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Badge vs Mask. Mask WINS!!
Search "Man who killed Detroit police sergeant girlfriend gets probation after self-defense claim."

They GOT what they WANTED, now they don't WANT what they GOT.
Search "Over 500,000 fast-food workers in California just got a huge raise thanks to a new law."

"Do you believe in Jesus? Well, You're gonna meet him." Death Wish 2
Search "Texas dad who told wife she will ‘meet Jesus’ before shooting her dead on camera sentenced to 10 years.

He told GAME OVER!
Search "Mom murdered by boyfriend at home while her 11-year-old-son was ‘playing a game’ in another room and heard them arguing."

Will the "Daily Wire" talk to this man about MARRIAGE?
Search "After 51 Years of Marriage, Man Discovers He is Not the Real Father of His 2 Children."

Western Black women took a huge "L" over this.
Search "British and US women face two years in Bali jail for 'attacking salon staff during row over prices."

ONLY in CONTROLLED settings can women claim to beat men. REALITY differs.
Search "Woman identified in fatal stabbing during argument, fight on Chicago's West Side."

Their argument became a total CAT-astrophe!
Search "Man, 84, beats wife to death during argument over vet bills for cat."

Black men PLEASE don't become "Compromised" just to be with the ABW.
Search "Woman shot after confronting man for punching her mother in the face."

Guess he FINALLY had enough of her.
Search "66-year-old Putnam County man accused of killing his wife."

Maybe she was singing "HIT me with your best shot."
Search "Sterling Heights man accused of killing girlfriend."

Here we go again.
Search "Clinton Twp. man allegedly shoots his wife to death in front of 2 young son."

Remember gents, in the end (Foreign or Domestic)
YOU CHOOSE who's WORTHY of YOUR resources.

It was only a matter of time until this happened. It's on now!!
Search "Man allegedly guns down judge who oversaw his divorce proceedings, manhunt ongoing."

Now the STUDS are catching hands!
Search Crimson Cure "Woman Learns The Hard Way That She's Not A Man."

It's been there for the LONGEST time.
Search "Prostitutes wearing only G-strings are prowling the sidewalks of National City, California."

Let it crash!

Article: ⁣https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-06-07/the-great-diamond-glut-miners-stuck-with-gems-worth-billions

Just an old video where I shatter the NAWALT myth.

Older article, but utter female DEPRAVITY is on display.

Article: ⁣https://palaceintrigueblog.com/2019/07/09/modern-women-will-hook-up-with-child-molesters-and-nazis-as-long-as-the-guy-is-good-looking/

This is gonna be fun!

R Post: ⁣https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/gvfb0v/aita_for_not_paying_more_than_a_small_amount_for/

Move along now the ride is closed ladies.

Article: ⁣https://www.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-sex-lockdown-illegal-093127804.html

Response to a comment and some thoughts connected to it.

Video: https://ipoppingvideos.com/when-a-sexual-harasser-is-a-customer-3-women-twerk-on-target-employee/

Looks like the serpent FINALLY turned on Eve.

Article: https://nypost.com/2020/05/25/indian-man-killed-wife-using-cobra-cops/

You CAN'T blame men for this one! Your Body Your Choice REMEMBER!

Article: ⁣https://www.usnews.com/news/healthiest-communities/articles/2020-05-20/us-births-continue-to-fall-fertility-rate-hits-record-low


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

69 videos

Category People & Family

I'm a married man who fully supports MGTOW. I just do my part to keep more men from coming to the relationship plantation!