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The President of El Salvador just told Tucker that MS 13 participates in Satanic child sacrifice rituals after he saved the country from the gang takeover that infected the nation.
But the mainstream media told me that this was supposed to be a conspiracy theory?
This is a battle between good vs evil.
If you're not awake yet, then its time to start realizing that we are in a spiritual war.

"They are Satanic....

They started killing more people..but as the organization grew, they became Satanic. They started doing Satanic rituals...When you interview gang members in prison...when you ask them why they aren't in the gang anymore....

The guy asked how many people have you killed? He didn't remember how many. They asked him what is your position? He explained how he went up in position but he left the gang. He explains I was used to kill people. I killed for territory, extortion...but i came to this house, they were about to kill a baby. He said why are we going to kill that baby?

They told him because "the beast" asked for a baby so we have to give him a baby.

He left the gang so he couldn't tolerate what he was seeing...

So human sacrifice was a part....

There's a spiritual war and there's a physical war. If you win the spiritual war, it will reflect into the physical war. Our impressive victory was because we won the spiritual war...
You said I have a three point plan..And you said the first part of my plan is to seek God's wisdom."

Tucker truly is helping open the Overton window in a major way.
God bless the President of El Salvador for making his country so great and protecting the children.

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: "There are three things you need to know to know that [the climate emergency] is false."

"First, it is not too hot now. It is one of the coldest periods in the history of the Earth."

"Second, CO2 is lower now in the atmosphere than it has been throughout nearly the entire history of the Earth."

"And the third thing you need to know is that all the CO2 that we are putting into the atmosphere, where did it come from? How did it get in the fossil fuels? By plants pulling it out of the atmosphere, and the oceans. The plankton in the sea, the vegetation on the land, turned into coal, oil and gas."

"So all we're doing is replacing carbon dioxide... If there wasn't enough CO2 for the plants, we would all die too... We are replenishing the CO2 to a much better level than it had gone down to. We are the actual salvation of life on Earth."

Singapore police jail woman based on data stored in car infotainment system_ it can happen here...

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