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Ros is back for another episode on Human Design. If you missed the first one, then be sure to listen to episode #46 to get a basic understand of HD and how we can raise healthy, well-adjusted kids and support their unique nature rather than trying to force behaviours and qualities that innately are not theirs.

In this episode, we get into HD and business, finding your purpose and how to form strong partnerships. There are many fascinating tidbits that come up in this interview, so be sure to listen to the whole thing!

Before listening to this episode, go to , enter your particulars, and follow along with your chart in front of you. You will learn some fascinating insights!

In this episode, Ros shares with us:

- How HD allows you to see on paper who you came here to be
- How HD is a snapshot of where we were at the time of our birth and the imprint of the celestial objects based on where they were at the time
- The 5 'types' in HD
- The strategy for Generators
- How Manifestors are the only type that is meant to get an idea and go with it
- How Projectors are meant to be invited to have their knowledge invited out of them
- How Reflectors reflect back to us what is going on for us
- The Reflector strategy... hint, don't rush a Reflector when it comes to major decisions!
- How knowing the design of your children leads to a whole new understanding of how to relate to them
- Tactics for idea generation for Generators who need to respond to something outside of themselves
- How it is extremely important for Generator types to do something that lights them up
- The importance of why Projectors need to be constantly working on their vibe
- A word on Reflectors (1% of the population)
- The not-self theme of the Reflector
- How Reflectors can be used as a 'barometer'
- What 'emotionally defined' means and how those are defined this way need to ride out their 'emotional wave' before making bigger decisions
- How partnerships can be optimized
- H..

Finally I'm talking lymph and a bit of fascia. This is a topic I've been wanting to cover for a long time, and who better to do this with other than Kelly Kennedy, the 'Lymph Queen'?

In the western world, we often don't hear of the lymph being addressed, but this system, which is larger than the blood circulation system, is key to our good health.

Not only does the lymphatic system deliver nutrients, but it is literally our sewer system, and if it isn't flowing, our sewer backs up, stagnation occurs, and we no longer can access our divine, innate healer within.

After a receiving a biology degree from Cornell and realizing that the topic of health is vast, Kelly began to pursue her own education in classical alternative therapies culminating with a two year intensive in European Bio-Regulatory Medicine. Since then, she has also received her massage license, certification in Cranial Fascia Technique, and is currently studying to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.  

Kelly is the go-to for all things lymph and this is what we get into for our first interview. One hour wasn't nearly enough time, so stay tuned for the second interview!

- Kelly's story of being raised with a sick father, her severe car accident, the epigenetic patterning of her family
- How after searching for 3 years, her pain was released in one session of emotional releasing and energy work
- How fascia is where the autonomic NS fibres are
- Fascia being the frequency fabric of the body
- How to be free of burdens of the physical body
- How if you don't know how the body works, you will never be free
- The gifts Kelly has gained from recently breaking her elbow
- How when being honest with how we feel we don't hold onto our burdens
- The importance of allowing our bodies to express
- The need to align and integrate with our bodies
- How the cells are being signalled
- The need for the space to drain for cells to clean out
- The fact that we have 3x lymphatic fluid than blood

Ok folks, in a time when we are encouraged to (and often do so) give our power over to the educators, the doctors, the 'scientists' and the lawyers because we think we aren't qualified, this interview is timely and very important.

How many of you know of people who have spent 10's, maybe 100's of thousands of dollars on lawyer fees with no resolution and only more headaches?

Why are so many lawyers so willing to take their clients' money without providing them with full remedy?

It's time to take it ALL back... our parenting, the education of our children, our health and also our LEGAL matters! It's not as hard as you think, and Dr. Graves wants to teach you just how easy it is. He is tired of seeing innocent, good people getting screwed by the system.

Dr. Graves, lawyer and former teacher, has always had a strong sense of justice and caught on very early in his career as a lawyer that there are some very basics tenets of law and justice, which led to an excellent track record for successful resolution for his clients.

Dr. Graves has a course, at a very reasonable price that he offers so you too can be successful in court with confidence. His ultimate goal is to get this information to the children so that they can grow up understand the basics of the system to empower their lives and to avoid unnecessary harm in the court system in their adults lives.

He's got a lot to share, and it's accessible to everyone!

In this interview Dr. Graves shares with us:

- His background and how his late entry into law school came about
- How all case law is simply based on stories
- How litigation is really not rocket science and how it has basic rules that anyone can learn
- How you can learn the basic rules of law through is his concise course
- Why we, the people, need to take control of the judiciary
- How learning the key elements of any particular case is all you need to be successful in court
- How the Dean of the largest law school in Florida has stated that legal e..

Naomi Aldort, parenting coach, author and world renowned speaker, can help you raise resilient children who grow to be confident adults, rooted in themselves and not dependent on the approval of others.

Increasingly, our kids are being taught to not offend, to be inclusive and to be triggered in many scenarios. Do we really think this is doing them a favour?

The truth is, the real world can be an offensive place. We can never all be in agreement, and there will always be hard times to face. Would it not be more helpful to teach our kids how to go through hard times and to not depend on what others think of them or how they talk to them?

Life can be pretty tough when one takes everything personally. I don't know about you, but I don't spend much time around people who seem to require me to walk on egg shells. If I can't have a real conversation and risk disagreement, then I'm not very interested in pursuing that relationship.

This is where Naomi shines... in coaching parents how to raise children who are confident in their own skin and who feel right in the world, even if those around them might not be approving of them.

It's time to focus on building resilience rather than fostering weakness!

For more wisdom from Naomi, please see podcasts #'s 5, 6, 27 and 28.

In this interview, Naomi shares with us:

- Why the topic of teaching resilience is so top of mind for her
- What Naomi sees as a result of young adults not being able to handle criticism and challenges
- The issue of getting accolades with no merit
- The pendulum swing in parenting as a result of parents wanting to give their children a better experience than they had
- How our programming started when we were babies
- How children are being taught to not be able to handle real life
- Naomi's approach to teaching children how to handle offensive comments
- Sensitivity vs. fear for self image
- How by cheerleading for our children we create fragile individuals
- How we condition children to seek appro..

Let me introduce you to Dr. Liz Winders, a former clinical psychologist now practicing energy healing.

After experiencing medical maltreatment during the birth of her daughter, Dr. Liz was thrown into a period of trauma and dis-regulation that led her down the path of find energy healing.

Why did Dr. Liz turn to energy healing? It turns out that seeking help within her field did not prove to give her any relief or any results in her own personal life struggles.

So now Dr. Liz, after having found several modalities that did work for her, and rather quickly at that, is now helping others who can't get past their traumas and blocks with the tools that helped her overcome her trauma and pain.

So if you are someone who can't seem to overcome and step into your true, powerful and purposeful self, then listen up as this interview is for you!

Dr. Liz shares with us in this interview:

- Her beginnings as a trauma specialist and her pain to purpose story after experiencing medical mistreatment
- How her daugther's nervous system got dis-regulated as a result of Dr. Liz's dis-regulation
- Her underwhelm with the initial therapy she sought out
- How it took her years to find the first modality that caused a profound shift after only one session
- How our early years form our self and world-views
- How her mother-daughter relationship healed as she healed
- The modalities she focuses on in her practice today
- TOLPAKAN briefly explained
- "Divine" muscle testing compared to conventional muscle testing
- How to work with Dr. Liz
- Tips for those addicted to their story
- How she teaches her clients to manifest their desires
- Abundance challenges - what they are
- Dr. Liz's recent manifestation experience
- About the Emotion Code/Body Code by Dr. Brad Nelson
- About exposure therapy and EMDR
- The vagus nerve and how it plays into emotional wellness
- How Angelic healing looks from Dr. Liz's perspective
- How to tune in and work with your guides
- Tips for someone right n..

Morley is back for round 4, and this time we are diving into ageing, and how we can age more healthfully when we have sufficient copper.

But first, Morley gets into some fascinating information around glucose tolerance and copper status, cell changes and excess iron accumulation and more.

Every time I interview Morley I learn something new thanks to his persistent and dedicated focus on the research that constantly comes up with a bigger picture.

If you aren't familiar with his work, then please listen to episodes # 59, 60 and 63 to get a good grasp of the information that Morley shares with the world.

Here is what Morley talks about today:

- Copper's role in Type 1 diabetes
- The relationship between iron accumulation and Type 2 diabetes
- Menkes disease and the relationship between copper loading and glucose intolerance
- The fact that it takes 2x as much insulin today to clear the same amount of glucose 30 years ago
- How beta cells were able to recover their energy production in an animal study when animals were given copper (see show notes for link)
- How the methylation process depends on copper status
- How the inverse relationship of iron with low copper impacts the ageing process negatively
- In Morley's words: "Iron causes ageing, copper causes longevity"
- How high iron harms enzymes enzyme function, increases oxidative stress, increases corrosion and more
- Red blood cell health in the presence of excess iron
- Morley's theory that newborns are being born 'old' due to mineral depletion
- The importance of the colours of the organs inside of and how they have changed, therefore the frequency has changed as each colour has a different frequency
- Copper and genetic expression
- Copper and methylation (it doesn't work without it!)
- Gene defects and copper deficiency
- Hemochromatosis and copper deficiency
- Recuperate IQ - Morley's product
- EMF protection and copper status
- Copper, iron and the lymphatic system
- Copper status and body composition..

Tanya is back with a second interview on the power and wonder of how German New Medicine (GNM) views, interprets and leads to resolving our so-called diseases and ailments.

When we view our issues as biological adaptions manifesting temporarily to help us through an unexpected circumstance, our whole world shifts and softens with a new understanding of how our divine design works for us and not against us.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, then listen to episode #64 to get the low down on GNM to understand the content of this conversation better and get more out of it.

In this interview, Tanya enlightens us as to the concept of 'laterality' and how that informs many of our symptoms, and then she gets into breaking the myth of needing to protect ourselves from all the microbes and other so-called 'invaders' out there.

In this interview you will learn:

- Potential reasons for why someone would be born with a cyst in their brainstem
- The Principle of Laterality - how your biological handedness affects where your symptoms will be experienced and who conflicts would be associated with
- How to determine your 'biological handedness', which also applies to animals
- When the principle of laterality does not apply
- What earaches mean, and which ear represents what (not based on laterality)
- Eczema explained
- A brief explanation of constellations
- An explanation of why some people are chronically late
- Dr. Hamer's explanation of why the microbes, etc. are there and when they become active and when they are dormant
- How a lung tumour (and other tumours) are broken down and removed by the body
- When a tumour encapsulates
- The GNM take on parasites
- What is living 'bio-logically'
- Colds and flus and when symptoms move around
- Collective conflict shocks... when a family, or a class or a school, etc. all seem to 'come down' with something at the same time
- The effects of chronic, expected stress in relation to biological programs
- What happens in T..

In a time when the majority have people have accepted that the body is a sum total of mechanical parts and not much more, it is imperative to explore the truth of our divine creation and design.

It is time for all of us of humankind to spread our wings far beyond the confines of any box that limits us in any way, and start exploring the truth of who we truly are.

And one aspect of who we are is that we are electrical beings with a magnetic field that extends far past the borders of their seemingly physical outer limits. This is measurable and provable, this is not a theory or woo woo in any way.

When addressing the whole person, when restoring health and coherence, this invisible part of us can't be ignored.

And not only that, it holds vast information that informs us of where we are stuck, where we are blocked and why we are experiencing much of the symptoms in our bodies.

My guest today is Rea Tarnava, creator of the Infinite Energy Method, scientist, intuitive, inventor and so much more!

Rea is also staunch researcher with a very curious mind, and observer of the scientific method, which backs all the works she does.

She is currently pursuing her PhD, and holds a Masters in Integral Health/Life Physics.

What Rea shares with us in this interview:

- How Rea started down the path of natural health due to her ailing family members
- How her curious mind led her to delve into how and why therapeutic touch works, her first foray into energy medicine
- Rea's thoughts on the all the energy 'gadgets' available today
- Why Royal Rife's original work was different than much of today's technology
- How our 'field' carries information
- An example of how western medicine would treat a tremor and Rea's experience and results with a client experiencing a tremor
- How Rea came to create a new set of tuning forks based on brain wave frequencies
- A story of Rea's experience with her custom forks and a client who was having a mental breakdown
- Tennant therapy explained..

Finally! I offer you an interview on German New Medicine (GNM) (also referred to as Germanic Healing Knowledge or GHK)!

This is the work of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a body of knowledge developed after the tragic loss of his son and Dr. Hamer's resultant testicular cancer 40+ years ago.

Haven't heard of it? Well, be prepared to have your sickness and disease paradigms completely blown.

Heard of it but want to know more? Then tune in and stay tuned for more interviews on this topic... this area of knowledge is essential for truly taking back our health, understanding how profoundly intelligent our biological design is and how it works FOR us, never against us.

Wouldn't it allay some fears when you discover that the symptoms and diseases you have been labelled with are actually biological adaptions to help you temporarily and not a lifelong sentence?

Today I share with you my interview with Tanya Verquin, artist and GNM expert who has her own podcast on this very topic (see notes).

Tanya's life profoundly changed after attending a class on GNM years ago and she has continued to deepen into this knowledge over the years, raising her children from this perspective and building a community of those seeking to fully understand the truth of their biological design.

She teaches us that there is a psyche-brain-organ triad that can never be separated. We are whole and grokking this concept will empower you and drop the fear and trepidation that a diagnosis can bring.

In this interview you will learn:

- How Tanya's intro to GNM (or GHK) profoundly changed her and how she raised her children
- The origin story of GNM
- The Five Biological Laws explained
- The criteria that needs to be met for the body to start a biological program
- The timeline for symptoms to appear after a conflict shock
- How quickly the cellular adaptations occur
- That every "disease" (special biological program) runs in 2 phases, provided there is resolution - conflict active and healing phases
- ..

This is episode #3 with Morley Robbins, creator of The Root Cause Protocol and author of the book Cure Your Fatigue.

Morley is a tireless researcher, constantly searching for those common threads of information and also those pieces of the puzzle that have been missed, ignored or hidden.

In this episode I ask question that I felt I missed in our last conversation (episode #60) around dosing of copper, contraindications, etc, and then we get into some conditions that are affecting so many people these days. Of course we ran out of time, and there are endless places to go with this topic, so we will be back with more!

In this episode you will learn:

- Morley's opinions around copper dosing
the amount of Cu our ancestors used to get daily
- how Morley encourages each one to be responsible for their process and to be curious
- how to know when you've hit your Cu sweet spot
typical side effects once Cu supplementation has begun, which is due to excess iron removal
- how Cu is downloaded into baby in last trimester from mom's liver to baby's liver
- a pregnant mother's increased need for Cu as she prepares to breastfeed
- nutrients necessary for healthy brain in fetus
- how supplements high in Fe will cause Cu to not be absorbed
- childhood 'labels' in relation to low Cu
- how copper has been deficient on the farm for over 80 years
- how NPK blocks uptake of Cu in root system of plants
- relative rate mineral chelation by glyphosate
- how HCFS blocks Cu uptake
- how the work of Mildred Seelig led her to understand that many of our pharma drugs deplete magnesium
- Morley's opinion on cast iron pans
- auto-immunity - what is really going on?
- the role fo the spleen in cleaning up the blood and Morley's new revelations on the spleen
- the impacts of stress on the spleen
- the dependence of the PAM enzyme, an enzyme required to activate hormones, on Cu
- insights on depression
- thyroid health from the viewpoint of European endocrinologists
- the fact that T3 is an oxy..

Blaine Andrusek has been teaching on the topic of herbs and healing for over 40 years and was one of the first graduates of Wild Rose College of Natural Healing. He has led a rich life of adventure, learning and teaching and has a great reverence for the natural world around him .

Thanks to his passion (though he never initially intended to become a herbalist or instructor) many have been impacted either as a student, and audience member, a client or a customer.

Blaine has many stories to tell, and much knowledge to spread and in this interview we learn:

- His early story of living in the wilderness in the middle of winter for 4 months and how he ended up going to Wild Rose College and subsequently becoming an instructor
- How he 'fell' into teaching and into selling his oils and therapeutic skin formulations
- about mullein, a wonderful herb for the lungs and respiratory tract
- the many wonders of comfrey
- the spice to take when you are bleeding to quickly staunch it
- how tea bags can stop bleeding
- how comfrey can also stop bleeding due to its tannins
- how to take comfrey internally to speed up the healing of broken bones
- the power of allantoin, which is constituent of comfrey
- how to make concentrated comfrey extract from the leaves and stalks
- how to make Blaine/s "Super Planetary Wound Gel"
- How to get essential oils out of your eyes
- how he saved the leg of a yearling (young horse) that had been attacked
- how plants are named
- why Blaine loves plantain and chickweed
- how to plant comfrey so it is contained
- how he asks the plants before picks them
- another plant that one should have around (for pain, bruising, trauma)
- the ingredients of his burn gel
- and so many stories of how he healed in various situations

To find Blaine's products, now owned by Yoga Potion:
Are you concerned about the future of our children?

The world needs more con..

In this episode I have a great conversation with former urban farmer Curtis Stone, now of Curtis gives us a taste of what his platform offers from how to choose your homestead property (there are very specific points to consider), other classes his membership provides and he also shares his views and opinions of the current world climate and what he feels is the best direction in which to focus life activities at this point in time. is a one-stop-shop to choose, set up and be successful at small-scale homesteading. This is a dream for my own life, as I feel that building a self-sustaining property that ensures all aspects of vital human needs for life are ensured, is one of the most meaningful legacies we can create for our families and future generations.

There is a shift for many who are wanting to leave the confines and rules of the city, and Curtis and his team will teach you how to do it all along the way. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get this episode published before his special offer expired.

Though we had load of technical issues with this interview, I think I managed to sew it together so that it is minimally disruptive, and there are no problems with the last 40 minutes at all. So stay tuned in!

In this episode, Curtis shares with us:

- his early beginnings and how his interest in geo-politics has influenced his life and drive to love on the land
- how he got into farming and why
- why he left Kelowna, BC for a greater piece of land in a rural zone
- what he focuses on as his builds out his homestead to create resilience and independence from the system
- his opinion as to whether the current BC government will impact his way of life
- how living among fewer people leads to more freedom
- how learning the law can support your living the life you want to live
- why taking responsibility for all aspects of our lives is our duty
- the main criteria that he uses when assessing whether a property is worthy
- ..

Many of us know that the solutions to the problems we face today will not be found within the current system. It's going to take the building of a parallel society, where those of us who to choose to no longer be governed by tyrants can access and provide for all of our needs within a system that protects us and provides a structure for us to do business and relate to one another as we choose.

Big government has gone way too far, and one benefit of this is the rise of the awareness of the need to get out of doing business in the public, where one is subject to endless rules and regulations, and bring your business into the private.

This is the power of Private Membership Associations (PMA), a revolution that is rapidly growing in the United States and trickling out internationally.

In this interview with Mike Colomb of Renegade Ranch Provisions and Renegade Nation, we learn what PMAs are and why, in order to move forward in a way that supports humanity, this is the direction we need to go.

In this vital interview with Mike we learn about:

- His story and how Renegade Ranch Provisions was born
- The growth of the Healing Hub and the future of a TRUE health care system
- What a PMA actually is
- The distinction between private and public businesses
- How a PMA is an entity that exist in the private, not in the public
- How in all 78 cases of PMAs being attacked in Supreme Court, they have won with no losses
- What the limits are of what a PMA can do
- How a PMA is a non-taxable entity
- Why the PMA explosion is happening now
- How government officials have no jurisdiction over your PMA
- Why we need to stop asking for permission to operate as we wish as long as we are not doing any harm
- Renegade Nation...what is expected to be the largest PMA in the US by the end of this year
- Mike's video platform that is coming as an alternate to Zoom
- and more...and more to come!

Stay tuned for more on this topic! This is a true solution to getting our lives and freedom back on track. And the more we know, we more we will share.

It's time to rise up together and stop asking for permission from tyrants who do not have our best interests in mind.

For more on PMAs: (at the time of this recording the videos are down for this site due to You Tube pulling them)
Are you concerned about the future of our children?

The world needs more conscious parents. Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here:

Email me: support at sovereigncollective dot org

Dr. Tommy John is simply real. He is humble, he's a perpetual student who states he has learned more from his patients than he has from any of his degrees, and he commits to living much of his life from the perspective and wonderment of a 12 year old.

He is a chiropractor and in his clinic, the Dr. Tommy Johnny Performance and Healing Center, he uses a whole picture approach to help people activate their body's innate ability to heal, touching on movement, nutrition, breath, meditation and more.

Dr. Tommy John is in love with life and it is palpable and in this interview I know you're going to feel it too. He is an inspiration to reframe the 'negative' experiences of your life to launch yourself into a better version of you.

In this interview we get into:

- Tommy John's 8 pillars of health and why you can't work on each pillar each day
- His thoughts on where the masculine has gone and what the balance of the feminine and masculine look like
- Why 2020 was his best year to date and has launched him into his greater purpose
- How the death of his brother was one of his best years despite losing his best friend
- How we can evolve through our injuries
- His non-profit, Health Freedom for Humanity
- The most powerful protest we can make as humans during this time of global tyranny
- Small steps to take to start taking more control of your health and to build resilience
- The importance of human connection
- and more

I know you're going to love this interview. Dr. Tommy John teaches us how to live life with gusto and that in order to grow we must meet some resistance. Well, we're certainly seeing resistance these days, so it's time to transform that into growth!

Find more about Dr. Tommy John:

Health Freedom for Humanity non-profit:

Time for conscious parents to rise up! Go here to find out how to take back pregnancy and parenting. Your children are waiting for you.

Email me: [email protected]

Maria Whalen is a pretty private person, but she has shared the stage with many, including David Wolfe, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield and more, and has spoken all around the world.

She is a pioneer, an innovator, an inventor and a warrior, and if you are ill, she is someone you want to get know. She teaches you to have invincible health, and in today's world, that is definitely not the standard.

Maria is a proponent of teaching you how to be truly free when it comes to your health. She went through her own journey of being unwell to overcome it all, including to have a daughter (and now another baby!) that she was told she would never be able to have.

Maria believes that anything the body creates the body can heal. This puts the power in your court, which is not the way the conventional medical system works. And in order to do this, Maria explains the 5 places that your body heals EVERYTHING from.

If you are dealing with illness and have not been able to overcome, reach out and I will put you in touch with Maria. But get ready to do the work, because only you can do it for you and only your body can do the healing.

If you are interested in connecting with Maria, please let me know and I will pass her information on!

To find out more about Maria:

Change the future now, we need more conscious parents!

Support me:
Email me: [email protected]

Katherine Kowalchuck is a lawyer and Mike Worthington is an engineer, and together they have taken it upon themselves to help disseminate truth in light of reality not reflecting the facts of the research they are uncovering.

Katherine has been practicing law in the Province of Alberta since 2003, and though Katherine's main focus is family law, she has turned her attention to uncover the implications of citizen's rights in the face of C*v1d 19(84).

Mike is a practicing professional engineer and business owner who is currently devoting much of his personal time to researching our current government policy decisions with respect to the available data. His research has found that the restrictions and measures are not based on science and causing much more harm than any measurable benefit.

We go into many topics of the current situation and to dive deeper into any one of these areas, see the links below:

C*v1d-19 politicisation, "corruption," and suppression of science:

Spanish Flu:“spanish-flu”?fbclid=IwAR1kFEmzizWL2YJIjRt7A84_CtlNz987fUUY16UoYMVxzgifqAUPCR9rA4A

Cloth masks causing increased rate of influenza-like-illness:

External peer review of Corman-Drosten paper on validity of PCR testing:

Ontario Nurses Association wins case against masks in 2015 and 2018:'%20Association%20(ONA,policy%20in%20effect%20at%20St.&text=Michael's%20Hospital%2C%20which%20was%20the,6%20decision%2C%20found%20that%20Stnd%20that%20St.

Find more on Lawyers 4 Truth here:

It's time for Conscious Parents to rise up!
Get Your Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting Guide here:

I recorded this interview some years ago when creating my program, Your Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting Guide. This is the first part of the interview, the conclusion of which is found inside Your Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting Guide.

I just re-released this program at a fraction of the cost of the original price ($297 down to $47 USD) as I feel that the time is NOW for consciously raising our children, more than ever before.

To get The Guide:

There is also a special, TIME-SENSITIVE offer included in this price that expires end of day January 6th, 2021.

Daniel has deep knowledge on restoring health and there are so many applicable tips and insights in this interview.

Daniel Vitalis is on a mission to re-wild the planet and to continually move towards living on this planet as the original indigenous people did - harmoniously and full of robust vigour. Luckily for us he's educating us along the whole way, providing us with many growth opportunities and tips for improving the quality of our lives and that of future generations. He is a well known speaker and educator, and today in 2020 he is the producer of the show WildFed.

This is an interview that covers a lot of ground and can be controversial for some. Note, if you are a raw vegan, a portion of this interview may not please you, but please do consider what Daniel says. Here is some of what you will learn:

- The main factor governing how indigenous cultures choose their foods
- How we have traditionally supported healthy procreation for generations
- The key to developing a healthy nervous system in our babies
- A major factor affecting modern fertility rates
- Why we need to intentionally develop our fecundity
- How some men are losing some of their innate 'manly-ness'
- The power of epigenetics and how gene expression is controlled
- 3 major changes we can do today to ensure the health of future generations
- How to harmonize our 'habitats'
- Whether raising babies as raw vegans is a good idea
- The multiple benefits of consuming colostrum
- What Daniel the future dad may look like and the environment and experiences he sees for the healthy development of his future child


To find Daniel:

To learn more about The Guide:

Support me:
Email me: [email protected]

I am excited to announce that I am re-releasing my online program, Your Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting Guide!

This is a program I created after having my son in 2009 which consists of interviews with leading experts in the fields of energy and consciousness, genetics, pregnancy and birthing, nutrition, herbology, homeopathy, parenting and more.

You will recognize names such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, David Wolfe, Daniel Vitalis, Naomi Aldort and more.

If anything comes out of 2020, I hope it's a re-focus and re-evaluation of how we bring our children into this world, how we raise them and how we educate them. The future lies with our children and every time we interact with them we are literally 'touching the future', as Michael Mendizza says.

This program has some new content, with more new content on the way. However, the bulk of the information contained within the program is timeless and is relevant to All humans at any time of their life.

I used to sell this program for $297, but now, for a limited time, it is just $47 AND if you sign up by January 6th, 2021 at midnight, you get a spot for FREE for a live online nutrition class I am putting on at the end of January.

In my opinion this is amazing value, so I hope you take advantage of it. The field of pre- and peri-natal psychology has given us insight into human development and behaviour for several decades now, but the information is yet to be mainstream. I intend to change that with this program and inspire parents and parents-to-be around the world to make their health, their children and their families a top priority.

Thank you for checking it out. If you like what you find, please share around. I've made it affordable so that it is accessible to mostly everyone. This is information that NEEDS to be shared so that we can correct this crash course that humanity is on before it's too late. We have to decide to make it so!

Here is where you can find it:

Remember, $47 for a limited time PLUS a free class if you sign up by end of day January 6th.

I'd love to hear from you!

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email me: [email protected]

I had the pleasure of meeting Elena almost 10 years ago when I organized a Limbic Imprint Recoding Birthshop. I came across her work in the conscious pregnancy and birthing space when I developed a program on such matters after having my son in 2009 (just getting this material back online by the way), and the wisdom of her work sticks with me to this day.

Elena's film "Birth As We Know It" has been translated into 12 languages and has spread into 58 countries. In her film she depicts how uneventful, or even joyful, the act of giving birth can be - a far cry from the dramatic scenes of television and movies.

In this conversation, Elena explains the 'limbic imprint' and how it affects all aspects of our lives. The limbic brain is formed is formed while in the womb and in our early formative years, and the quality of gestation, birth and our early years hugely affects the quality of adults we become. In fact, Elena has stated in the past:

“…if our early impressions are anything less than loving, then that ‘anything’ imprints in our nervous system as a valid experience of love, regardless of how those experiences might have been. And throughout our life, we will subconsciously recreate the conditions and feelings that were imprinted at birth and early childhood, because in spite of all logic, those experiences are our comfort zone.”

Elena is a visionary, filmmaker, author, workshop facilitator and spiritual midwife whose work has directly and positively impacted countless of people across the world. Whether you are a man or woman, a parent or childless, young or old, Elena's message is relevant for all.

To learn more about Elena:

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Email me: [email protected]

I love Amandha's brain! She is an intelligent and knowledgeable woman who is unapologetic in her approach to educating the public on the truth of how to cultivate health and uncovering the weaknesses of the modern medical model. She says it like it is and isn't afraid to do so, and that is a quality that I greatly appreciate.

In this interview we talk germ theory, the truth around viruses, how dental health is crucial to our total physical health and how the teeth are the 'spark plugs' of the body. We also go into the wonders of DMSO, which is something I always have in my medicine cabinet and have started to use much more freely since recording this interview.

We finish with some of Amandha's recommendations of what to do to prepare for what may be coming in these uncertain times. Some great tips and advice here.

Amandha creates beautiful, natural and effective personal care products that you can explore in person if you are in Ontario at her store Yum Naturals, or you can shop online at her website.

To learn more about Amandha Vollmer and to contact her:
[email protected]

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Email me: [email protected]

Dr. Barre Lando has a laundry list of credentials and expertise. He knew from early on that the western medical model would not be the path he would ultimately follow as he was interested in health and healing over suppressing and medicating, and sought out education in multiple fields of natural health. He was a high performance athlete in his earlier days and now combines his love for athletics, medicine, farming and his vision into Alfa Vedic, found at

In this interview Dr. Barre discusses the fallacy of germ theory and how resonance and other factors play a role in so-called communicable diseases. We start the conversation talking about one of my favourite herbs that I enjoy regularly as a tea, gynostemma, or jiaogulan, and its myriad of benefits, which notably includes extended longevity.

We also get into the topic of viruses and what they are, and finish off with Dr. Barre's tips on creating a healthy terrain. Considering all his credentials and expertise, you will be surprised at how simple his recommendations are.

I really enjoyed this conversation and appreciate both Dr. Barre's intelligence and humility. Listen and learn - health does not have to be that complicated!

For more on Dr. Barre Lando:


Also find Alfa Vedic on Telegram for a great community conversation!

Email me: [email protected]
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Warning! This episode may be very difficult for many to listen to. Jeanice Barcelo reveals some ugly truths around how we treat our babies while in the womb and how they are brought into the world. There is also a picture at 1:33:40 comparing a circumcised penis to an intact one for educational purposes.

Jeanice Barcelo is an author, speaker, educator and activist intent on revealing the truth about the medical system, with a big focus on prenatal care and birthing procedures.

In her first book, Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine, Jeanice offers a critical analysis of technological interventions during childbirth during childbirth. In her second book, The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-ionizing Radiation, she analyzes the documented facts concerning the dangers of prenatal ultrasound.

Jeanice also offers a 20-week program to prepare parents for conscious conception and birth. In my opinion, such courses could change the fabric of society in one generation without even trying to save the world.

We all do the best that we can at our individual level of knowledge. The information presented in this podcast is merely to inform and to never judge. If we know better we can do better, and our babies deserve the best!

For more on Jeanice and her offerings, please visit her at:

Email me: [email protected]
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Brett Hawes knew early on that there was something amiss with the medical system as, during his first job in Canada as maintenance in a senior's facility, he watched the health of the elderly slowly decline as a result of the western medical model. This fuelled him to learn more and led to studies in multiple forms of natural medicine.

In this episode we dive into many areas, the first being on how to build resiliency and what that looks like for the individual and the community. We are divided in our communities and Brett shares his opinion on how to restore unified communities, and what mental, physical and immune resilience looks like.

We also touch on current events and Brett explains the PCR testing for C*V1D and how effective it is (or isn't) and also concerns he has about fast tracking a v@x that is meant to widely distributed throughout the population, when the average time to produce a v@x is about 20 years.

Brett focuses on many areas in his practice, including GI health, so if you are ailing in this area, as so many are, he may be able to help you!

Where to find Brett:

Links from the show:

Vax development:

HCQ smear campaign:

Children's Health Defense (Canadian site not yet ready at this date):

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Email me: [email protected]

In this episode Derek Fleming, the founder of New Earth Organics (a tonic herb company in Alberta, Canada) goes into why the western medical system is failing us and what we can learn from traditional medicines and approaches to nutrition.

We get into seasonal eating, cultural differences around the understanding of the impacts of different foods on our physiology, why nutrition dogmas are leading us down the wrong path and why going with the flow of nature may better serve us to cultivate robust health.

Derek goes into which foods and flavours we should be focussing on for the fall to help you thrive and help you stay healthy this season. He also talks about grains, a vilified food group, and how they can be a nourishing food option at certain times of the year and how the rules that we apply to eating, though may be helpful in the short term, may be causing harm and separation from nature and our hearts in the long term.

And so many more healthy nuggets and tips in this conversation, including why tonic herbs can be a wonderful addition to anyone's routine. Enjoy!

For more about Derek and New Earth Organics:

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Email me: [email protected]

Naomi and I continue our conversation about parenting in today's world, and we learn what she would do if her children were young in this current situation. Knowing that this option is not available to all, she also talks about other ways to ensure that the mental and physical health of our children remain intact.

Naomi talks about harms that may come to children as a result of masks and why to encourage them to not take on a world view through the lens of the mask.
She explains how children are resilient, how the home environment is key and how our power is taken from us in the areas pregnancy and parenting, and even from our children in how they are raised and educated.

We end the conversation around how Naomi doesn't believe in 'believing' and how in order to believe something, it proves there is no evidence that it's true.

Naomi is a wealth of knowledge and experience, having raised 3 boys via the approach she teaches. She has helped parents around the world reconsider their ideas around parenting and has helped them transform their family relationships. If you are struggling, or simply want to be the best parent you can be, check out Naomi at:

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Email me: [email protected]


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

31 videos

Category Education

Welcome to The Sovereign Collective Podcast where we provide you with Real, Raw Truth, for your self-empowerment. In this show, I, Sascha Kalivoda, explore all aspects of life that contribute to making a healthy, robust and well-adjusted human being. My mission is to bring wisdom back into the kitchen and in the home, and I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and unlearn most of it. I never censor here as I believe you are strong enough to hear both sides of a story and make up your own mind. In a time of censorship and dangerous government overreach, I challenge you to reconsider what you think know and open your mind to the fact that much of what you have learned in life may not actually be true. Thank you for joining me and I hope you enjoy learning from my guests as much as I do. For more about me, check out Episode 0.