Thoughts And Topics

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Thoughts And Topics

Weekly News And Topics


The people who made the decision to fire her clearly don't have two functioning brain cells to share between all of them. Feel good story of the week.

I filmed this video prior to taking a trip to a town about an hour away from me. About eight hours or so later when I came back, thick chemtrails were blanketing the entire sky.

The trip itself was amazing. I was in Idaho for six days, and on the seventh day I ended up driving back to Snohomish County. I loved Post Falls and Coeur d'alene, where I spent most of my time.

While preparing to relocate to Idaho, I recently took a week long trip to the area. It is beautiful. Beautiful people, scenery, and a more relaxed, less tense, angry atmosphere than I am used to. Not everyone is so obsessed with money and status.

I spent a week checking out Post Falls and Coeur d'alene, Idaho. While I was there, I fell in love with the area. It is beautiful. This video was taken right before spending two hours paddleboarding on this same lake.

This was the final full day of my week long trip to Post Falls and Coeur d'alene, Idaho. I came to the area to check it out due to wanting to relocate here. This place was incredible.

I visited this alpaca ranch in the mountains of Coeur d'alene, Idaho on the final full day of a week long trip to the area. I wanted to get a feel for the general area due to planning to relocate there.

On the final day of a week long trip to North Idaho that I took in order to get a feel for the area so I can relocate there soon, I spent an hour touring an alpaca ranch in the mountains of Coeur d'alene

So this is what all this recent talk of a "bird flu virus" is really about. Well, Bill Gates did warn us all that there would be another fake pandemic, did he not?

Face diaper wearing zombies who will attack you , eat your flesh and bloody you up simply for attempting to have a conversation with them. They look like creatures from Night Of the Living Dead

Credit: Jonathan Choe Youtube channel.

Who does Gretchen Whitmer think she is?

Link to original video on Brandon Tatum YouTube channel here:

Congratulations, all you who promoted and pushed this wicked agenda of transgenderism and pro LGBTQ propaganda, you now have the blood of a 12 year old girl on your hands. You created this by accepting these violent perverted "transgenders" and supporting their lifestyle. Period.

Why the fuck would anyone want to pay $3,200 a month, soon to be $3,400 a month, for a 450 sq. foot apartment, and think bragging about being that dumb on the internet is a good thing?

In the months since this has happened, I've noticed some people who appear to have aged 20 years literally overnight. People seem more tired, fatigued, lethargic and sickly. They are more forgetful. I see all of this and more. Perhaps that cell phone signal really did activate something in these people's bodies.

When they tell you who they really are, believe them. Of course this article was written by someone from Seattle aka Sodom where the Stranger publication is based from. 😞

For months now, especially before my hair was recently trimmed, I have been losing clumps of hair each time I comb it due to the harmful effects of strong, pulsating 5G radiation. I hate it. Aside from that, though, I have taken numerous steps to improve health and well being. No more beef, no more caffeinated coffee, and of course, the taking of numerous supplements and vitamins daily.

Everything I say in this video about Gordon Ramsay is 100% true and can be easily verified online. He even openly boasts about it.

Newsom passed a law on April 1 2024 that he decided he did not have to follow himself. King Newsom should certainly be exempt from his own decrees. And it looks like he is.

This is what the city of Seattle and its people have devolved into during the past four years. What a bunch of degenerates. I get a front row seat to watch that sick godless city crash and burn. I will be sure to munch on popcorn while I watch.

Video credit: News For Reasonable People YouTube channel

If Starbucks is willing to do this, clearly they do not want your money or your business if you believe in God, consider yourself a Christian, or do not worship the LGBTQ community. They must be boycotted, period, full stop. I did not visit Starbucks that often prior to hearing about this, but after hearing about it they will never receive another thin dime from me. 😒

They have driven up the cost of housing by as much as 30 to 40 percent in under five years. They love preaching at all of us about how we should be more tolerant and accepting of wickedness and evil. Let's see how tolerant and accepting they are while they get robbed

Don't we all just love us some Shapiro? I know I do. He is the personification of old world charm and grace.

Faggot Jay Inslee signs Senate Bill 5462 into law, requiring all schools in this state teach LGBTQIA+++--- curriculum to kids beginning at the age of five. Yes, I knew ahead of time he would gleefully sign it. Screw him and everyone who supported this bill.

A woman whose net worth is close to $100 million has some financial advice that I am sure we can all relate to!!

Update four months and one week into giving up daily coffee after 20 plus years of addiction to said substance.


Created 1 year, 2 months ago.

172 videos

Category News & Politics

Each Tuesday, I do a weekly discussion of a topic of interest to me, in addition to whatever random thoughts and topics I wish to discuss on this channel.