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There is strong evidence that there is a magnetic side effect that seems to be related to the vaccine. But how can that be? There’s a lot of video footage of people with some minor effects. But some people are getting major effects by the vaccine too. This needs to be further investigated. Some doctors are investigating this in other countries but in America it’s still looked at as taboo.

I noticed that this video use to be on YouTube but then it was censored. Why would they censor a phenomenon that needs to be further investigated? This is disinformation to hide it from the general public. Why is it that America is still in the dark ages when other countries are investigating it and talking about it in their news media?

Changes are coming soon in my life.... like losing my job 😔🙏

What Is The Truth?


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

3 videos

Category Vlogging

We currently live in a world that is dark, twisted and demonic. There are things going on in this world that is hidden in the shadows. There is an agenda currently being played out by darkness to destroy us all but how?

We currently live in a time where we who seek truth are being silenced by those who seek to define it for us. But what is truth? So many people have their opinions and their experts to help proclaim their opinions to be fact. But everyone can’t be right. So really, what is the truth?

Our physical eyes might deceive us but by the knowledge of our spiritual eyes, may the Holy Spirit within us that Accept him, teach us and show us truth that is being hidden from us.

Seek first truth in the light so that the light might show you truth outside of it. For truth outside of tHe light is not really truth at all.

May our eyes be open to see truth so that we might be set free in the knowledge of that truth.