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A song about one of the very few safe topics on Youtube these days.

A Christmas greeting from the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

A song about how certain groups in the UK have out-stayed their welcome there by behaving in certain ways.

A look into the impact a country's cuisine has on its national identity. Uploaded to Youtube in August 2020.

A song for the native British people

Delving more deeply into a list of what Brits like to do during a staycation and what it reveals.

A song about what California used to be famous for and what it's more famous for today.

A montage showing how social well-being in the USA is under threat from violent groups.

A look at how police practices seen in the classic tv show The Bill couldn't hope to maintain law and order in Britain and especially London today.

A look into the current state of the BBC showing the disconnect between one of its radio shows and the contents of its Youtube channel.

Song charting the demise of the once proud country of France. With subtitles.

New track charting the demise of the once proud country of France.

A look into the psychological power our formative years have on us and how they still influence the decisions we make and the views we have today.

A look into how what goes on inside a park reflects the well-being of a nation such as the UK.

Song dedicated to the do-gooders who are in reality doing more harm than good.

Song fighting back against the recent openly anti-white protests.

Examining the effects the globalist agenda will have on tourism in the UK.

Track about how a culture of violence and destruction is promoted by the British establishment.

Revisiting classic US sitcom Happy Days and making sense of it in light of recent events.

Revisiting Bronski Beat's 1980s classic Smalltown Boy and interpreting it to fit today's social and political climate.

A song documenting Boris Johnson's abject failure as UK prime minister.

A tribute to writer, broadcaster and forum host, Simon Harris who sadly passed away recently.

A look into how a simple double-barrelled adjective can identify the enormous social and cultural problems facing the UK.

The second in a series looking at public figures whose standpoints don't always add up. This time David Attenborough is under the spotlight.

Understanding the threats European people are currently facing just by taking a look at a kids' atlas.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

35 videos

Category News & Politics

Songs and commentaries about the current social and political mess we're in.