Alice Lynch ♦ For Educational Purposes

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Alice Lynch ♦ For Educational Purposes

Alice Lynch


I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

By Sarah Kelly
I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

The MythBusters team puts iconic Breaking Bad science to the test: Can hydrochloric acid dissolve a bathtub? Is mercury fulminate really that explosive?
MethBusters, Explosives and Acid. Let's Party!
I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

A few favorites in heavy rotation, for some motivation. Enjoy the little things, and don't be stupid... or fat. You know what to do.
- Alice Lynch


I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes. No really, educate yourself. Don't be stupid. Don't do stupid things... and people.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

In 1988, Salva was convicted of sexual misconduct with one of Clownhouse's underage stars, who was 12 years old at the time, and videotaping one of the encounters in which he forced the victim to perform oral sex on him. Commercial videotapes and magazines containing child pornography were also found in his home.
Salva pleaded guilty to lewd and lascivious conduct, oral sex with a person under fourteen, and procuring a child for pornography.
He was sentenced to three years in state prison, of which he served 15 months, and lifetime registration as a sex offender.
He completed his parole in 1992.

Film director, convicted paedophile Victor Salva, featured jokes about child abuse in new Jeepers Creepers film:

Nathan Forrest Winters on Child Abuse, Grooming & Victor Salva
I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.

I do not own the material, it was found on the internet, and is used for educational purposes.


Created 6 years, 6 months ago.

528 videos

Category Education

If you don't realize that the human population is being systematically dumbed down,
then you may have been systematically dumbed down.
There is no point in trying to wake up the "walking dead".