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David Krienke


Even though something was crafted by the gifted hands of an artisan, and it's beautiful to behold; if it has no spiritual, emotional, or physical advantage, then it has no place in the Kingdom of God.
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When the redeemed of the Lord, ever truly embrace Wisdom, they will no longer err in the knowledge of God, and the great plagues of calamity and tyranny, will no longer be called peace.
Support this ministry: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/dwkrienke

In this issue, Brother Sumrall announced the release of a new book called "The Face of Jesus", and published exerpts of it in the cover story. This video series features historical insights, and also offers free downloads of this historic monthly magazine, that Dr. Lester Sumrall published for thirty-four years, from 1962-1996.
Download the May 1973 issue of World Harvest magazine here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xImJbSpOENQiu5YhwHjn8HnEvUZeBvQJ/view?usp=sharing
Download Brother Sumrall's classic book, "The Human Face of Jesus" here: https://drlestersumrall.com/pdfviewer/human-face-of-jesus/?auto_viewer=true&display=true#page=&zoom=page-fit&pagemode=none
Watch the video for "In the Face of Jesus" by David Krienke here: https://youtu.be/0UYwgDJuG1o?si=DrHlPx4fk2AcOopi

When we consider the beauty of the powers of creation, whether it be fire, wind, water, or stars; how much greater in power, and beauty, is the Author of everything that is?
Support this ministry: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/dwkrienke

When we're living apart from the will of God, He corrects us little by little, to get our attention, and draw us back to the right path. Are you paying attention?
Support this ministry: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/dwkrienke

When God winks at our sins, it means that He's overlooking them in His mercy, because He desires for us to get it right, and He's allowing us more time to repent. But time is running out.
Support this ministry: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/dwkrienke

Wisdom is the knowledge, and desire to live out the will of God, in love. It is the realization that there is a "right" thing to do, and a "correct" way to interact with each other, and the world that we live in.
Support this ministry: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/dwkrienke


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

291 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Sharing the Gospel of the life changing Power & Love of Jesus Christ, through music & ministry.