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Almost took twenty years of research.
There was these times and I would cut holes in my head just as lower the the pain.
forgot to talk about my eyes changing size all the time and they're irritated.

thing that comes to mind is introduction of Wi-Fi into the house

they really take care of us all

political statement never really was a person

just waisted all my dads retirement on trying to get a key for his wife's car off Amazon

Francis used to be a name of character

Really late but hind sight is 20/20

my brain can handle bad scheduling

totally inhumane living conditions. nothing with cigarettes and tar and grossness. just playing out violence. you name it mold, mold, mold everywhere. the floors ain't going to be replaced all this stuff. the hardware is from the '40s and you got to fix up your the apartment that they built in the '90s was trapped in the '40s

After all these years no matter how many mods far Harbor used to swarm settler quests.

it just will not now
best i can think of is do nuka world first

I didn't wanna believe it was a victim of its own physics

Fallout 4

i don't know what these bands are now days but 2004 had something

it would just show up when people would talk about stone sour

undead in Hollywood

after uninstalling creation club and shooting up some spoilers institute actually got mad out of turn like it knew what i did

1500 life waisting turns


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

73 videos

Category Vlogging

I need attention just for attention