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Going through a bunch of ways you can potentially better manage symptoms of ADHD.

List of occasionally updated tips:

Saffron helps ADHD as much as Ritalin (70% reduction) 20 to 30mg saffron capsules per day

Omega 3's
In that study, patients improved their ability to concentrate by an average of over 60% after taking a daily 500-milligram (mg) dose of krill oil (krill oil maybe generally much better than fish oil according to mercola's comparison of the two. Though its not clear if it would be better in this specific case of ADHD) for six months. They also reported a 50% improvement in planning skills and a close to 49% improvement in social skills. (master list)

72% of ADHD kids found deficient --- of those who were deficient supplementing led to a 70% improvement (supplementing non-deficient children is not harmful)
Added B6 may increase the helpful effects

Zinc deficiency can cause ADHD, of 43 ADHD children 30.2% had severe zinc deficiency versus 0% of 28 controls
Toren et al. (1996). Zinc deficiency in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 40(12), 1308-1310.
"In a recent study, 70% of the 20 ADHD cases examined were zinc deficient. Those with lower hair zinc levels reported significantly increased symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity (Elbaz et al., 2016)." (see below link)

Gut bacteria can effect ADHD symptoms and responses to treatment

2500 children who ate a healthy diet, halves risk of ADHD (see picture)

Walking in nature was just as effective as Ritalin in increasing focus (measured right after 20 minute nature exposure) (measured using digit span backwords score only)

Good sleep helps

Having a dog may help

Hippotherapy (horse therapy) seemed to be as effective as Ritalin 50% reduction (or somewhat better)
(see drive other)

TrueHope nutrient formula helps (about 10%)

Lithium Orotate 1mg a day may help

Phosphatidylserine led to a 30% reduction in children's ADHD symptoms at 200mg a day

4 ways of mitigating your symptoms of PTSD.

Occasionally updated tip list:

LSD might be worth trying depending on the severity of your PTSD (note that it is used alongside psychotherapy).

EFT (emotional freedom technique) healed 16 young males of PTSD after only 1 session (of 1 hour)
CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and EMDR (eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing) had similar effects to EFT (though much less studies done on them).
IES (impact of events score) (See drive for PDF other folder)
Another study had 32% reduction (158 particapants) but the participants weren't chosen for having PTSD symptoms. Worked about 10% better in older patients than younger ones.
Another study in veterans had 48% effectiveness
A meta analysis showed that CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and EMDR (eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing) had similar effects to EFT.
(see drive)

MDMA with therapy cured 67% of people (these were people who didn't respond to talk therapy treatment (see below (emotional freedom technique))
3 90 minute preparatory sessions to establish a connection between therapist and client followed by 2 8 hour session while taking 30mg or 75mg or 125mg MDMA at the start of the 8 hour session followed by half that dose given again 1.5 to 2 hours into the session, they than stayed the night onsite and recieved phone phone contact for 7 days along with 3 more 90 minute sessions aimed at integrating the experince. Overall, a course of treatment included 18 h of non-drug psychotherapy and 16–24 h (2–3 sessions) of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. 75mg was most effective (more than 125mg and way more than 30mg) (the two sessions were spaced 1 month apart). Results were tested for a month after the last 8 hour session.
(also see drive other folder)

LSD with exposure to trigger then talking through it has remarkable results in those who don't respond to standard therapy. (LSD has more risks than MDMA)

Inflammation linked to PTSD
Hedges g of -0.68
Could try eating healthier
(see drive other folder)

Some natural ways to reduce anxiety.

List of tips (updated version):

Hyperbolic medication reductions are better than constant reductions (faster at the start, much slower at the end).

52% reduction (study with anxious women)
(See drive other)

Regular exercise reduces anxiety risk by 42%
Svensson M, Brundin L, Erhardt S, Hållmarker U, James S, Deierborg T. Physical activity is associated with lower long-term incidence of anxiety in a population-based, large-scale study. Front Psychiatry.2021;12:714014. doi:3389/fpsyt.2021.714014.
(Also see drive other ski anxiety exercise)
Meta review
(Highly competitive sporting can increase anxiety in women though)

Probiotic yogurt (or even more effective the probiotic capsule) reduced stress anxiety and depression by about 45%
In this study, the probiotic yogurt contained two strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and Bifidobacterium lactis BB12 with a total of min 1 × 107 CFU. The conventional yogurt contained the starter cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Both yogurts’ PH was in the range of 4.3–4.5 and their fat content was 2.5%. The multispecies probiotic capsule contained seven probiotic bacteria spices Actobacillus casei 3 × 103 , L. acidophilus 3 × 107, L. rhamnosus 7 × 109, L. bulgaricus 5 × 108, Bifidobacterium breve 2 × 1010, B. longum 1 × 109, S. thermophilus 3 × 108 CFU/g, and 100 mg fructo-oligosaccharide with lactose as carrier substances.
(see drive other)

Fish oil supplementation (2.5 grams a day) led to a 20% reduction in anxiety but not depression. Was given to non-diagnosed medical students
(Also see drive other fish)

Maladaptive coping
Better coping strategies reduce anxiety
1 point worse coping equaled 1 point worse anxiety, depression, stress
Examples: Avoiding, Seeking distractions, Alcohol/drugs, Denial, Self blame
(see other folder)

People with better lifestyles have lower anxiety
Friends, family, happiness with school, financial resources(?)
1 point worse lifestyle equaled 0.11, 0.36, 0.30 worse anxiety, depression, stress
(see drive anxiety in other folder)

Sauna (far infrared)
17% reduction
Non-anxious (fatigue syndrome)
(See drive other)

Forest bathing 34% reduction in anxiety, reduced confusion, reduced depression/frustration, reduced fatigue

15% to 20% reduction
Healthy subjects

Inositol (serotonin response molecule) 7X reduction in panic score (2.5x better than placebo) as good as benzodiazepines, except not addictive or hard to withdraw from
(see drive)

Slightly more effective than a benzodiazepine in a double blind study (see drive other)

Helps anxiety more than an antidepressant
Help depression more too
Less side effects (but still some side effects)
(see drive other)

Passion flower
Increases GABA (like lemon balm tea)
Just as effective as a benzodiazepine in a double blind study (see drive other)

lemon balm tea helps increase GABA and reducing or stops stress in 70% of people and helps sleep in 80%

Ginkgo biloba
40% reduction (19% placebo)
(See drive other)

Viome microbiome analysis with prescribed nutrients meal plan and probiotics
40% improvement in severe cases of anxiety
15% moderate
18% mild

EFT (emotional freedom technique) helps 10%, or 40% in another study
(see drive other folder)

18% reduction
Healthy subjects
(See drive other)

James greenblatt
Magnesium very important
Vitamin D (or Sunlight)

Gut bacteria Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 led to 25% improvement in anxiety and depression when supplemented
(see drive other)

Progesterone bioavailable saliva test (a hormone that's often deficient that helps with stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, irritability)


List of constantly updated tips:

Other potential points:

Richer people are happier
Married people are happier
A sense of freedom is very important for happiness
People with kids are healthier and happier
Owning your home
Employed people are happier than unemployed (retired people are the happiest)
Christians are happier (and likely other religious people)
Conservatives are happier
Healthier people are happier (mentioned in video)
Sleep is important

**Apologies because I left the blue light filter on my laptop on (which reduced the blue in the slides) (audio is improved)

Risk factors
Females 2X risk
About 21% (3X) of people with a substance use disorder also experience depression
Medical illnesses are linked to depression: heart disease 2X, cancer 4X, schizophrenia 4X
Normally 8% depressed, but the pandemic increased this to 24%
What it is?
Higher brain inflammation leads to depression
The part of your brain that detects and process negativity gets larger
Depressed people are more likely to develop other health issues

The percentage of patients in remission from their depression at 16 weeks did not differ among groups (60.4% [exercise] vs. 68.8% [medication] vs. 65.5% [combination], p = .67). Therefore, exercise was as effective as medication for reducing symptoms of depression in that sample. Interestingly, 10-month follow-up of those participants revealed that exercise group members (70%) had significantly (p = .028) lower rates of depression than those in the medication (48%) or the combination groups (54%)

50% of adults deficient
Supplementation was 68% to 88% effective in deficient adults
30% of depression in the USA is caused by lack of magnesium

Slightly less effective than an antidepressant but much safer

50% reduction

Mediterranean diet
4% med had depression versus 11.2% non-med
31% improvement in another meta-analysis

Helminth therapy (intestinal symbiotic worms)
Shown to provide great benefits (about 90% effective)
(HDC (Rat tapeworm) NA not effective (TTO also not effective (TOS is not a worm TTO is the other human one))
HDC cures many illnesses

Light therapy 45% effective in people who don't even have seasonal disaffected disorder

Vit D
58% of suicidal patients had low vit D which increased pro inflammatory cytokines
vitamin D level below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) had an 85% increased risk of depression compared to those with a level greater than 30 ng/mL
Supplementing vitamin D led to large improvements (28% reduction)
Low folate
leads to a 3x risk of depression
after supplementing folate suicide ideation decreased by 40% and feeling of depression decreased by 36%
Methyfolate decreased symptoms by 72% in another 6wk study (over 60’s) and by 47% in another 4wk study, in another study it was found to be more effective than an antidepressant
In treatment resistant depression 19% achieved remission using folic acid plus SSRI. Using methylfolate and SSRI in another study 32.3% achieved remission versus 14.6 placebo plus SSRI
reduces depression by 70% in persistent severe depression
psychotropic medications was reduced in 18 of the 28 subjects (64%) and non-psychotropic medication was reduced in 71% of patients

Fish oil
Pills store better than a bottle
S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
As effective as an antidepreesent
Less side effects
MP (and many others) cured depression with a carnivore diet
48% resolved, 48% improved, 4% unchanged (for ALL mental illnesses not depression specific (in cited study))
Low cholesterol is associated with much higher levels of violent suicide attempts and to higher overall mortality (even though heart disease goes up)

Don’t recommend
Without antidepressants: About 20 to 40 out of 100 people who took a placebo noticed an improvement in their symptoms within six to eight weeks.
With antidepressants: About 40 to 60 out of 100 people who took an antidepressant noticed an improvement in their symptoms within six to eight weeks. (NIH)
Only more effective than placebo in 51% of randomized trials
56% of people taking SSRI's experience withdrawal effects when stopping (46% experienced severe withdrawal)
SSRI leads to flat emotional affect and causes impotency (no sex)
Similar to SSRI
St. John’s wort (more available neurotransmitters)
5htp or tryptophan (serotonin precursors)
Above would possibly help

Blood sugar levels
Microbiome analysis (Viome)
Talk therapy (more effective than many people think)
Feeling helpless is associated with depression fairly strongly

Psychological Shifts --- that help depression
Meaningful goals
Meaningful social connections
Overcoming childhood trauma
Imagining a positive future
Being valued by society
Connections with nature

Going through a bunch of ways to reduce the risk of dementia in both the general population and the schizophrenic community.

References: (constantly updated)

Fasting leads to a 66% to 70+% recovery from schizophrenia. Well eliminating dairy can help 50% of schizophrenics recover.


Keto is thought to have many similar benefits to fasting. Generally id recommend gluten free then dairy free and low glycemic load. then keto, then carnivore. You should see benefits from these dietary restrictions. You may do fine on gluten and dairy free and keto could be unnecessary to try.

I generally do not recommend full water fasting though it is done quite often in europe for various ailments (full water fasting puts you in ketosis on the fifth day of fasting (the point when Yuri Nikolaev and Abram Hoffer noticed the medicinal improvement), unfortunately you must eventually eat to survive so its not sustainable (unlike keto which maintains ketosis without the calorie deficit). Yuri's recovery rate was also not much higher than traditional pre-antipsychotic recovery rates (the 46% post fasting number not the 70% number when actively in ketosis).
Water fasting also generally requires medical supervision while keto and carnivore do not.

Please see the updated tip list for current diet recommendations:

(fixed audio)

Hoffer A: Treatment of schizophrenia. In eds. Williams RJ, Kalita DK. A Physician’s Handbook on Orthomolecular Medicine. New Canaan, CT, Keats Publishing, Inc. 1977; 83-89.
Newbold HL, Philpott WH, Mandell M: Psychiatric syndromes produced by allergies: ecologic mental illness. J Orthomol Psych, 1973; 2: 84-92.

List of constantly updated tips:

1)Brain Directed Multivitamin (EMPowerPlus)
Creates energy
Helps with pyroluria (Zinc, B6, Manganese, Vitamin C, and Magnesium help this and 50% of schizophrenics may have it)
Cures bipolar (in many studies), helps schizophrenics in one study (7 patients)
People are not getting enough nutrients in their diet
Naturopaths often recommend this
TrueHope offers a 45% discount for those on disability
They make supplement councillors available to adjust dosages
This helped me sleep less and be more active

2)Yokukansan (aka Yi Gan San) doesn't help in one (double blind placebo controlled) but does help in others: 25% improvement positive symptoms, 45% in negative and general symptoms in the PANSS test, severity of schizophrenia down by 60%, stops tardive dyskinesia (87% average reduction).
2.5g powder 3 times a day before meals (7.5g total) or 1.5g extract 3 times a day duration 12 weeks
Google drive
No adverse reaction reported
Doesn't interact negatively with antipsychotic
Haven't researched supplement interactions with other recommended supplements yet.

3)Lion’s Mane Mushroom
Encourages nerve growth, helps fatigue, builds myelin sheaths, protects against neuron death from oxidative or endoplasmic stress (antioxidant activity is however 4x lower than vit C and can be combined with other antioxidants)
25 to 30% improvement to positive negative and cognitive symptoms (though some is placebo, and it was tested in refractory schizophrenics only)
Slows glucose absorption in the gut
27% lower triglyceride levels and 42% less weight gain after 28 days (in mice)
1000mg to 3000mg (2000mg average dose) Amyloban 3399 was used
Other brands work fine, but strengths can be different. I suggest you follow the recommended dosing from your provider
2 studies (small trials (case studies only))
Some of the benefit of Lion's Mane might be similar to the KETO/carnivore diet due to lower triglycerides and lower blood glucose
Those who experienced the greatest improvement in cognition, mood, and sense of well-being were not on any prescription medication such as statins, hypertensive drugs, or blood thinners. Overall, the results of the study showed that Amyloban3399 improved mood, memory, and sense of well-being in 100% of those who were free of any medication.
(Google drive link)
Effect size is not retained (continuous treatment necessary (for above cognition study at least)
Side Effects:
testing in rats @ high doses with no ill effects
Possible allergic reaction to the mushroom in some humans
Lions Mane has long been consumed as food in Asia
Lowers blood sugar
Lowers blood clotting (careful when having surgery, or if prone to bleeding (though no reports of this happening in humans)
blood test (for schizo diagnosis) (seems fairly accurate in young people only, High CRMP2 also causes dendrites to be smaller, potentially fixed by Lion's Mane)

Makes neurons look less sick (healthier non-hyperbranching) in mice
Zinc and B6 also help with this
2 studies in mice, 1 friend who it helped
Thought you should use trimethylglycine (betaine anhydrous) but my friend recommended betaine hydrochloride(?)
Stops working when discontinued
Toru Mizoguchi uses Betaine (Famous Japanese Ortho Psychiatrist)

Many people believe energy systems in the body are effected by schizophrenia. Including the main source of cell energy the mitochondria. Therefore taking some supplements for energy may provide a large benefit.
I'd recommend magnesium, b vitamins including b12, CoQ10, NAD boosters such as nicotinamide riboside (NR) acetyl l carnitine, french oak extract, two people had benefit from alpha lipoic acid (strong antioxidant so perhaps don't mix with cod liver oil), PQQ has be known to provide energy benefits also (though it is a strong antioxidant so perhaps don't take cod liver oil and PQQ at the same time (switch to regular fish oil for a period) (acts similar in some ways as lions mane), exercise also helps energy (see above), fisetin, brahmi,

0:00 Intro
0:23 EMP+
4:31 Yi Gan San
7:19 Lion's Mane Mushroom
10:26 Betaine
13:35 CoQ10
15:03 Summery

8 things you can do to beat bipolar (or at least massively reduce its severity).

TrueHope brain directed multivitamin cures bipolar (~80%)
(TrueHope offers 45% off if you are currently on disability)

Constantly updated list:

Keto diet (see drive keto schizophrenia) effectively treats bipolar (58% improvement)

NAC 2 grams a day (d = 1.04) and a chelated mineral and
vitamin formula (TrueHope's) (d = 1.70) helped recovery from bipolar. And for mania a chelated mineral formula (d = 0.83), L-tryptophan (d = 1.47), magnesium (d = 1.44), folic acid (d = 0.40) all helped mania by that amount
(see drive for more data (meta analysis)) non schiz folder

Carnivore diet (see drive carnivore) experimental treatment likely helps slightly more than keto (or about the same)

Helminths likely helps (HDC) 95% effective, little side effects (sample size was only 5 people though) (see drive)

Bipolar list
fish oil helps (somewhat with depression symptoms)
Choline (may help)
Inositol (may help, it does help a lot with panic attacks)

Going through a comprehensive list of methods for curing TD through lifestyle, supplements and pharmaceuticals. Also a brief discussion of Akathisia, Parkinsonism and Acute Dystonia.



30% improvement to brain power from exercise plus PANSS score reductions.


I go through a step by step program to further your recovery from schizophrenia and compare it to the effectiveness of antipsychotic medication in reducing your symptoms of schizophrenia.

Complete list of recovery tips can be found here:

(above link has all the science papers in it used for this video)
and here for diagnosing schizophrenia:

The method elucidated in this video may also be effective if you have treatment resistant schizophrenia with antipsychotic medication not working for you; trying these steps may still improve your condition by the mentioned effect sizes. Schizophrenia is very heterogeneous (different in different people).

The numbers we achieve in this video (on the high end) are about the same as the effectiveness of clozapine which is the most effective antipsychotic currently available, with an average effectiveness of 88% in reducing schizophrenia symptoms. Clozapine is only used for those who have treatment resistant schizophrenia due to risk of causing low white blood cell counts which can be fatal.

0:00 The needed effect size
0:53 Cod Liver Oil
2:42 Zinc
3:54 KETO / Gluten Free
6:02 Exercise
7:35 Occupational Engagement
10:08 Raloxifene
11:47 Adding up the effect sizes
16:13 Potential Problems
16:55 CBD Oil or a Low Dose Antipsychotic
18:29 My Experience
19:33 Conclusion

20 (10 without placebo) fish oil4 month on 4 month off. 27 with vitamin e and c 400iu e and 500mg c was used. Some cod liver oil would likely have the 27% effect in itself though the fish oil used in their study had higher EPA than DHA and could be preferred) regular dose amounts were used similar to what's written on fish oil bottles.

30 zinc largely retained 30% pos and neg panns. 10% cog 18% total panns placebo accounted for. Other NMDA receptor effectors like sarcosine not as effective. 25mg a day for 6 weeks. Study used much more but that's risky for low red blood cell count without copper supplementation.

7 - 55 (say 20) keto, gluten free may achieve a positive effect of unknown size if you don't want to go all the way keto. Placebo accounted for
Keto 12% shorter lifespan at less than 30% carbs could be double at 5% carbs

23 occup 23 pos mid 40 pos highly occupied - exercise (3x a week 20 to 60 min each session, aerobic exercise ,plus weights?) and weight reduction. Not clear if occup led to reduction or reductions caused increased occupation.
Needs to be enriched, social meaningful different environments ect..
Exercise for 30% cognitive boost
Less than 3 min calorie counting or better yet eat healthy

9-16 (say 16) reloxefene placebo accounted for
60mg a day for 12 weeks in one study, slight risk of blood clot

67% to 88% on positive symptoms of schizophrenia
64% to 84% no reloxefene 58% if u cut the mid occupation effect in half
Including 1 placebo effect with fish oil
You may be a stronger or less strong responder within the high and low aver

Going through the factors that contribute to shortened life expectancy in schizophrenics.

Blog (with links to a variety of topics including a comprehensive cheat sheet for overcoming the disease):

15 years lower lifespan
8 years Ontario canada
10 - 25 years range
20x risk of suicide (usually with disease onset, 12% risk versus 0.6% general population) (15% total deaths to suicide)
Schizophrenics less likely to receive treatment for health complaints across the board
50% less likely to get mammogram
Blacks 40% less likely to get mammogram
Difference is still noticable for thinks like heart medically nescery heart surgery
2x risk for altimers (10% over age of 65 normally have it)
Smoking (7-10 years deficit, lungs heal completely after 20 years not smoking, partially much quicker, 80% of schizo smoke versus 20% general population)) , inactivity (30% increased risk compared to the moderately active), poverty (18.5% average double effect for men half for women lowest class to middle class age adjusted mortality rate
) diet (watch heart disease, test lipids) and isolation all contribute (adequet social connection reduces risk of death by 50% comparable to giving up a 15 cigarette a day habit.
Obese 5 years less, overweight 2. Some mixed
8*.6=4.8 smoking
38*.12=4.56 suicide
+2=11.36 weight
30% inactivity
18.5% class
50% social isolation
Marriage 50% decrease to risk of death

People who smoke 25 cigarettes a day or more have three times the risk for heart attack or stroke and are nearly five times more likely to die of heart disease or stroke.
Study had
Adults with schizophrenia were more than 3.5 times (all-cause SMR,(standardized mortality rate) 3.7; 95% CI, 3.7-3.7) as likely to die in the follow-up period as were adults in the general population. Cardiovascular disease had the highest mortality rate (403.2 per 100 000 person-years) and an SMR of 3.6 (95% CI, 3.5-3.6). Among 6 selected cancers, lung cancer had the highest mortality rate (74.8 per 100 000 person-years) and an SMR of 2.4 (95% CI, 2.4-2.5). Particularly elevated SMRs were observed for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (9.9; 95% CI, 9.6-10.2) and influenza and pneumonia (7.0; 95% CI, 6.7-7.4). Accidental deaths (119.7 per 100 000 person-years) accounted for more than twice as many deaths as suicide (52.0 per 100 000 person-years). Nonsuicidal substance-induced death, mostly from alcohol or other drugs, was also a leading cause of death (95.2 per 100 000 person-years).

Alzheimer's rate at age 80 70.2% versus 11.3% without schizophrenia
Car accidents double per mile driven but most schizophrenics drive way less or not at all.
Diabetes 2-5x greater
Prevalence of diabetes is estimated 1.27–1.63 fold
higher in medication-naïve patients with schizophre-
nia as compared with the general population in the

Changing your mind space and mental environment to manifest health.

Points I missed:
Open dialogue
- Two therapists usually present, sometimes 3
- Antipsychotics are only prescribed as last resort and all treatments are openly discussed and agreed upon (with the possibility of antipsychotics discussed at least 2 meetings before it is actually prescribed)
- Therapists only talk about the patient when they are present, and consider the clients situation openly between themselves in front of the client
- Open dialogue's methods may have to be changed to suite different cultural situations
Internal locus of control
- Having a weak spiritual vibe with close friends and a close community of weak spiritual energies allows you to be pushed and pulled by the winds of spiritual energy in the wider world. Therefore fostering close friendships and community connections and interactions help.


0:00 Intro
0:29 Open Dialogue
13:49 Internal locus of control
19:35 Occupational engagement
22:34 Brain training
24:57 Overprotective parenting
25:55 Improving your social status
27:44 Managing stress
28:59 Outro

I share a series of tips that can reduce your chances (or the chances of a loved one) from going on to develop schizophrenia.

((I adjusted the video framing and reshot the video (I'm still getting used to the art of video making:) I had cut-off the top of my head in the previous upload (thinking the angle was better) but it was distracting. Hang in their peeps still getting a handle on it))

The full tip list can be found here:

It has a link to almost all the science mentioned in this video (some info is from google)

Video points:

Schizophrenia can develop at any age. 70% under 30, under 12 Extremely unlikely.
If u have close relatives it is more likely
40 to 65% twin
10% one parent
10% risk if your sibling has it
50% two parents

A dog 25% less risk between age 1 to 3
Cat doubles risk of exposed between age of 9 to 12 12 was cut off in the study

Low abuse child abuse 2.8x
low stress
Recent stressful life events 10% increase to schizophrenia
Poverty 2x Children who are liked more less likely to develop schizo
Support network unknown
Parents married less then 2 years 50% increased
2 to 4 years 30% increased risk
Likeable children at 50% lower risk mostly* not if high poverty and worsening neighborhood
Get married unknown
Ethnic difference 3.5x black 3x Hispanic in america
Bacterial infection during pregnancy 1.8 odds ratio, 2.9 in multisystematic infection, 1.6 localized infection, men 2.6 odds ratio difference, women no difference

Country vs city 2x
Pollution nitrogen dioxide cause schizo (is higher in cities)

Vit d summer babies 20% lower than winter babies
Choline supplementation reduces risk unknown
Extreme Excess methionine in pregnancy causes schiz 2x? in extreme cases.
Fish oil 4x improvement

No LCD ,
psychedelics, PCP, unknown , each trip increases risk
amphetamines (Ritalin causes stimulate psychoses in 0.1% of people, Meth causes it in 36.5%)
high THC skunk marijuana used daily 5x risk, smoking at least 5 times regular marijuana doubles risk

update: risk for developing schizo after drug induced phychosis (after actually losing touch with reality)

cannabis (6 studies, 34%, CI 25%–46%), hallucinogens (3 studies, 26%, CI 14%–43%) and amphetamines (5 studies, 22%, CI 14%–34%). Lower rates were reported for opioid (12%), alcohol (10%) and sedative (9%) induced psychoses

Transition of substance-induced, brief, and atypical psychoses to schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Benjamin Murrie, Julia Lappin, Matthew Large, Grant Sara

Schizophrenia bulletin 46 (3), 505-516, 2020

Blind people don't get schizophrenia 100%

In mice
Late stage adolescent antipsychotics prevented full blown schizo
Low intensity Exercise ameliorates many symptoms but not all

Cognitive deficits in children of schizophrenics
Children with FHR-SZ were significantly impaired compared with controls on processing speed a

About 19% of schizophrenia cases are misdiagnosed and 28% of schizoaffective cases are misdiagnosed too. While 25% of psychoses cases are eventually changed to a schizophrenia or schizoaffective diagnosis.

Other studies 46% 23% 19% (most common) and 15% miss diagnose accuracy (2016 meta anaylsis) (schizophrenia) schizoaffective 28% misdiagnosis (average) schizoaffective is a mood disorder with schizophrenia symptoms too.
51% misdiagnosed according to one study 2019 (schizo+ schizoaffective)
Voices and anxiety must likely miss TD confirmd
10% of people hear voices
Schizo checklist diagnosis at fault
Bi polar also hear voices, quite a few reasons u may hear voices such as stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, hunger, or prescribed medications or street drugs)
Panic attacks look similar to phychosis
4 to 28% of people experience phychotic symptoms. While 1% have schizo.
Also non schizophrenia diagnosis often turns into schizophrenia diagnosis about 25% usually a phychosis non specified, a drug induced phychosis Or delusion disorder. More rare could be bipolar, depression ADHD also?
Anxiety disorder 6 (14% (half list for 81% accurate (this is schizo+schizoaffective)
Major depression 5 (12%
Bipolar I or II 4 (9%
Psychosis NOS 3 (7%
No diagnosis 1 (2%
Dysthymic disorder 1 type of mood disorder
Autism spectrum 1
Mood disorder NOS 1
Anxiety present odds of switching diaognosis from schizo 8.47 odds ratio (half this) (anxious patents often report hearing voices that is different than schizo
Absence of TD was associated with switches from schizo diagnosis 7.11 odds ratoio (high miss diagnose study
TD present usually confirmed diagnosis

Google drive link to studies:

Complete list of tips:


Binance Coin (BNB) address:

Polkadot (DOT) address:

XRP (XRP) (Ripple) (note memo and address are both needed)

I didn't set up a Bitcoin (BTC) or an Ethereum (ETH) address due to high fees. DO NOT send Bitcoin to the above addresses, only send the appropriate cryptocurrency to the appropriate address.

You can contact me at the below email (if you want to discus something or verify I received a crypto tip):
[email protected]

Supplements from the scientific literature that have proven to help improve schizophrenia outcomes. A follow up to "7 Supplements for Schizophrenia".

Full list of tips is on BlogSpot here:

0:00 Intro
0:35 MethylFolate
7:02 Zinc
9:55 Sarcosine
13:41 L-Thianine
14:35 Lysine
15:00 Metformin, Statins, Calcium channel blockers
17:18 Conclusion

8 Supplements for Schizophrenia

MethylFolate (effects the turnover of monoamines including dopamine and saratonin, helping make them along with DNA, vascular system with homocysteine)
Red blood cell folate not serum level below 200 ug/1 entered the double-blind, placebo-controlled (31%to12%)
Half symptoms in the clinical rating scale
trial of treatment with methylfolate 15 mg daily for 6 months, 7.5mg a day is enough though

Not tested for low folate
FOLH1 484T/T works(A) and 484C carrier doesnt
10% after placebo 20% before

10% effect supplement folic acid @2mg in those with high homocysteine

Side effects very rare

They now fortify foods with folate

Check google drive link for many of the scientific studies here:

Zinc (NMDA) zinc definency in schizos
Zinc supplementation leads to 30% reduction in negative symptoms 30% reduction to positive symptoms 10% cognitive symptoms. Much lower aggresion score. It affects the nmda function, lowering it. And also helps with inflammation You can check out the study. They used 50mg zinc 3 times a day for 6 weeks. But that amount of zinc may cause problems could try 25-40mg a day. For 6 wks. Zinc can cause lower red blood cell counts so discontinue if u start getting light headed.

Sarcosine (NMDA)
15% improvement to PANSS scores negative
15% to total panss score after placebo
2g a day
One study showed 5% after placebo
positive cogitive depression scores
Antiaxiety fixed (as much as antiaxiety meds)
Ocd 20% help
Odd slightly helped
Hypomanic symptoms decreased need for sleep elevated libido and mood

200mg twice a day
22 pos
26% neg
23% general

L thianine
33 pos
31 neg
30 general

250 once a day
10% effect no placebo was used for comparison

Quality of life went down slighly in both placebo and l thianine along with global functioning scores
L thiamine
helps schiz sleep and tinnitus increases gaba neurotransmitter plus nauroprotective plus effects glutemate NMDA receptor. Placebo had large effect too (but l thiamine was greater)-- power of belief. Found in green tea, there were no adverse side effects reported in either study.

Better positive symptoms (likely not worth trying similar to placebo effect

biguanides (metformin) 27% reduction, 36% self harm

Statins, associated with 0.75 hazard ratio of getting hospilized in schizophrenia compared to those not taking them. (25% reduction, 45% reductio

Updating the Adrenochrome Theory of Schizophrenia by Abram Hoffer with 21st century methods for reducing adrenochrome by increasing NAD.

Keto, reduced inflammation, calorie restriction and low level laser therapy all increase NAD and they may increase it a lot, unfortunately i just couldnt find any effect sizes for them in any science papers as of yet.

1. Abram Hoffer died in 2009 not in the 1990s (mark 0:55)
2. Dopamine is increased by stress along with adrenaline which go onto increase adrenochrome (7:25 mark)


The PowerPoints are now in the google drive link

After two years I am back in front of the camera again, making more videos.
I will be making 3 to 4 videos a month for the next year.
Thank You for sticking with the channel.
Take care--

Sharing the data on the benefits of yoga for schizophrenia.


Going through the efficacy and side effects of a bunch of antipsychotics.

Antipsychotics ranked

Aripiprazole lai (long acting injectable)
Aripiprazole pills
Paliperidone lai
Risperidone lai
Invega (paliperidone) pill or risperidone pills
Amisulpride (available in Europe but not North America)(very effective though)
*Clozapine as last resort only

My blog:

*Doctors are as good as can be expected (for a human) at diagnosing schizophrenia and prescribing antipsychotics. Where they lack competency is in treating schizophrenia with nutrition, psychological and lifestyle methods (as of the current Standard of Care treatment model used by the majority of psychiatrists today). Diagnostics and other treatment methods are constantly improving though.


(Both in google drive)

Scientifically objective tests for accurate diagnosis of schizophrenia. Aiming to improve treatment adherence and prognosis for the schizophrenic community.


Eye tracking
eye test link+

sentence coherence

Microbiom (throat swab) (new)

fMRI blood flow in brain

brain chem (MRI is used)

blood test

Time Perception

retina electric response

Memory test. Possible in youth

My facebook page link

Participants were administered a structured interview
that we had designed in order to elicit
uninterrupted speech. Questions included queries
such as “What would someone have to do if they
wanted to smoke a cigarette/wash their hair/do their
laundry”, as well as “tell me the story of Cinderella/
Romeo and Juliet”. Responses to these types of
questions tend to follow standard script-like themes.
Questions also included more abstract themes such as
“What is free-will/what is democracy/why do some
people believe in God?” (A complete interview is
available from the authors (BE) upon request).
Participants generally spoke for a minute or two in
response to each question, and no response was less
than eight words. )
82% accuracy for cinder cause longer answers then laundry (80%
100% with 1 hour interview about future plans with 5% chance of error in nature article

Used 8 word moving window compared to question
Used syntax too (most important var.)
Stepwise regression was used with 3-5 variables

check out zinc supplementation its in the complete list at bottom. very promising
also Sarcosine and L theanine

1) NAC (may be helpful in making you feel more normal then hyper or manic for me anyway but made me feel too low mood)
may help schizo positive and negative symptoms (15% improvement to panss scores) but may? might? hurt cognitive function (small none conclusive effect)
i used 2g for 5 days then switched to 500mg for three weeks. could try a little for not long for lower mood (less long then me?) but i don't recommend. On the other hand it does help many people and i may have been an outlier. I believe it said only 1/3 of people get depressed while taking.
If feel upset stomach (discontinue?) May cause lack of bowel movements (discontinue?)
4 months to 2 months 2g a day in studies take with vit c (2-3x) and water may need zinc copper supplementation (affects not retained according to study but seem to be pretty well retained but likely just slowly wares off once discontinued

2)sodium benzoate (it is a common food preservative)
looks promising need to research more
it helps symptoms of schizo
1 gram a day oral (6 weeks in their study saw improvement week by week
20% reduction in positve and negative PANSS score
big quality of life improvement, depression improvement, 20% Global assesment of function improvement
worked best on risperidone haloperidol? . Chinese study showed it helped with clozapine and was better at 2 gram a day (treatment resistant schizo) but only 10% improvement to panss and global assesment of function. placebo helped cognitive functions more while benzoate made no change P values all none significant. Only 6 people in each group. While first study showed cognitive function improvement more robust study.
safe at that dose level
Since glycine affect largely retained this effect might also be. But unsure.

3)Raloxofene Adjunct helps PANS score (20% improvement) may hurt global cognitive functioning 60mg a day for 12 weeks (slight risk of blood clut)
Meta analysis

4)curcumin (1) (make sure to use extra bioavailable version. theracurmin double strength is what i used) ( it is also powerful antioxidant)
pepper can increase the amount of antipyschotics in your system i believe so try to avoid curcumin with peperine.
5)Vitamin B supplementation has some effects more so early on in illness
J. Firth, B. Stubbs, J. Sarris, S. Rosenbaum, S. Teasdale, M. Berk, A. R. Yung. The effects of vitamin and mineral supplementation on symptoms of schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 2017; 1 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291717000022

may help cognitive function makes more serotonin
might help decrease affect of to much dopamine
worth trying

7)Fish oil (omega 3's) (400% increase in recovery rate (but was used for at risk people before disease developed still beneficial after it develops though for neurogenesis and proper brain function) (20% improvement for established schizophrenia and affect seems to be retained if you discontinue after 4 months (they stopped oil 4 months later still great outcome)) (omega 6's are bad) (they had them taking some vit c with fish oil in the established schiz study)

additional additions
ginkgo biloba
panax ginseng

also the amino acid Lysine may help.

Full List of Recovery Tips[0]=68.ARBVFKN_AzJySKODe3QBQqx1kUPI2HDIYmHmQkGkUsQRDEuuQas_5gK527ILrBsWFp2APYied9PWX-g6H9AnGGN7WH823fh508aEvK9G0xfgiNyt77UmVIEhMrgCXFt7-dFeAhhpbIZnpiOMl0f1oHPWv2fzY3gQkvdSysR7ViS7p5wvufbNu8xcGAm-Q0ms_7S3eNLxFfb-DB2JMiTaP5pSPYhTsPUIv4Yp3zJ-NsUiknWpNo0cUgr5y505wupSpw5AxukXBiHtYsKuO4OKMC9bdx6shTl8eO-jAWKWQBoSh5Tlx5_FVsYBLsbPh6M4olTRZKeLWCGQKXg5wDrfqdY&__tn__=K-R

Personal tips gleaned from the scientific literature about improving schizophrenia outcomes.

The full list of tips is available on facebook as everything didn't fit in the description. Please check it out HERE:
It will be updated periodically

(in order of importance)

Medication minimum effective dose (doubles good outcomes) (Though leads to higher risk of relapse in short term) (overall recovery rate may interest you at 7 year mark)
helps cognitive function (june 2018)

Fish oil (omega 3's) (400% increase in recovery rate (but was used for at risk people before disease developed still beneficial after it develops though for neurogenesis and proper brain function) (20% improvement for established schizophrenia and affect seems to be retained if you discontinue after 4 months (they stopped oil 4 months later still great outcome)) (omega 6's are bad) (they had them taking some vit c with fish oil in the established schiz study)

Aerobic exercise (1)(30% improvement to brain power.) (new link)

Yoga vs aerobic exercise (studies show that yoga is even more effective then aerobic exercise when they have been compared (Seems to affect positive and negative symptoms much more while exercise helps brain power. different effects.?) (have to look into more) They both help! (need a study comparing brain power affect between the two. seem to be alot of studies comparing PANS scores) ( (drive with pdf studies and some other studies plus HTML backups)

socialization and useful occupation (place in universe) supportive friends family ( I'm TUFR strategy) (I’M TUFR strategy)

sex (1) (sex and religious devotion are largely interchangeable and likely complimentary)

Brain excersize tool (still looking into. Better then vid games not as fun)
video games (other brain exercises may alleviate structural brain abnormalities)

meditation (1)
calorie restriction (1) (A calorie counter is recommended such as myfitnesspal on android and iphone)
curcumin (1) (make sure to use extra bioavailable version. theracurmin double strength is what i used)
vit B
enriched environment (1)
sunlight (1) (new)


John Nash thought living a quiet life free from grandiose visions helped him recover. A low class, humble, plus low craving existance cuts down on the extra dopamine flouting around i believe. Which should help.

Vitamin B supplementation has some effects more so early on in illness
J. Firth, B. Stubbs, J. Sarris, S. Rosenbaum, S. Teasdale, M. Berk, A. R. Yung. The effects of vitamin and mineral supplementation on symptoms of schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 2017; 1 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291717000022

I have found it very very helpful to have some olanzapine around in case of a flare up you can take some as needed (prn) as a temporary protective boost.

Long acting medication or oral aripiprazole leads to 33% reduction in mortality taking no medication increases risk of death by 56%

(Toronto talk with good speakers
Oxford + american
( speakers)

Olanzapine is considered not a good choice because of weight gain and metabolic problems

Check lipids. Heart disease biggest cause of illness. Schiz less likely to recieve treatement for all diseases

Smoking, inactivity, diet, lonliness, poverty (all problems around schizophrenia for health)

Measure waist circumfrance

"go low go slow" with antiphychotics

If two or three different atypical antiphychotics had no postive effect on symptoms and clozapine has then been tried with no effect on symptoms then no medication should be precribed to atleast prevent the negative side effects of the drugs.

Response (R)

Going through some points I jotted down


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

25 videos

Category Health & Medical

Tips for recovering from schizophrenia, along with information aimed at improving the standard of care for schizophrenia patients throughout the care pipeline. In addition to trying to prevent people from going on to develop schizophrenia if they are at risk. Plus comprehensive world class tips for recovery from other common mental disorders.

My blog: (with complete tip lists)

My website:

[email protected] (email)
Threema id: WV8Y35Z9


Website has links to odysee and rumble.

All science references can be found on my blog.

**This channel is 100% focused on healing those with schizophrenia and has not sold out to any party that has different goals**