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I'm moving this up to the top of the list after 4 uploads to keep it in view.
Thanks for all who come here.
Yes, I KNOW this video jpg's suck. Just haven't figured out iMovie well enough yet.
Open to any suggestions.

An obvious play on the legacy media's ploy to get more viewers with "Breaking News." :-)
I'll try to put one up each month.

Just some more Brain Food. This one is about not being a victim and a metaphysical question about what love is.
FYI, that girl in the pic I took is at the 1980 Survival Gathering, in South Dakota.
Making her about 65 :-O

Strange, hey? Wrote this 48 years ago. Looking at the current picture of human development it’s obvious there’s been a successful result to keep humanity in line with some dark agenda of control. The fundamental tools of deception are the encouragement of FEAR (Commies/COVID, etc.) and a belief in SCARCITY Food, Oil, Water, etc.) and now we have entered the SCARCITY OF TRUTH realm.

This is one of the songs when I was having prophetic insights like GLASS EYES WATCHIN’ YOU [Public cameras] and THE ROBOT REVOLUTION [The danger of AI] 50 years ago. Living rent free in the basement of a clean, but closed hotel with a gigantic band room with ping pong table, plus lots of folks on a similar artistic, metaphysical, intellectual paths in this (then) quiet tourist river town, home of C&H Sugar. :-) Much like 30's French artist enclaves.

Truth about political and corporate greed/control was becoming evident to many of us. I could see the break down of civilization in progress. Viet Nam, fuel shortages, etc., all part of creating fear in people. In nearly 50 years it has only gotten sadder for those who can “see” what has occurred and is going on now.

Embracing change used to be a sign of maturation, the acceptance that holding on to beliefs, attitudes, behavior, etc. kept the growth process from higher levels of consciousness.
But this past decade the madness put in place by the controllers to divide and conquer us has been far too successful. We are evolving into a nation of weak cry babies.

In the 60’s visionaries, singer/songwriters, social/political activists, authors, etc. were being killed off, harassed, and kept from the larger public. Alternative thinking was the enemy of the state. My effort here is to help people understand the severity of the situation.
We are under attack to alter our natural evolutionary progress into a slave state.
Everyone can’t do everything but everyone can do SOMETHING.

My position in social politics is we are and have been under a conditioning process since the advent of the Internet. It has been used as a tool of propaganda by the controllers of our world to divide and conquer at so many levels...relationships, races, religions, etc.
I am unsure if the propagandized women can wake up to their enslavement.

Probably my most favorite co-write with the brilliant Bruce Atkinson, and the lovely Susie Benson singing her heart out. Great times in the 90's in Hollywood then.

My lyric came from a few past relationships that could have been so fine. :-/

So, it is New Years Eve, watching Niners football and realize what cliche behavior that was :-) And bingo, the song started forming. From my decades of experience/research... There IS a plan to reduce the population, keep us in a 5G digital track, trace, and data base “prison,” break down our culture, and flip nonsense into truth.

17 years ago I had this up on the web, but...NOTHING HAS CHANGED Our recent past is our foreseeable future, because neither the ideology nor the power-centers profiting from it have changed. We are still murdering people with wars, vaccines, Chemtrails, etc.
How it is going to stop is up to you.
Same thumb nail as Mandela Bluz 'cuz there's a definite connection between changing our history and creation of this new reality.

45 years ago in 1978 I had two futuristic insights. One was public cameras (Glass Eyes Watching You) and the other was this one. I was house sitting in Olympia and watched a PBS (no Internet, etc. then) documentary on Auto Manufacturing using Robots. All my research on politics and human behavior kicked in and this song was born. And now it is coming true :-/

Written in 1975. An optimistic metaphor to break the chain of oppression.
We all choose our behavior / goals. Mine's to not be held down by others ideas of what is important.
One's "Pony" can be anything of course. Just a choice how to flee the world's nonsense.
Another apology...forgot to trim the last min of blank tape :-O

I had to make a lot of compromises in my life to gain my freedom. Am I finished, not yet but I am well along my way. Think of it. I am the same age as Biden. But I ride and repair my motorcycle, write lots of songs, take no meds, am articulate, well read and have a broad range of interests and perfected talents. It has been well worth it to me.

My 90th song since I moved up here in the Arizona mountains in 2016.
All my recent songs here are pretty much just recorded without much practice. My hope is my words (Brain Food) will nourish your thinking process.

35 years ago, before women went to war on men people actually fell in and out of love.
Few games or 1-10 judgement on stuff. The "red" in her hair in the photo just showed up :-)
I wrote this song 10/10/88, the year before I moved to Hollywood to get in the business.
I met Bruce Atkinson, a brilliant musician /composer/vocalist this was our first collaboration.

Time to keep reminding ourselves of the truth of our reality.
We're NOT in a natural evolutionary process, rather the result of the controller's interference.
It is VERY important to shake our heads of the nonsense and resist.
Can't do it alone. Work locally with people you trust.

The madness of our times is so astoundingly wrong for "normal".
Just trying to inspire people to wake up and resist the controller's efforts.
Their powerful propaganda machine has been so successful we live like a nation of idiots.

It is pretty obvious things between men and women are pretty screwed up.
So many have been conditioned to the pop culture "ear candy" music to lull you to sleep.
I hope my simple guitar and lyrics will inspire the truth of my songs to hit home.
That is why I call it Brain Food, it's good for you :-)

For most people under 50 the majority of your life knowledge has been crafted
by the psychological arm of the controllers...the entertainment business.
It takes a commitment and desire to rise above their nonsense and lies.
Once again, in my haste to post I didn't clean up the end of the vid, lotta blank tape. :-/

Everyone's scrambling on the web to prove their ideas of what is wrong with life.
I'm offering solutions to address the madness. It is about working with others in a
collective consciousness way, giving up some of your joy time and actually being an activist.
Work on things you can realistically change, avoid keyboard commando talk/Rambo fantasy.

Dedicated to all the brave folks packing up/leaving hate states for hope states or planning it.
Remember, when you get where you want to be you're guests. Take time to understand
those who are natives to your area. Bring your good game and love.

Part One is about the weapons of mass distraction and control.
Part Two is about how they are used.

This is but a doorway to the vast amount of truth available about our mental imprisonment.
My music for decades has been filled with these truths, musical philosophy= Brain Food.
Part one's about basic weapons of distraction to truth. Part two on how they're used.
It's foolish to think you've been untouched by it. WE'VE ALL been affected by mind control.
My best to you.

Just too much snooping around and bossing around these days.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

63 videos

Category Music