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In contemporary gay culture, an inversion often occurs where sex is prioritized over emotional connections. This shift, though liberating in some respects, may also obscure the profound human experience that emotions provide. By exploring this terrain from a psychological perspective, it becomes clear that rebalancing this equation could lead to deeper satisfaction and happiness for gay men, particularly those who are single and may not have had the education about the value of emotions.

Understanding the Inversion

The prioritization of physical intimacy over emotional intimacy is not unique to the gay community; it's a broader societal trend influenced by various factors, including technology and shifting social norms. However, within the gay community, this tendency can be particularly pronounced due to historical and cultural contexts. Historically, the criminalization and stigmatization of homosexual relationships forced these connections into hidden, hurried encounters, which could be one root of today's dynamics.

Dr. John Gottman, a psychologist renowned for his work on relationship stability, notes that "emotionally intelligent couples are intimately familiar with each other's world." This statement underscores the importance of emotional connection as the backbone of enduring relationships, regardless of sexual orientation.

The Benefits of Prioritizing Emotion

Prioritizing emotions over sex does not mean diminishing the importance of sexual attraction and expression; it means integrating them with emotional intimacy to foster relationships that are enriching and supportive. Dr. Alan Downs, author of "The Velvet Rage," highlights that many gay men struggle with feelings of invalidity, which can drive a compulsive search for acceptance through physical intimacy. By shifting ..

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As gay men, our relationship with sexuality is often fraught with complexity, shaped by a society that has long stigmatized and marginalized our desires. In the face of discrimination, trauma, and internalized shame, many of us struggle to experience the full spectrum of sexual expression, from the unconscious acting out of unresolved issues to the profound sense of connection and shared truth that comes with genuine intimacy.

According to a recently proposed framework, gay male sexual behavior can be understood through three distinct categories: shadow sex, sex for release, and sex for closeness. Each of these represents a different level of psychological and emotional integration, and moving from one to the next requires a deep process of self-reflection, healing, and growth.

At the most primal level, there is shadow sex, which psychologist Carl Jung described as the projection of unconscious issues onto sexual behavior. The shadow represents the parts of ourselves that we have learned to reject or deny, often as a result of societal stigma and internalized homophobia. When we engage in shadow sex, we may find ourselves drawn to experiences that feel degrading, risky, or emotionally disconnected, as if acting out a script that has been written by our deepest fears and insecurities.

As psychotherapist Michael Picucci writes: "Until we come to terms with our sexuality and begin the healing process, we live in a dissociated state—the pain is separated from the pleasure...Only in claiming our full sexual and spiritual identity can we begin to experience true intimacy."

Ultimately, moving from shadow sex to intimacy is a journey of integration, requiring gay men to challenge the narratives and myths that fuel shame, and cultivate self-love and wholeness. This can involve therapy to pr..

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As we step into 2024, it's more important than ever for us, the gay community, to focus on health and well-being. This year, let's adopt lifestyle habits that boost our physical fitness and promote long-term health. From daily walks to questioning conventional health wisdom, here's how we can stay vibrant and strong.

1. Embrace the Power of Daily Walking
Walking is a simple yet effective way to maintain heart health, reduce stress, and improve fitness. As gay men, taking daily walks allows us to enjoy our environment, stay active, and connect with our community. Aim for at least 30 minutes of brisk walking each day.

2. Soak Up the Sun (Safely)
Sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D, essential for bone health and immune function. However, remember to sunbathe safely. Use sunscreen to protect your skin, and limit sun exposure to reasonable durations to boost Vitamin D levels and mood.

3. Rethink Your Food Heating Methods
In 2024, let's move away from microwaving and embrace traditional cooking methods like baking, steaming, or sautéing. This not only potentially reduces exposure to microwave radiation but also can enhance the nutritional quality and taste of our meals.

4. Minimize EMF Radiation
Reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from devices like WiFi routers and cell phones is a smart move. Try simple steps like not sleeping next to your phone or opting for wired internet connections.

5. Fast for Autophagy
Intermittent fasting promotes autophagy, the body's process of cleaning out damaged cells. This can improve metabolism and reduce inflammation. Try fasting methods like the 16/8 approach to see how they fit into your lifestyle.

6. Lift Heavy, Live Strong
Strength training, particularly with heavy weights, is crucial for maintaining robust joints and tissues. I..

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► Stop The Struggle! Feel Connected & Loved Again!

In this video, you will learn how to avoid toxic gay men and how to set yourself up for success with gay friendships and relationships.

Navigating the Waters of Toxicity Among Gay Men

The quest for understanding, trust, and genuine connections in relationships often leads us to a broader question: Why do toxic individuals exist, especially in the gay community? What are the roots of this toxicity, and how can one navigate through it to find meaningful relationships?

"Toxicity in human behavior is like pollution in the air - it's often a byproduct of the environment," as psychologist Dr. Lorraine M. Dillard once mentioned. Delving deeper into the socio-cultural fabric that has woven the lives of many gay men, we find several interwoven threads that have contributed to creating the backdrop against which some individuals may grow toxic.

Historically, the past four decades of American culture have witnessed an escalating emphasis on materialism, individualism, and sexual liberation. The culture, driven by consumerism and an ever-growing focus on the 'self,' has inadvertently overshadowed core human values like community, shared experiences, and deep-rooted connections.

Author Mark Manson in his book, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," reflects upon this societal shift, stating, "The more we chase after superficial metrics of success, the more we alienate ourselves from the very essence of happiness and meaningful connections."

Such a societal backdrop, with its inherent dysfunctionalities, becomes the ground on which parents, influenced by the ethos of their times, rear their children. The inter-generational transmission of values becomes tainted with the same superficiality, often leading to the propagation of the same dysfunction across generations. As psychologist Dr. Philip Zimbardo expressed, "We are shaped by our environment; our societal structure influences the contours of our personality."

Over the decades, the gay community, while having its unique challenges, has not remained impervious to these broader cultural shifts. Historically marginalized, the community, in its endeavor to assert identity, sometimes placed undue emphasis on aspects like appearance, material gains, and fleeting sensations - all ephemeral markers of identity. This overt focus on surface-level interactions has, unfortunately, sidelined profound values like love, community, and spiritual transcendence.

Renowned gay activist Harvey Milk once commented, "It's not about personal gain, not about ego, not about power... it's about giving those young people out there in the Altoona, Pennsylvanias, hope." Milk's words resonate deeply with the idea that the community needs to prioritize substance over the superficial, meaningful bonds over transient ties.

The outcome of such a cultur

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The Value of Authenticity in Human Interactions: A Focus on Gay Men

In the modern digital age, the allure of convenience and instant gratification often overshadows the intrinsic value of genuine human connection. For single gay men, the prevalent use of hookup apps can sometimes shift the focus from seeking meaningful relationships to pursuing fleeting encounters. While such platforms offer a space for exploration and connection, they can sometimes perpetuate a culture that prioritizes surface-level interactions over depth and authenticity.

Understanding Authenticity:

Authenticity, at its core, is about being genuine and true to oneself. When an individual is authentic, they openly express their feelings, values, desires, and experiences. This transparency not only allows individuals to connect with their inner selves but also paves the way for deep, meaningful relationships with others.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In the context of relationships, especially among gay men, authenticity can be the key to fostering trust, understanding, and intimacy. Being genuine in one's interactions ensures that connections are rooted in reality, allowing both parties to see and value each other for who they truly are.

The Downside of Superficial Interactions:

Hookup apps, by their very design, often prioritize immediacy over depth. The interaction often starts with a picture, followed by short, succinct exchanges that can, at times, adhere to a certain 'script' or agenda. While these apps can be beneficial for some, especially for those who are clear about their intentions, they can inadvertently promote superficiality.

"People wear masks of lies so that they look attractive, so be careful." – Muhammad Saqib.

When connections are built on curated personas or singular motives, they seldom transition into relationships that stand the test of time. The conversations lack the richness of shared experiences, values, and dreams. They become part of a 'sexual agenda' rather than a heartfelt dialogue.

The Path to Authentic Connections:

For gay men seeking meaningful connections, authenticity must be the guiding principle. It's essential to cultivate spaces and moments where one can be vulnerable, open, and genuine. Whether it's sharing personal stories, discussing fears, or expressing love, being authentic allows for true intimacy.

"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen." – Brené Brown.

In conclusion, while there's no denying the convenience and allure of digital platforms, it's crucial to approach them with a mindset of authenticity. For sin

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Experience a better approach to connecting with gay men through the use of Social Algos, carefully crafted to make a lasting and impactful first impression while fostering a sense of genuine connection. Unlike traditional chaotic encounters, our method introduces a pre-designed recipe that seamlessly leads you from one meaningful experience to the next, minimizing interruptions and potential mistakes.

With BGF, we have reimagined the way gay men meet and interact. Our Social Algos are meticulously designed to optimize your dating journey, guiding you through a series of carefully curated experiences that facilitate strong connections and minimize the frustration of missed opportunities. By following this tailored path, you can navigate the dating scene more confidently, knowing each interaction has been strategically planned to enhance your overall experience.

Whether you seek romantic relationships or meaningful friendships, our approach aims to create a smoother and more intentional process. Gone are the days of uncertain encounters and missed connections. Embrace the power of Social Algos and embark on a dating experience where each step is purposefully designed to help you forge genuine connections with ease and clarity.

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Gay Sexual Restructuring is a transformative process aimed at correcting a distorted sexual arousal pattern that may have been influenced by years of dysfunctional sex. Dysfunctional sex can be characterized as sex devoid of emotional intimacy and social context, leading to a corrupted sexual arousal mechanism. It operates under the premise that healthy sexual behavior is influenced not just by physical attraction, but also by emotions and the social context in which an individual exists, including the presence and influence of family, community, and society.

Family, community, and societal contexts serve as buffers, offering guidance and potential repercussions that might discourage risky or emotionally disconnected sexual behaviors. Therefore, a healthy sexual pattern is one where both emotional intimacy and the broader socio-cultural context are integrated into sexual choices and experiences. For gay men, the work of sexual restructuring involves mental and behavioral modifications to restore this healthy, holistic pattern of sexuality.

Sigmund Freud, one of the most influential thinkers in the field of psychology and human sexuality, emphasized the importance of emotional factors in sexual behavior. Freud's psychosexual stages of development theory posits that our early emotional experiences shape our adult sexual behavior. Hence, by confronting and resolving any adverse emotional experiences, an individual can restructure their sexual behavior.

Erik Erikson, another highly respected developmental psychologist, stressed the interplay between individual growth and societal expectations. Erikson's stages of psychosocial development theory highlight the influence of societal norms on our behavior, including our sexual behavior. Thus, acknowledging and addressing the societal context in sexual behavior is a crucial part of sexual restructuring.

American psychologist and sexologist John Money stated, "Sexology, as a field, is not so much about sex as it is about the human mind." This underlines the importance of addressing mental and emotional factors, along with societal context, in the process of sexual restructuring.

Another quote by Dr. Leonore Tiefer, a well-known clinical psychologist and sex therapist, encapsulates the essence of sexual restructuring: "Sexuality is more than a physical act, it is an emotional communication, a social entity, and a special kind of consciousness."

By understanding these theoretical frameworks and concepts, gay men can more effectively engage in the process of sexual restructuring, gradually developing healthier, emotionally connected, and contextually appropriate sexual behaviors. This holistic approach to sexuality not only leads to healthier sexual arousal patterns but also enriches the overall emotional and so

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The Pride Parade, for many, represents an opportunity for self-expression and a celebration of identity. However, we must consider how the experience of the parade might vary depending on one's individual journey towards self-acceptance and the stage they are in the Cass Model for Coming Out.

Let's review the psychology of coming out.

According to the Cass Model, individuals go through a series of six stages of coming out. The first is identity confusion, where individuals begin to question their sexual identity, and it can lead to a state of turmoil and distress. The second stage is identity comparison, where individuals begin to compare themselves to others and seek information to help understand their sexuality. In the third stage, identity tolerance, individuals may begin to experience decreased distress and more positive feelings about their sexuality. The fourth stage, identity acceptance, is when individuals begin to embrace their sexuality and seek out social networks that support them. In the fifth stage, identity pride, individuals have a strong sense of pride in their sexuality and may become activists for LGBTQ+ rights. The final stage, identity synthesis, is when individuals integrate their sexual identity into their overall identity.

For individuals who haven't fully come out, the Pride Parade can be seen as a way to compensate for the lack of self-acceptance, creating a façade of confidence they may not truly possess. In some circumstances, people who have not yet progressed through the stages of practical integration or acceptance may find themselves stuck in the "identity confusion" or "identity comparison" stage, leading to feelings of shame, guilt, and fear about their homosexuality.

As a result, the Pride Parade may actually become a trauma parade. Until people have fully integrated their sexuality with other aspects of their identity - such as their emotion, intellect, or spirituality - they can feel incomplete and disconnected. They may use the Pride Parade as an outlet to express a false sense of pride, leading potentially to feelings of guilt or shame if they are not able to embody this "pride" throughout the year.

Shame and self-stigma are commonly experienced by individuals who are not fully accepting of their sexuality, and it can lead to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Shame can also prevent individuals from seeking support or reaching out. At its core, shame is an emotion that arises from an individual's belief that they are deficient or unworthy, resulting from societal conditioning around their sexual identity and orientation.

It is essential for individuals to address their issues surrounding shame and trauma related to their sexual orientation if they are to move towards healt

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In this video, you will learn how to stop the emotional bleeding related to meeting gay men on hookup apps such as Grindr, Scruff, and others. You will also understand the price you pay for using those services. Additionally, you will learn that there is more you can achieve, but not when you are in a cycle of trauma and fear.

I want to emphasize the impact of abandonment, judgment, criticism, rejection, and narcissism on trauma. These experiences can be extremely painful and contribute to long-lasting effects. Trauma is strongly linked to fear, which can lead to phobias or other forms of anxiety and prevent individuals from living a fulfilling life.

For gay men who have experienced years of trauma, their fear can become paralyzing, as society has stigmatized and discriminated against them. The use of hookup apps such as Grindr and Scruff can intensify this fear, as inconsistent and interrupted dating can elicit feelings of inadequacy and rejection.

These experiences can ultimately lead to a cycle of trauma, which can significantly impact mental and emotional well-being. The use of these services can result in emotional bleeding, causing further harm to one's self-worth. It is crucial to acknowledge these feelings and establish healthy dating patterns.

The price individuals pay for using these services extends beyond the temporary companionship obtained, it can lead to loneliness, feelings of inadequacy, and long-standing fear.

In conclusion, this video aims to provide viewers insight into the impact of meeting gay men through hookup apps such as Grindr and Scruff and explain the reason why most gay men feel unworthy, damaged, and self-destructive.

Enjoy the video!

✅ 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:

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Meet gay men differently:

✅ About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA

"It is not your fault that you are single. It is the fault of the dating platforms that enable abuse and turn gay men against each other." --Paul Angelo

Meet gay men properly:

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This is an AI-generated poem that members of Big Gay Family read to each other during an apology. Without Chat Gpt and Jasper, this would not be possible. Here is the poem:

It’s good to have someone who’s kind,
Where we can speak our heart and mind,
Without fear of judgement or rejection,
A sanctuary for authentic connection.

For in this journey of self-discovery,
We’ll find strength, wisdom, and recovery,
Our spirits soaring on the wings of fate,
As we reclaim our power and celebrate.

Together we can work through the pain,
The wounds we thought would always remain,
With love and care, we let go and surrender,
To the mystery that lies behind the splendor.

Together we can work through the mess,
Hold on to what’s good and discard the rest,

The space between what we desire and what we own,
Can be a chasm, so deep and unknown,
But in the company of a trusted guide,
We find the strength to face the divide,

To embrace the shadows, the fears and the light,
And seek the wisdom that’s hidden in sight.

For on this journey of life and love,
We’re each other’s compass and glove,

And so we stride forth, hand in hand,
Connected by a spirit that ever expands,
For in this union of hearts and minds,
We find a sacred place that forever binds.

The poem speaks to the importance of having a supportive and kind partner with whom we can be ourselves fully without fear of judgment or rejection. Such a person provides a haven for safe and open emotional expression, allowing us to let go of our guard and speak our heart and mind. The poem emphasizes the transformative power of such a partnership, which enables us to work through life’s mess and cling to what’s good while letting go of the rest.

The second half of the poem examines the significance of this trusted partnership in navigating the space between what we desire and what we own, which can be wide and vast when we are alone. The final two lines acknowledge that by finding a “trusted guide” in our partner, we can face the divide with greater strength and courage. Being in a supportive relationship empowers us to fill that gap with love, grace, and deep connection, which heal our wounds, help us to grow and flourish, and ultimately, transform us for the better. Overall, this poem reinforces the importance of having a kind and compassionate partner whose presence and empathy can help us navigate life’s myriad challenges while deepening our capacity for resilience, empathy, and enduring love.

In essence, the poem is a tribute to the power of relationships and the nurturing force of human connection. It illustrates how a caring partnership can provide a haven for emotional expression and guide us in navigating life’s mess, growth, and challenges. By offering a glimpse into the transformative power of a supportive and loving relationship, the poem reminds us that in the face of adversity or loneliness, having a trusted guide by our side can empower us to face the void and grow stronger, more authentic and ult

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If you had a car with only 1 gear instead of 5 gears - how far would you go? This metaphor explains what has happened to the gay community over the past 40 years. 90%+ of gay men have been infected by a mental virus that distorts the reality of human connection and makes it impossible to succeed in gay relationships. Please watch the video to learn more!

Visit the website and begin enrollment:

► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:

Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually. This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.

Watch the free video here:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.
➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.
➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.
➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.

Click here for free enrollment:

Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA

Paul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage. By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.

With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.

Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.

Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.

#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbt

► Meet Educated Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our Dating Strategy Offers 100% 3rd dates. No Ghosting or Toxic Situations.
► Feel Connected Within Days! No More Lonely Nights & Anxieties!

Are you worried about inflation? Are you tired of living alone? Are you wondering if there is a way to feel connected to other gay men? Here is an option: move in with other gay men into a big house and share your lives. In this video, you will discover how to meet gay men for communal living.

► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:

Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually. This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.

Watch the free video here:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.
➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.
➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.
➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.

Click here for free enrollment:

Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA

Paul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage. By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.

With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.

Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.

Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.

#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbt

► Meet Educated Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our Unique (3P) Process Offers 100% 3rd dates. No Ghosting or Toxic Situations.
► Feel Connected Within Days! No More Lonely Nights & Anxieties!

Here is a link to the previous video about Grindr:

Are you depressed or anxious? Are you having difficulty sleeping? Are you hungry for relief from stress by focusing on sex and pleasure? Perhaps you have PTSD from repetitive abandonment, rejection, and indifference.

Most gay men experience repetitive abandonment, rejection, and indifference when using Grindr and hookup apps. Many gay men are single for longer than 5 years and have lost all hope about finding a lover and getting married. Why is this pessimism happening to so many gay men?

The answer can be found in the understanding of PTSD and how repetitive exposure to hurt and trauma results in a chronic state of anxiety and depression and a loss of optimism about life and relationships. When we closely examine what gay men experience with hookups and with Grindr, it is very likely that PTSD is a common occurrence for most, if not all gay men who use Grindr and hookup apps.

Please watch the video to learn about the solutions and how you can bring back optimism to your dating and relationships.

► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:

Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually. This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.

Watch the free video here:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.
➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.
➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.
➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.

Click here for free enrollment:

Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA

Paul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage. By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.

With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.

Paul’s contribution to the world of gay p

► Meet Educated Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our Unique (3P) Process Offers 100% 3rd dates. No Ghosting or Toxic Situations.
► Feel Connected Within Days! No More Lonely Nights & Anxieties!

What will happen if you delay sex until marriage? What are the psychological benefits of delaying sex until you are married? This approach is contrary to the mainstream approach which prioritizes sex above all else (emotion, spirit, mind).

The starting point is to recognize what is happening today with gay men: most gay men are anxious, depressed, and lonely! Is it possible that this is the outcome of the approach to sex over the past 40 years? I think it is.

Watch this podcast to see for yourself how the perspectives on sex shape your reality of meeting and connecting with gay men for relationships. Enjoy!

► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:

Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually. This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.

Watch the free video here:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.
➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.
➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.
➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.

Click here for free enrollment:

Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA

Paul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage. By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.

With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.

Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.

Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships

► Meet Educated Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our Unique (3P) Process Offers 100% 3rd dates. No Ghosting or Toxic Situations.
► Feel Connected Within Days! No More Lonely Nights & Anxieties!

Crossing the Emotional Rubicon for gay men is impossible without proper tools and methodologies. In this podcast, you will learn about those tools and methods for creating the best relationships of your life despite all the suffering and confusion about love and dating.

You will learn about the use of Social Contracts: The Continuity Social Contract, The Red Zone Social Contract, The Monogamy Social Contract, The Commitment Social Contract, and The Golden Circle Social Contract.

You will understand the reasons why Social Contracts are now necessary to bring gay men together into loving relationships. You will discover the importance of social containers such as Culture, Community, and Family and how they shape our behaviors.

You will fully see that two worlds are emerging in the gay world - the world of suffering where all relationships are impossible and the world of Abundance where gay men are thriving with love and friendships. Which world will you be part of? Enjoy the podcast!

► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:

Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually. This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.

Watch the free video here:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.
➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.
➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.
➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.

Click here for free enrollment:

Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA

Paul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage. By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.

With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.

Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-ne

► Meet Educated Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our Unique (3P) Process Offers 100% 3rd dates. No Ghosting or Toxic Situations.
► Feel Connected Within Days! No More Lonely Nights & Anxieties!

Gay Sexuality Social Contract revolutionizes the approach to gay friendships and gay relationships. In this podcast, you will learn about gay social contracts and how The Big Gay Family Social Program offers tools for faster and healthier approaches to friendships and gay relationships. You will understand why we need Social Contracts and you will see how to create a Social Contract within a few minutes. Enjoy the video!

► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:

Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually. This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.

Watch the free video here:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.
➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.
➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.
➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.

Click here for free enrollment:

Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA

Paul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage. By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.

With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.

Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.

Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.

#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbt

► Meet Educated Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our Unique (3P) Process Offers 100% 3rd dates. No Ghosting or Toxic Situations.
► Feel Connected Within Days! No More Lonely Nights & Anxieties!

Dating through the heart offers the greatest opportunity for love and long-term relationships. So far, most gay men have focused on arousal-based dating, which is about sexual compatibility. Some gay men have tried the mental model for dating by having clarity about the criteria for lovers and looking for those gay men who match those criteria. But very few gay men have tried the heart model for dating.

When you lead with the heart, you have a chance to connect to a wider range of men and you are able to give love and receive love right now instead of waiting and hoping to meet someone in the future.

Arousal keeps us stuck in sexual fantasy. The mind keeps us stuck in the future. The heart, however, brings you back to the present moment, and practicing this approach offers the greatest opportunity for love in your life. Please watch this podcast to learn more.

► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:

Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually. This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.

Watch the free video here:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.
➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.
➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.
➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.

Click here for free enrollment:

Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and frustrations!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA

Paul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage. By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.

With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.

Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.

Paul is the creator of a popular gay social pr

► Meet Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our (3P) Process Offers 100% 3rd dates. 87% 6th dates inside Big Gay Family!!!
► No more depression & anxieties due to loneliness!

This podcast can be a beginning of a powerful sexual transformation for any gay man who is noticing the contradiction between sexual satisfaction and the feeling of guilt and shame after sex. We will explore the importance of feelings after sexual activity. You will discover how to build the bridge between your feelings and sexual desires. You will also understand the ramifications of suppressing negative feelings after sex and why volatile sex is becoming the norm in the gay culture.

► 6 Stages For Gay Dating & Gay Relationships:

Discover the stages that make relationships possible. When you meet gay men, you will be going through those stages to create a committed gay relationship. Instead of going randomly through dating, you can date with intent and deliberate action to move from stage to stage and ALWAYS go further than in any other dating strategy.

Check this out:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

Welcome to the Big Gay Family Social Program. Since 2010, we have coached and matched 1,000's of gay men. With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

*You get convenient access to gay men.
*You get the methods to connect with them.
*You get protection from the hookup culture.
*You get guidance & support.

You get everything you need to meet gay men and create meaningful relationships with them. Please click below to begin your introductions:

Life is short - don't waste it on toxic relationships and people!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► Meet Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our (3P) Process Offers 100% 3rd dates. 87% 6th dates inside Big Gay Family!!!
► No more depression & anxieties due to loneliness!

Your relationship with God is a personal relationship that does not have to be scripted with biblical verses and rigorous prayers. Religion and God do not have to be a place of conflict for gay men and instead be a place of transformation and empowerment.

Psychologically speaking, all religions are translations of psychological concepts via symbolism and spiritual practices/rituals. Instead of learning about psychology, people created symbols that represent them and offer reminders about how to be a good and loving person. Rebellion against God and religion is a reaction to forced practices and scriptures.

Nobody wants to be told what to believe and how to behave and this is the root of the rebellion against God by gay men. In reality, all religions and beliefs about God are voluntary and optional. Nobody has to be forced to believe anything so the real reason for the rebellion is the assumption that Catholic religions reject gay men and gay sexuality.

These assumptions are promoted by "scripted" religious translations that often are promoted by narcissistic and psychopathic religious leaders who have no understanding of the psychological abstractions that religious symbols are supposed to promote. Gay sex and gay life is not rejected by any religion, including Catholic religions.

It may be difficult for gay men to break through the anger about messages from narcissistic heterosexual priests and also gay men who have rebelled against God in defense of their sexual freedoms but all of it is confusion and corruption of the purpose of all religious practices. The main reason why God and religion exist is to offer human beings a connection to a higher power that is permanent and that cannot be taken by others.

Everything else in life is temporal - love, health, abundance - all are temporal states - they come and go, but the presence of God and the belief in God does not go away - it is permanent. This is why the idea of God and religion is so important - it cannot be taken away from you by governments and other people and that alone is the reason why God and religious beliefs are so important.

Those governments and those people who want to take God and religious beliefs away from people want to control them and disempower them and this is why in the LGBT culture the beliefs about God are suppressed and trivialized - so that all gays and lesbians are ultimately easily controlled and institutionalized.

Please watch the entire video to break through the controlling mechanisms of the LGBT community about God and religious beliefs and discover how to bring strength and empowerment to your life.

► 6 Stages For Gay Dating & Gay Relationships:

Discover the stages that make relationships possible. When you meet gay men, you wil

► Meet Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our (3P) Process Offers 100% 2nd dates. 87% 6th dates inside Big Gay Family!!!
► No more depression & anxieties due to loneliness!

Why are most gay men over 40 unhappy and lonely? Why is happiness so difficult to find amongst the gay population? Is it possible that gay men are "doing it the wrong way"? Is it possible that gay men focus on the wrong approach to life? Discover the perspectives about sex and sexual compatibility that help you bring happiness to your life and help you align your sex life so that you can feel love, caring, and optimism.

You will find this podcast very helpful in understanding why gay men search for violent sex and how shame and humiliation affect our sexual impulses and arousal. You will be able to see that sexual compatibility is compensation for fear of intimacy, genitalia insecurities, and lack of communication skills. When you work through those insecurities, sexual neutrality is possible and with that true love with another man.

► 6 Stages For Gay Dating & Gay Relationships:

Discover the stages that make relationships possible. When you meet gay men, you will be going through those stages to create a committed gay relationship. Instead of going randomly through dating, you can date with intent and deliberate action to move from stage to stage and ALWAYS go further than in any other dating strategy.

Check this out:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

Welcome to the Big Gay Family Social Program. Since 2010, we have coached and matched 1,000's of gay men. With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

*You get convenient access to gay men.
*You get the methods to connect with them.
*You get protection from the hookup culture.
*You get guidance & support.

You get everything you need to meet gay men and create meaningful relationships with them. Please click below to begin your introductions:

Life is short - don't waste it on silly people and activities!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► Meet Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our (3P) Process Offers 100% 2nd dates. 87% 6th dates inside Big Gay Family!!!
► No more depression & anxieties due to loneliness!

Ghosting leads to trauma and emotional abuse. Most gay men under the age of 40 are afraid of human interaction and are socially awkward to a degree that they are afraid of human interaction. Exposing yourself to ghosting causes depression, anxieties, and mental health injury. Meeting gay men in places that protect you from ghosting should be your priority at this time.

► 6 Stages For Gay Dating & Gay Relationships:

Discover the stages that make relationships possible. When you meet gay men, you will be going through those stages to create a committed gay relationship. Instead of going randomly through dating, you can date with intent and deliberate action to move from stage to stage and ALWAYS go further than in any other dating strategy.

Check this out:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

Welcome to the Big Gay Family Social Program. Since 2010, we have coached and matched 1,000's of gay men. With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

*You get convenient access to gay men.
*You get the methods to connect with them.
*You get protection from the hookup culture.
*You get guidance & support.

You get everything you need to meet gay men and create meaningful relationships with them. Please click below to begin your introductions:

Life is short - don't waste it on silly people and activities!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► Meet Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here:
► Our (3P) Process Offers 100% 2nd dates. 87% 6th dates inside Big Gay Family!!!
► No more depression & anxieties due to loneliness!

Sex and Sugar are similar in how they affect your health and your wellbeing. Sugar consumption causes bad teeth and bad health (even cancer). Prioritizing sex in relationships also causes extended loneliness and frustrations with gay dating and gay relationships.

This video explains the dynamics of prioritizing sex over emotional connections and communication. Also, you will learn how to think about sex so that you create the most beautiful gay relationship that can last a lifetime!

In the video, I refer to Dr. Berg's channel. Here is the link to his channel:

► 6 Stages For Gay Dating & Gay Relationships:

Discover the stages that make relationships possible. When you meet gay men, you will be going through those stages to create a committed gay relationship. Instead of going randomly through dating, you can date with intent and deliberate action to move from stage to stage and ALWAYS go further than in any other dating strategy.

Check this out:

► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?

Welcome to the Big Gay Family Social Program. Since 2010, we have coached and matched 1,000's of gay men. With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place:

*You get convenient access to gay men.
*You get the methods to connect with them.
*You get protection from the hookup culture.
*You get guidance & support.

You get everything you need to meet gay men and create meaningful relationships with them. Please click below to begin your introductions:

Life is short - don't waste it on silly people and activities!
See you in the program. --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.

► Meet Gay Men Differently:
Single and frustrated? Join Big Gay Family: Visit

What happens when a gay man thinks about sex all the time? He eventually enters a state of mind called arousal. Arousal becomes his daily mental state through which he looks at every gay man around him. Even if someone was offering love, he cannot see it. He can only see flesh and sexuality.

If someone is new to hookup apps, he can witness the arousal state slowly taking him over…he will begin to feel an alternative worldview being conditioned onto him. That alternative worldview is the state of arousal.

Some gay men refuse to participate in that world but most succumb to it. The world of arousal is maintained by an artificially high level of arousal that rarely goes away and keeps a gay man in a prison of possibilities. Because higher-level functioning is not possible in the world of arousal – any attempts to find love are often painful and confusing.

Still single and frustrated? Join Big Gay Family:

Enjoy the video,

► Avoid trauma, toxic men, and abuse:
Meet your new friends, companion & husband inside Big Gay Family Social Program!

Dear Gay Friends,

When people use Grindr, they are often unaware of how unhealthy, and frankly, toxic Grindr is to our minds, consciousness, and spirit. In this video, I bring up the work of David Hawkins about human consciousness. In his book "Power Vs Force" he talks about levels of consciousness ranging from 0 to 1,000. He puts God-Consciousness at level 1000 and shame/guilt/humiliation at level 0.

When you use Grindr, most interactions involve shame and humiliation and therefore occur at the very bottom of human consciousness? Knowing this is helpful because in the pursuit of love and friendship we forget the requirements for love and friendship and we set ourselves up for disappointment every time.

It is helpful to recognize that when we seek friendships and relationships, we require the level of interaction to be in a loving and kind space. Unfortunately, Grindr violates all rules of human interaction, contributing to trauma-bonding, rejections, and devaluation.

To help you see this, I also include a tutorial about email and texting so that you see a comparison of a healthy form of communication and a toxic, Grindr form of communication. By seeing all this, I hope to have persuaded you to get out of Grindr and join a better place for friendships and relationships - Big Gay Family being one option.

Please join us at

► Avoid trauma, toxic men, and abuse:
Meet your friends, companions, husband inside Big Gay Family Social Program!

Link to Dr. Ramani's Channel:

Link to Dr. Carter's Channel:

It is time to talk about the normalization of abuse across the gay culture on Grindr, virtually all hookup apps, and dating platforms. Why are gay men so judgmental and so cruel to each other? Why is abuse so common and why are we doing nothing about it? Why is BDSM normalized and why are words like "Queer" used despite their derogatory meaning?

These questions are important to answer if we want wholesome and loving relationships because in the presence of abuse and trauma those relationships are impossible.

Most of us are familiar with the term homophobia, but very few gay men understand how trauma affects our consciousness, our cognition, and behavior. Homophobia is a real thing - we are surrounded by heterosexual norms that often reject the validity of gayness and negate it - causing gay men to feel worthless, humiliated, and rejected.

We also know that gay men internalize homophobic attitudes and then project them onto other gay men with judgments and criticisms. This is nothing new and most gay men are familiar with the concepts of projection and homophobia.

But what we don't talk about is the presence and effects of trauma on gay men, their identity, principles, and sexuality.

The starting point is to understand that most of us discover life-sustaining principles through our tradition and early years of schooling and we use those principles to stay strong, to find happiness, and to find love.

Trauma in this context is an event or situation that attacks those principles and dissolves them such that we no longer remember them and are left disempowered, victimized, and confused.

This is what we will talk about in this video.

First, we will describe Trauma as an injury to the life-sustaining principles and boundaries and then we will do a demonstration of how trauma works with language, identity, and sexuality.

You will find this video very powerful in revealing to you a hidden form of injury that happens to all gay men and how to heal from it. You will also discover ways to protect yourself from Trauma and how to meet gay men who are available for loving and kind relationships outside of the homophobic attitudes and the tentacles of trauma.

Still single and frustrated? Consider joining Big Gay Family:


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

42 videos

Category People & Family

Paul is the founder of the Big Gay Family Social Program.
Reserve your spot here:

Big Gay Family started in Miami in 2010 as a matchmaking service and since then evolved into a gay social program that includes matchmaking, dating strategy, and over 50 tools for intimacy and communication.

Our main goal is to offer gay men access to each other in a community environment, where everyone is protected from risky situations and dating happens without frustrations and disappointments.

While everyone else is using the "fisherman" approach for dating where men want to "fish out" their lovers, inside Big Gay Family we use a community model.

When you join Big Gay Family, you join a community of 100's of gay men where you get monthly introductions and a powerful methodology for intimacy and emotional connections.

Most of the obstacles that prevented you from meeting the right men are no longer happening because you are now in a different social environment, with the tools and exercises that make relationships extremely easy.

During your membership, you meet 20-24 gay men and get to know them across the span of weeks and months. Out of those friendships, a romantic relationship happens organically without pressure and desperation.

You no longer meet strangers and hope that one day "it happens". You meet gay men inside a community that gives you everything you need to succeed.

Inside Big Gay Family, you get a comprehensive dating strategy that promotes intimacy, strong emotional connections and unlimited opportunities for friendships and relationships.

Outside of a community like Big Gay Family, you meet "Free Agents". Those are men who are not accountable to any social standards and therefore are likely to reject, judge and abandon others.

Therefore, when you join Big Gay Family, you are going to experience a total makeover of your social life. Within just three months, you will meet 6 new men and feel connected in a powerful way. Your hope for love and marriage will return and you will never go back to the old way of meeting men.