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#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #germany #strategygames

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 7 focuses on the war with Germany. There are several major battles, and a small battle that had a very unexpected ending. Germany has more powerful ships than Spain, but my ships are also better than before. Will my preparation pay off? Will Germany surrender once the victor has been decided?

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get b..

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #china #taiwan

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 6 focuses on securing the borders of my empire and chasing down the remaining Spanish ships until they finally surrender. It's good timing too with tensions increasing with Germany, Can we secure our empire before war breaks out with Germany?

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

You ..

#OurAdventurerGuild #Bobtheorc

So I guess we have to fight a dragon. I'm not sure how i feel about this, but I guess we will just dive in and see what happens. I'd better get prepared first.

Also, does anyone remember Final Fantasy Tactics? The combat reminds me a little about that game... Granted this game came out around 1997 and not everyone likes retro games.

I bought "Our Adventurer Guild" from Steam. It was only about $15.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

I woke up early and found myself some Auzzies. Hide your children since you never know what they will say.

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #china #taiwan

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 5 prepares for the coming war with Spain (because they never really liked me anyway). Will my preparations pay off? There are not a lot of battles in this video as it is mostly strategic planning and preparations. I also discuss how I limit my strategic goals to what I know can be achieved given my limited resources. As always, I don't fight fair, and I jump on Spain while they are busy fighting with the other European powers. But this is all just part of the plan. I hope you enjoy!

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we ..

#bobtheorc #Inflation #Economy #Recession #Big Government #success #selfimprovement #independence

"Good Luck" is often the combination of planning, preparation, and the sufficient allocation of resources.

It also helps if Big Government / Special Interests aren't robbing you blind at every opportunity.

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Bead Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

You can find my SPICY content at:

My tame videos are often on YouTube at:

You can also check us out on our website, where you can also download Dad's book about inflation at:



#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

I'm up late copying data so I thought I'd play some Mechwarrior Online while I wait. And I'll talk some about business and achieving success while we wait for matches.

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

Hanging out with Dad and friends on Discord.

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #china #taiwan

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 4 plays through defeating China, and eventually causing their country to break apart. Since this video is 4 hours long, This is the abridged version that skips many of the battles to shorten the video. You can watch the full version here:

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Bead Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouT..

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #china #taiwan

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 4 plays through defeating China, and eventually causing their country to break apart. Since this video is 4 hours long, I'll make an abridged version that skips many of the battles to shorten the video.

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Bead Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

You can find my SPICY content at:

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

It's Friday night and I'm home from the church barbecue. Time to play some big stompy robots while my tummy is filled with steak. Time to break out the 100 ton Marauder!

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#OurAdventurerGuild #Bobtheorc

Falken's former party are giving him grief about his injury and inability to fight in the Grand Tournament. So we will show up and kick their butt instead.

Let's relax with some games before bed.

Also, does anyone remember Final Fantasy Tactics? The combat reminds me a little about that game... Granted this game came out around 1997 and not everyone likes retro games.

I bought "Our Adventurer Guild" from Steam. It was only about $15.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #china #taiwan

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 3 skips many of the redundant battles so we can focus on the preparation and strategy of invading territory. This video ended up being shorter than expected since most of the battles were really boring.

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Bead Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

You can find my SPICY content at:

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 2 will be a series of battles, as I seek to destroy the Chinese fleet. My ships perform much better than expected, especially my light cruisers. But after a great many victories, will the Chinese finally surrender?

Unlike my livestream gaming videos, I'll pre-record this and edit out much of the boring bits since there is a lot of dead time in between battles, and other important events.

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Bead Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games t..

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 1 lays the foundation for building a great empire. I will spend a lot of time building up the economy, as well as designing ships that will be crucial for future victories. There are only 2 battles in this first episode, and one of the battles is glitchy, so I'm lucky to have gotten away. The second battle is pretty awesome, where I'll utilize spotting distances, range, speed, and attack angles, to defeat a superior force. Feel free to skip ahead to 1:36:24 if you just want to watch the battle.

Unlike my livestream gaming videos, I'll pre-record this and edit out much of the boring bits since there is a lot of dead time in between battles, and other important events.

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Bead Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

I'm going to try out beam lasers tonight for the first time. Let's see if I like them.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#OurAdventurerGuild #Bobtheorc

It's been a long day, and I'm still working on projects at home. But all work and no play makes for a very boring orc. So let's do some quests while I monitor the projects I'm working on.

Also, does anyone remember Final Fantasy Tactics? The combat reminds me a little about that game... Granted this game came out around 1997 and not everyone likes retro games.

I bought "Our Adventurer Guild" from Steam. It was only about $15.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

The tornado passed about a mile south so we are back playing again. Come hang out and join me. Message Mr Roberts in game if you want an invite to the group.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

Playing MWO tonight before the crazy weather hits. Come hang out and join me. Message Mr Roberts in game if you want an invite to the group.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#rebelgalaxy #bobtheorc

This mercenary gunship is cute, but it's time I get a bigger ship and really start exploring new star systems. Time to earn money, complete missions, and get me a militia destroyer!

You can buy Rebel Galaxy on Steam. I highly recommend it.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#OurAdventurerGuild #Bobtheorc

I'm still pretty pissed about the Misasa's Soul quest. But I'm not going to let that stop me. Off to the next quest, and hopefully this one will actually let me fight the bad guys!... Because let's face it, life is full of situations where you just have to take the slap in the face. Nice thing about video games is you get to actually fight back without real-life repercussions. I hope everyone enjoys.

This might be a hard quest since Misasa is under the recommended level. Though everyone else will be pretty tough.

Also, does anyone remember Final Fantasy Tactics? The combat reminds me a little about that game... Granted this game came out around 1997 and not everyone likes retro games.

I bought "Our Adventurer Guild" from Steam. It was only about $15.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#OurAdventurerGuild #Bobtheorc

Misasa is bound to a demon through an evil contract. The only way to save her soul is to force the demon to release her contract. Time to demonstrate my advanced Orcish negotiation methods. (also known as lots of brute force)

This might be a hard quest since Misasa is under the recommended level. Though everyone else will be pretty tough.

Also, does anyone remember Final Fantasy Tactics? The combat reminds me a little about that game... Granted this game came out around 1997 and not everyone likes retro games.

I bought "Our Adventurer Guild" from Steam. It was only about $15.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#OurAdventurerGuild #Bobtheorc

It's getting late, but I'm not quite ready to sleep yet. And my dog is really cute sleeping under my desk and I don't want to wake him up. So I'll play a story quest while i wind down for the night. I hope you have fun joining me.

Also, does anyone remember Final Fantasy Tactics? The combat reminds me a little about that game... Granted this game came out around 1997 and not everyone likes retro games.

I bought "Our Adventurer Guild" from Steam. It was only about $15.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#battletech #roguetech #bobtheorc

Today was a beautiful spring day, and I got a lot of work done in my yard. Life is full of chores that you really don't want to do, but a nice day makes it easier. But now that it's late at night, it's time to stomp some mechs and earn them CBills!

You can purchase Battletech from Steam or (I prefer because you can download the offline files to play without internet access).

This is the installation instructions I used to install Roguetech:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#OurAdventurerGuild #Bobtheorc

Life is rough, especially when it feels like the economy is collapsing. Everyone is working so hard right now and barely making it. But stress can be a real killer, and it's important to relax a little each day. So join me while I play a game, and we can forget about the world falling apart for a couple of hours.

Also, does anyone remember Final Fantasy Tactics? The combat reminds me a little about that game... Granted this game came out around 1997 and not everyone likes retro games.

I bought "Our Adventurer Guild" from Steam. It was only about $15.

***This video probably contains some satire***


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

389 videos

Category Entertainment

Gaming, Self Improvement, and Interesting Conversations!