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There are no good jews, no innocent jews. Because jews identify as a separate species to the rest of us, they support everything jews do over anything else. They have no loyalties except to each other.

Because jews have been discriminating against me all of my life as a genius, as someone a lot smarter than all jews.

Pay attention folks. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Jews loyalty is to jews OVER HUMANITY ITSELF.

You have a flavor.

And my family SUCKS! This video was especially recorded for LeAnne Ashcraft, her family, and the Dulyea family. Worst families EVER!

Jews want this planet for themselves.

You see the world as you were taught how to see it. I see the same world but from an outside perspective. I was raised within society, but not by society. I am a natural human, at his potential, and represent what all human beings can and should be.

How about you? Are you even a responsible adult yet? Still depending upon mommy and daddy or society for your food and housing?

Sorry for the lack of thumbnail. Bitchute doesn't work on my browser anymore...

I have all the answers. People are asking, but jews are keeping them from hearing my responses...

I have been survivng on my own since I was 3 years old. I am THE expert on survival. Liatening to ANYONE else will get you KILLED!

How do you decide? On what basis do you judge? Do you assume you are right or wrong?

And given to the Palestinians.

Share this video or make your own if you agree.

My Bitchute accounts are shadowbanned, backend restricted, and subject to all sorts of efforts to censor what I have to say.

And what I have to say is the truth about jews like Ray, the founder of Bitchute and the fact that they are, by their own definition, a separate race of humans who believe themselves superior whem in fact they are inferior.

Jews like Ray don't want you to know what I know or that I even exist because my existence proves jews are inferior and evil.

Thats right Dwayne, Dave, Bonita, Jen, and everyone else who supports the way that I am treated by the jews who took over the US Government. I am being treated this way because I am a patriotic American doing his duty, and all of you who support how I am treated are TRAITORS committing TREASON, a CAPITAL OFFENSE! Thats right, all of you should be HUNG!

Still reeling from seeing this. I assume it was a small asteroid grazing the earths atmosphere. We have seen no other reports. This is a compilation of three videos all synchronized and cut together as one.

The tail or plume behind the asteroid was illuminated by the sun as it was north and high enough up to have been exposed to the sun which only set about an hour before. The asteroid originated from north northwest of us and traveled south southeast and lost exposure to the sun about halfway through the video. At the end you can clearly see a tumbling oblong object with obvious tumbling as it leaves the atmosphere and returns to space.

This was spectacular, yet apparently no one else saw it. We are looking for confirmation. NASA did not respond to my last inquiry so I will not bother reporting this object. They can find it somehow or not. I don´t care. I hoped it crashed into the planet and destroyed everything. Imagine my disappointment.

Prrevious similar event:

This mail service is deliberately not providing the services I pay for in order to harass me, because jews called these people and told them lies about me. And these assholes just believe the lies and fuck with me.

Do you really want to use a service that will do this? Even you jews know better, that they will do this to you if you aren't the right kind of jew.

This business is run by traitors to America, probably even jews. DO NOT USE BCM Mail and Ship of Quartzsite, AZ

By the way, I AM a fucking refugee fleeing persecution in the USA by jews who rule the nation.

This video represents proof that jews control America.

It was jews who told these people to mistreat me, to single me out and defraud me and act against me and against the law, and they did so without question. It is done to protect jews in their having control of the United States of America, which is evidenced by the common thread in my being censored, the trail of evidence showing the extent of jewish control of various governments, corporations, NGOs, and even the UN itself. These people did what jews told them to do, it was done illegally, and an innocent disabled American seeking refuge was the victim, and it has drastically impaired his ability to survive as they have interfered with my SSDI and are preventing me from purchasing a necessary supplement, in other words I am being tortured by an American business on the order of the jews who control America. This is proof that jews control America and victimize innocent, even disabled Americans, in their efforts to maintain control of our nation.

I fled America because it is not America anymore. Jews took control and have domesticated Americans, made them into their slaves, and turned America into a militant power hungry tool for jews to achieve world conquest. We are now about to see the human race subject to genocide by a self-proclaimed separate race, one they claim is superior but is actually inferior. And you people are walking right into it, and torturing those who seek to help you see that you are prisoners and slaves.

Wake up please.

Watch and learn. And confirm for yourself. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm merely trying to help you realize the reality of what it means to be a jew: to be god's chosen people means being superior and above judgment. That is unacceptable, especially for people in real power over your life!

Thumbnail uploaded from screenshot due to problems with ShitShow...I mean BitChute

Your knowledge is all second hand. You don't know shit. You have no basis on which to judge anything, especially not me.

Thumbnail not uploading for some reason...hmmm

Read the US Constitution before watching this video:

You also need to read the Declaration of Independence and look up the census and how it was taken back when America was founded because "all men" doesn't mean "all" men, it means all white Male christian landowners.

A message to Mac Shroyer, the most powerful man in La Paz, BCS, to tell his son to stop shooting himself in the foot.

You are not human. You are a domesticated slave to a fake society

Mexico es bajo invasion por judios! Eso es un ejemplo de que hacen los judios - pagan policia para protoger propiedades abandonados de los hombres sin casa, en contra el consitucion de Mexico!

For you gringos: this is an evidence that police are paid by jews to harass homeless people who have EVERY RIGHT to sleep on abandoned property. This city protects abandoned properties, which depresses property values for Mexicans while jews hoard properties and develop them into apartments for massive profits.

Americans are worried about an invasion in their country while their government facilitates the invasion of Mexico by jews!

Search for Beth Yona La Paz Tourism and see the words of the rabbi who says he wants to turn La Paz into a jewish tourism mecca.

This is the kind of person I am.

My next video is to Trump asking him to do this, to get rid of nuclear weapons.

Hey, did you ever do a goddamn thing in your life to save the future from nuclear weapons?

This was the genesis of my idea to save the world as President of the United States.


Created 8 months, 2 weeks ago.

252 videos

Category Vlogging

I am unlike anyone else on earth. And I am persecuted by jews for it. And this site censors me and restricts my ability to upload!

I am an undomesticated human who raised himself from age 5 with full availability of the resources of a middle class family in Los Angeles County California. I took responsibility for myself and my older and younger brothers when I was 5 after my mother abandoned us with an abusive psychopathic father. I was resented for it socially and spent my grade school years in the county library. I was a fully mature human reasoning at Universal Ethics by age 8. My California Achievement Test scores were the highest ever recorded showing I had given myself a full high school education by 6th grade.

I AM a genius: (pardon my jewish ISP, they are censoring me again...just click past the stupid warnings...I wrote my site myself, it contains only HTML and some minor javascript.)

I suffered brain damage in 2004 while seeking my education to start a research facility working with wolves and livestock after relocating to Idaho and had no friends or family to support my recovery nor assist me in finding a live-in caregiver which I now require in order to survive.

I have been persecuted and censored since I was in high school where I was kept from going to MIT and Caltech and now understand why, as it was revealed to me that I could not run for Commodore of Club Cruceros here in La Paz, BCS, Mexico because I am not a jew. I now realize that being a genius and not being a jew means you will be erased from existence because jews need to prove their superiority and they do so by cheating, by killing off anyone who actually IS smarter.

I fled persecution in America after suffering brain damage and came to Mexico to seek refuge where instead I found evidence of corruption by Americans, especially Malcolm Neil Shroyer Schoen and his son Daniel, who is responsible for torturing me and killing my Mexican/American friend. All evidence I have is online but censored thanks to the network of jews who run all media worldwide, likely including this site (I suspect Ashkenazi disinformation).

My videos are censored on Tiktok and have been censored from Youtube since 2012. My twitter account, also @TheGeniusWolf, has been backend restricted since 2 weeks after I started it and sent 1 tweet and 5 replies. Elon Musk himself is aware of my account status and is the one who ordered it restricted because I know his scam: he is a half jew benefits cheat, nothing more.

I have created this account in the hopes of breaking through censorship so that I can present my findings in my quest to understand society, humanity, and the Universe.

Finally, I am not antisemitic. For one, only Ashkenazi jews are antisemitic because semites are not all jews and all jews are not semites. Second, I do not hate jews: I hate what jews are doing to me and to humanity.

Please note that this channel is, from my end, set up for monetization. I was waiting for Paychute to become available so I could accept payments because the other systems are unavailable to me. Now that Paychute is available to me my channel should allow for tips and pledges but does not. I have contacted support who promptly replied with instructions how to monetize the channel which I repeated despite trying previously. I replied an hour and a half after the email was sent to me. I still await a reply from tech support...

For now, please visit my Paychute page here if you would like to see other content from me or donate or subscribe.