C. Kyle

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C. Kyle

C. Kyle


HD version: https://odysee.com/@C_Kyle:f/sierra-leone2:b

Video I’m responding to: https://youtu.be/snj6W9c8VIo?si=ZM_iEX3RUhs7U1eb
1:19: https://www.statistics.sl/images/StatisticsSL/Documents/final-results_-2015_population_and_housing_census.pdf
2:29: https://www.viewsoftheworld.net/?p=1979
2:47: https://mega.nz/file/j1oWEYaL#UvD4RdW9siNqxpFM9x-v3288kte8c5NvMGsybbM1oPk
5:09: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddison (very useful source)
5:18: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Africa-Growth-Paper_Gill-and-Karakulah_June-15.pdf (I added the terms “developed” and “developing” just for the Seinfeld Joke to make sense. Officially, SSA is no longer classified as “developing” because economists started feeling embarrassed classifying them that way, but it’s still colloquially known as “developing”)
5:56: That’s just a screenshot from the Wikipedia article on the four Asian tigers. It says basically the same thing as the 5:09 source. Just got a different picture for variety.
6:12: https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/SSF/sub-saharan-africa-/gdp-per-capita
6:53: https://mega.nz/file/jphQyL6Q#VA6CL83BifJvw7AWGiZRQk_D_l-EKgm3AyTU5kFdnV0
7:22: https://mega.nz/file/jphQyL6Q#VA6CL83BifJvw7AWGiZRQk_D_l-EKgm3AyTU5kFdnV0
8:16: https://mega.nz/file/jphQyL6Q#VA6CL83BifJvw7AWGiZRQk_D_l-EKgm3AyTU5kFdnV0
9:23: Many sources talk about how Sierra Leone gets hardly any revenue from mining
9:27: I’m not ignorant of the fact that if the government tried to nationalize the mines, America would bring them some freedom. But hopefully I won’t get too much pushback from saying that the Sierra Leonian government is incompetent.
10:15: http://wdi.worldbank.org/table/3.15
11:43: https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/average-iq-by-country
Song by John’s brother, which is exactly what you would expect: https://youtu.be/ItBDepGyfK0?si=68RfKuhlqyxwpiif&t=14

Disclosure: I edited some of the clips to make them fit the lyrics of the song better /:

HD uploads:

Episode 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vQRiSqN0FXZ8/
Episode 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vgTEfB7tlrlm/
Episode 3: This one
Episode 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8m8h6r8dfW8T/

HD upload: https://odysee.com/@C_Kyle:f/asio3:6

Thanks to all my voice actors:
Craig - himself
Universome - Burgess
Cozy Rob - Mr Fowler
Dr Lomb - various agents
Gigity - Lars

For full episodes, go to the website: murdoch-murdoch.net/

Don’t hail me, hail victory!
A victory that will ensure a better tomorrow for your children.
A day when they will know White pride, worldwide.
When they will once again know Paris as the city of love.
A day when the streets of Stockholm are no longer lit by burning cars.
A day when little boys are taught to be men and little girls are taught to be women.
No more shall we take the defensive.
Not one step back, not one step back! Now we are the offensive! Now we shall take back what is ours!
Wives, kiss your husbands goodbye, for a shadow has descended on our lands and it will take every man to drive it away!
Now to arms, to arms! For twilight is upon us, but it is not yet night.
For tomorrow belongs to us.
But Murdoch, who is our enemy?
The enemy is anyone who opposes the 14 words, and you must always prepare yourself for sacrifice to achieve these words.
For you must recognize that there is a greater cause than just yourself.
That you are part of a people that have created Western Civilization, the greatest civilization.
Always remember, behind you lies Europa!
Ahead of you lies Europa!
And within you lies Europa!

This is a happy day!

Episode 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vQRiSqN0FXZ8/
Episode 2: This one
Episode 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I84oCDBXrpv1/
Episode 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8m8h6r8dfW8T/

HD version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke1pydBx3vA

Thanks to all my voice actors:
Craig: Craig
Universome: Mike Burgess
Norlick: The Assassin
Cozy Rob: Mr Fowler and the hypnotist.

This video is in response to these incidents in the past week:
HD video: https://youtu.be/H8lP_KJZKJw

HD version: https://youtu.be/reAC5rZQOkY
I know that it may not have a big effect, but shitlibs are unhappy about something, and so I must make a salt compilation!
I had no idea what song to use, but then I remembered a delightful video from one of my subscribers which used a song that fit very well, so I'm blatantly copying him. Give his video a like. https://youtu.be/bkRSFHcYiBU

Bitchute lowers the sound and video quality a lot, here are the hd uploads:
If you are fighting against globohomo and don't oppose the 14 words, you are my fren.
Partially inspired by this: https://youtu.be/g7aZGjjGDu8?t=77

This is a very serious video.
HD video here: https://youtu.be/eF71hm1YIhI

Episode 1: This one
Episode 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vgTEfB7tlrlm/
Episode 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I84oCDBXrpv1/
Episode 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8m8h6r8dfW8T/

HD version: https://youtu.be/NSSqSWzY-VY

Thanks for all the people who helped with this video
Voices: Craig, Cozy Rob, Detlef and Universome
Idea for the series: Chook
Help with some character designs: two guys, sorry I forget your names, lol.
And Murdoch, for all you have done.

HD upload: https://odysee.com/@C_Kyle:f/iq-tests:5b?r=5CkGENZLq2JubcpCQXRZbYYkUaQUyEuU
An homage to Walt Bismarck, here is the the video referenced:
Also, we all owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the people who reupload or archive videos that have been deleted. What you have all done is more important than the people who preserved the works of Homer, Plato and Aristotle in the library of Alexandria.


Created 5 years, 1 month ago.

163 videos

Category None

I am a Left wing ideologue who posts Right wing satire (everything I post is satire).

Also, I will reupload all of the videos made by Walt Bismarck, Alt Hype, Murdoch Murdoch and Am Ren if the need arises.

Every song by Walt Bismarck: bitchute.com/playlist/UjVHeZoAG2ds/
All deleted videos from Alternative Hypothesis: bitchute.com/playlist/YLWZL6BrXpzL/
and all the videos still on his channel, but which don't play: bitchute.com/playlist/WjGwRWoogP8W/ and bitchute.com/playlist/gWPTx6kwWVdU/
All Murdoch Murdoch videos: bitchute.com/playlist/o5NZRv1J31fJ/ and bitchute.com/playlist/MjdGdWfXZUub/

My own videos: bitchute.com/playlist/EZ0NVhHGQtYr/

So far, all my videos can be found here, except for:
This one, that bitchute banned: https://rumble.com/v3v01t8-4chan-8chan-anons-react-to-op-following-through-christchurch-shooting.html
and this one, which I didn't think belonged on bitchute: https://youtu.be/76YLb9E9tHs

Links to my other channels: https://libertylinks.io/CKyle