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subscribe to this channel for a shed load of coding tutorials!
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In this video we upgrade our install to version 3.1.11 and we have a look at the calendar and diary functions that we will build this week.
In the next video we will start building the calendar and diary functions aswell as tidy up some loose ends.

Thank you!

In this video we build our drafts and trash sections for our pages, our trash and restore functions and our delete function, and we sort out the admin navigation while we're there.
In the next video we will start building our image upload system.

Thank you!

In this video we build our edit form and our update function to allow us to edit and update pages.
In the next video we will build our drafts and our trash sections and the destroy function to delete pages from the database, and we will add in the navigation and buttons that we will need too.

Thank you!

In this video (before we build the page slug function) we build our admin pages section and using policies, we sort the authentication for that section.
In the next video we will build our create function for our pages and build the page slug function for our URLs.

Thank you!

In this video we build our database table for our pages, create a controller and model for our main page and pages and we build the views and get the whole thing working.
In the next video we will create a page slug function that will take the page name and create a page slug to use in the URL instead of the page name, and we will build our admin panel where we can create, update and delete our pages.

Thank you!

In this video we build our edit discount codes function and our trash and delete functions for our discount codes.
In the next video we will add our discounts module to our cart and checkout functions.

Thank you!

In this video we build our discounts create function and our display in our admin panel for our discount codes.
In the next video we will build our trash and edit functions for our discount codes before adding our discounts module to the cart and checkout.

Thank you!

In this video we use gates to create different user types so that we can have normal site users and administrators, and we start building our admin dashboard.
In the next video we will start on our pages controller and our main page controller.

Thank you!

In this video we install laravel on our localhost, we also sort out a temp domain on our localhost and a temp security certificate for our laravel install. We also set up our laravel install and attach our database and run our first database migrate, and we use php artisan to create our views and controllers for our login system and compile our css for the first time.
In the next video we will start building our main page controller and our pages functions.

Thank you!

In this video we override the paypal delivery details and ensure that the address entered on our site is passed over to paypal and used as the main delivery address.
In the next video we will build our discounts module.

Thank you!

In this video we add to our views and include all the extra costs for our product options and shipping costs in the various invoice display views.
In the next video we will either start the discounts module or sort out the delivery address and override the Paypal delivery address with our own, I haven't decided yet.

Thank you!

In this video we add to our checkout the product options functions that display and add extra option costs to our total.
In the next video we will add to our invoices functions and display our product options and costs properly.

Thank you!

source code, I have source code for download, everything I've done in the CodeIgniter tutorial series, plus a wee bit more!
Link to the source code is in the about section on this channel.

Thank you!

In this video we add our product options to our product page and give our shopping cart the ability to calculate and display product options and extra costs.
In the next video we will add these functions to our checkout and invoices functions.

Thank you!

In this video we add to our create and edit product fuctions, the ability to create custom product options will an optional added cost.
In the next video we will add our custom product options to the front end of our site.

Thank you!

In this video we clone the cart library and add it to our application library to allow us to use the now deprecated CI cart library and maintain and update it ourselves, and we tweak the account model and remove the extra fields from our backend product pages and tidy up our backend header.
In the next video we will start building our custom product options functions.

Thank you!

In this video we remove any hard coded currency variables from our backend and replace them with a function that sets the site currency for us.
In the next video we will tidy up our code and give things a tweak here and there.

Thank you!

In this video we build our forms in our backend to allow us to set site currency settings and business payment email information.
In the next video we will remove all hard coded currency values from the bankend of our site and replace them with the site currency information we have in the database.

Thank you!

In this video we remove the need to hard code our currency values and we replace them with a function that sets the site currency for us, using variables stored in the database.
In the next video we will add these functions to the back end and build our payment setting page in the back end of our site.

Thank you!

In this video we add our shipping module to our checkout page and pass over the relevant variables to paypal.
In the next video we will add to our invoice views to take accout of the shipping cost, before making the currency module that will set the site currency throughout the website for us.

Thank you!

In this video we build our estimate shipping functions that lets people check the shipping costs to different postcodes and countries (and I fix the mistake I made on Monday).
In the next video we will add the shipping module to our checkout functions.

Thank you!

In this video we add our shipping module to the front end of our site and build it into our shopping cart.
In the next video we will build the shipping estimator functions before adding the shipping module to the checkout.

Thank you!

In this video we finish off the back end functions for our shipping module.
In the next video we will remove the extra fields that we don't need anymore from our create and edit product page and we will start on the front end functions for our shipping module.

Thank you!

In this video we start building the shipping module in our sites back end so that we can create our shipping zones and costs for each product weight.
In the next video we will finish these functions.

Thank you!


Created 6 years ago.

71 videos

Category Science & Technology

web design and development tutorials