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This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

coloring a drawing i made afew months ago
This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

I need to get in the practice of streaming more. I baught this model to practace streaming. This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

Me showing off my dai bo model i made with a flash fordge. The intro is only applicable to my bitchute of the same name since that's where I mainly post videos.

Ok, This is the is the real update vid, with tiger and bunny double chase gunpla: wild tiger single chaser.

chapter one link


I had a hacker scare so I needed to delete my PayPal

I'm also moving soon.

Somethings wrong with bitchute; the login took me to a page written in web url directs, and it took me 8 tries and a reload of the page to upload the thumbnail.

Showing more drawings of a comic. I'm using colored pencils to color it cause it's one of my favorite mediums, infarct is should do a video on why i like colored pencils.
This video also has an epiphany of what went wrong with my fonts.

I still plan to do more of the 3d pen videos.

I tried to upload this a few days ago and it didn't go through and isn't in my video feed either it let me upload without the video on accident, or Saturday is a bad day to upload. i'm also marking it nsfw just encase it has stuff to do with what I say in the video.

This is a video of some of my old attempts, and one reboot attempt on some comic ideas. I also have some sketches for talk sprites.

I'm doing the pages next, I also made this.

This cover image is lame but I want to separate it from my digital works, so this thumbnail is a temporary solution.

31 min? OK always export with ignore leading/trailing black. I'm not deleting the old video, I used to do that, remove and re upload a drawing with corrections, but I now realize that's censorship, awful, and a big no-no.

I'm doing the pages next, I also made this.

This cover image is lame but I want to separate it from my digital works, so this thumbnail is a temporary solution.

A new gunpla to celebrate me no longer having to go Boston for back checkups. I also read the first page of a high octane fantasy book i'm working on (I made sure to put that in the first few mins so you wouldn't have to watch the entire gunpla if all you wanted was the story pitch.

I know this guy was an HG model, but it's a 6 hr build, I will definitely customize this guy later.

Lit here: https://www.deviantart.com/tridentdragion/art/The-title-of-this-book-has-eleven-words-page-one-758940033?ga_submit_new=10%3A1534006063

I spaced on content this week, so enjoy this rush job cover and some pensive tcg card organizing.
The back ground music is: Fan by Summer Heat.

I'm not gonna walk around with a fow code card in my hat, this was only so i had a cover that fit the video.

Gab: https://gab.ai/3pendragon
Minds: https://www.minds.com/3PenDragon
RB: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tragon?asc=u
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/tridentdragion

Email me about commissions (no licensed characters).
[email protected]

I'll add my rb and pp links, I just need to fix some stuff.

I do seom NEET/Weeb stuff, but i'm mostly an art channel; Blender, 3d printing and digital works.

I use my 3doodler to draw a new grimoire mini fig.

the star trek 3 doodler is a kick starter project I backed.

Gab: https://gab.ai/3pendragon
Minds: https://www.minds.com/3PenDragon
RB: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tragon?asc=u
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/tridentdragion

Email me about commissions (no licensed characters).
[email protected]

I'll add my rb and pp links, I just need to fix some stuff.

I do some NEET/Weeb stuff, but i'm mostly an art channel; Blender, 3d printing and digital works.

This is a sh#* post of Ant-Man And The Wasp that I decided to do cause of how the portal to the microverse kinda reminded me of the ghost portal, Though I did cuff my mouth at the post credit scene where Scott was handed a thermos that extracted particles from the microverse.

I seriously want to see hank as a super villein though, maybe the mcu will actually use the evil twin thing.

This is a 2d remake/redesign of a 3d sculpture i drew with a 3doodlr.

I'm in the middle of upgrading my pp to a business account and it'll take afew days.

Gab: https://gab.ai/3pendragon
Minds: https://www.minds.com/3PenDragon

Email me about commissions (no licensed characters).

I'll add my rb and pp links, I just need to fix some stuff.

Got a gundam during the heatwave, thought i'd build it for content since it was too hot to print stuff and I messed up a speed paint recording.

I had to use photoshop for the thumb nail cause gimp has been getting less and less user friendly (for me)

Should I do more blender stuff?



good thing I decided not to shade, this video is 1hr and 14min.

I found out what I was doing wrong with the selection tool, I had Area scaling on.

Gab: https://gab.ai/3pendragon
DA: https://tridentdragion.deviantart.com
Minds: https://www.minds.com/3PenDragon

testing out long recording sessions. my free editing program (lightworks), and web cam are handling this very well, No I need to make sure I can upload it.

Enjoy me ramble about nonsense while I build a Gipsy Avenger bandai model kit.

I mention Oh Edo Rocket as a hypothetical cause it's both a live action screen play (correction both here and audio, stage play) and anime adaptations, i mention it in name only as a thought experiment, DON'T TAKE IT AS FACT!

Oh boy, 2hrs of content boiled down to 1hr, hope you have popcorn.



Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

29 videos

Category None

Gab: https://gab.ai/3pendragon
Minds: https://www.minds.com/3PenDragon
RB: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tragon?asc=u
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/tridentdragion

Email me about commissions (no licensed characters).
[email protected]

I'll add my rb and pp links, I just need to fix some stuff.

I do seom NEET/Weeb stuff, but i'm mostly an art channel; Blender, 3d printing and digital works.