We Exposed Bluewater Satanic Cult✔️

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We Exposed Bluewater Satanic Cult✔️

Interpol sent me to expose Bluewater rabbi


Just a "Remember by Janine"

This is a dedication to Bluewater - the number 1 scammer on BitChute because his favorite "grifters" ignore him and make him cry for attention.

Bluewater is a Satanist. And he loves Trump.
Trump doesn't even know Bluewater exists.
Trump is pro-God.
Bluewater hates God. He calls him "dog".
Bluewater hates the Bible. He calls it bullshit.
Trump loves the Bible.
Trump hates Satan.
Trump is a political juggernaut.
Bluewater is an internet bug.
Bluewater believes that Trump is "that" savior.
Trump wants to cleanse the world of satanists.
Trump wants more Christianity for the USA.
Bluewater wants only 5D alien blonde supermodels.
We have a problem!

How long will it take for Trump to crush this internet bug?
And how long will it take until Bluewater hates Trump?

Unleash your imagination in the comments below.

If YOU are new here and don't know what the hell is going on, and want to have fun off clowns, here's what you need to know:

1. Bluewater is a Cult leader. He is a satanist.

2. Cristian21 is his protégé.

3. Leon (the bald guy) is Cristian21's best friend. He was in prison.

4. Pixie is a toy woman. Cheap.

5. All four are bipolar. It's a Club. On meds.

6. Cristian21 & Leon are hobo. Pixie let them live with her.

7. Together with Bluewater, they created stories for children. They became more and more popular with the elderly and gen-z public.

8. Bluewater has a thing for Pixie.

9. Christian21 has a thing for Pixie.

10. Leon has a thing for Cristian21.

11. Pixie doesn't have a thing for either of them; she just wants a house with garden.

12. They ran out of material for their stories.

13. Bluewater is afraid that Cristian21 is no longer feeding his Cult. He ran out of ideas.

14. The public suspects something...

15. Bluewater makes 50k per week from donations.

16. Leon wants his best friend back. And money.

17. Bluewater does not want to share Cristian21. And money.

18. Bluewater does not like being dethroned from the Cult he founded.

19. Leon must disappear.

20. Pixie complied with Bluewater's order and kicked Leon out. He lives in a van.

21. Pixie saw the van, and thought she was being harassed by creeps.

22. Cristian21 got angry with Leon and no longer replies to his emails.

23. Leon made this video to get revenge on Bluewater and Pixie.

24. Bluewater finally got rid of Leon.

25. Pixie is still waiting for the house with garden.

26. Leon is on the run.

27. Christian21 rebranded as Krystian21 is nowhere to be found.

28. Bluewater was dumped AGAIN ! He is still trying to get rid of the dark attachments. His new nickname is BLOWFISH !

Bluewater Discipol at his Finest

Rob's knows that the real Jesus is felt in the heart at a certain moment in life, and in no case HE is perceived from images altered by pagans/satanists who like to invert any sacred symbol!
It is only a matter of time until every human will reach the famous "Jesus Moment" in life.
The question is not "IF" but it is "WHEN?"
The clock is ticking. Satan is running out of time.
Tik Tok, Tik Tok mf !!! 🖕🖕

This looney claims to be talking to Q and "mom and dad". In his view, mother being princess Diana and father an alien disguised as Trump...
He has a list of demands:
1. He wants Q to block the "trollers" so they don't bother him anymore.
2. He wants the "trufers" out, because they are not needed anymore.
Cookoo ?!

If Jim Carrey was able to save himself, then it is possible that Satanist Rabbi Bluewater can also save himself before it's too late.

" Bluewater, leave the darkness behind, stop your obsessive vendetta with grifters (your suffering) and cleanse your soul. Let it go! Accept Jesus into your life ! "

Bluewater's memorable quotes:
" Do exactly what I say or you will be blocked ! "
" No negativity allowed here, but allowed towards the grifters I want ! "
" Trust me, because I say so; what other ASSperts say is bullshit "
" Don't throw money to grifters, but give them to me because I take better care of them "
" Don't expect my predictions to come true, it can happen anytime, even in 20 years. But if it happens - see, I told you ! "
For new users who don't know who Bluewater is:
- formerly known as Crapwater
- is a Cult leader
- he is 61 years old
- his real name is Raymond Miranda
- he is a Mexican immigrant from the 60s. He came to the US for a better life, but instead, he found jack shit.
- he has no education and school, so he hates all those who have a PhD
- but he likes playing the role of a PhD
- he is bipolar - he radically changes his attitude/mood from one video to another,
- he was a failed disco DJ in the 80s (in his basement),
- he never shows his face to avoid the responsibility of his scenarios that never come true,
- He is a hypocrite: he does not accept negativity, but encourages negativity towards others,
- he loves blondes; the younger the better,
- he hates God and Jesus, so logically, he is a Satanist
- expects to ascend to 5D in November 2023,
- he convinced everyone that NESARA will come in 2022,
- loves urine more than beer,
- he loved Janine enormously, but now she earns more than him, so she is on his black list,
- he loves tarot but doesn't want to admit it,
- He consider that chemtrails are beneficial for our health, they are cures,
- he hates Charlie Ward because he's a kingpin mobster, but he is just an immigrant with no career,
- he hates Max Igan because he wrote books, but he only wrote suburban idioms on the internet,
- he spends all day on tiktok where he gets videos from... and he is 60-ish !
- claims to help people with donations - helped one user with rent in the most expensive city, Brussels. Reallocation doesn't matter. The next sponsored location with donations will probably be Beverly Hills !
- he's a felon - he bragged about tricking the IRS all his life,
- he claims to be protected by aliens, and for this reason BitChute cannot block him. But YouTube could. It seems that YouTube is not afraid of his aliens friends.
- he doesn't like people with big ego, but, all his comments are based on his fucked up ego,
- he can't do internet interviews to help people because that would mean taking responsibility for his mugshot. But he likes to stay hidden and spit on others who put their ass on the line !
- nothing of what he predicts comes true, but his followers (cultists) believe him blindly because they are friends with this person whom they have never met in real life,
- his followers are a bunch of idiots who love a character and not a real person. This character is meticulously constructed to compensate for his real-life wastefulness.

This is how Bluewater Cultists behave when you approach them. All of them !
They worship Satan and go into fibrillations when you pronounce the Jesus name.
Bluewater is a famous satanist. He hates Jesus guts.

What the gurus and the cultists like Bluewater fail to understand is that Christians celebrate Christmas thinking (and feeling) about the Holy Event and the character of Jesus who left behind something (unlike others), NOT his fabricated photo with unprovable gestures, and NOT a date thrown on the calendar, which can be endlessly twisted and speculated by anyone!
And we certainly do NOT celebrate the buffoon Santa Claus (he is just a pretext to bring presents to the kids and make them behave nicely).

Now, if you believe in that Event or not, that's a completely different story... or, you can adopt the New Age trends and wait for the aliens to come and save you...
like Mithra, Ra, Horus, Inanna, Shamash, Dionysus, Athena, Apollo, Osiris, Isis, Seth, Anubis, Zeus:
... like they did in WW1 and WW2,
... how they prevented Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
... as they cancelled the communist massacres,
... how they made the nazis a myth, etc etc
You got the sarcasm, right?

This was a response to Bluewater's latest satanic thumbnail:

This is a Christmas present for Bluewater.
He loves blondes. The younger, the better.
He is 60. Unfortunately, he doesn't believe in Christmas and he thinks that Jesus is a joke.
Oh well, he made a choice. He is a Satanist after all. Free will.
No grudge from me, MERRY CHRISTMAS, "Blu" ! 🎅


According to Bluewater (a well known satanist on BitChute), his followers should ascend into 5D this November !
Good riddance ! 🖕
source/credits: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xBSLUVXUkiAT/

Since Bluewater have off-planet intel, heres proof of his FAKE predictions:

A compilation of his 2023 5D lies - https://i.imgur.com/H1EZOO2.jpg

Prediction about March 2023 - https://i.imgur.com/ZnrpP7v.jpg

Predictions from 2022 about NESARA - https://i.imgur.com/e6ibPFz.jpg

Predictions from 2022 about Trump & 5D - https://i.imgur.com/yo4cCBh.jpg
For new users who don't know who Bluewater is:
- formerly known as Crapwater
- is a Cult leader
- he is 61 years old
- his real name is Raymond Miranda
- he is a Mexican immigrant from the 60s. He came to the US for a better life, but instead, he found jack shit.
- he has no education and school, so he hates all those who have a PhD
- but he likes playing the role of a PhD
- he is bipolar - he radically changes his attitude/mood from one video to another
- he was a failed disco DJ in the 80s
- he never shows his face to avoid the responsibility of his scenarios that never come true
- he loves blondes; the younger the better
- he hates God and Jesus, so logically, he is a Satanist
- expects to ascend to 5D in November 2023
- he convinced everyone that NESARA will come in 2022
- loves urine more than beer
- he loved Janine enormously, but now she earns more than him, so she is on his black list
- he loves tarot but doesn't want to admit it
- he hates Charlie Ward because he's a white supremacist mobster, but he is just an immigrant with no career
- he hates Max Igan because he wrote books, but he only wrote suburban idioms on the internet
- he spends all day on tiktok where he gets videos from... and he is 60-ish !
- claims to help people with donations - helped one user with rent in the most expensive city, Brussels. Reallocation doesn't matter. The next sponsored location with donations will probably be Beverly Hills !
- he's a felon - he bragged about tricking the IRS all his life
- he claims to be protected by aliens, and for this reason BitChute cannot block him. But YouTube could. It seems that YouTube is not afraid of his aliens friends.
- he doesn't like people with big ego, but, all his comments are based on his fucked up ego
- he can't do internet interviews to help people because that would mean taking responsibility for his mugshot. But he likes to stay hidden and spit on others who put their ass on the line !
- nothing of what he predicts comes true, but his followers (cultists) believe him blindly because they are friends with this person whom they have never met in real life
- his followers are a bunch of idiots who love a character and not a real person. This character is meticulously constructed to compensate for his real-life wastefulness.

Bluewater community's most beloved journalist !

(Ben's free videos are available on a one-week delay.)
source: https://benjaminfulford.net/

As other users noted, Juan has never spoken so directly as in this video. In no case in Nino's show. His nervousness is obvious.
Precious Metals – Gold & Silver
GOOTS – Get Out Of The System
Intel.Insights w/107
Verge of Nuclear war due to stolen elections
Military first before 2024 President Trump returns as CIC with authority and acceptance
Cuban Missile Crisis moment coming soon – Nuclear
DT gaged. Locked down? Is the Trump safe?
Q-Save Israel for last?
2020 Election will be nullified
Invasion- Terrorist cells to be activated on domestic soil
Justice – Military Tribunals only way – underway

Bluewater community's most beloved journalist !

(Ben's free videos are available on a one-week delay.)
source: https://benjaminfulford.net/

A user informed me that lately Bluewater and a bushman from Michigan are living a new love story.
This is how it looks!
For new users who don't know who Bluewater is:
- formerly known as Crapwater
- is a Cult leader
- he is 61 years old
- his real name is Raymond Miranda
- he is a Mexican immigrant from the 60s. He came to the US for a better life, but instead, he found jack shit.
- he has no education and school, so he hates all those who have a PhD
- but he likes playing the role of a PhD
- he is bipolar - he radically changes his attitude/mood from one video to another
- he was a failed disco DJ in the 80s
- he never shows his face to avoid the responsibility of his scenarios that never come true
- he loves blondes; the younger the better
- he hates God and Jesus, so logically, he is a Satanist
- expects to ascend to 5D in November 2023
- he convinced everyone that NESARA will come in 2022
- loves urine more than beer
- he loved Janine enormously, but now she earns more than him, so she is on his black list
- he loves tarot but doesn't want to admit it
- he hates Charlie Ward because he's a white supremacist mobster, but he is just an immigrant with no career
- he hates Max Igan because he wrote books, but he only wrote suburban idioms on the internet
- he spends all day on tiktok where he gets videos from... and he is 60-ish !
- claims to help people with donations - helped one user with rent in the most expensive city, Brussels. Reallocation doesn't matter. The next sponsored location with donations will probably be Beverly Hills !
- he claims to be protected by aliens, and for this reason BitChute cannot block him. But YouTube could. It seems that YouTube is not afraid of his aliens friends.
- he doesn't like people with big ego, but, all his comments are based on his fucked up ego
- he can't do internet interviews to help people because that would mean taking responsibility for his mugshot. But he likes to stay hidden and spit on others who put their ass on the line !
- nothing of what he predicts comes true, but his followers (cultists) believe him blindly because they are friends with this person whom they have never met in real life
- his followers are a bunch of idiots who love a character and not a real person. This character is meticulously constructed to compensate for his real-life wastefulness.

Bluewater community's most beloved journalist !

(Ben's free videos are available on a one-week delay.)
source: https://benjaminfulford.net/

Bluewater community's most beloved journalist !

(Ben's free videos are available on a one-week delay.)
source: https://benjaminfulford.net/

Bluewater community's most beloved journalist !

(Ben's free videos are available on a one-week delay.)
source: https://benjaminfulford.net/

While the faceless Bluewater scammer keeps his followers busy with all kinds of vendettas aimed at imaginary grifters inside his bipolar head, events begin to happen, and the poor people remain unprepared.
He says that these preparations are actually fear-mongering and grifting.

Meanwhile COVID appears, then Ukraine, now Israel. America is next.
Probably people from all over the world view and read his videos / comments = ineptitudes.
Is there anyone from Israel or Ukraine following him?
Has anyone died from covid or the vaccine promoted by him and his lackey CH21 (and the new "CYSI" moron buddy) ?

And how does he help the people?
By promising them NESARA last year, the official return of Trump in March this year, and in November this year the 5D ascension!
People are tired of this. They want ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS, not his obsessive personal hateful vendettas !

Bluewater, grow the fuck up, old man !
And take your pills !

Preparation does not mean running like a madman in zig zags or hiding in the basement. Buy what you need, put them in the basement and go on with your life. Don't sit around doing nothing because you will end up in 5D (where you won't need anything), just because some Bluewater on the internet told you so.

I guess the Ukrainians, Russians, Israelis, Palestinians, UE do not deserve to reach 5D, huh? Only Americans like you, Bluewater selfish prick?!

FORTUNATELY, we also have people (some so-called "grifters") who, even if they weren't 100% Nostradamus, at least they managed to find a few dates and solutions, and thus gave us the motivation to prepare for what's to come.
In the video above, Bo, the time analyst, and Nino got it right this time.

What they've been talking about for so long is already starting to show. The dots begin to connect.
I suggest you review the videos from the past to know what you have to do in the future.

short segment from 3 Oct 2023 !!!
full video:

If you hate the Bible or think it's bullshit... then skip these videos and wait for the Galactic Federation of blonde supermodels from the Pleiades to rescue you!

description from Rumble:
The reason we are looking at conflict Globally is because of THREE NATION STATES and is now a DECLARED WAR in ISRAEL.. is a bit deeper than just an Action to deflect what is happening here in the USA. Nino keeps pressing Juan like it has to do with US.. IT DOES NOT. Juan explains several dynamics.. the facts are that LONDON the center of our FINANCIAL GLOBAL MONEY POWER CENTER, since the 1800's is interwoven with ISRAEL. Remember the ARAB SPRING. Try and follow the Historical PROGRESSION from the Original return of the JEWS to control of the Holy Land.. and the rise of the Vatican POWER STRUCTURE in response.
Roseanne Barr knows the significance this year of the day OCTOBER 7, 2023 that was the celebration of The Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot. This is the 3rd great annual pilgrimage festival when the Jewish people gather together in Jerusalem not only to remember God's provision in the Wilderness but also to look ahead to that promised Messianic age when all nations will flow to Jerusalem to worship the Lord.. Vulnerable on the Sabbath? Yes and Hamas (and ISIS) are a construction of the CIA and US players like McCain and Islamic Terrorism .. and Serbia and the rise of the IRAN payoffs under Obama. Hard to keep track of this progression of Evil that is now killing and wounding Grandmothers and Children and women that are the innocent victims. WAR serves NO ONE. We are all going to have our stories to share after this is over. Hang on tight. To those you love.
Nino's battery ran out.. this ends abruptly. Don't buy into the media frenzy. And know the END OF DAYS for the Globalists is Close at hand.

Bluewater community's most beloved journalist !

(Ben's free videos are available on a one-week delay.)
source: https://benjaminfulford.net/


Created 1 year, 8 months ago.

226 videos

Category News & Politics

This channel was born as a result of the perverse and rude behavior of another channel also called Bluewater, which blocks poor users from commenting and bullies them. Our mission is to expose and warn users about these scam channels like Bluewater which disguise themselves as vigilantes for their ultimate goal: divide the researchers and gain money from bogus "healing sessions", and donations!

●WHO IS THAT OTHER BW CHANNEL(without green checkmark)?
BW is a Luciferian Disinformation channel that sells false hope and stupid scenarios to its followers. It's a scam.

This true channel is the home of all banished poor users who got blocked for asking a single innocent but uncomfortable question. We are "The Land of The Free" where our lovely and nice users can talk freely and relaxed, without being afraid that they will be marginalized (kind of racism). Because they were treated like garbage, our brothers and sisters with broken hearts and tears in their eyes are welcome here to help each other. Welcome, and speak your beautiful minds, you lovely souls!
The other BW scam channel, with 39k followers is basically a CULT. They call themselves "THE family" Like mobsters!
The "family" 39k-crew consists only of people between 50-70 years old (nothing wrong with the age btw!) So most of these lunatics kiss each other asses all day long (because they have all the free time in the world) until an outsider asks them a civilized but uncomfortable question. Then the HELL is unleashed! Finally, when the poor user with tears in his eyes is trashed, the big boss (scam BW) blocks him like no tomorrow! Forever! No appeal! No dialog! No warning! The scam-BW coward does not like to be contested!

In these hard times when people are fighting the system and feel alone, they are looking for a refuge that offers them comfort and a sense of friendship. That's why crooks like scam-Bluewater deceive them by forming a false family and direct them to the desired targets. These fools would believe any bullshit they were told. Because it's family! In other words, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That scam channel it's like a weapon! He is an DISINFO AGENT and obviously he will not show his face!

Well, it was the best example of stupidity you can see in your lifetime. BitChute gave him a home, and he spits where he eats.
Basically, he attacked a lot of users with absolutely no proof, saying that they are grifters or pedophiles and because they are selling silver & gold they must be humiliated online without remorse. Don't get me wrong, we know they are clowns, but we need evidence not imaginary sources and childish scenarios! This is public space not a ghetto!
Obviously, he used hatred and harassment towards them, and this is against the regulations.
BW likes to bully people!
Obviously he is not an intellectual!
And this is how scam-BW victimized himself (believing that he is too important and the Cabal people are censoring him), winning the sympathy of the public and sensitizing them for the future creation of the so-called family. This has transformed over time into a CULT. If you read the comments section, you will notice how blindly the users follow him by believing anything, any stupidity and any kind of crap you can think of! (hopium) Yeah it's a CULT, a true brainwashing machine!

- for women = medical advice (without license; this is illegal!) probably he read online for free
- for men = music videos with hot girls thumbnails (CLICKBAIT 100%)
- for everybody = fake thumbnails with stupid allegation videos (also Clickbait) about reptillians & clones. His obsession!
He IS the KING OF CLICKBAIT no doubt about it!

- they claim that Jesus and Lucifer are the same. It's a SATANIC channel !!!
- there is no GOD
- They want to ascend in 5D while hating others. Do you see the contradiction?
- mostly fit girls are really men
- The CULT have offplanet intel (stolen from ATS forums)
- Some clowns were executed in Gitmo. Guess what? Next day they are laughing their ass off live on camera!
- because of the above, now we deal with clones! Nevermind of Gitmo! Now they are clones! Or wear masks! Or both! As if that The Cabal would spend resources on any clown out there... God forbid that a clown is missing from the online landscape for a few days, that means he "HAS BEEN REPLACED" by a clone! As if the clones grown in trees, this is how cheap they are to grow!
- Piss is good for skin. They drink it! They claim it contains minerals! Then, why the fuck they do not separately buy that shit?