Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline part 2

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Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline part 2



Huge Black Mass Portal - Like Object Sighted Over Carthage In Missouri. June 8, 2024
The Hidden Underbelly 2.0
The witness stated "That this was both seen on film and by eye. So, not a software glitch." And he also added that this was filmed behind the local Walmart of this area..

Thanks to Randall Willis for allowing me the use of his clip & Thanks to Thomas Steele for posting the clip and to view the original:

/ 100003136463263

Music Credit: Devious by CO.AG Music

/ @co.agmusic

Donation are greatly appreciated:
Send footage to - [email protected]

The Lord Is My Shepherd
Today I received confirmation regarding what I was recently shown that evil and demonically influenced mankind is doing behind the scenes, in the dark. Evil wickedness is being planned in these last days to kill many with nuclear weapons. Not only will many perish for trusting in man more than God but Satan also wants as many as he can get into hell. Many who have chosen this world, and refuse to trust in the Lord to protect them, will get sick and perish. The warnings have gone out. Those who refuse to separate themselves from this world will be caught in sudden destruction where all their earthly treasures will burn. God’s word tells us not to store treasures here. Yet, the apostate church is doing just that by trusting in man to protect them from this current judgment of pestilence. The antichrist is also waiting for the restrainer (the Holy Spirit in the bride of Christ) to be removed in order for him to be revealed. I am compelled to share what I have been given by the Lord. The Holy Spirit confirms all things with me as a watchman. I am being obedient to the Lord Jesus until I am called home and my job is done. Take all these things to the Lord in prayer and ask for confirmation for yourself. Take the time to talk to him and seek his face. He will answer. He loves you and wants us all to be ready with our spiritual eyes opened.

Read Mark 4:22-25 for understanding of what has been shared.

“For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.” Mark‬ ‭4:22‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The Lord knows all things and NOTHING is hid from his eyes. Not even what is in your heart. There is no secret the Lord God doesn’t know and all will be revealed just as his word tells us. It’s God’s timing and not ours when the church age of grace will end. We are to TAKE HEED to what we hear from the Holy Spirit. Those that listen and obey will be given more. Those that refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit now will be left behind. There are many with no oil in their lamps in these last days but they have a form of godliness. They have replaced the oil from the Holy Spirit with this world, and now darkness dwells within them. There is no more light in them because they have chosen to trust in this world and fear man instead of fearing God.

This is the word of the Lord speaking to all who have ears to hear. The harvest is come! The bridegroom is ready and all is prepared to receive the bride of Christ. Very few desire to be with him because they are committing adultery with this world. Their heart desires the things in this world that satan distracts them with. They do not have a personal relationship with Jesus who should be their bridegroom. They have no time to spend with him in prayer, or reading his word with the help of the Holy Spirit to give them wisdom in the

You are not prepared – Melissa Hall
Prophetic words, warning, revelation, counsel, understanding ..

📃 link:-

Shalom Family 👋🏽
Some notes about the channel:-
1. The shared messages in videos are sourced from From different messengers ( prophets/ watchmen) around the world.

2. You may have noticed, that the messages shared from various messengers, may not always be insync.

Because :-
* Each messenger is privileged in receiving only parts of prophecy. ( a need to rely on other messengers for full understanding).

* Some do not always discern correctly; reason why they encourage, you seek God for discernment in all messages. ( stumblings in ministry)

* Some are not receiving from God. ( are in it for selfish gains,.. others to sow variance, strife, hate, confusion..etcs in the body.
It's regretted, that I may not always discern this. (..are subtle)

God exposes error and falsehood, by giving understanding, when we come to Him humbly for clarity/ confirmation.
( ... at His Time).

Do not hold man in very high esteem (followers of men..), it will then become very difficult to receive correction from the Holy Spirit.

Be a follower of God only, and pursue truth to avoid stumbles during this PRECIOUS FINAL days.

Thank you very much for the greetings, and kind words of encouragement and appreciation in the chat. ❤🌹


📌 photos courtesy pinterest.


The Lord Is My Shepherd
Be imitators of God, as beloved children. and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2

Don't turn back, don't doubt or fear. All My promises are yes and AMEN in Yeshua. Cling to what you know to be truth, trust none other. All other ground is sinking sand. Watch over My Word to perfect it in your heart. Do not assume you know My Word.....'know' My Word. Bury it deep in your heart and in your mind. Many things that are coming will bring great deception to millions. KNOW My Word and stand in My Truth.

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17

Confusion, misspeak...challenges in media, academia, religion and government. Evil sits atop a very high throne as he, ha satan, oversees his demonic empire. His days are numbered and this he knows very well and acts accordingly. The great and glorious God has ordained these times and challenges that must come to many nations of the world. The time of great apostacy has begun. It slithered in under the cover of darkness and took up residence within the hearts and minds of millions. Darkness grabs many hearts. Hearts that do not know My heart, hearts that do not know My Son.

Dark grows the days ahead. You are called to be a light in the darkness. Shine child of God. Shine for My glory rests upon you. Allow My Word to be your guide. Do not expect all to join you in your journey of faith, but you do not journey alone. Choose wisely! Times are rough, evil is spreading and you must stand strong against the forces of darkness. Pray, petition and stand strong. These are the days of Elijah.....and you must declare the Word of the LORD.

...the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:11-12

Through the actions of man, ha satan moves and through the actions of Almighty God ha satan will be removed.

The Lord Is My Shepherd
“And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and take up his cross DAILY, and FOLLOW ME.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9:23‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“DRAW NIGH TO GOD, AND HE WILL DRAW NIGH TO YOU. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and PURIFY YOUR HEARTS, ye double minded.

HUMBLE YOURSELVES in the sight of the Lord, and HE SHALL LIFT YOU UP.” James‬ ‭4:8, 10‬ ‭KJV‬‬

We desperately need to be in our quiet place DAILY with Jesus. This can be wherever we want or wherever we can separate ourselves from others, and just be with him. Do we do this? Why not in your car or truck by ourselves? Why not at the kitchen table alone with Jesus? Why not on your sofa alone with him? Are we afraid that he might talk to us and tell us what we are doing wrong? Do not be afraid of God who loves you. He chastises and corrects those he loves. He does this in love, and he will heal us if we run to him when we sin or are hurt. But only IF we give him our time. He sees what we give our time to everyday. He is a jealous God. He will say to some on that day when the trumpet sounds, “Depart from me for I never knew you”. We should desire to know him more each and everyday so he can know us intimately. This should be our first thought as we wake up. Where should I spend my time with Jesus today? Talk to him about everything going on in your life and ask him to speak to you. He will speak to your heart. He will speak to you when you open up his word. That’s how I hear him so clearly. He speaks to my heart. Sometimes it’s very clear and precise. Other times I have to read the scriptures he brings me to read over and again. Then if I still don’t understand how the scriptures relate to what I just got done talking to him about, I stop and ask him for clarity. The Holy Spirit gives me this wisdom and understanding because I ask. Sometimes he wants me to warn the sleeping church so that they too can be ready for that trumpet of God when it sounds.

When we draw near to him, HE will draw near to us. This is the same as when I run to my quiet place and cry out to him for peace and comfort on hard days. He is right there. He is always there. No matter where you are you can stop and cry out to him. I ask for his peace to cover me, and as soon as the words leave my mouth I feel an overwhelming warmth covering me, and instantly I have peace that passes all of my understanding.

The word of God is truth. Yet not many read it for themselves. Not many have time for Jesus every single day. Most professing Christians give him less than an hour a week and it’s usually while they are in a building that teaches false doctrines of devils and man’s doctrine not God’s truth. There truly is a famine in the land in these final days. It’s a famine of God’s word. That’s why we can see the church living in fear just like the rest

The Lord Is My Shepherd
“The sin of Judah(USA) is WRITTEN WITH A PEN OF IRON, AND WITH THE POINT OF A DIAMOND: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the horns of your altars;

Thus saith the Lord; CURSED BE THE MAN THAT TRUSTETH IN MAN, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17:1, 5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The warnings have been clear that watchmen have spoken to your ears and yet you are still in unbelief. I have been shown this verse many times before but today the Holy Spirit has confirmed with me this message I am to share with all who have ears to hear. But it’s not only those who have ears to hear because if your heart is hardened you will not hear or take heed to the warnings coming from watchmen who are standing boldy in the face of evil deception in these last days. The Lord God Almighty is going to destroy this nation within one hour just as his word describes! Many have been shown in dreams and visions of this coming destruction. David Wilkerson, Dumitru Duduman, Henry Gruver, Ken Peterson, and many others who have warned of what is to come to the USA. I personally have been shown and told by God that Russia will destroy this wicked and prideful nation with nuclear weapons. I was shown the huge nuclear mushroom cloud from a nuclear bomb going off here in the Bay Area, and the wall of fire that devours everything in its path is so intense that nothing will survive. I was allowed to feel the heat from the massive blast wave that will kill thousands if not millions in its path instantly. God is speaking to those who have trusted in man who are now cursed. The cursed includes the many who profess his name and yet trust in man to protect them from pestilence. But God can see how your heart has departed from him. Your heart has deceived you. God’s word tells us that our heart is desperately wicked above ALL things and many of you have followed it to your destruction. I must speak what I am given as a watchman today! These are the words I received early during my morning quiet time with the Lord. His long suffering is about to end and he is warning you right now, while time still stands, to REPENT!
Repent! Repent I say to you today! You do not know when your last breath on this earth will be. Many who have trusted in man will perish because you have followed your wicked heart instead of me. I am the only one you should have trusted in these last days. Your hypocrisy and double mindedness will cause your soul to end up burning in hell for all eternity IF you don’t repent NOW before it’s too late. I have used my watchmen long enough to warn your stubbornness and stiff necked heart. You cannot hear the truth anymore and your heart believes the lies from my enemy who is going to steal your soul, kill your body, and destroy you because you

walking with jesus

tunnel of the rapture

The Lord Is My Shepherd
This morning I came across this word quite by accident while looking for a notebook to take to a meeting. I can’t say when I received this word from
the Lord as I hadn’t dated it, but I sensed a strong impress in my spirit to reread it and to prepare it for sharing. This word is for the Body of Christ. GOD bless each and everyone of you in these times of great trouble. We belong to a GOD who is faithful to His Word.

Margaret Blake

There is a way and I AM that WAY.
There is a truth and I AM that TRUTH.
There is a life and I AM that LIFE.

Why do you seek Me among the dead?
I AM not in your self-glorifying churches.
I AM not in your ways.
Your thoughts are NOT My thoughts.
Is it not written in the last days… “Men will become lovers of themselves…”

Throughout the ages My gaze has watched; My ears have listened.

Throughout time My Spirit has searched the earth always seeking for that one who will walk with ME; who will live for ME. How I have longed for garden walks and talks with all My children. But most do not seek Me, instead they look to their own reflections. They delight in their own thoughts and follow their own ways.

You will NOT find Me there. I AM not that way. I AM NOT THERE.

My Spirit is truth and righteousness. My Spirit is MY RESURRECTED LIFE that is given to all who believe in ME.

Is it not written that… “The Holy Spirit shall lead you unto all righteousness and reveal all truth to you.”

Why then do you continue in your own ways? I tell you truly that not one of your self-made lives will stand. The whole of man’s creation will be thrown down and only those who look to ME will escape the coming tide of My judgments and the ensuing destruction. It is written… “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.”

Soon My hand of Grace will be lifted and the levy of My Spirit will no longer hold back the armies of destruction that will sweep across all nations.

But those faithful to Me will only look with their eyes and see what happens to the wicked. For My faithfulness will be both a shield and a buckler to those who belong to Me; those who remain steadfast in Me. I will cover them with My pinions and under My wings they will have refuge.

Those secure in Me know that I AM the Secret Place of the Most High. They shall see My protection and be filled with My peace when the time of the
great calamities are unleashed upon the earth. For they know that they dwell under the Shadow of the Almighty, My Father.

But those who have given themselves over to their own thoughts and ways will find they are like the five unwise virgins. Their wicks have burned down and they have no extra oil to fill their lamps. The light of My presence burns dimly if at all in their lives. They are unprepared and are given to anxiety and fear. My peace is not with the

Bethlehem - City of Kings!
Israel MyChannel
Ramat Rachel or Ramat Raḥel (Hebrew: רָמַת רָחֵל, lit. 'Rachel's Heights') is a kibbutz located in central Israel. An enclave within Jerusalem's municipal boundaries, near the neighborhoods Arnona and Talpiot, and overlooking Bethlehem and Rachel's Tomb (for which the kibbutz is named).

island of Socotra in Yemen

U B Ready


1 John 2:15-17
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

My son, as the world is SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL, many men will seek answers from the wise ones of this world. However, they are but fools they seek, for I AM THE ONE they should seek. I AM THE ONE bringing to finality the words of My true prophets.

THIS WORLD IS NOW IN THE FINAL DOWNWARD SPIRAL - AND IT WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I RETURN TO STOP IT. Men's hearts have grown colder, and the love of the Father is not in them.

My son, this is the month where sin and perversion are CELEBRATED - NAY!! WORSHIPPED!! I have destroyed cities for the worship of the flesh, and I will destroy whole nations for this idol worship.

My hand of judgment is coming down on America for polluting this world with this idolatry. My hand of judgment will fall heavy on Tel-Aviv for the willful sin of the people. I will cleanse the land with fire as I have done in the past.

Israel - your times of trouble are now upon you. REPENT NOW, turn from your wicked ways.

America - REPENT NOW, for the fire of My judgment is at your door.

My son, SHOUT REPENT to those of My body who care more for this world and the things of it, rather than the Kingdom of God and the things of it. My body in America has grown fat and lazy, while those under persecution have grown strong.

America - persecution is coming to My body, and many - many - MANY will fall away. They are soft and lack strength in My Word. They go naked into battle and do not even recognize the enemy. I have given you My armor - yet you REFUSE to put it on.

You - America - are Mystery Babylon, and you - Church - are Laodocia with ICHABOD stamped on your forehead! REPENT NOW, turn back to the True Shepherd and run from the wolves.

My son, now as this nation SPIRALS OUT OF CONTROL, it is time to tell all who will hear to turn to Me. I AM THE LORD AND YOUR SALVATION. Read of Me in My Word - IT IS TRUTH. Seek Me daily in prayer and learn to hear My voice. I AM always listening to you, and I AM always with you.

Flee the false prophets and teachers that tickle your ears, for they will lead you to hell. Seek Me in all things, and I will be with you as the world SPIRALS OUT OF CONTROL.

I love you and will see you soon.

Lord Jesus

U B Ready
Received 5/30/2024


Jeremiah 11:9-10
9 And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
10 They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to hear my words; and they went after other gods to serve them: the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their fathers.

My son, the TIME OF CHAOS is fast approaching, and My body is not prepared. Many have prophesied that this nation is blessed and will be blessed again - depending on who will be placed as king.

But I tell you now - ONLY I CAN BLESS A NATION - NOT A MAN.

This king will only bring more chaos - not because of who HE IS - but because of who I AM. This nation and its wickedness will collapse under its sin. The unrepentant nature of this nation has now reached the end of the rope, and death is now here.

My son, even though WAR IS AT THE DOOR - My church is silent. My body fears the reprisals of men if they stand for righteousness and holiness.

The SEASON OF CHAOS and the SUMMER OF RAGE will begin now in earnest. REPENT NOW - you sleeping church - and prepare for your TIME OF TESTING. The church will continue to splinter, and those who preach My Word and walk in faith will be cast away from those who preach and teach abominable doctrines.

My son, many in My body refuses to repent and will be caught away in the chaos. Much bloodshed will be unleashed on the streets, and cities will burn. To those who hear My voice - DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN THE WHIRLPOOLS! There will be many whirlpools, and My children will be caught up in some.

Stay in My Word, stay on your knees, for this battle is won by prayer. Have your grain silos filled to weather the stormy days ahead.

What if Noah had not prepared??
What if Joseph had not prepared??
Have you prepared for the coming famine??

Many will perish and miss the GLORY RIVER because of unbelief. They choose to NOT HEED My warnings and brace for these days.

My son, continue to SHOUT REPENT to these deaf people. Some will hear and be ready. The bear's mighty right arm is ready to crush all in its way. The dragon will flex its muscle and flap its wings, and many will be amazed at the destruction.

BABYLON - I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT! Prepare for the chaos and famine.

I AM coming soon for those who stand for Me.

Lord Jesus

Nibiru/Planet X – Melissa Hall
Prophetic words, revelation, counsel, understanding. ..
📃 link:-

❤ Also see:-

📌 photos courtesy pinterest.


#Idaho to Jackson, Wyoming

White peacock

black deer in Barycz Valley, Poland

My Two Witnesses – Anna Jacobs
Prophetic words, revelation, understanding...

📃 link:-

💡Also see:-

The Lord Is My Shepherd
I am being prompted by the Holy Spirit to share a personal word from the Lord to me during me crying out to him earlier this year. This is for encouragement to all who grow weary in these final moments of this church age of grace.

Romans 12:14 “Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.”

19 “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

For you Justin today.(share)
-from the Great I AM

All that has happened to you I have seen and I have been with you Justin, my son. Yes, you are my watchman. I know you are tired and weary. But what does my word say for you to do? Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden. I will give you rest! Be still and know my voice. You had to be still just now in order for me to give you these words. I see your mind and how you desire to be my watchman. But now is your time of rest.

Come to me and I will heal you of your brokenness. I did this for you with all of the losses in your life. When you lost your daughter Hailey, you turned to me for comfort. But your healing didn’t come until you fully surrendered to me. I had to wake you up spiritually with a dream. Yes! That nuclear war dream was from me. Yes, I told you it will be Russia who comes and takes over this land. You will be with me. DO NOT FEAR what man can do to your body. Fear only me, for I can not only destroy your body but also cast your eternal soul into the pit, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Do not stray from me when I chastise you. Do not turn from my commandments and instructions when you are in a low place. Instead, that is when you should draw closer to me more than ever before. I am here with you.

I gave you scripture after telling you that many who know you have turned from me in their heart. Many you know have chosen the opposite of what you have warned because they do not believe I have called you to warn them!

My long suffering will soon come to an end. The sins of my people are a stench in my nostrils. If only they would repent. Then they would become a clean and pleasing fragrance to me. Their garments would then become white and not tarnished and stained. But they have chosen against me. They have chosen someone else. They desire someone to tickle their ears so they can continue loving their sin. Their love for this world and the THINGS in it is their sin. I have prompted their hearts to turn to me, through your obedience sharing what I have given you, yet they refuse to listen to my Spirit. That is why I say those who love this world do not have my love in them.

Warn them today. They will not receive many other chances to repent. Some will have this as their final warning and will not make it into my kingdom. I am using you my son, to warn. You


Dominican Republic

The Lord Is My Shepherd
Words I received when I was praying in the morning asking the Lord for scripture to read and what he wanted to tell me today. I heard the Holy Spirit say get up and write. I argued and said I have nothing to write or say. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say to start with the title “The TIME is HERE! REPENT!”
So I got up immediately and started writing. Here is what I was given this morning to share.

The Kingdom Of God is at hand! Repent! Repent and turn from your wicked ways. Turn back to your God that offers eternal life for your soul. Your soul is eternal but the things you pursue are not! Why care so much about pleasure in this life and care NOTHING for your eternity? You will die one day and nothing you do will stop that from happening. Nothing! You listen to the world instead of listening to your Heavenly Father. You say you can’t hear me speaking but you NEVER even try to spend time listening!! Spend time. Your precious time. You sleep, slumber, stay up late, do recreations, vacations, chores, errands, parties, gatherings, fleshly pursuits, ALL COME BEFORE ME!!!

You don’t stop and sit with me and my word. You don’t humble yourself on your knees to pray. You pray only when you want something from me as if I am here to tend to your needs only and not speak to you. I AM ALMIGHTY GOD!! You treat me with such disrespect. You treat others who are your leaders and those above you with disrespect. You wonder why things happen to you in your life but never look at your own heart. You never come to ask me to show you your heart and what you hold in it that will prevent you from entering my kingdom!! So many of you will not leave this earth to safety because of your disregard for my word. My word is my Son! My Son is your Savior and your Master! He is the only one who can save your soul. Yet you say you know him. You say you accept him. You say you are saved but you pursue this life more than listen to Him! You will be spit out of his mouth as lukewarm. You will weep and gnash your teeth when he comes for his bride. He is at the door and so many people have NO CLUE! He will come as a thief in the night just like my word says. Just like I have said in my word multiple times in many chapters and verses. But you do not know that it says this because you do not read my word with wisdom and understanding. You read my word as if you are doing me a favor. You read my word for your own agenda and lifestyle. My word is NOT for your earthly gain! This earth will pass away but my word will NEVER pass away! Your works will be burned up when my Son calls up His bride to be with Him. Your worldly pursuits of money and power and possessions will burn up and you will be found lacking.

If you don’t stop and REPENT NOW then you will be left here with the rest of the heathen world you claim you are not a part of. Your heart holds many


Video Games Play YOU... (Not The Other Way Around)
Upper Echelon
#gaming #videogames #callofduty
Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code ECHELON at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan:

Video games have evolved over time. What started as a meritocracy of peer to peer competition... has now become a constantly changing maze of parameters designed to manipulate the player base, keep them online, and cause them to spend.

With clearly defined systems (patented by companies like Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts, and exposed by executives now working for Ubisoft) designed to award wins and losses, or change even basic fundamental mechanics such as "player aim"... Video games no longer exist to be played... they exist to play their users.

#GOD's Warning


Created 7 months ago.

1011 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

For GOD and Jesus, Rapture is Near. Rapture. Staticdriver (Military. Father, and Saved by Jesus) shares some news headlines from GOD loving people. I remind you I'm not a prophet I'm not a pastor, and I'm not even a great teacher, I'm just a GOD fearing man that loves the Lord I really love talking about the Lord and I love hanging out with you chosen ones. I worked for US military, a Power Company, a Major Food stores, CGI/Computer programmer, Repair Electronic FAA Airplane/Airline Company. HOW TO BE SIMPLY SAVED.

THE BAD NEWS. We are all sinners. (Romans 3:23)

We deserve to be punished in hell for our sins.

THE GOOD NEWS. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for all of your sins. He was buried and rose again to give you eternal life as a free gift.

(1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 6:23)


Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31)

WE ARE SAVED by grace through faith alone in Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

ETERNAL SECURITY is a promise of God, who cannot lie.

(John 6:47; Titus 1:2; Ephesians 1:13-14)



Sean dedicates this labor of love to Jesus Christ, who showed me His unconditional love by taking the penalty for my sins on the cross of Calvary. He is the source of my inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. All praise, honor, and glory be to God Almighty forever and ever. Amen.​
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