Conspiracy Truths: with Mindy Robinson

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Conspiracy Truths: with Mindy Robinson



You might know him as the toughest man around, but to me he's the most funnest ever. Luvs you, Babe. (snarf)

If you think what the government just did with the covid jab was bad…wait till I tell you how scientists using animals as vectors to manufacture vaccines have created multiple new human diseases and cancers throughout the years.

Just months before AIDS broke out in New York City, they were testing a new hepatitis B vaccine targeted specifically toward gay men in Manhattan. Within months purple lesions began appearing on their skin…and yet the hepatitis vaccine experiments continued on anyway with gay men in San Francisco, Los Angeles and unbelievably on children in South Africa…every future hot spot for the AIDS epidemic. There was also Anthrax vaccine-related Gulf War Syndrome which the military swept under the rug because they were using our service members as Guinea pigs, and Simian Virus 40 a soft cell viral cancer that had only existed in primates until they contaminated a 1/3 of the polio vaccine supply, when the monkey they used to make it with was unknowingly carrying the viral cancer.

Before you or anyone you love takes another vaccine…watch this video, and decide for yourself if profit margins, corrupt federal agencies, fake science, and Big Pharma have corrupted our entire health care industry.

As someone who was at J6, what was portrayed on TV couldn’t have been more vastly different then what happened in real life. The rally was peaceful until Capitol police started shooting flash bang grenades indiscriminately into the crowd causing mayhem, injury, and death. The biased two tier justice system between patriots upset about a questionable election, and BLM rioters who set fire to the city just months earlier…have not gone unnoticed. Corrupt Congress members and their paid shills in the media blew up J6 to be an “attack on democracy” to run cover for themselves, and demonize anyone who dare question these criminals in DC, the unconstitutional covid tyranny they unrolled out, government censorship of citizens and journalists, and the highly questionable 2020 election we still haven’t gotten answers for.
Now that Elon has freed Twitter, and given political discourse a new life…we have a chance to expose what really happened that day, and why the powers that be lied about it.

You can find me uncensored on GAB @AmericanAFMindy Twitter @iHeartMindy Facebook and please check out my Rumble page and new series on America Happens: Conspiracy Truths.

Only the Truth will set Us Free.

This is a short video of Biden’s ever changing face and mental capacity, you tell me what’s going on.

The last few years have been an eye opener for many. In this premier episode of Conspiracy Truths we dive into all the conspiracy theories that came true and get to the bottom of what just happened with this Plandemic. This is an under 20 minute video that’s a great tool to share and enlighten anybody that’s confused with what the hell just happened to our country.

As almost I try to keep all the watermarks on of other people’s work which you should check out in full, and feel free to rip this video and post it to your own platforms so they cannot censor it or take it down. I make no money doing this, it’s for Deep State educational purposes only. Only the truth will set us free.

Follow me on
Twitter (I was just let back on thanks to Elon) @iheartmindy
Facebook @
And uncensored on GAB @AmericanAFMindy

After it was revealed that a radical leftist progressive group was imbedded into Nevadan elections, and after certifying their own fraudulent races….self admitted communist county commissioner Tick Segerblum seems disheveled as he purposefully walks through the angry crowd. After being confronted over certifying an obviously non-transparent election, not paying his taxes, and pushing drag queens in schools at tax payers expense….there’s a very creepy moment when he’s asked if he’s “a minor attractive person” he stares intensely and shakes his head “yes.” For those that don’t know, a minor attracted person also referred to as “MAPS” is the left’s way of downplaying what they believe is a “stigma” on child molesters and rapists.

A radical leftist progressive group was apparently embedded the whole time into our general election here in Nevada and spent the public comment section “congratulating” themselves on what a “great” job they did…which was followed by the commissioners certifying their own corrupt races to the boos of the crowd.

Oh you *KNOW* I had something to say about it….this is why corrupt politicians shouldn’t be in charge of their own elections. Please share so people can see what is really going on with these embarrassing, non-transparent, keep-counting-for-days until you get the result you wanted elections here.


The fact that all my RINO opponent has is to slander me personally and anonymously via mass texts because she can’t actually back what she’s saying, shows you exactly how much the corrupt Nevada GOP here is sweating a 3rd party win in an independent voter majority district. You do not have to vote for the establishment trash the major parties are shoving down our throats, in states like mine in Nevada, non-partisans and independents outnumber both registered Dems and Republicans. Telling you that you’re “throwing away your vote” is just their way of trying to convince you to stay in their lane.

I don’t care what gender they are, adults who perform in lingerie for children are Pedos. Why aren’t these people being arrested?

Video Via: Ghost Patriot

Check out my new 30 second TV ad.

I don’t even know if they’ll even air it because talking about election fraud in Nevada on TV is apparently forbidden.

They kinda have to play it though, so if Biden hasn’t completely wrecked your finances please consider donating so we can see how many RINOs and communists we can trigger every time this 30 second plays on TV. The era of corrupt lifetime politicians needs to end, We the People will be taking back our country now. 🇺🇸

GAB @AmericanAFMindy
Instagram: @iheartMindy

Our government is beyond corrupt, our elections are rigged, the Democrats are out of their damn minds, and the spineless GOP is letting them get away with it all because hey, they’re making money ripping us off too. When corruption cements itself in this deeply, it becomes VERY hard to break free from. The primaries here in Nevada saw suspicious “wins” from hated, establishment RINOs (like the guy that covered up the Las Vegas shooting I mention in the video) over popular grassroot candidates like Joey Gilbert that were filling rooms and leading rallies. We were ready for it though…we were able to collect an insane amount of undeniable evidence of election fraud this time, and the lawsuits are commencing as we speak. As a Libertarian candidate, I escaped having to make it though the rigged primaries, but this corrupt system will NEVER allow an anti-establishment, anti-corruption candidate like me to make it through…even if I am up against two complete political do-nothings that only seem to care about politics when it’s time to ask money for their campaign. I don’t even have it in my heart to fundraise with people suffering and the economy the way it is, so I came up with this idea where people can buy a $5 sticker to show their support for me instead. My opponent might have the dark money funds to buy a giant billboard…but you can’t “buy” the support of the people. You can’t make them put a sticker on their car to support you. The only hope we have to save my community now, is to have the most obvious win southern Las Vegas has ever seen. Even if they still cheat me, it’ll only raise suspicions and demands for a forensic audit that we KNOW will reveal some level of fraud.

I’m an imperfect candidate, I’m not going to try to be something I’m not just to get votes…but I’ve ALWAYS been a fighter for the people in my state.

I’m not trying to be funny with this video either, it’s just kind of how I am…especially when I try to explain things. I guarantee you though, that you will be hard pressed to find a campaign video ANYWHERE, that’s more brutally honest about the corrupt system we’re living in than this.

Please support my campaign (and the local business making them) by buying a sticker and putting my face on your car, or laptop, or business window…or whichever. Even if you don’t live here, maybe it’ll still raise enough money so I can put out fliers and reach even more people here. A majority of Americans are done with this corruption, and it’s about time we showed them how many of us there are. 🇺🇸



You can find me on GAB @AmericanAFMindy because I’m censored everywhere else for destroying these false narratives.

Email: [email protected]

Bots are nothing new on Twitter, but what are they actually doing other than just padding accounts? I dug deep and it appears Twitter is more than aware of how many users it has that are fake…but what are they doing? What till you see what I found out.

Can someone explain to me why super weird things keep happening with Biden, and no one thinks we deserve a believable explanation? Check out the first episode in a new series by Mindy Robinson and Studio 17.

We knew they were going to cheat, and we knew they were going to shamelessly try to cover it up and ignore us…but this time, we were ready for them.

I’ve condensed down the most pivotal parts from over 2 and a half hours of testimony by voters and poll watchers. After proving Clark County was holding a completely illegitimate election with undeniably questionable results…the county commissioners voted to certify the election anyway and without discussion (and subsequently for their own seats as well, as even the most hated of them managed to magically “win” their race) the audience erupting in anger…and then the Commissioners took to laughing at them. Needless to say, the public rebuttal section that came after got even more colorful. Enjoy!

Explain to me how a RINO so hated he couldn’t show up without getting booed because he’s also the same guy that covered up the Las Vegas shooting, beat a guy who was leading rallies and filling rooms?

The scumbag Sheriff that covered up the Las Vegas shooting for the FBI is trying to run for Governor as the corrupt establishment pick, problem is that everyone hates him and he gets booed on stage as people chant his opponent Joey Gilbert’s name who’s been fighting for our rights this entire time. Please check out “Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up” to understand how corrupt and hated this guy is, he rarely makes public appearances because of it but it seems establishment RINOS are getting behind him for Governor

Please check out “Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up” to understand how corrupt and hated this guy is, he rarely makes public appearances because of it but it seems establishment RINOS are getting behind him for Governor

“If you look at who the government is persecuting right now, they’re not going after pedophiles, or illegals coming across the border, or vetting these refugees that are showing up, they’re going after political dissenters….because that’s what’s threatening to them. For four years BLM burned down Targets, looted shoes, all this other stuff…shot at cops…not a problem. But the minute us peasants walked into their hollowed halls that *we* pay for…we were the enemy. And that’s a problem, I think it speaks to what they’re doing…and God I hope people see it, I really do.”

I made a highlight reel of the best and worst answers from the Nevada Gubernatorial Debate. By the end of it they were talking about hookers and eating crack cocaine.

Conservatives in Nevada fought back against corrupt GOP shenanigans…and won. After Trump endorsed the spineless and hated Sheriff Joe Lombardo (who infamously covered up the Las Vegas shooting and lied about it) the crooked head of the state GOP Micheal McDonald tried pushing him through by making him the only name on the ballot people could vote for. Well the crowd wasn’t having it, they demanded the people’s choice Joey Gilbert be placed on the list and ended up overwhelmingly voting for and thus officially endorsing him by the state GOP. We the People are over this insane corruption here in Nevada, NO MORE RINOS AND FAKE PAID-FOR ENDORSEMENTS. Eat that Micheal McDonald 👌🏻

I watched it, so you don’t have to. Spoiler alert Doug Mastriano destroys everyone…but it’s so worth watching.

Does Elon Musk know what he’s getting himself into? Even after years of complaints, child porn and sexual predators remain a problem that Twitter simply refuses to deal with.

I still can’t believe the guy who helped cover up the Las Vegas shooting is running for Governor...with the casinos backing him of course. Almost makes you wonder if it was always part of the “deal.”

With dozens of fake news stories being pushed out by the Ukrainian government and Russian news being banned across most platforms, it begs the this war mongering just an attempt to cover up the crimes corrupt US government officials committed not only there in Ukraine but also here with covid?


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

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