Furious Frank

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Furious Frank



This how your multi billion dollar satellites actually work.

Latest video. In my opinion (for what it's worth) I think this is worth listening to. Comments are open.

Sun simulator actually filmed in the sky. Still in denial?

Have a look, tell me what you think.

Knowing what we now know beyond all possible doubt, how can you continue to buy these products? How do you justify your choice?

The same race who was caught multiple times in multiple countries poisoning drinking water wells, is now poisoning our minds with indescribable filth. If you're not satisfied with your wife/girlfriend, you're already in deep shit. Do not! watch this filth, destroy it.

In daytime this suddenly happens.

Latest video CERN demons etc. Comments are open.

Leeches suck blood from vaxxtards, and die three days later.

Does anyone know what's going on here?

Elon Musk on his knees in Israel. Along with Trump and the gang.

It blows me away to think that people simply cannot see what's right in front of them.

Every belief system, every culture, every continent has texts that have survived many centuries, and all agree the Earth is flat beneath a dome. All except one, and that one is the TV. Choose your God, choose wisely.

I posted this on Tik Tok where my videos average 400 views. This video has not been seen by anyone. Zero views.

Sorry, once again it's all Hollywood bullshit. All those wagons full of settlers, those tough guy cowboys smashing up bars and shooting the Sheriff. It's all fabrication, all bullshit, just like everything else you were taught in the citizen factory.

RFB is seen by many as a gatekeeper. Well, he just posted this 'nothing new' video about 9/11. Why try to distract people with old news?

Download and share. Or don't

What you do or don't believe makes no difference to them, they have their very firm beliefs, and that's all they need.

If you eat meat, that is to say the flesh of sentient beings, you are directly responsible for the scenes you will see here. Now, I know sooo many of you have educated opinions and often speak with great authority about religion and spirituality. Has it occurred to you that you yourself are also concerned? Something tells me it has slipped your minds. Well, right now is a good time, a really good time, to wake up and break free from the brainwashing that is binding you in this Satanic practice. Or don't.....

Want to talk about vaccines? Let's ask the world's most knowledgeable person.

Not all religious leaders are pedophile traitors.

There's no need to be a Christian to read the Bible. I'm not religious but have read the KJV and the more accurate Geneva Bible. So have a good read, and look what's happening in cesspit Dubai.

New video on CERN. Comments are open.

Let's have a closer look at this massive piece of shit. And I'd like to point out to the mentally challenged that MAGA is the highest level attainable in the church of Satan.

Latest video, comments are open.


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

763 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I was on Gab as FrankGoneMad 15.200 followers and zero reaction to my posts. Totally shadow banned, so I deleted my account, Andrew Torba is just another crypto jew busy fucking people over. Enjoy the videos while you still can. The globe Earth is fake. Space is fake. Money is fake. Education is indoctrination. History is a lie. Religion is mind control. TV is brainwashing. Co(n)vid is being used to push a vaks that will kill you. Subscribe Or don't.