Reverend Tony Ponticello

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Reverend Tony Ponticello

Rev. Tony Ponticello


The word “hands" appears 81 times in ACIM (Original Edition). Sometimes the Course is referring to actual hands, "My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today Have but one purpose – to be given Christ To use to bless the world with miracles." (WkBk.353.1) Of course this would mean we actually use our hands to bless the world with healing. Sometimes the hands are symbolic, "The Will of God forever lies in those whose hands are joined." (OrEd.Tx.30.69) Sometimes the hands talked about are actually God's "I place the future in the hands of God." (OrEd.WkBk.194) (I am having a moment of amusement thinking about God having actual hands.)

I have been thinking about how we automatically extend our arms and shake hands with people when we meet them. "But hold out your joined hands and touch this heavy-seeming block, and you will learn how easily your fingers slip through its nothingness. It is no solid wall." (OrEd.Tx.22.44) We can pierce through the illusion of sickness, certainly a heavy-seeming block, when we join hands with our brothers and sisters. We all join symbolic hands every week at the Sunday Gathering to join and practice healing. This joining completes a circuit and allows healing energy to flow easily and produce powerful results.

Of course never forget that the very first line of ACIM was supposed to be, "You will see miracles through your hands through me." (CE.Tx.1.1) This has been restored in the Circle of Atonement edition of the ACIM book, because it was very clear in Helen's notebooks. Take just a moment to feel and be keenly aware of your hands and the sensations they are bringing to you. ... (pause – go ahead, do it) ... These are powerful healing instruments when allowed to be God's hands in this world.

28 min.

Some ACIM students think the spiritually correct way to deal with the ego world is to ignore it. Since it is a meaningless illusion, after all, there's nothing to be done with it. These students may attach themselves to certain ACIM teachings such as, "There is no point in trying to make sense out of meaningless data. Any way you handle them results in nothing." (OrEd.Tx.8.76) Or perhaps this idea, "There is no point in trying to change the world. It is incapable of change because it is merely an effect." (OrEd.WkBk.23.2) However interpreting these quotations as meaning we should ignore the world is a distortion of the teaching.

It is important to know that when ACIM uses the term “world” it is usually speaking of the ego world that manifests the illusions of sickness, death, and other forms of separation. I believe that during the scribing this was the world that Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford primarily saw, so just saying “world” was appropriate. However it is important to know that there is another world talked about quite frequently in ACIM. It is the world manifested from the thoughts of the Holy Spirit. "There is another Maker of the world, the simultaneous Corrector of the mad belief that anything could be established and maintained without some link that kept it still within the laws of God." (OrEd.Tx.25.26) The Holy Spirit’s world is called the "real world” or sometimes the “borderland.” "This is the journey's end. We have referred to it as the 'real world.' ... Salvation is a borderland where place and time and choice have meaning still, and yet it can be seen that they are temporary, out of place, and every choice has been already made." (OrEd.Tx.26.20)

We are actually not taught to ignore either world. In fact, we are taught to be fully engaged in both worlds. I have always loved this quotation for the Biblical gravitas it has. "Behold" is one of my favorite words. "Behold the great projection, but look on it with the decision that it must be healed and not with fear." (OrEd.Tx.22.25) The word “behold” is used over 1,500 times in the Bible. The physical world of time and space is "the great projection." We are told to "behold” it, not ignore it. “Behold" means, "see or observe a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one." Doesn't sound at all like ignoring anything.

Healing is an active engagement. We have been told to observe the world and that it IS impressive and it IS remarkable. Then we are told not to be in fear of the ego world for any reason, but to understand that it must be healed. I know that if I am asking the Holy Spirit for guidance on how to heal the world, that I will NOT be in fear of it. The tsk itself presupposes my dominion over the physical world. The ego world must be engaged with and corrected with the guidance from the Holy Spirit ,and with the loving support of Jesus if that idea is helpful. "If it helps you, think of me holding your hand and leading you. And I assure you this will be no idle fantasy." (OrEd.WkBk.70.13)

"No" the ego world isn't to be ignored. It's to be healed.

What about the world manifesting from the thoughts of the Holy Spirit, the real world, the borderland? That world is just to be celebrated and rejoiced in, with full engagement. “WooHoo!”

Join me on Sunday as we explore this and other ideas of salvation.

18 min.

Every ACIM student knows that forgiveness is a key issue in the discipline. Forgiveness is a key issue in healing. All healing is ultimately reducible to forgiveness. Since ACIM tells us, "Sickness is but another name for sin." (OrEd.WkBk.356) we should be able to substitute the words "sin" and "sickness" for one another. Let's see how that works. Here's a passage to try it with, "Forgiveness turns the world of sin into a world of glory, wonderful to see." (OrEd.Tx.26.26) Substituting "sickness" for "sin" we get "Forgiveness turns the world of [sickness] into a world of glory, wonderful to see." (OrEd.Tx.26.26) Sounds good! I choose to see a world of glory instead of a world full of sickness, so I will forgive the perception of sickness everywhere it appears, wether that appearance is in my own body, or out there in my world somewhere.

What does it mean to forgive sickness? First it means to recognize it, and know that it is not of God. Second it is to turn that perception over tho the Holy Spirit and ask for its correction. That takes an active act of mental doing. It doesn't mean just thinking about doing it. It means actually doing that. It means saying to yourself, "Holy Spirit, I know this appearance of sickness is not aligned with God so I do not want it. I am giving it to you, and I ask for a new, God aligned perception instead." "We are therefore embarking on an organized, well-structured, and carefully planned program aimed at learning how to offer to the Holy Spirit everything you do not want. He knows what to do with it." (OrEd.Tx.11.23) Then we wait for Holy Spirit to give us this new perception of glory. When we receive it, we embrace it as ours. That's forgiveness. Nothing else truly qualifies. And that new perception – it will be glorious!

21 min.

In the wonderful (my opinion) television series based on the New Testament named *The Chosen,* there was a scene I loved which was truly a demonstration of Jesus’ faith. The apostles are very concerned that they have run out of money, and that they have almost no food to eat. They bring their concerns to Jesus who, of course, has no concern at all. After asking a few questions about the situation, Jesus merely shrugs and says with a wide eyed attitude of excitement, something like, “Well, I wonder how the Father is going to solve this?”

I found that attitude useful for myself this week as I encountered several situations in which I could see no solution. There appeared to be things I needed that I did not know how to provide. We ACIM students tend to think more of Holy Spirit providing worldly needs and not God the Father. I always remember this quotation from ACIM, "Only the Holy Spirit knows what you need. For He will give you all things that do not block the way to light. ... In time He gives you all the things that you need have and will renew them as long as you have need of them." (OrEd.Tx.12.70)

One by one all my problem situations began to resolve in unique ways which I could not have predicted. My job was just to continue to have faith. However it was not only faith I found. I found the ability to look at each problem situation with wide eyed excitement as I thought, “Well, I wonder how Holy Spirit is going to solve this?"

27 min.

Everyone deserves to be healed. There are no exceptions. No one is being punished by sickness, nor does God withhold healing from anyone for any reason. "No one deserves to lose. And what would be unjust to him cannot occur. Healing must be for everyone because he does not merit an attack of any kind." (OrEd.Tx.25.83) If God is not attacking the sick, what then is happening when sickness manifests.

I suppose sickness could just be chance – capricious and whimsical – a random event that just comes to people. The world tried to teach me that for many years. I don't think I ever truly believed it. There are many in the world who do. It's like we all throw the "health dice" and we all get whatever the dice roll. ACIM tells us this "chance" idea is not true. "No accident nor chance is possible within the universe as God created it, outside of which is nothing. Suffer, and you decided sin was your goal." (OrEd.Tx.21.17)

So if it's not God bringing sickness to people, and it's not chance ... that only leaves one other option. People are bringing sickness unto themselves. "The body is released because the mind acknowledges 'this is not done to me, but I am doing this.' And thus the mind is free to make another choice instead." (OrEd.Tx.28.27) All self healing requires this level of absolute personal responsibility. More simply, "I have done this thing, and it is this I would undo." (OrEd.Tx.27.88) This level of 100% responsibility is difficult for many people to come from, even long term ACIM students. However we all must do the best we can, getting strength and guidance from the Holy Spirit every step of the way.

Join me this Sunday as we explore this important foundation for being a miracle worker.

26 min.

A common thing said by Jesus in the New Testament is “Be not afraid,” “Fear not," or some other derivation ."As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, 'Be not afraid, only believe.'" (Bible.Mk.5.36) This same sentiment is reflected all throughout ACIM as well. "Do not be afraid, then, to look upon fear, for it cannot be seen." (OrEd.Tx.10.41)

While spirituality is rife with anti-fear messages, the ego world is always eager to instill fear in us every chance it gets. For years the "terror threat level" was announced over loudspeakers in all USA airports every few minutes. It was always “orange” (one level below the dreaded “red"), only occasionally “yellow” (yellow means caution”), and I never heard it announced to be “green.” I wonder what we were supposed to do if it was actually “red,” probably hit the floor on our stomach with arms and legs spread!

We are told by the WHO is only a matter of time before we are hit with the next pandemic from virus “X.” What an ingenious fear mongering idea this is. There is no virus “X.” Virus “X” is a placeholder virus for the next deadly pathogen that the experts just know is around the corner and coming soon. Fear is used by the government and trans-national entities (like the WHO) to control the population and take away our liberties.

There is a great saying by Benjamin Franklin, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” I have spoken many times about not using the societal colloquialism “Stay safe” when parting company with someone. It assumes a dangerous world full of fearful possibilities. Remember ACIM tells us, "I am in danger nowhere in the world." (OrEd.WkBk.244). If I am nowhere in danger, staying safe becomes meaningless.

Join Rev. Tony this Sunday as we again explore how to rise above fear, wherever it seems to appear, so that we can be the miracle workers we were intended to be. It’s not something for the future. It’s for now!

25 min.

We are approaching what is called "Holy Week" in the Christian world. ACIM calls it the same thing. "This is Palm Sunday, the celebration of victory and the acceptance of the truth. Let us not spend this holy week brooding on the crucifixion of God's Son, but happily in the celebration of his release." (OrEd.Tx.20.1) On Palm Sunday Jesus rode "triumphantly" into the city of Jerusalem. Actually just how "triumphantly" it was is an argument amongst Biblical scholars. ACIM did say above it was, "a celebration of victory," so that does imply triumph.

What victory is being celebrated? I believe it is the victory over sickness and even death. By this time in Jesus' ministry he had raised multiple people from the dead, and the Lazarus event was a spectacle that many witnessed. The word was definitely out. The great savior who had been long predicted had come at last – the Messiah.

Many expected that Jesus would be crowned a worldly king and sit on a political throne, like the great Jewish King David. When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday many people were celebrating the new King of the Jews. But Jesus was representing a different Kingdom. It is the same Kingdom that we also represent. "Your kingdom is not of this world because it was given you from beyond this world." (OrEd.Tx.3.80)

While in this world, be the representative of another kingdom that lies beyond this world. While being that representative you will have dominion over this world. You will heal and you will be healed. “'There is nothing my holiness cannot do.' The purpose of today's exercises is to begin to instill in you a sense that you have dominion over all things because of what you are." (OrEd.WkBk.38.8) Get ready to demonstrate dominion. Get ready to heal ALL things. Are you ready? Good. Start healing.

Join me on Sunday as we start off Holy Week 2024 with Palm Sunday.

25 min.

37 years ago, on Mar. 1, 1987, a small group of people gathered on a Sun. morning in a little office space in the Haight / Ashbury district of San Francisco for an ACIM based Sun. Gathering. We had been meeting in that office space on Sun. mornings, and at other times, for almost 2 years but this was the first time we would meet as the CMC. (Which at that time stood for California Miracles Center. Our name was legally changed to Community Miracles Center on January 14, 1998.)

I had been involved with ACIM, reading, studying, attending meetings since 1981. I don't remember who was there at that first CMC meeting other than my partner and co-founder in the CMC Rev. Larry Bedini. No birthday acknowledgment would be complete without remembering Rev. Larry who made his transition from body life in 2010. "Hi Rev. Larry. It's 'our' birthday. 'Yes' we're still here." Every once in awhile I will have a dream at night and Rev. Larry will be in it. In the dream I ask him where he's been, and how come he doesn't come to CMC events anymore. In the dream I always feel a little sad about his absence from those CMC events. "... communication remains unbroken, even if the body is destroyed, provided that you see not the body as the necessary means of communication." (OrEd.Tx.15.107)

The 37 year history of the CMC, for me, is the story of my own healing – and I had a lot of healing to do.

In spite of many people's perceptions, the CMC never taught a particular interpretation of ACIM. We have embraced and taught from all the different versions, and still do. We are not trying to establish an agreed upon theology. "Theological considerations as such are necessarily controversial .... A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary." (FIP.Cl.In.2) We are trying to support people in having that universal experience: the experience of HEALING, the experience of HAPPINESS ... the experience of MIRACLES.

I feel good about what we have accomplished and the work we have always done, and continue to do. I can sincerely say and mean, "Happy 37th Birthday CMC." Please join me on Sunday to bless the CMC with this Happy Birthday message.

30 min.

I keep reading things and seeing videos which speak about the importance of restoring spiritual or religious thought and values into our social framework. I find this heartening. The past several decades tried to make science itself into the new religion. It almost succeeded, except the recent pandemic exposed how bereft the scientific establishment actually was. Even more disturbing was the scientific establishments habit of misrepresenting itself to the masses in order to maintain its power and seeming authority. Science became a classic idol. People looked to it to be saved. Instead of salvation many found doom and tragedy.

There are 172 appearances of the word “idol" (or a derivation of it) in ACIM. That's a lot. One of my favorites is, "Seek not outside yourself. For it will fail, and you will weep each time an idol falls." (OrEd.Tx.29.43) I believe there are many weeping now. I believe many more will weep in the future.

The "Great Awakening" seems to be gaining steam. "So will the year begin in joy and freedom. There is much to do, and we have been long delayed ... take your place, so long left unfulfilled, in the Great Awakening." (OrEd.Tx.15.112) I also find it heartening that each of us has a role to play in this ground swell of spiritual / religious revival. I see ACIM and the Community Miracles Center as there to play their important part as well.

Many idolized government, but government has repeatedly failed us. Many idolized the main stream media, but main stream media has also failed us. Countless millions are now turning to “news” reported and obtained elsewhere. The success of alternative platforms like The HighWire, The Joe Rogan Show, and Tucker Carlson on X are cases in point. Carlson’s interview of Vladimir Putin racked up 150 million views in just a few days on X. The YouTube video of it got 8.3 million views, again, in just a few days. These numbers tower over main stream media viewership. Outside of the traditional corporate news framework, these alternative news medias are a breath of fresh air providing different voices the public wants to hear.

The Hollywood idol machine is also failing. The success of new creative frameworks for providing entertainment that the public wants to watch are making history. Angel Studios' amazingly successful series about the life of Jesus and the apostles "The Chosen" has just completed its 4th season with a total of 32 hour long episodes having been made, with 3 more seasons, 24 more episodes, planned for the future. Who would have thought a few years ago that the gospels would be this successful and this entertaining – 56 episodes worth of engaging religious entertainment – a "Great Awakening" indeed. But then we didn’t know that religion was making a come back into the world's social discussion. The Great Awakening is taking hold.

Some people are threatened, even scared, by the fall of our idols. I am not. I see this is the temporary instability caused by “false underpinnings" being exposed. "As these false underpinnings are given up, the equilibrium is temporarily experienced as unstable. However, the fact is nothing is less stable than an orientation that is upside down." (OrEd.Tx.1.70) Our world has been upside down. It is now becoming right side up. It is not the time to be scared. It is the time to rejoice!

27 min.

For me, ACIM is not a "once through and done" course. It may be for some. I need to be continually practicing so I can consistently stay centered in Holy Spirit’s Voice and avoid the temptation to refocus on the ego. It is not like learning to ride a bicycle. "Yet this protection needs to be preserved by careful watching. If you let your mind harbor attack thoughts, yield to judgment, or make plans against uncertainties to come, you have again misplaced yourself, and made a bodily identity which will attack the body, for the mind is sick." (OrEd.WkBk.136.21)

Jesus calls this “vigilance" and he tells us that it was as important for him as it will be for us. "Vigilance was required of me as much as of you" (OrEd.Tx.6.94) The ego is cunning and finds many ways to co-opt our thinking. "[The ego] may still be strong enough to rally under this new temptation to win back strength by guile. Many have not seen through the ego's defenses here, although they are not particularly subtle." (OrEd.Mn.25.5) "Guile" means "sly or cunning intelligence." Never underestimate the ego's sly and cunning ability to build up strong false arguments. "No one can doubt the ego's skill in building up false cases." (OrEd.Tx.8.78) The case for sickness and death is strong to the ego driven mind. It takes constant vigilance to fend off these cunning ego arguments and to build steadily on the foundation of truth. And the truth is eternal life.

Join Rev. Tony on Sunday as he explores this and other topics at the CMC’s Sunday Gathering. (The CMC has been meeting on Sunday mornings since 1986. Sometimes copied, but never duplicated, the CMC Sunday Gathering is in a class by itself. 38 years and still going strong!)

26 min.

Oh, what a difference 3 years can make. Back in 2021 people who went against the dominant health narrative and said they had done their own research about medical issues were ridiculed and demeaned. I know. I was one of them. There were internet memes that showed gravestones with “I Did My Own Research” carved into them, implying that if you relied on your own research your body was likely to DIE.

This past week the large polling organization, Rasmussen, published the results of a new survey which said only 35% of Americans now believed we should trust the touted health experts, and that a clear majority of 58% said it was important to do your own research concerning medical decisions. I think we all know what is causing this shift away from "expert" external guidance.

"[Sickness] is a witness to your frailty, your vulnerability, and your extreme need to depend on external guidance." (OrEd.Tx.8.76)

Do we even need the external guidance from these so-called experts at all? I am having serious doubts.

"Someone knows better, has been better trained, or is perhaps more talented and wise” (Song.3.III.2)

"Someone knows better; this the magic phrase …. And to this wiser one another goes to profit by his learning and his skill; to find in him the remedy for pain. How can that be? True healing cannot come from inequality assumed and then accepted as the truth.” (Song.3.III.3)

A partner with doing your own research is having the discernment to hear Holy Spirit and being led by His Voice.

"In everything be led by Him and do not reconsider." (OrEd.Tx.13.81)
I am celebrating this new era of spiritual power reclamation. There is only one expert authority any of us need. Through this Higher Authority we have access to all the wisdom we ever need to make good, informed consent decisions. Join with me Sunday to explore these issues and more.

33 min.

Miracles are not rare supernatural events. They are happening all the time. "A brother smiles upon another, and my heart is gladdened. Someone speaks a word of gratitude or mercy, and my mind perceives this gift and takes it as its own." (OrEd.WkBk.315.1) A very powerful part of the practice of ACIM for me has been to feel an abundance of miracles happening all the time. I do not have to be aware of them. They do not have to be presenting in front of my eyes. However, I can choose to feel the healing energy of love’s extension and perhaps it’s happening on the other side of the world, maybe even on the other side of the universe – in another time or another dimension.

"You are being blessed by every beneficent thought of any of your brothers anywhere." (OrEd.Tx.5.3) “Anywhere" means … ANYWHERE. We have a “quantum entanglement” with all our brothers and sisters. It doesn’t matter where our reflected forms (bodies) may be manifesting. "Beneficent" means generous, or a good deed. Any kind gesture, any good deed of charity, any expression of love, is sending healing energy out into the universe. This is stated clearly very early in Miracles Principle #3. "Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense, everything that comes from love is a miracle." (OrEd.Tx.1.3) We can tune into that frequency of miracles and draw the goodness and healing into our experience at any time. Right now would be a good time. The energy to heal is always abundant.

The energy of miracles is literally a powerful gushing fountain. We are being continually drenched by it. "Each day a thousand treasures come to me with every passing moment. I am blessed with gifts throughout the day, in value far beyond all things of which I can conceive." (OrEd.WkBk.315.1) Learning to experience that truth is the foundation of leading a truly miraculous life. Join me on Sunday to explore this and more. Tell your friends. The more the merrier!

23 min.

Welcome 2024. WooHoo!! This is our 1st Sunday Gathering of the new year. ACIM address the new year in several passages. Here is a significant one. "So will the year begin in joy and freedom. There is much to do, and we have been long delayed." (OrEd.Tx.15.112) It gives us the proper energy with which to start the year – joy and freedom. Joy seems natural since we are coming right from the joyful holiday season.

I have occasionally been criticized for being too happy. How can anyone be too happy? It's interpreted as frivolous and not serious enough. Many people believe that a Teacher of God should be serious and always reverential. Well I believe there is nothing more reverential than being truly joyful. ACIM tells us this directly. "Learn to be happy learners." (OrEd.Tx.13.60) Also, "The Holy Spirit needs a happy learner in whom His mission can be happily accomplished." (OrEd.Tx.13.54) There are many others such statements. Consistent happiness could be what signifies us as true ACIM practitioners.

Let us not forget that happiness and healing are directly related. "To heal is to make happy." (OrEd.Tx.5.1) From our new higher plateau, we will get busy and heal – which also means to make happy – and there are many who have been waiting for us to do just that for them. What an exciting and joyful mission Jesus has given us.

We also do it in the energy of freedom. I love freedom and I love to be free in every aspect of my life. I was told last year that I needed to be cautious talking about "freedom," because "freedom" was a controversial topic. Really?!?! Well then bring on the controversy because I will never stop advocating for joy and – freedom. "You have taught freedom, but you have not learned how to be free." (OrEd.Tx.16.22) Okay. Well then this year let us all learn how to be free together. Let’s start at this Sunday Gathering.

26 min.

There’s just about a week more to go before Christmas. Christmas has a special place in my heart because it is one of the few holidays mentioned in ACIM. Along with the 5 times it is mentioned by name, there are several times it is obviously being referred to without including the word “Christmas” in the passage. Here’s one of my favorites. "Watch with me, angels; watch with me today. Let all God's holy thoughts surround me and be still with me while Heaven's Son is born ... for He is born again in me today." (OrEd.WkBk.303.1) This is from the lesson, "The holy Christ is born in me today." (OrEd.WkBk.303) We know this lesson was dictated to Helen just a few days before Christmas 1970.

Interesting that this is a call to the angels to be witness to our experience of having Christ born again within ourselves. Angels are an interesting part of the spiritual/religious experience. They exist cross denominational. Many different faiths believe in angels and have spiritual stories when angels are involved. Also, some of the same named angels show up in many different faiths.

The angel Michael, wait – he is always an "Archangel" (didn't mean to demote him), is a prominent figure in: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the Baha'i faith. Another Archangel is Gabriel. He is mentioned in the Quran and in both the Old and New Testaments so again Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all share Archangel Gabriel.

For many people, angels bring healing and are frequently described as messengers of God. The archangel Rafael is believed to be the angel who stirred the healing waters in the pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the paraplegic man. [This healing miracle is depicted wonderfully in *The Chosen* (Season 2, Episode 4: The Perfect Opportunity).]

Angels figure prominently into the traditional Christmas story as they announced the physical birth of Jesus to the shepherds outside of Bethlehem in a tremendous display of glory and light. Since this appears to be their mission I must assume that they will announce the Christ Child when He is born again within us on Christmas day. We’ve called the angels to watch with us, therefore let us heal and develop the eyes and ears to see and hear them announce the Christ as He is born again is us this Christmas.

29 min.

We are in the midst of the Jewish, 8 day, holiday celebration of Chanukah. The word actually means "dedication" and relates to the fact that the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem had been reclaimed and thus had to be again dedicated to Jewish faith and observance after 3 years of pagan occupation. There was only enough consecrated oil, which was to be burned in the Temple's lamp, to last 1 day and it would take 8 days to prepare more oil. Should the Jewish liberators light the lamp only to let the flame go out?

They chose to light the lamp. The miracle was the insufficient oil miraculously kept the flame lit for all 8 days. The light did not go out. The symbolic message is we all must light the flame even though our strength and resources seem meager and insufficient for the task at hand.

Healing is such a task. Many are waiting for the appearance of an abundance of spiritual strength and confidence before they start their healing work. But we start with the supply that we have, even if the supply seems hopelessly lacking. We light the lamp of healing regardless. Jesus is with us. Our supply may be lacking, but his supply is not. His supply will carry us. We may believe we are not ready, but Jesus IS ready and he needs us only to start. "The healer who relies on his own readiness is endangering his understanding. He is perfectly safe as long as he is completely unconcerned about his readiness but maintains a consistent trust in mine." (OrEd.Tx.2.64)

Do not allow the false perception of insufficiency to stop your healing efforts. Remember the Chanukah miracle. Light the lamp of healing with the resources that you do have. Trust that the light of this lamp will continue to burn. The light will not go out. Jesus is with us.

25 min.

"Faith without works is dead" is a tradition Christian expression derived from the Epistle of James. Apparently James was Jesus’ half brother, father Joseph’s son by his previous marriage (apparently Joseph was a widower). I believe this teaching from brother James is something that we ACIM students could definitely embrace, and … it’s very easy to remember! I see this reflected in the ACIM teaching, "This is not a course in the play of ideas, but in their practical application." (OrEd.WkBk.10.80)

We appear to live in a physical world and practically we need tools and techniques to help us do just that. ACIM provides those. Miracles are practical techniques which enable us to bypass time and achieve results we need to gracefully live in the world without excessive difficulties. And indeed ACIM promises to do just that, however we need faith. "Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you .... He will go before you making straight your path and leaving in your way no stones to trip on and no obstacles to bar your way. ... Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it." (OrEd.Tx.20.35-36) We need faith to accept Holy Spirit’s plan instead of our own.

When we do that we will have good works to give us the strong witness for that faith. Join me on Sunday to increase our faith, so that we can accomplish good works, deal successfully with life's obstacles, and enable our lives to move gracefully, gloriously, and abundantly.

30 min.

This Sunday will begin Thanksgiving week in the USA. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because we get a window of opportunity to practice gratitude and thankfulness. These are very important spiritual virtues and mentioned frequently in ACIM. "And gratitude to God becomes the way in which He is remembered, for love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind. God enters easily, for these are the true conditions for your coming home." (OrEd.Mn.23.4) I believe it is important for us to not only think thoughts of gratitude, but to speak words of thankfulness as well.

I am grateful and thankful for my amazing job, being the Executive Minister of the Community Miracles Center (CMC). I have had this job for almost 37 year now. Many people think this kind of longevity in the professional workplace is unheard of, and maybe even impossible in today’s modern environment. Apparently, they are wrong. And I am grateful. I still have my job and the CMC Church is still here.

It hasn’t always been easy. I am very aware that things I have said, and stands I have taken, have not always been popular. Many in our congregation, and some on the CMC Board of Directors, have not liked some of my positions and they have been free to tell me this – which they have.

30 plus years ago I was quite vocal about how I was choosing a bisexual, polyamorous lifestyle and that ACIM gave me a lot of spiritual back-up for these lifestyle choices. Some in the congregation and the Board thought this was professional suicide. The spiritual / religious market place would not be accepting of these “extreme” points of view. Apparently, they would be wrong. And I am grateful. I still have my job and the CMC Church is still here.

In the first few years of the new millennium I let go of using the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP) version of ACIM. I embraced and supported the new version that was published based on the earlier ACIM edit found in the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) Library. It had been given to Hugh Lynn Cayce as a gift from Helen Schucman and William Thetford. When this new edit was first published in book form in 2006, I started using it for my classes and writings, and dropped using the FIP book. Again many thought I was committing professional suicide. They believed the FIP book would always be the most widely accepted and used book, and the other book, would at best, have only a small niche market. Apparently, they would be wrong … again. And I am grateful. I still have my job and the CMC Church is still here.

In 2020 and 2021 I was very critical of how our society was handling the Covid19 problem. I was vocal about being against any mandated lock down measures, which included mandated masking. Although always an advocate for people doing what they were guided to do, I was very open about my not taking any Covid inoculations. I was also vocal about not appreciating being barred from entry into restaurants and public venues in my home city of San Francisco. When I was told that I could always eat outside (in the cold and rain) I did not believe that was fair and right. Again, I was told that my positions would be professional suicide. I was told that spiritual/ religious people had to get on board with the Covid narrative because we needed to be seen as functioning for the public good. Other well known ACIM teacher had. Apparently, my critics would be wrong … yet again. And I am VERY grateful. I still have my job (and my body’s life) and the CMC Church is still here.

So on Sunday I will again be celebrating Thanksgiving and strengthening my weakened ability to be grateful, "... you need to develop your weakened ability to be grateful, or you cannot appreciate God. He does not need your appreciation, but you do." (OrEd.Tx.6.23) I do appreciate God, and I appreciate all of His children. At this moment I am especially grateful to all who stuck with me these 37 years. You stuck with me even when you didn’t agree with me, and even if you did not make the same choices that I made. Noted and appreciated!

I am grateful for YOU, the CMC congregation. And I am especially grateful for those who will share with me this coming Sunday.

31 min.

A Course In Miracles uses the word “reason" in a unique way. It uses it to mean thinking which is sane, or maybe the double negative is better, thinking which is not insane. Reason is not madness. The thinking of the ego world is all insane – all madness.

However not all thinking comes from the ego mind. Some thinking comes from the Holy Spirit and that thinking IS sane and therefore reasonable. "The home of madness cannot be the home of reason. ... You do not leave insanity by going somewhere else. You leave it simply by accepting reason where madness was." (OrEd.Tx.21.61) We accept the sane thinking in the mind. It is there and yearning to be heard. We just need to accept it and then the insane thinking fades away and finally disappears. In the process of fading, the madness is still occasionally heard. Let it be, so that it can continue to fade. Don’t react defensively to it and thus strengthen it.

Sickness and death are insane. They are part of the madness of the ego world. "Is it not madness to think of life as being born, aging, losing vitality, and dying in the end? ... all this is taken as the Will of God. And no one asks if a benign Creator could will this." (OrEd.Mn.27.1) “Benign” means, “gentle and kindly.” Would a gentle and kindly Creator have made us, and the world we live in, go through painful experiences of sickness and death? “No.” That would not be reasonable. "In this perception of the universe as God created it, it would not be possible to think of Him as loving." (OrEd.Mn.27.2) Let’s step out of our intellects and into an intuitive reality of reason. Let’s perpetually inspire ourselves to make the reasonable and sane choices. Let’s accept reason and reject madness.

22 min.

Recently I have been teaching about the illusion of death and how we needed to heal it. Unlike other things that appear to exist in this dream we are having, death is so inherently not of God, that it does not lend itself to a happy Holy Spirit perception. We can't cover death with Holy Spirit's light. The image of death is just too "grim." "Death is the symbol of the fear of God. ... The grimness of the symbol is enough to show it cannot co-exist with God." (OrEd.Mn.27.3) Death can only be risen above and healed.

For those who might say that this just seems too "advanced," and too far from where their current learning has brought them, let's look at this passage from the Text. "What better way to teach the first and fundamental principle in a course on miracles than by showing you the one which seems to be the hardest can be accomplished first? ... Death, were it true, would be the final and complete disruption of communication which is the ego's goal." (OrEd.Tx.19.83) "Yes." ACIM just challenged us all to "raise the dead" NOW ... not when we think we are "ready." Accomplish that miracle first, and then we will know that we have understood the very first Principle of Miracles, "There is no order of difficulty among miracles. One is not 'harder' or 'bigger' than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal." (OrEd.Tx.1.1)

It might have been convenient for ACIM teachers if this passage about healing death first was not in the teaching, but there it is ... challenging all of us, including the ACIM teachers. I recently spoke about how ACIM teaches that a healed and peaceful way of passing from this realm should not even be called "death." The Song of Prayer says that we might call it "liberty." "We call it death, but it is liberty. It does not come in forms that seem to be thrust down in pain upon unwilling flesh, but as a gentle welcome to release." (Song-3.II.3) So here is another clue, the healed way of passing from this realm through liberty would not come at the end of a body sickness process. Let's think about that for awhile as we contemplate that the time for "raising the dead" is at hand.

27 min.

I have frequently heard people talk about how ACIM is restoring Jesus' true message that he gave 2000 plus years ago. The assumption is the original message got distorted. The gospels themselves were not written until many decades after the events. Many scholars believe they were written down from oral traditions and not by the apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John themselves.

I don't claim to be an expert on Biblical history and scholarship, however from the little I have read it would be easy to see how the original teachings of Jesus might easily have been lost or at least distorted by the time the gospels were written down and collected. However it is also possible that Jesus' message has evolved along with Jesus himself. All throughout ACIM Jesus is telling us that we are also the Christ and that there is no inherent difference between him and us. We are to ourselves declare, "My oneness with the Christ establishes me as Your Son, beyond the reach of time and wholly free of every law but Yours." (OrEd.WkBk.354.1)

The message that followed from the gospels, and the Christian faith that evolved from that message, still has Jesus very much up on a pedestal. It also has Jesus very much up on a cross with his body dying. Somehow those 2 things go together. The new message from ACIM takes Jesus down from the pedestal and hopefully down from the cross as well.

We all are the Christ and none of us need be on the death cross. Seeing us all as the Christ levels the playing field, and also takes us all off whatever personal crosses we have put ourselves on. Everyone is healed when everyone is Christ acknowledged "You have reacted for years as if you were being crucified. This is a marked tendency of the separated ones" (OrEd.Tx.6.6)

The time for both pedestals and crosses is over. I believe this is how Jesus' message, and Jesus himself, has evolved over the past 2000 plus years. He was not "the" messiah anymore. He was and still is a messiah, and so are all of us. I believe this is the new covenant Jesus is giving us to teach and just as in his time 2000 plus years ago, don't expect the current religious establishment to welcome it with open arms.

27 min.

As a young Catholic boy I was taught the 10 Commandments in religious instruction. The 8th Commandment (or perhaps 9th depending on what version of the Bible you are reading) was, "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor." I was taught this meant one shouldn’t lie about what one had seen, heard, or otherwise witnessed someone as having done or not done. I accepted that. It made sense.

Many decades later, ACIM turned that all around by a new meaning for "false witness." "Your judgment rests upon the witness that your senses offer you. Yet witness never falser was than this. But how else do you judge the world you see? You place pathetic faith in what your eyes and ears report." (OrEd.WkBk.151.3) ACIM is telling us that anything our eyes and ears report to us is suspect and unreliable. The entire perceptual world is false witness. Therefore, not bearing false witness against the holy Child of God would mean not using anything that appears in the world as a judgment against them. That would include ourselves as well.

ACIM also tells us directly that the appearance of sickness is indeed a false witness for us or for anyone else. It is a sensory "proof" to something that is actually a lie. However let us remember that the senses prove nothing. "It is hard to perceive sickness as a false witness ... This witness, then, appears to be innocent and trustworthy, because you have not seriously cross-examined him." (OrEd.Tx.8.73) Well … then let’s do that. Let's cross examine the witness of sickness and ask the Higher Court to invalidate this testimony.

27 min.

We are told to trust in the Holy Spirit. "In everything be led by Him and do not reconsider. Trust Him to answer quickly, surely, and with love for everyone who will be touched in any way by the decision. And everyone will be." (OrEd.Tx.13.81) I like the short sentence at the end. Everyone will be touched, affected, by every decision we make. We are never deciding anything just for ourselves. Every decision we make affects the whole world. "No thought of God's Son can be separate or isolated in its effects. Every decision is made for the whole Sonship, directed in and out and influencing a constellation larger than anything you ever dreamed of." (OrEd.Tx.13.73)

Sounds like an awesome responsibility doesn't it? We probably have been submerged in a societal norm which tells us that our decisions are our own, and don't primarily affect anyone but ourselves. WRONG! Every decision we make affects all of creation because we are all of creation. Everything is connected. Think of large flocks of birds migrating on cue, flying thousands of miles every year. What programs these phenomenal, synchronized travels? There is surely some group consciousness which takes over. I cannot comprehend these journeys all being part of an individual program inside every little bird's brain. No, something larger and ethereal is taking place that defies our usual definitions of singular minds and individual animals.

If migrating flocks of birds are invisibly connected and functioning almost like a single organism, then why not humans? I'm sure we are. Every decision we makes touches every other brother and sister. "You are being blessed by every beneficent thought of any of your brothers anywhere. You should want to bless them in return out of gratitude. You do not have to know them individually or they you." (OrEd.Tx.5.3) Take just a moment and feel the connected consciousness that is the holy Child of God. Isn't it glorious? Join my on Sunday as we explore our invisible connection.

25 min.

How to deal with the world we find ourselves in, has been a challenge for just about all of those who claim to embrace the teaching of ACIM at one time or another – and perhaps all the time. Some would ignore the world, even denigrate it. Those who do mention it, or even give it a purpose, are frequently harshly criticized by those ACIM people who are trying to rise above the world by reducing its importance. ACIM tells us that our path lies in the middle. "Many have chosen to renounce the world while still believing its reality ... Others have chosen nothing but the world – Between these paths there is another road that leads away from loss of every kind ... This is the way appointed for you now." (OrEd.WkBk.155.4-5) Choosing to walk the middle way should certainly be familiar to anyone with even a passing knowledge of Buddhism.

I pose that the middle way actually involves an acceptance of both the inner and the outer as important and useful. Actually ACIM tells us they are the same. "The idea for today, like the preceding ones, applies to your inner and outer worlds, which are actually the same." (OrEd.WkBk.32.2) Many of the first 50 Workbook lessons have you do the same application to the inner and outer worlds, with a consistent point made to make no distinction in applying the practice to either. For the sake of practice they are both treated exactly the same. Since this is true, why do some people think healing should only be applied to mind and thoughts, the inner world, and not to the body, either our own or that of another, in the outer world? "These exercises ... consist of repeating the idea slowly as you survey either your inner or outer world. It does not matter which you choose." (OrEd.WkBk.32.5) Again, it does not matter which is chosen because since it is the inner that is causing the outer they are both technically the same. "You will escape from both together, for the inner is the cause of the outer." (OrEd.WkBk.31.2)

This truth has been taught for many millennium. Consider this well known expression from Hermetic Philosophy, “As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.” Hermeticism is a religious philosophy that was popular during the same time of early Christianity. It is very metaphysical. It combined elements of classic Greek (the God Hermes) and classic Egyptian (the God Thoth) philosophy. Obviously they were onto the same metaphysical truth that the inner is the cause of the outer. This understanding is necessary for all true healing. No limits within means no limits without. Manifesting no limits without must mean accepting no limits within. Healing of the inner is the healing of the outer. Manifesting a healing of the outer must mean that the inner too has been healed. “As within, so without. As above, so below."

29 min.

I have been getting the clear message lately that one of the main purposes of the spiritual discipline A Course In Miracles is to heal modern Christianity. One could say it is literally a “Course Correction” for Christianity. I believe that Jesus wants us to identify broadly as Christians but that in order to do this we will have to correct, or heal, a few basic misperceptions that many traditional, Bible based Christians have. Jesus says that in spite of being “very sincere” many Christians still believe in the importance of the crucifixion itself. "The crucifixion did not establish the Atonement. The resurrection did. This is a point which many very sincere Christians have misunderstood." (OrEd.Tx.3.11)

These traditional Christians see Jesus as the ultimate "sacrificial lamb” who had to be killed as the final, "perfect sacrifice" that would put an end to sacrifice once and for all. However ACIM tells us, "Sacrifice is a notion totally unknown to God. ... Sacrificing another in any way is a clear cut violation of God's own injunction that man should be merciful even as his Father in Heaven. It has been hard for many Christians to realize that this commandment (or assignment) also applies to themselves." (OrEd.Tx.3.21) Higher than anything else, a "real Christian" would have to be merciful.

Being merciful really just means being loving, however there is an implication that we must be loving especially towards those who the world may give us the permission NOT to be loving towards. Good Christians would especially be loving towards those who have appeared to hurt them. In fact, this might be the precise sign that a person is indeed a follower of Jesus, a Christian – that ability to be loving towards those very ones who everyone would say do not deserve it. That's where the true Christian proves their faith. We are Jesus' followers, his disciples. "I must found His church on you because you who accept me as a model are literally my disciples. Disciples are followers." (OrEd.Tx.6.12) "Teachers of God" and "Miracle Christians" – our time to demonstrate who we are and to be merciful is now.

27 min.

A recent exchange with an old friend triggered some personal revelations. This person wouldn’t get together with me for dinner if I was going to wear my cleric collar. I humored them once about 2 years ago and wore a long tie instead. It was fine, but I have not been guided to do that again. At the time I thought, "Recognize what does not matter, and if your brothers ask you for something 'outrageous,' do it because it does not matter." (OrEd.Tx.11.27) I started to wear the cleric collar in 2020 when the shelter-in-place directives were issued in March of that year. The idea that clergy weren’t essential workers seemed preposterous to me. As I spoke of at the time "Drastic Times Require Drastic Measures – 03.29.20.”

Making a true public display of my life's focus has had a great value in ways I had not thought of before. I started going by "Rev. Tony” instead of just “Tony” when I was first ordained in 1984. I have never wavered from that and eventually I got all my legal documents to reflect my name change. I suppose 36 years was enough of a trial run. Apparently by 2020 I was ready to kick my dedication up a notch. I am so glad I did. It has become a personal religious revival for me. There is nothing more important for Rev. Tony than to continually remind himself how he is to interface with the world. I am a man of God, here to illustrate a Spirit dedicated life, devoted to healing all the Holy Child of God. "Until you see the healing of the Son as all you wish to be accomplished by the world, by time, and all appearances, you will not know the Father nor yourself." (OrEd.Tx.24.52) The cleric collar communicates so much without me even having to speak a word. It provides a foundation for every conversation to be had on top of that.

I never leave home without wearing my collar. I don’t go out in public without it because it is my statement about what my public life is dedicated to. I even wear it often in my home. “No” I do not sleep with it. (lol) I have found that almost everyone accepts me with it just fine – even my high school classmates from Canastota, NY when I show up for our annual reunions. My biological sisters accept it. My church has accepted it – or perhaps the ones who did not left. All the waiters and waitresses at restaurants I eat at accept it. All the clerks in the stores I shop at accept it. In truth I believe people are generally friendlier to me than they are to the average person. Perhaps I seem "safer.” I’m not sure, but friendlier interactions are certainly a wonderful thing.

As for my friend who won’t have dinner with me if I wear it … well I have to ask what kind of a “friend” that is, and why would I want to have dinner with such a person? That's an important revelation in itself. I am "Rev. Tony Ponticello" and I am enjoying the personal religious revival I have had since putting on the cleric collar. I don’t see myself going back. It’s been terrific.

32 min.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

133 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith