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Just my guess, so if you don't like it then make your own!

Well, after winning the space battle against the space pirates, I forgot which stargate I'd need to travel by to return to the planet I went out from... so I went to a random shipyard... in spaaaaaaaaaace!!

I've just gotta nuke 'em all, crispy worlds! ;p

Soary aboot the framerate glitch of insanity, unfortunately I can't fix it. Maybe someday if I have a better computer, then I'll play another game of it.

Eventually I'll get to the Tau Ceti campaign, and maybe buy a whole ton of Starfuries for yeeting at the aliens; but for now, we explore the cosmos of doooooooooooooooom!

This was on sale for $2 abouts on GOG for now, and so far it's okayish IMO despite the whole "comparison is the thief of joy" ordeal so many reviews seemed to have about it there. It's a slight bit more like X than Freelancer really, but I've only done the 1st training mission here at least so my perception is limited obviously.

Help my friend Sam to get his game popular, he's gmx0 on Itch (which is like Steam or GOG, but for those more into programming & Linux nerds essentially.)

The installer didn't work, but downloading directly does. Helps to put it into its own folder, so the associated files have a place to be, and then link a shortcut to wherever makes sense to click it from normally like the desktop.

Mostly building, mostly; until nearly the very end when chancing upon the enemy fleet and bring their doom!!!!!

Guarding the repair bots really requires living on the edge of tomorrow!!

Perhaps I could've spectated more on the battle visible from the perforated ventilation ductwork, however it seemed imprudent to remain in such locations wherein it would be easy to be spotted at least.

Taciturn & fearful of saying the wrong words to hurt feelings, and looking down on those who speak their mind, it's super difficult to guess these functions right?!

Another end of the line, but tons of pirates to blast away in space!!

Apparently pressing the number keys is useful for getting the remote entropy devices back online when they stop working for whatever the deal was. Still a bit of a learning curve, but mostly fun still kinda frankly.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier on normal mode than in lame mode; perhaps as I've speculated verbally enough times already, it's probably due to being able to get better ships & gear faster.

Apparently, I should've upgraded shields & armor a fair bit more before dealing with the marauder homeworld!!!!

Almost made it the first round, but lost the medic and that's unacceptable; so, yeah... no choice but to travel back in time and do things over!

Ultimately, there can be only none!

Space-doom for SPACE-pirates that is! In spaaaaaaaaaace!!!

Well, sorry for the slow start, but I wanted to see if I had missed anything before moving to the next area with bad guys to decrease my health. At least I managed not to run myself over with the RC forklift, that would've been annoying.

Thought I'd have to find and protect some random yuppie, but it was just dealing with snakes disguised as MiB!!


Created 1 year ago.

736 videos

Category Gaming

Hello there,

my name is Ben,
I'm a Christian,
an INTJ with Asperger's,
I care for my silly birds,
& I'm a sci-fi novelist

I've written three books so far, one science fiction novella, one short stories collection, and a political rant booklet. Hopefully I will write many more science fiction novellas, focusing mostly on colonies within the solar system using realistic technology. Eventually. -_-

Here's my author page on amazon:

If anyone would like to help me, here are some ways.


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Stuff for my birds:

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Monetary assistance.

If anyone wants to donate and help me focus on writing novels/articles and/or growing my gaming channels while I can't find regular work, here are these routes.

CashApp: $PsiCorps85

Venmo: @PsiCorps85 (0912)


Any help would be appreciated, thank you.