law requires croc keepers to have a permit and report any animals that escape. To date, only four incidents have been reported and they may correspond to the four individuals identified by scientists. If they have established a population, getting rid of them may prove to be a bureaucratic nightmare. The Nile crocodile is protected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act. Special permission has to be obtained to move or euthanize individual crocs–even though they’re in a non-native habitat. Nile crocodiles in Florida was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro and is available at www.Ojatrovisuals.com

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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I’ve filmed american alligators on many occasions over the last years but I can’t say these apex predators targeting humans, except when driven by hunger, curiosity or during the alligator mating season. The mating season is a particular dangerous time to venture into alligator territory for any creature. Their behavior changes dramatically, they become highly aggressive and won’t hesitate charging after any intruder, including humans. I’ve been chased by alligators during such filming on several occasions but without any serious consequences. It’s always a good idea to keep your senses on constant alert when entering alligator habitat. Also, please don’t forget that alligators do not just live in the swamps or large water areas. Adult alligators can be found even in narrow road side channels, hiding in their “Gator Holes” but sensing any movements in its vicinity. An alligator is a crocodilian in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae. There are two living alligator species: the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and the Chinese Alligator (Alligator sinensis). Swimming with alligators was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in Florida in 2016.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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I’ve filmed american alligators on many occasions over the last years but I can’t say these apex predators targeting humans, except when driven by hunger, curiosity or during the alligator mating season. The mating season is a particular dangerous time to venture into alligator territory for any creature. Their behavior changes dramatically, they become highly aggressive and won’t hesitate charging after any intruder, including humans. I’ve been chased by alligators during such filming on several occasions but without any serious consequences. It’s always a good idea to keep your senses on constant alert when entering alligator habitat. Also, please don’t forget that alligators do not just live in the swamps or large water areas. Adult alligators can be found even in narrow road side channels, hiding in their “Gator Holes” but sensing any movements in its vicinity. An alligator is a crocodilian in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae. There are two living alligator species: the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and the Chinese Alligator (Alligator sinensis). Swimming with alligators was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in Florida in 2016.

Website: http://www.ojatrovisuals.com/
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The burmese python has been incubating her eggs for five weeks now. All together it will take 60 days for the hatchlings to fully develop. During night time when the temperature drops, she will have to stay constantly coiled around the eggs to keep them warm. But night time is also the time when most predators are on the hunt for food and tonight she seems alert and nervous. Investigating the smallest movement near her nest until she discovers something lurking in the darkness.

With a swift bite she tries to scare off the intruder, a harmless Florida box turtle.
The box turtle is endemic to Florida. Its distinct shell with a hinged plastron offers ample protection from most predators. After recovering from the python’s attack, the turtle continues searching for food and purposefully cruising around the snake’s lair. Finally, the turtle decides to move in with the large python. But the snake won’t have non of it and blocks the entrance, which doesn’t stop the turtle at all.

Gopher tortoises share their burrows frequently with many snakes, including the venomous easter diamondback rattlesnake. But the python has to protect her eggs and the sharp claws of the turtle could easily damage them. At the moment she has no choice and accepts unwillingly the turtle’s intrusion. Soon the python grows agitated again, when the turtles scuffles with the bufo toad which moved in two weeks prior. The toad wants the turtle gone and so does the snake.

Relentlessly pushing and showing, the python finally is able to remove the turtle from its lair. The toad is wasting no time and returns to the safety of the den immediately. Turtles can be willful creatures and this one has a mind of her own. Nevertheless, a strike from a furious python settles the matter once and for all. The indigenous turtle got ..


Created 6 years, 6 months ago.

216 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

My name is Heiko Kiera and I'm a wildlife videographer with a special interest in portraying the behavior of reptiles, such as alligators and crocodiles. Snakes, in particular venomous snakes, are the most misunderstood and subsequently disliked creatures on our planet. I hope my video work will help many people to overcome their fear and hopefully change their preconception on these fascinating animals.