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When it comes to diet and nutrition, the last place you want to go for advice is the medical establishment. Their definition of a “healthy” diet will likely put you on the stretcher…

That means that you’re going to have to do your own homework, and that’s no small feat considering all the conflicting views on what a “healthy” human diet actually is, especially when it comes to men’s health…

Knowing full-well that grocery shelves are filled with synthetic, hormone-disrupting garbage—slowly turning strong, defiant men into docile yellow-bellies—the ability to recognize which foods will optimally strengthen you both physically and mentally becomes critical in these times…

I’ve been tumbling down this neverending nutritional rabbit hole for a long time now, and I’ve encountered many invaluable voices. But there’s one individual who stood out like nobody else… the illustrious Dr. Paul Saladino.

Paul has been at the forefront of the carnivore community for a long time, so much so that he has even worn the title of “Carnivore MD”.... And he’s an archnemesis of Big Pharma and its evil twin-brother, Big Food…

Occasionally dropping by places like McDonald's and Chipotle to reveal the harmful ingredients contained in their infamous “Happy” meals and Mexican burritos made him extremely popular on Youtube…

(It’s useful to know when your son’s Chicken McNuggets are fried in seed oils and contain a whopping 30 ingredients you couldn’t pronounce if you tried.)

After 2 years of doing the carnivore diet, Paul eventually decided to add organic fruit and honey into his diet. And since those foods don’t exactly typify a carnivorous diet, he morphed it into the rubric of ‘animal-based,’ with the addition of various organ meats and raw dairy products.

Being a broad-minded thinker, and no stranger to controversy, like myself; Paul was bound to be a guest on my Healthy Living Interviews series, and today we finally made it happen!

During our remarkable discussion, Paul reflects on his long-distance journey of becoming a psychiatrist, and how he eventually parted ways with the allopathic priesthood and adopted a natural approach to healing…

“On the first day of medical school, they told me: ’50% of what you’ll learn is going to be wrong.’ I found it very ironic when a physician questions anything dogmatic in medicine and then gets thrown out of the kingdom.”

We also touched on the difference between beneficial and unhealthy carbohydrates, the xenoestrogen deluge and its effects on men’s hormones, and the perils of seed oil consumption.

I have much appreciation for Paul and his inspiring work. It’s rare to find avid contrarians like himself who continue to point our collective understanding of health in the right direction.

Make sure to check out his hilarious, yet enlightening Instagram videos, and his amazing collection of animal-based artistry.

Most men, especially young men, have become completely lost in our modern era…

The masculine constitution is being attacked from all directions…

…Resentful and envious egalitarians are portraying men as “over-ambitious, tyrannical patriarchs that are out for nothing but power and dominion”…

…Modern-day culture is depriving men of self-determination, purpose, and independence; producing a throng of infantilized men who are incapable of contending with the modern world’s challenges and injustices...

…Machiavellian pick-up artists and self-help gurus are milking stray men of their savings with the hope that their dream girl or flourishing promiscuous sex life is at the end of their “$4290 masculine exhibition program”…

And so on.

There are many pitfalls on the path toward masculine actualization, and it's time to fight back against the deceitful ideologues holding back the true masculine potential...

This is why I decided to bring on the greatest fighter ever, to help us evade and counter the canards of social engineering; “Suga” Rashad Evans.

Defeating the renowned Forest Griffin to become the champion in the most cutthroat weight class in the UFC in 2008, the light-heavyweight division, and having coached several young, up-and-coming fighters on The Ultimate Fighter in 2009...

...Rashad can teach you a thing or two about the peaks and valleys of fame, fighting, and reaching your ultimate potential.

As men, we always show strength in the face of struggle and hide our weaknesses behind a cloak of emotional indifference. After all, being weak is a major faux pas in the masculine ecosystem.

But as he neatly points out during our interview, our emotional side is essential to the development of our masculine qualities.

The man who integrates his feminine qualities resembles a complete man far more than the man who represses them.

We also touched on the pursuit of true love, the safeguarding role you play as a father, and the perks of being humble in a world filled with hubris.

Rashad is 4 ft. wide, tough as nails, and has dynamite in his hands, but he is also high in agreeableness, mentally and emotionally developed, and has a heart of pure gold; making him not only a fighting champion, but a champion in life; a quintessential role model.

It’s been a true pleasure to speak with him, and I hope you’ll enjoy this interview.

Make sure to spread it far and wide.

P.S. If you’re a man seeking to bring your inner authority online, or a woman who’s hungry to turn toxic masculinity on its head by learning what a healthy expression of masculinity actually is – I’ve got a FREE 3 day mini series on True Masculinity (happening June 4th, 6th, and 9th at 8pm ET). This is your chance to rewrite this blasphemous narrative, so you can feel clear on the true meaning of masculinity, and start co-creating a world where men can be men again.

Click here to claim your FREE spot! https://offerings.andrewkaufmanmd.com/true-masculinity-mini-series-social

For 4 days only, you’ll get…

10% off when you spend up to $125
15% off when you spend over $125
20% off when you spend over $300

Stock up now, while supplies last. This special offer ends Sunday, April 21st at midnight!


Eyla is peeling back the curtains in her FREE 90-minute Masterclass on Sovereign Birth: https://www.uncoveringbirth.com/sovereign-birth

You’ll learn…

...The dogmatic convictions of society, and how they influence your beliefs of what a “safe” birth consists of.

...How to serve as a guide to pregnant and postpartum women so we can break systemic cycles.

...The fundamental steps you (or the women you’re here to support) need to take in order to birth naturally, from an empowered place.

...What it takes to experience a natural, blissful birth (beyond biohacking, supplements, and modern-day visualization).

...How the dominant system has trained you to remain a fearful, compliant victim – and how to exit the trap.

...The many layers of fear surrounding pregnancy and birth (plus birth trauma), and how you can unshackle yourself from their grip.

...Steps to reclaim inner safety, so you can advocate for yourself and the women in your world with confidence.

…and much more!

In the continuation of my discussion with Pastor of the Way, we went into more detail to cover the pertinence of trust law. We also touched on FDR’s role in the enactment of the Emergency Banking Act of 1933, litigation, and the judicial correlation with business labels such as the creditor/debtor distinction, as well as the legal definition of fraud.

Get access to Pastor's content using this link: https://basilikosnomos.institute/basilikos-nomos-platforms/

The Law That Took Your Freedom Away:

The Emergency Banking Act of 1933...

This changed everything and paved the way for all the tyranny we've witnessed over the last few years.

If you want to see the full Masterclass, then sign up for my True Living Fellowship: https://offerings.andrewkaufmanmd.com/true-living-fellowship

You'll also receive:

👉 Member-only invites and exclusive offers

Unblocking the body’s ability to heal itself is the first step towards that connection to nature.

I invite you to join me, and fellow True Living Fellowship members, as we experience the life-changing turpentine detox protocol together in a 10-week Ultimate Detox Challenge. We just got started (but it’s not too late to join). You’ll have an opportunity to work through the protocol with me (yes, I’m doing it too!) until June 9th.

And as a special bonus, I’m hosting two exclusive Q&A sessions with me during the detox. So you can get all your questions answered while your body experiences the power of true healing.

If you don’t have the protocol yet, you can still get 50% off the Terrain Workshop, The Power of Pine: The Ultimate Detox with your True Living Fellowship membership!

True Living Fellowship members got 50% off my latest Terrain workshop! (You can still take advantage of that offer and get the replay.)

👉 A thought-provoking assessment to discover your True Living focus

So you can pinpoint which aspect of True Living (Health & Science, Family & Fellowship, Learning, Self-Governance, Connection to Nature and Spirituality) you should integrate into your life right now, so you can experience more of the freedom of True Living.

👉 Six Pillar masterclasses

Every month I host a live member-only masterclass focused on one of the Six Pillars of True Living. You’ll get deep truths on critical freedom-focused topics. And you’ll leave each session with practical ideas to increase your autonomy. (Attend live or watch the replay when it fits your schedule.)

👉 Live Q&A sessions for True Living insight

Attend live, or submit your question early. You can get my expert opinion on how to overcome any challenges you might be facing right now as you strive to embody the Six Pillars of True Living. (Including practical tips for connecting to nature, even if you live in the city and are stuck in the 9-5 rat race.)

👉 Curated reads for truth seekers

Every month, get a fresh reading recommendation based on the pillar we’re studying that month. Enrich your understanding of the principles of True Living. And discuss insights and ideas with fellow members in the Book Club. (You can add to the discussion whenever it works for you!)

👉 Supportive online space for connection with like-minded people

Come as you are and connect with others who share your passion for truth.

Join the True Living Fellowship now for only $23USD/month. (Membership dues go up on April 11th – lock in at the lowest price now!) https://offerings.andrewkaufmanmd.com/true-living-fellowship

So you want to exit the system…

…Me too, which is why I dug into the deepest trenches of the legal system…

And I found a Way…

Incidentally, a gentleman who helped me along that path is ‘Pastor of the Way’ (also known as ‘Basilikos Nomos’). Through many of his teachings and courses that I’ve participated in and diligently absorbed and scrutinized over several months, I’ve become very impressed with his material….

I enjoy his material so much, that it ended up being a two-part interview! (the second part will be uploaded soon.) So if you want to know everything about the origins of the ‘person/legal fiction,’ the fraudulent nature of the birth certificate, the truth about the Declaration of Independence, and much more — stick until the end to find the Way.

I highly recommend Pastor’s content, which you can access using this link: https://basilikosnomos.institute/basilikos-nomos-platforms/

The doors to my True Living Fellowship community are now open until April 10th, so sign up before it’s too late: https://offerings.andrewkaufmanmd.com/true-living-fellowship

I’m an anarchist and a natural healing practitioner who inspires people to take control of their own health and livelihoods…
And when I say I’m an anarchist — I don’t mean that I like throwing Molotov cocktails at bus shelters… I mean that I favor self-governance and independence over centralized control and rulership.

I’ve had a very long career working in cancer medicine, forensic psychiatry, and medical science — and what I’ve witnessed is that the alleged “experts” get it wrong and make mistakes… A lot.

By giving up your own discernment, and giving the “experts” the green light to make your decisions for you — you’re letting every mistake that they make become your mistake (and you’re bearing the consequences, not them…).

Even though most people can hardly spell the word “discernment” (due to the Prussian model our education system has adopted, and is forcing you to pay for) — I still believe that genuine people are out there who are willing to take responsibility for their own life and health, and don’t want to be dropped and thrown like a puppet on strings at the mercy of the white-coated clergy…

So if you, too, want to take control of your own health and be a responsible man/woman — who can be their family’s doctor, and assure safety and sovereignty…

Then I hope this interview I did with Jeremy will give you the headstart you need.

Aiming for freedom, but not sure how to hit the mark? My fast and fun quiz will get you locked and loaded! — ‘What’s Getting In the Way of Your Freedom?’ https://offerings.andrewkaufmanmd.com/quiz

I want to thank TNT Radio for hosting me. It was a pleasure! https://tntvideo.podbean.com/e/dr-andrew-kaufman-md-on-jerm-warfare-with-jeremy-nell-28-february-2024/

During my stay at Confluence, I had a great conversation with Luke Storey about my past and why I left the allopathic medical system, how I turned over a new leaf, and became a natural healing expert.

“Are psychiatric drugs really the cause of violent tendencies?”

“What are the most harmful effects of psychiatric drugs?”

“Why is the ‘bio-lab’ theory so beneficial for the medical establishment?”

Stick around until the very end, and find out the answers to these questions, and much more!

Watch the full interview 👉 https://rumble.com/v4djrd3-germs-dont-cause-disease-with-andrew-kaufman-m.d..html

During my stay at Confluence, I had a great conversation with Luke Storey about my past and why I left the allopathic medical system, how I turned over a new leaf, and became a natural healing expert.
“Are psychiatric drugs really the cause of violent tendencies?”

“What are the most harmful effects of psychiatric drugs?”

“Why is the ‘bio-lab’ theory so beneficial for the medical establishment?”

Stick around until the very end, and find out the answers to these questions, and much more!

Check out Luke Storey’s website: https://www.lukestorey.com/lifestylistpodcast/522

In the continuation of my series on contract law and finance, I figured it would be the perfect time to discuss the mortgage fraud (and how to deal with it).

During my study, I acquired a lot of useful insights from Bryan Aromaye, a generational wealth strategist, and a member of the Freedom Equity Group. His courses have provided me with a completely different outlook on mortgage loans and the warranty deed (which actually states that you own the property, believe it or not).

So you’re about to purchase your own house...

You’re so overwhelmed with excitement and your sole focus is fixed on the future.

Nothing wrong with thinking ahead, but when the banks get you to sign countless documents — it’s imperative that you know what you actually agree to, because banks use your investment to acquire lots of wealth (Without telling you about it.)

Check out all of Bryan’s main pages: https://linktr.ee/standstronginvestments

I’m fascinated with Law and Finance, and I always seek to learn from the best. 📚

That’s why I brought the one and only, Brandon Joe Williams, on my show to discuss a case that I’m currently battling with, as well as the importance of understanding the statutory jargon (also known as legalese) to know your way out of litigation and how to act offensively when facing such a situation.

When using the law to fight back against the system, many individuals make the mistake of bringing up the strawman argument, or referencing the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 — but sticking to the facts and asking the right questions is all you need to do.

Check out Brandon’s website: brandonjoewilliams.com

I love studying philosophy and logic. 🤔

I learned the Trivium method, I’m an autodidact, I apply logical principles to my approach to health, and I loved reading Ayn Rand. 📚

And like nature — there’s always a need for balance…

Though logic is imperative — emotions play a significant role as well.

During this interview, I discuss my own application of logical deduction in the field of health and biology. As well as things that logic currently cannot explain — such as the nocebo effect, and how our beliefs can influence our health significantly.

Stick around and share this video as widely as possible!

My website:

{FREE Masterclass Tomorrow at 8PM ET} How To Stay Out of The Emergency Department (And Turn an Emergency into a Victory):

We’re off to a brand new year! And I wish you all much growth, development, joy, and most of all — health!

So I selected a section of a video I made with AJ Roberts that contains pretty much everything you need to know to achieve your health goals this year! 💪

In the video, I entertain questions such as…

…”What exactly is healthy food?”…

…”Do we really need supplements to optimize our health?”…

…”What things should we avoid to prevent dis-ease?”…

With this knowledge at hand, you’ll be able to live life to the fullest and say goodbye to the corrupted pharmaceutical industry that is trying to keep you dependent! 🙌

(Psssst…they DON’T want you to see this video, so help me beat the algorithm by sharing it with as many people as possible!)

Order my Shilajit Mumijo: https://shop.andrewkaufmanmd.com/products/shilajit-mumijo-by-andrew-kaufman-md

Visit my shop: https://shop.andrewkaufmanmd.com/

Visit my official website: https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

Take my 2-min Quiz and discover what’s getting in the way of your health freedom: https://offerings.andrewkaufmanmd.com/take-the-quiz

During my talk at the Mount Meru Summit 2 (hosted by True Earth), I highlighted the many logical errors in microbiology, particularly cell biology, and how some of the same fallacies can be found in the field of cosmology.

Is the cell really what we think it is?

Is the Earth and the cosmos really what we’re told they are?

Stick around, and you’ll find out… 👀

Visit https://trueearther.com/ to watch the full summit.

You’ve heard me talk quite a bit about health and biology for some time…

But today I had the chance to explore some other fields of interest that I’ve delved into for quite a while — namely, the fields of Psychology and Law (I was a forensic psychiatrist after all 😄).

It was a pleasure being interviewed by Christopher Gardner, with whom I delved into sports psychology, entrepreneurship, and status correction. I entertained questions such as…

…“How do you explain STDs without the ‘transmissible’ part?”…

…”How can you take legal action against the Cloud Seeding Companies that are behind the chemtrail spraying?”…

…“Is ADHD even real?”…

You’ll certainly find out in this interview, so stay tuned and enjoy this episode from the BioCharisma Podcast!

(Click here to watch the original video: https://topherhq.com/2023/12/13/roombas-for-the-un-w-dr-andrew-kaufman/)

You might have heard it already…

…“The economy is about to collapse”…

…“The U.S. Empire is about to fall”…

…“Get your hands on gold and silver before it’s too late!”

Now that I’ve extensively delved into the topic of Terrain vs Germ Theory, I figured it would be a perfect time to share some insights on the financial system.

During this interview with Laura Lynn, I discussed the value of real currency like gold and silver, as well as Fiat currency, debt slavery, the history of collapsing economies, and the true meaning of The Great 'Reset.'

Tune in and enjoy this interview on a totally different topic!

[Sept 15th, 2023]

Dr. Andrew Kaufman appeared on The David Knight Show to discuss the endless loop of circular reasoning behind most “scientific” protocols today. How do scientists actually discover “viruses?” What does the PCR method actually do if it cannot be used to detect a pathogen? Why do vaccines have so many detrimental effects and how does the pharmaceutical industry continuously get away with it? Is the Wuhan lab story meant to serve as a distraction from the scale of fraud that we’re actually facing? Watch this insightful interview until the very end to find to answers!

Check out The David Knight Show on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheDavidKnightShow

I’m getting ready to launch my brand new membership community: True Living Fellowship.

This will be a safe haven for Free Thinkers and Truth Warriors integrating a life based in health, truth, and freedom.

Sign up to be the first to know when this one-of-a-kind community launches! (Yes, I know I said 'button,' but I meant this link 😁)

You'll get insider details on how you can join True Living Fellowship as a Founding Member.

[July 27th, 2023]

Dr. Andrew Kaufman appeared on Awake the Iron to discuss the validity of the claim that diseases are caused by ‘contagion.’ Are the practices in the field of virology consistent with the scientific method? Is the science on ‘disease’ really settled? How do we get the truth out to the rest of the world? Find out the answers to these questions in this delightful interview.

Check out the original video on Awake the Iron’s channel: https://odysee.com/@awaketheiron:0/Dr.-Andrew-Kaufman-interview:d


Sign Up for my FREE newsletter > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

The Virus Challenge > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/settling-the-virus-debate

True Medicine Library > https://truemedicinelibrary.com/

Covid-19 Myths Webinar Series > https://covid-19-myths.com/

Terrain The Film > https://terrainthefilm.com/

True Healing Conference Digital Download Package > https://truehealingconference.com/

True Medicine University > https://truemedicineuniversity.com/

Request a Private Consultation > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/consultation-request/

Order Shilajit-Mumijo > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/shop/

Join the Shilajit Savings Club > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/product/shilajit-subscription-quarterly/

Donate > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/donate/

Andrew Kaufman, M.D. on Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Medicamentum Authentica Telegram Group > https://t.me/medicamentumauthentica/

Join Us on Rumble For Our Free Livestream Events > https://rumble.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Disclaimer: This content is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and there is no implied doctor patient relationship. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect those of Medicamentum Authentica, True Medicine Library, True Medicine University or AndrewKaufmanMD.com.

[July 3rd, 2023]

Dr. Andrew Kaufman appeared on The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show to talk about the Covid plandemic and the spurious nature of the Germ Theory of disease. Dr. Andy addressed some of the common questions such as: “How about some of the known diseases which are said to be caused by germs, such as the Cold and Flu?”, “How is it possible that me and my family got ill at the same time, if it isn’t contagion?” Find out the answers to these questions in this thought provoking interview!

Check out the original broadcast on The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show’s website: https://www.buzzsprout.com/791252/13151443

Join Free! True Medicine Library gives you consolidated access to Dr. Andrew Kaufman's public resources and information. The Premium Membership provides access to the full repository of critical information related to Health and Freedom.


Sign Up for my FREE newsletter > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

The Virus Challenge > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/settling-the-virus-debate

True Medicine Library > https://truemedicinelibrary.com/

Covid-19 Myths Webinar Series > https://covid-19-myths.com/

Terrain The Film > https://terrainthefilm.com/

True Healing Conference Digital Download Package > https://truehealingconference.com/

True Medicine University > https://truemedicineuniversity.com/

Request a Private Consultation > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/consultation-request/

Order Shilajit-Mumijo > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/shop/

Join the Shilajit Savings Club > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/product/shilajit-subscription-quarterly/

Donate > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/donate/

Andrew Kaufman, M.D. on Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Medicamentum Authentica Telegram Group > https://t.me/medicamentumauthentica/

Join Us on Rumble For Our Free Livestream Events > https://rumble.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Disclaimer: This content is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and there is no implied doctor patient relationship. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect those of Medicamentum Authentica, True Medicine Library, True Medicine University or AndrewKaufmanMD.com.

When making changes to your diet, it’s easy to start by excluding food groups deemed “unhealthy”... dairy, grains, and even meat. 🚫

But often times, removing entire food groups can lead to a rigid approach to food that may not be sustainable in the long-term. 😓

I was relieved to come across the well-documented discoveries of an American dentist, Weston A Price, who traveled the world studying various cultures, and the impact of their diets on their teeth and overall health.

What’s notable about his diet discoveries is that optimal health does not require the exclusion of any major food groups.

In fact, it’s what Weston A. Price diet expert, Sally Fallon Morell, calls the “Yes, you can!” diet...

Register Now: https://www.decodingdiets.com/?_kx=#section-1683768422976

#freedom #diet #nutrition #facts #food #healthfreedom #health #truth #decode #keto #vegan #ketodiet #conference #live #event #eating #presentation


Sign Up for my FREE newsletter - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

The Virus Challenge - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/settling-the-virus-debate

True Medicine Library - https://truemedicinelibrary.com/

Covid-19 Myths Webinar Series - https://covid-19-myths.com/

Terrain The Film - https://terrainthefilm.com/

True Healing Conference Digital Download Package - https://truehealingconference.com/

True Medicine University - https://truemedicineuniversity.com/

Request a Private Consultation - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/consultation-request/

Order Shilajit-Mumijo - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/shop/

Join the Shilajit Savings Club - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/product/shilajit-subscription-quarterly/

Donate - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/donate/

Andrew Kaufman, M.D. on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Medicamentum Authentica Telegram Group - https://t.me/medicamentumauthentica/

Join Us on Rumble For Our Free Livestream Events - https://rumble.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Disclaimer: This content is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and there is no implied doctor patient relationship. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect those of Medicamentum Authentica, True Medicine Library, True Medicine University or AndrewKaufmanMD.com.

[May 25th, 2023]

Peggy Hall invites Dr. Andrew Kaufman to discuss the upcoming ‘The End of Covid’ summit, and to walk people through Dr. Andy’s path towards realising that ‘contagion’ is an unproven myth. How did Dr. Andy discover something that was right in front of our noses the entire time, and what encouraged him to question and refute one of the biggest lies regarding health and dis-ease? Find out in this awesome interview!

Check out Peggy Hall’s channel: https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/

Join Free! True Medicine Library gives you consolidated access to Dr. Andrew Kaufman's public resources and information. The Premium Membership provides access to the full repository of critical information related to Health and Freedom.


Sign Up for my FREE newsletter > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

The Virus Challenge > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/settling-the-virus-debate

True Medicine Library > https://truemedicinelibrary.com/

Covid-19 Myths Webinar Series > https://covid-19-myths.com/

Terrain The Film > https://terrainthefilm.com/

True Healing Conference Digital Download Package > https://truehealingconference.com/

True Medicine University > https://truemedicineuniversity.com/

Request a Private Consultation > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/consultation-request/

Order Shilajit-Mumijo > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/shop/

Join the Shilajit Savings Club > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/product/shilajit-subscription-quarterly/

Donate > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/donate/

Andrew Kaufman, M.D. on Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Medicamentum Authentica Telegram Group > https://t.me/medicamentumauthentica/

Join Us on Rumble For Our Free Livestream Events > https://rumble.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Disclaimer: This content is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and there is no implied doctor patient relationship. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect those of Medicamentum Authentica, True Medicine Library, True Medicine University or AndrewKaufmanMD.com.

[May 31st, 2023]

Blaz Kavcic from Slovenia interviews Dr. Andrew Kaufman about his career and the major life-changes he went through to become a covid-19 whistleblower. Dr. Andy also gives some insight on the psychological aspects behind the plandemic, and speaks to compelling evidence which shows that no ‘infectious particle’ has ever been shown to cause disease, let alone a pandemic. Want to know what other topics Dr. Andy and Blaz covered? Then watch this interview until the very end!

Check out Blaz Kavcic’s website: https://narodna-suverenost.si/mednarodna-sodelovanja/

Join Free! True Medicine Library gives you consolidated access to Dr. Andrew Kaufman's public resources and information. The Premium Membership provides access to the full repository of critical information related to Health and Freedom.


Sign Up for my FREE newsletter > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

The Virus Challenge > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/settling-the-virus-debate

True Medicine Library > https://truemedicinelibrary.com/

Covid-19 Myths Webinar Series > https://covid-19-myths.com/

Terrain The Film > https://terrainthefilm.com/

True Healing Conference Digital Download Package > https://truehealingconference.com/

True Medicine University > https://truemedicineuniversity.com/

Request a Private Consultation > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/consultation-request/

Order Shilajit-Mumijo > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/shop/

Join the Shilajit Savings Club > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/product/shilajit-subscription-quarterly/

Donate > https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/donate/

Andrew Kaufman, M.D. on Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Medicamentum Authentica Telegram Group > https://t.me/medicamentumauthentica/

Join Us on Rumble For Our Free Livestream Events > https://rumble.com/andrewkaufmanmd/

Disclaimer: This content is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and there is no implied doctor patient relationship. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect those of Medicamentum Authentica, True Medicine Library, True Medicine University or AndrewKaufmanMD.com.

Frugivore - eating mostly raw fruits - is one that seems to send people for a spin. 🌪️ (and I don't mean from high glucose 😜)

How is it that someone can take in all that sugar and actually thrive?! …

…”They only eat fruit? What about lettuce or vegetables?”... 🍎

…“Aren’t they B12 deficient?”... 😳

…“Won’t they develop high blood sugar?”... ​​🤨

My friend and colleague, Loren Lockman, is an expert on the topic… and not just because he eats only fruit and lettuce himself! His nutrition research has guided many to a healthy lifestyle.

Register Now: https://www.decodingdiets.com/?_kx=#section-1683768422976

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Disclaimer: This content is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and there is no implied doctor patient relationship. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect those of Medicamentum Authentica, True Medicine Library, True Medicine University or AndrewKaufmanMD.com.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

204 videos

Category Health & Medical