Nathaniel Westermann ✠

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Nathaniel Westermann ✠

Requiem For Rhodesia


This is the last post for a while.

All credits to original uploader.

Essay on the astroturfing of black innovation myths by the liberal establishment; from a white preservationist author. Original publisher not listed, but we can assume it's a paleoconsertative/WN organization. Republished by Christians For Truth, an outlet devoted to exposing the truths of race and religion as they've been handed down to us from the ancient world.

Edit reposted from an NS account on Telegram.

Michael Collins Piper's monologue on how Israel is a failed experiment. Reposted from Augustus Berg's channel. Please consider subscribing.

One of those "day in the life" segments, but applied to religious Jews. All credits to Joey_Faust for the original upload, whose channel is available to view here:

Examination of Jewish propaganda England at the time of Jewish "persecution" by the Third Reich (in the years leading up to the war). Webster expresses the same skepticism here as do publicists like Oswald Mosley, Arnold S. Leese, and Elizabeth Dilling. Republished by CPA Book Publisher.

"Confessions of Stalin's Agent: This Is My Story" by former Communist turned Christian Nationalist Kenneth Goff, who originally published this piece in "The Defender" Magazine (1949). Reprinted by CPA Book Publisher.

Original Video:
This is an interesting one, if a bit "boomerish" in theme and tone.

The infamous text by a black professor of African Studies at Wellesley College in which he indicts the Jews (and Jewish Power in the modern USA) for the twin devils of slavery and "black oppression." Republished by CPA Book Publisher.

Gordon Mohr's classic study on Loxism (Anti-Gentilist attitudes) in the Jewish community. Devised by a Christian Identity author who spent a lifetime trying to expose the vile truths of Jewish Power and Jewish hegemony, especially those related to both world wars and the financial dominion which followed the second. Reprinted by CPA Books.

Original Video:
The ancient method of performing metzitzah b'peh (Hebrew: מְצִיצָה בְּפֶה), or oral suction[2][3] — has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut. The majority of Jewish circumcision ceremonies do not use metzitzah b'peh,[4] but some Haredi Jews use it.[5][6][7] It has been documented that the practice poses a serious risk of spreading herpes to the infant.[8][9][10][11] Proponents maintain that there is no conclusive evidence that links herpes to Metzitza,[12] and that attempts to limit this practice infringe on religious freedom.[13][14][15]

The practice has become a controversy in both secular and Jewish medical ethics. The ritual of metzitzah is found in Mishnah Shabbat 19:2, which lists it as one of the four steps involved in the circumcision rite. Rabbi Moses Sofer (1762–1839) observed that the Talmud states that the rationale for this part of the ritual was hygienic — i.e., to protect the health of the child. The Chasam Sofer issued a leniency (Heter) that some consider to have been conditional to perform metzitzah with a sponge to be used instead of oral suction in a letter to his student, Rabbi Lazar Horowitz of Vienna. This letter was never published among Rabbi Sofer's responsa but rather in the secular journal Kochvei Yitzchok.[16] along with letters from Dr. Wertheimer, the chief doctor of the Viennese General Hospital. It relates the story that a mohel (who was suspected of transmitting herpes via metzizah to infants) was checked several times and never found to have signs of the disease and that a ban was requested because of the "possibility of future infections".[17] Moshe Schick (1807–1879), a student of Moses Sofer, states in his book of Responsa, She’eilos u’teshuvos Maharam Schick (Orach Chaim 152,) that Moses Sofer gave the ruling in that specific instance only because the mohel refused to step down and had secular Government connections that prevented his removal in favor of another mohel and the Heter may not be applied elsewhere. He also states (Yoreh Deah 244) that the practice is possibly a Sinaitic tradition, i.e., Halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai. Other sources contradict this claim, with copies of Moses Sofer's responsa making no mention of the legal case or of his ruling applying in only one situation. Rather, that responsa makes quite clear that "metzizah" was a health measure and should never be employed where there is a health risk to the infant.[18]

Chaim Hezekiah Medini, after corresponding with the greatest Jewish sages of the generation, concluded the practice to be Halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai and elaborates on what prompted Moses Sofer to give the above ruling.[19] He tells the story that a student of Moses Sofer, Lazar Horowitz, Chief Rabbi of Vienna at the time and author of the responsa Yad Elazer, needed the ruling. Mostly an Orthodox practice.

Original Video:
For a complete study of the NKVD and OGPU, please consult A. Solzhenitsyn's fine work "The Gulag Archipelago."

Note that this is Rabbi Chaim Levy. According to JewishAction:

"We are presently facing a significant divide within the Orthodox community over this practice. In the summer of 2004, a clinical study from Israel appeared in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, apparently demonstrating that the practice of metzitzah b’peh increases the risk of an infant contracting the herpes simplex virus (HSV).2 Early in 2005, news broke that a prominent mohel in the New York area had allegedly transmitted HSV to a small number of infant patients through his practice of metzitzah b’peh. The mohel in question was ordered by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to immediately desist from performing metzitzah b’peh. In December 2005, the commissioner of the same New York City department issued an “open letter to the Jewish community.” After documenting the statistically high number of HSV infections in infants who had had metzitzah b’peh the letter concluded:

During metzitzah b’peh the mouth of the mohel comes into direct contact with the baby’s circumcision cut, risking transmission of herpes simplex virus to the infant. While severe illness associated with this practice may be rare, because there is no proven way to reduce the risk of herpes infection posed by circumcision which includes metzitzah b’peh, the Health Department recommends that infants being circumcised not undergo metzitzah b’peh. To help protect their baby, parents should understand the risk of metzitzah b’peh—BEFORE the day of the bris, while there is time to explore other options….

The Department has reviewed all of the evidence and there exists no reasonable doubt that metzitzah b’peh can and has caused neonatal herpes infection. We have always maintained that it is our preference for the religious community to address these issues itself as long as the public’s health is protected. While some medical professionals and others in the Jewish community have called on the Department to completely ban metzitzah b’peh at this time, it is our opinion that educating the community through public health information and warnings is a more realistic approach."

This is just an act of extreme arrogance and 'flexing' by religious Jews, who enjoy very much the fact that their ancient blood cult's disgusting rituals are on full public display in your city.

Video footage of an Orthodox Rabbi performing the post-circumcision infant blood ritual of "Metzizah B'Peh" (oral suction). If you're still (by some extremely remote chance) on the fence about "The Jews," watch this video.

This took place in 2009 in Hudson County, NJ. The clip above is from a local news broadcast on the incident. It was promptly swept under the rug and given no subsequent coverage.

Note that some apocryphal reports say these men were trafficking in "baby parts" -- as of now, there is no hard evidence to suggest this. Nonetheless, it's not the most remote possibility (to say the least).

A notorious racketeer and killer whose work was instrumental in arming the nascent state of Israel via black market deals. Likely involved in setting up many of the 'moving parts' in the Kennedy assassination (both times). He was declared a "righteous person" (or some such) by many high profile Jewish organizations following his death and given accolades for his "service to the Jewish people." His granddaughter now works for the ADL.
Please note that this was an interview for Israeli television which took place in 1971, exact date unspecified. Information is available in the Israeli media archives linked in the above frame.

The camp is named after Meir Kahane, Israeli firebrand and advocate for Palestinian genocide. Kahanism is a Jewish ideology based on the views of Rabbi Meir Kahane (1932 – 1990).

Among other views, Kahane supported violence against those he regarded as enemies of Jews, called for immediate Jewish mass migration to Israel to avoid a potential "Holocaust" in the United States, endorsed the annexation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and supported the restriction of Israel's democracy to its Jewish citizens. Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law as codified by Maimonides. Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights, leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation. While serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, reduce Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.

Pamphlet by Gordon "Jack" Mohr, a retired Brigadier General and ardent "namer" of the sect responsible for Western Civilization's decline, on the true identity of the people who are known today as Jew -- with excerpts from Nord Davis Jr's "Star Wars 3" included. Printed by CPA Books.

"Eretz Israel" translates to "the land of Israel." In essence, this is a manifesto of Jewish world conquest and world domination -- as all their scriptures have been, from the first to the last.

When these people tell you who they are and what they represent, you should believe them.

Clip from a Third Reich propaganda film which features this 30th of January, 1939 speech by the Führer Adolf Hitler, who declares all-out war against the rapacious encroachment of Jewish finance in every corner of the world.


Please note that "Haman" refers to any enemy of the Jewish people. Note also, however, that Haman's ten sons were also hanged in the book of Esther, suggesting a hereditary component to the Jewish war against "persecutory" host peoples. It's not enough that Haman, or Karl Lueger, or Adolf Hitler paid with their lives -- all of their kin (their racial brethren) must perish, too.

Recommended Reading: Reckless Rites: Reflections on Jewish Violence by Elliott Horowitz

Local news coverage (NYC) of a ritual which takes place on Purim, or the feast of the Jewish people's triumph over Haman (as recorded in the Book of Esther). In this instance, we catch a glimpse of the extent to which Jews run NYC -- it's a place where they are totally insulated, control all the levers of power, have bought or threatened everyone important, and can essentially do whatever they want.

This makes white goyim in the five Burroughs essentially Palestinians waiting on the bulldozer. Keep than in mind -- Jewish power over you is synonymous with your slow execution.

The normie's encounter with the truth leaves him a completely different being than he was before. It's like stepping into the Twilight Zone.


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

952 videos

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