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Truth Pursuit


Every day, we are all faced with a choice: to either choose to 'gain the whole world' or to 'save our soul'. What we decide to do with our possessions, our lands, our money, and our lives, will show us what we truly value.

Our inheritance is to become the Sons and Daughters of God. But to claim that inheritance, we need to give up everything we currently hold to. Are you willing to give up what you cannot keep, in order to gain what you cannot lose?

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How can the knowledge of good and evil be a bad thing? After gaining such knowledge, Adam and Eve, and indeed the rest of humanity, were doomed to a life outside of the Garden of the Eden. Satanism teaches that his unwillingness to provide us with knowledge is what makes God, himself, totally evil. But before we assume God to be the cruel dictator he is painted out to be, let's look at exactly where the knowledge of good and evil has gotten us as a human race. And let's start with what is considered the greatest achievement in human ingenuity... artificial intelligence.

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What's the biggest threat facing mankind at the moment? Is it climate change, artificial intelligence, or nuclear war, or the rise of a one-world government?

While the world continues to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that the inevitable will not happen, people of faith will need to make a decision to stand against a flood of evil... in love for our enemies and in love for the truth. God has a plan for the human race... and that hope extends beyond the end of this world!

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What is eternity? Can the concept of a dimension outside of time, space and matter, bridge the gap between human understanding of science and religion? From questions of what God is, the creation of the earth, to death and the judgement; this video explores how the concept of eternity could help to bring harmony between two very different realities.

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The real danger of Artificial Intelligence is how it will be used by evil leaders. Governments know this. The media knows this. The world knows this. But still, people look to human leaders, human organizations, and human technology to save us from the inevitable. Artificial Intelligence will be used to track, imprison, and kill believers in the millions in the coming years before Jesus returns.

There is no hope that the governments or tech leaders of this world can offer to evade the fate that awaits the world. But if your hope is in the One who lives in Eternity, then there is real hope that, even if they kill us, we will live again!

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News about artificial intelligence isn't going to stop anytime soon. AI's abilities are increasing so exponentially that the experts themselves have been caught off guard. We don't know how AI programs like ChatGPT even work, but we do know that there is a very likely possibility... an expectation, in fact, that artificial intelligence is going to be used for evil. For anyone who studies Bible prophecy, the link between AI and the antichrist is quite visible at this point in history. We can see it coming... but what are we going to do about it?

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This channel has been adamant, pretty much from day one, that the Bible cannot talk about itself, because it didn't exist at the time that the various books the Bible were complied into the one big book that we have today. However, in this video, we'll look at a very plausible interpretation of a passage in the book of Revelation, which seems to be referencing the Bible! Well, not the WHOLE Bible... but what is undeniably the most important PART of the Bible. This discovery is not just so much trivia... its implications play a vital role in your salvation.

There is a difficult passage of scripture in Matthew 11, which says that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and that the violent take it by force. It's hard to understand what Jesus was saying here, because a huge part of his message was about loving our enemies, and he demonstrated this love himself by dying on the cross. So why is Jesus talking about violence with respect to God's kingdom? This video looks at a key word, 'biazo', which should help us to better understand what Jesus was saying.

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Practically everything the Seventh Day Adventists believe hangs on the doctrine which states that we must worship God on Saturday ("the sabbath"), and NOT on Sunday. You may not be able to see anything immediately wrong with that belief, even if you go to church on Sunday yourself. But when you examine that doctrine more closely, especially in terms of how it relates to Bible prophecies about the antichrist and the Mark of the Beast, you'll see just how ludicrous it is.

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Do you want to have faith? REAL faith? Super-Duper Faith!? The way to get it is the same way the first disciples got it! But would you believe me if I said that the churches today have not only lost this formula for faith, but that they have deliberately hidden it from you? By the end of this video, you will have the key to increasing your faith well beyond just about every other "Christian" out there. It's up to you, however, to decide if you're going to use it.

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Donald Trump has unashamedly reversed his position on abortion. His supporters cannot seriously deny that Trump used them and their obsession with outlawing abortion, as a tool to win their votes, can they? Listen here to how Trump talked about abortion prior to now, and how the false prophets of right-wing American evangelicalism stood by their "president" until the bitter end of the 2020 elections. Will their tune change, now that Trump has changed his? Will they humbly accept that their "prophecies" and faith in his "anointing" were gravely misplaced? Maybe not. But if you are one of those who were sucked in by Trump's lies, now is your chance to turn from America's brand of fake Christianity, and to turn to Jesus instead.

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If you're afraid of being unpopular, afraid of being rejected, afraid of not being liked because of your beliefs... then you have likely, at one time or another, been more concerned about pleasing others than pleasing God. It's scary to be disliked by the world around us, but it's even more scary to not have a conscience because we're too worried about what others think. If this is your struggle, watch this video, and see if you can get yourself in the right frame of mind to stand before God on Judgement Day.

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IF... you don't hear that word in sermons about the promises of God, do you? They all focus on "unconditional love", God "never forsaking us", and other such half-promises which tickle our ears and blind us from the all-important conditions which determine whether we will receive the wonderful things that God wants to give us. This video looks at several examples of some of the most cherished promises of God, and it shows you plainly and clearly what the conditions are.

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Luke 14:33

Those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.


Teachings of Jesus playlist:

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The teachings of Jesus are not just esoteric clichés, or optional instructions that help you to feel more spiritual. When you follow the teachings of Jesus, you actually change the world... in a small way, by changing yourself, but in a massive way when you do it in unity with other followers of Jesus. This video gives a glimpse at how obedience to Jesus translates into real solutions for the biggest problems facing the world today.

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It's not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult, and left untried. If you want to be a follower of Jesus, you have to come to him on HIS terms. Believe it or not, there isn't a single church in the world today which is teaching people to do that. It's all about THEIR terms, their traditions, and their lukewarm formulas for salvation. If you're not willing to follow the teachings of Jesus... particularly the one presented in this video, then you cannot be a Christian.

For more teachings of Jesus, check out this playlist:

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The most hated teaching of Jesus is also arguably the most important teaching of Jesus... but where is there any church preaching it? Over and over, preachers of all shapes and sizes argue against this fundamental Christian teaching. Your pastor is almost certainly NOT an exception. Don't believe me? Then listen to this sermon and let me know in the comments if you've heard it preached before. More importantly, let me know if you yourself are following the most hated of all Jesus' teachings.


Teachings of Jesus playlist:

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Jesus said you can't serve two masters. He wasn't talking about God and the devil; he was talking about God and money. We skip right over this passage without considering the serious implications of what Jesus was saying. There are more excuses for ignoring this teaching of Jesus than any other teaching in the Bible. So, whom do you serve? Before you answer, take the next few minutes to listen to this video and answer the questions it asks you, to determine where your allegiance really lies.

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Atheists and Christians are at odds, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have to be enemies. Imagine what could be accomplished if Christians and atheists decided to sit down and listen to each other patiently, in an attempt to find common ground. That's what African American blues musician Daryl Davis did with some of his most violent opponents. The lesson we learned from his experiences are expounded on in this video, and are presented as the solution to the hatred between atheists and Christians.

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Most of the world can sense that we are approaching a time of great trouble. Christians refer to this as The Great Tribulation, and it is predicted to last three and a half years. The book of Revelation describes a select group of believers who will be protected during the antichrist's reign, when natural disasters and persecution of Christians will be rampant. How do we receive the supernatural protection predicted in Bible prophecy? Where can we hide? The simple (yet uncomfortable) answer is found in this video.

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Think of the most evil people in the world today, and throughout history: Hitler, Stalin, Jinping, Trump... it's hard to imagine them as being capable of doing ANY good, because they have such strong reputations for being bad. Infamous dictators and serial killers get all the attention, but in this video, you'll see how there is really little difference between someone like Putin, and someone like you or me. Don't let that get you down too much, because we're all in the same boat, and there IS something we can do to sail gradually away from being so bad.

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In various countries around the world, there are individuals claiming to be Jesus Christ reincarnated. The majority of churchgoers today know not to be sucked in by these false christs, but what about all the other thousands of false christs? That's right... these fake Jesuses are not the only ones falsely representing God here on Earth, and the majority of professing Christians today have been deceived into obeying these false Christs in preference to THE Christ.

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Bible prophecy is a hot topic, but the message of prophecy is so easily lost in all the hype that gets generated when people use the book of Revelation to prove their own spiritual superiority and/or their ability to understand the prophecies in that book. Deciphering prophecy is not limited to one individual or church. The Revelation says that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. HE is the key, and in this video, you'll learn about four important subjects in Bible prophecy which are easily unlocked when we pay attention to, and apply the teachings of Jesus in our lives.

The Key to Understanding the Revelation:

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Think of all the evil things in life: war, theft, adultery, abuses of all sorts... where do these things come from? What is the root cause of all evil? The Bible tells us what the root of all evil is, and you’ve probably heard it before, but is it really the root of ALL evils? How could that be possible? Watch this video to find out.

Slavery is a recurring topic throughout the Bible, and because Christians "believe the Bible", they are often accused of supporting slavery. One of the most infamous Bible passages quoted by atheists to prove this accusation is Ephesians 6:5-9. They also say that, because Jesus did not specifically denounce owning humans as being immoral, he must have supported slavery too. In this video, we will examine that passage written by the apostle Paul, and we'll also look at some teachings of Jesus to determine if either teacher really supported slavery.

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Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

114 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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