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Humanity by it's very nature is judgmental ... It's necessary to make survival decisions ... we must make judgement calls all he time ... just remember to do it fairly with all the facts and the opportunity to allow the facts you have t o be challenged and / or corrected .... before you do damage and unnecessary harm to others ...

Promises of the GCR and NESARA and the medical advances of the med beds for animals as well as humans are saturated with disinformation as well as outright lies which just adds nore pain and suffereing to those that need the medical breakthrough technology being released to the public...

After the great awakening the world will be in need of dedicated caring people willing to rebuild society and heal the damage done by corruption and greed of the past. Those people will need to put that past behind them in order to move forward with the great task ahead on them ...

The event has started ... half a million indictments being served around the world ... governments standing down ... new elections ... new financial systems in place and gold backed currency ... children being saved from human traffickers and Satanist ... a new beginning for humanity is starting now ...

Have you noticed all the clouds lately and crazy weather patterns ... are you aware of what is really going on ... the world is going through some major changes before our eyes ... it had to be this way ...

The entire world is changing ... there is an ongoing war for humanity and the survival of mankind is at stake ... once the RV and NESARA are completed we stand a good chance for peace and stability ...

NESARA is happening soon and with it the Military Med Beds will become available ... with the ability to heal and to age regress, and give us a second chance to do things right ...

A different take on Christ crucifixion from the viewpoint of the nail piercing his right hand ...

Inspired by the notation on the photograph ... a realization that it's time to move on to take care of yourself while you still have some time left to do it ... after living a life for others has left you short ...

We keep hearing that the tide is about to change and that there will be many changes coming... that the war nobody wants to admit is taking place, is almost over ... it's been hard keeping the faith with everything that's been going on ...

When you look back at everything that went wrong in your life ... and notice that it repeated over and over ... who are you going to blame for that?

We have been lied to and deceived all our life and have had our dreams stolen and crushed as we try to survive the chaos of each day ... I wish I had the answers to set things right ... but I know it's going to take much more than what I alone can do ...

Ever notice how all that good cheer and warm feelings of Christmas just disappear right after Christmas and life returns to it's self centered routines? It would be nice if the kindness lasted longer and people cared about each other more often ...

The war against evil and corruption of the Deep State, is winding down, as humanity struggles to become free, and rebuild our planet and improve our lives and advance as it was once intended ... hardships we will face in this journey will be well worth it ...

With the Great Awakening and disclosure at hand ... with the Global Currency Revaluation and NESARA and GESARA being enacted ... this is our opportunity to defeat evil and save humanity using love and kindness to help each other in building a better life ... leaving heartache and giant struggles behind us ...

Story of a Vet trying to deal and cope with his war time experience ... remembering the ones who fought beside him and didn't make it back ... dealing with the guilt of having survived while they didn't and trying to find an inner peace within himself...

While we are waiting for NESARA / GESARA and the Med Beds we are dealing with the deaths of loved ones that could have been saved if it wasn't for the evil stupidity of those who wage war and want to destroy humanity ... it's frustrating to the point of detachment ...

This Global War is coming to an end soon ... those who have been aware of what has been happening over the past years ... who have been called crazy and conspiracy theorist are going to be needed to explain to the "normies" what has been going on and what lies ahead. Many are going to struggle with the truths that are going to be revealed and will need people to turn to ... stand beside me and be there to help in the transition ...

" The Deep State, The Cabal … whatever you want to call it … is the mortal enemy of man …
Infiltrating governments, society, and culture … preparing to remove us from this land … "
We have done everything we could peacefully to stop them ... now we will have to turn matters over to our loyal military, and stand down out of their way for our safety and the future of humanity ...

Lies, threats and more lies ... needless deaths and loss ... promises of better times delayed and broken ... with no accountability or remorse ... no answers as to why... it has to be a simulation ... a training session ...

I've been lied to my entire life by people I was taught to trust and respect ... upon discovering the truths that were denied and hidden all this time it's hard to trust without proof ... many don't understand yet ... but they will when they face that reality ...

A warning of what we are headed for if we're not careful and if people don't wake up to reality and take corrective actions and prepare to head it off...

Thinking of Back When I was young , and growing up in a neighborhood on Long Island , and how different life was then compared to now ... I miss the old days when life seemed simpler ... but then again ... what did we know way back when ...

The storm of full disclosure is changing the political climate on this planet as secrets are being revealed about weaponizing weather to control people, and the hidden secret technologies that will provide free energy and medical advances that will benefit mankind and bring about a new prosperity for all ...

The Biden administration is doing everything possible to destroy this country and life on this planet with weather modification, causing crop failures, vaccine mandates to promote a deadly vaccine that has already taken millions of lives, runaway inflation and unrestricted spending to destroy our economy and currency, and instigating foreign wars and attempting to escalate them to nuclear status ... the real question is ... are we going to allow it to continue?


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

108 videos

Category Music

Primarily a songwriter and not a performer. I don't write for an audience, although I am open to sharing my music with others who are interested in hearing it. I write about my past experiences as well as current events. My music is a journal of my life ... it's my multimedia photo album for recalling and reliving past memories and relationships, good times and bad times, struggles and's about life going on around me as seen through my eyes, heart and soul told in 3 to 5 minute segments of accompanying music. Some of my songs are pure fantasy to reflect a mood or a possibility ... and some are cold hard reality. I write and record my songs at home. People who know and understand me will understand my songs ... those who don't know me can get a better understanding of who I am through my songs ... that is why I share them . Since January 2020 my songs have been more political with everything that has been going on in this country, and my take on it.