France Grandeur and Decadence

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France Grandeur and Decadence

france grandeur and decadence


Ireland, a 'kind-hearted gal' with a fascinating scenery...

My Dinner with Andre. subtitled in Eng. Such a brilliant, meaningful movie, 1981 american comedy-drama film, directed by Louis Marie Malle; a French film director, screenwriter, and producer who worked in both French cinema and Hollywood.
How weirdo, cos we couldn't find this 1981 movie dubbed in FR (lol), nor with FR subtitles (Rofl) except a short clip. Now; let's guess ze reason why!! c'mon!! 'buy or rent' ONLY suggested. because FRenchies must NOT know about ultra realistic insights developed in the movie.

Depopulation is their creed! and as usual, such deliberate poison was and still fully approved, available in FRance too!!
*FRench Translation, subtitled by Didi, and published on September 22, 2021.
FR: " Sortie en Novembre 2019, ce documentaire produit par Robert F. Kennedy Jr. fait suite à la sortie du film « Vaxxed, de la dissimulation à la catastrophe » qui a fait beaucoup de bruit à l'époque et qui a encouragé des milliers de parents à parler et à désormais refuser toute forme de vaccination. Dans « Vaxxed II, la réponse du public », Polly et le reste de l'équipe du film sont allés à la rencontre de ces parents, infirmières, docteurs, etc. afin d'enregistrer les témoignages des victimes tout d'abord mais aussi de ceux qui ont appris dans la douleur que finalement les vaccins n'étaient pas aussi sûrs et efficaces qu'on nous demande de le croire.
Dans le précédent documentaire, il fut question de l'augmentation alarmante et exponentielle de l'autisme qui est potentiellement l'épidémie la plus catastrophique de notre époque. Dans celui-ci, vous verrez que les dégâts vont bien au-delà, notamment depuis la sortie sur le marché du Gardasil qui a détruit la vie de milliers d'adolescents."
EN - quote: "This critical background documentary to the COVID-19 VAXX Genocide presently unfolding worldwide is an exploration into probable links between various vaccinations and illness, injury, and death.
In 2016, a media firestorm erupted when Tribeca Film Festival abruptly censored its documentary selection, VAXXED: FROM COVER-UP TO CATASTROPHE, amid pressure from pro-pharmaceutical interests. In response to media silence on CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, who admitted to fraud on a pivotal vaccine safety study, VAXXED catapulted to notoriety and became a worldwide trending topic, opening to sold out theater audiences nationwide. Stunned by the immense volume of parents lining up outside the theaters with vaccine injury stories to share, VAXXED producer Polly Tommey began to livestream worldwide reaching millions, and a community that had once been silenced were empowered to rise up. In VAXXED II: THE PEOPLE'S TRUTH, Polly and the team travel over 50,000 miles in the USA and around the world. Interviews of parents and doctors with nothing to gain and everything to lose exposed the vaccine injury epidemic and asked the question on every parent's mind, "Are vaccines really as safe and effective as we've been told?"

About an ongoing ARTIFICIAL weather & climate! Doc coming with very meaningful insights, Documentary subtitled in ENG.
Not all insights forcibly 'accurate'! cos it is also pointed out that, we were, & still being LIED! from? from ze Evil SMF ! namely highly nefarious worldwide "dealers & leaders"... and as usual, involving next, as a consequence, ze pure evil, obedient LOCAL "dealers & leaders"... plus, highly brainwashed local sheeple... over DECADES.
Note: nah! that sounds more about to pursuing the alarming rate of extinction of LIVING species we are part of! and the destruction of Biotope & local ecosystems.

hmm, ze secret societies ... the West is a joke!
Ireland: native homeless and some "gift"? for IE nation
back in 1971: "they are all through the Govt ... they are all over Bob!"
Ah paris! 'la vie est belle' ... heing!
then, let us see ... what is comin' our way, soon, very soon!
> thumbnail: :-P

they got us all !
" Fireside talks have faded in
Monopoly where no one wins
We just end up where we begin
No one to follow, such a sin"
"No one can say, a billion fools
Too many laws, too many rules
No one would know where to start
With ancient pride and purple hearts"
I am the living natural man and my voice will be heard ............................

stalemate, too late too late! ??
too many froggies expect some savior! but do NOT endeavour to do their best, on a very local basis, in order to provide a right answer in such brief time allotted to us all ! cos it is a very must to GO and ACT LOCAL !!
Pay a close attention to vid scenes! FR is totally dumbed-down, fully fucked up !!
TBH : Oh yessss! it takes BALLS to go and hang oneself !! like this UA 16 y.o did!
oh and BTW : I assume sole control over my thoughts and writings, but not over how you read the message(s) or/and read vid content.

and just like that ... the world as it goes, over and over again.
not only from political BS; party politics ! from the bosom of the evil Fr Ripoublic! but unfortunately from its very own people... over CENTURIES now!

Who Writes History? History is built on facts!? really? prospective and perspective motives!!
and it goes on and on ... over and over again!! FOR CENTURIES!!
Note: audio tracks: 'no prayer for the dying' - dr evil Laugh (M.Myers) - the prisoner . (feel free to mute sound :))

PART 1. quote: "There is more than one reality - as many structures of consciousness (collective, of course) as there are realities. Not only evaluations of the facts, but the facts themselves. Materialists and people staying far from philosophy are not ready to accept this. Their belief in a reality independent of consciousness is unshakable. And as long as it is so, they will remain victims of information warfare, not those who are its masters." A.Dugin.
I agree to that. There is more than one reality !
Now " is Aleksandr Dugin a globalist pawn?" I do NOT know!!
PART 2. Quote: “Do we want them to be taken up and used against us again by a slightly different gang of rulers, or by the same old gang in one of their regular new disguises?”
"Now "When will the real opposition emerge?" good question!!!
each individual has the right to question everything!
we ought ALL to make up our own mind!!
Note: Here, P. Cudenec; the narrator, and author of posts.

Toronto protocols revealed back in 1995. Full text of "The Toronto Protocols" in Eng, AI audio dubbing. Edited by France Grandeur and decadence nov 11th, 2023 (intro: 0:00 - 3:00)
- The Toronto Protocols (6.6.6.) - First Meeting.
Bread and Circus Games (1967) .
- The Toronto Protocols - Second Meeting.
Red Dawn (1985). Conclusion: FICTION OR REALITY? Who can say? Be that as it may, according to some information obtained from France, but above all, to review the events that have occurred since the twenty-five years, it appears that the scenario described in this ‘Document’ allows us to better understand what, until today, seemed most incomprehensible to more than one.
quote : ! " It’s up to you to answer... It’s up to you to see, in recent past and future events, whether these ‘Documents’ belong to the realm of fiction or reality.
! It’s up to you to realize that fear has no other purpose than to paralyze you, and to place you at the mercy of those who only want to control you in order to better enslave you according to their interests which, in the end, are not not yours.
! So, the ‘TORONTO PROTOCOL (6.6.6.), Myth or reality ?
FR: vous trouverez facilement le doc en pdf et videos associées sur le web...

Philip K. Dick, A world, A Computer-Programmed Reality, Conference " the Metz Speech" 1977.
He goes on to describe the visionary, mystical experiences he had in 1974 after dental surgery, which he chronicled in his extensive journal entries (published in abridged form as The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick) and in works like VALIS and The Divine Invasion. As a result of his visions, he came to believe that: “some of my fictional works were in a literal sense true,” citing in particular The Man in the High Castle and Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said, a 1974 novel about the U.S. as a police state; both novels written, he says, “based on fragmentary, residual memories of such a horrid slave state world.” He claims to remember not past lives but a “different, very different, present life.”
We translated his whole speech, FULL TRANSCRIPT in FRench. (link to Text mentioned in video). we added edited audio (00:02:45) related to final sequence of his speech, missing on original video!
METZ city in FRance! back in 1977 ... and as usual in FR! No one TALKED about it! the way it had to be done!
PLEASE NOTE: FRENCH INTERPRETER WAS EDITED OUT! voice cut ! and that is really weirdo!!

old chaps chatting about France ...
The risk of centralized currency!
no more cash payments ahead... very soon.
About Note: as always in FR, many froggies would disagree, and would tell, 'but these ones are with.. we ze people!'
uhm... have they contributed to some significant CHANGE in the recent decades? nope!

He >Guillaume Faye held a meeting in Germany, back in 2007. yet! in 2007. So, let me ask you all! over and over again, where are the sentinels? because it seems like that nothing!! just nothing was done in order to stop ultra ignominy we are facing, & still enduring! French 'state of mind' has worsened for a serious number! insanity prevails!!
and!! and we have proof of this, over the recent two decades! and it is getting much worse, since the worst was yet to come with 'covid circus worldwide show', back in early 2020 and going on till today.
guillaume faye is right and depicting oh so well what is real and for real, from the past to nowadays.
it is lasting for too long now!
the ones who took vaccines are dying! slowly but surely for many ... and mainly french native, so LOCAL WHITE PEOPLES of FRance. oh and BTW ! today is July 1st, 2023 - this meeting dates back in oct 2007 ! so, soon 16 years ago!!
it is not just about, it has never been about social- ism, but always about racism 🧐 against French Native, against LOCAL peoples of FR! never been about social- ism but about genocide on ze white population of FR. ...
some doubt!?? come and see for yourself, not only in pariSS by night, but straight in regions of FR...
last and not least!! today is July 1st, 2023 - this meeting dates back in oct 2007 ! right?! so, what are the REAL FIGURES TODAY??

“An angel” by Sergey Lysenko; author and performer of the song. Translation by Alina Akratova. The song is dedicated to the Dead children of Donbass.
May 9, 2022 while performing a combat mission, militia member, officer, author and performer Sergey Lysenko died.
> today is November 5th, 2022 !! how many more died since 2021, how many more children since February 2022 until today??
Terrorism caused the deaths of thousands in Donbass. Yes, it is terrorism, because the deliberate killing of children is terrorism. But the world media did not talk about it, it is not talked about now. Most people just didn’t know about this terror and they still don’t know. During the military conflict, as a result of hostilities in the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, 4970 people were killed, including 93 children. More than 7,800 people received injuries of varying severity as a result of shelling from Ukraine. During the same period in the Luhansk People’s Republic, the fact of death of 1285 civilians was officially established, of which 34 were children. 2,058 people were injured, including 87 children...

hi there! :) ... it has been several months now since many of us have been looking at war between ukraine, russia... with a particular focus on donbass region. Note: !! vid status was set 'unpublished' for several months. however, now, in Nov 2023, it might be interesting to listen to his words, and to learn from 'info' spread at that time, back in sept 2022... 'Brochu TV' since oct 2023.
the one interviewed here is native from western region of FRance (Brittany), he is familiar with the Donbass region since he has been living there over the recent 8 years! he is a former serviceman, trained for providing SITREPs, through his dedicated blog: "alawata-rebellion. blogspot. com" but blog is no more reachable for months now, many of his posts' content focusing on 'evil roots' that has weakened the donbass region over years, so that, he is identifying the main points, he knows a lot about issues met on the ground! he is living & combating out there, he is examining, analyzing and reporting on the facts, the FACTS! as he Joined the Donetsk People's Republic Army early February 2015. later in sept 2019, he was seriously injured, and nearly died on the spot, so lets face it ! he knows what is real and for real, because he does experience reality from the ground, on the spot... and beyond reality, I bet he just 'KNOWS' about ... Donbass, where it is about a complex theater of war! with heavy casualties, sacrifices on a land loaded with history, while human lives continue to be sacrificed every day in the infernal spiral of violence and fear, blood and vengeance that has been unleashed in this land, in real life over years, over the last 8 years.
Some people argue, contest about what they called his 'ideas' that often upset 'em , especially the frenchies, as usual with the froggies frogs...while to me and thousands other individuals; we just don't give a damn about 'ideas'!! we want FACTS! actions! and that blogger; precisely and indeed addresses, relates, argues about REAL FACTS, so Reality... all that he points out always makes sense, always.
he does deserve respect and recognition! he and so many other BRAVE men and women, plus several worldwide companions deserve our Respect and Recognition. Last but not least, he is part of the rare ones truly able to write about current history in the Donbass including his meticulous archival work.

yes... 'your life is your life'... where you are still an Human Being of Origin! of reliability and integrity that many of humans forgot about, in the recent decades.
it is not only about Faith ... but about Consciousness, Awareness...

la Vie est Belle ...
so, wake the fuck up!! protect your children and, and what about to Repent of your errors, our idiocracy!!

What we can see and hear here, has to happen in France, on a daily basis!
What we can see and hear here ought to take place in France! since there, where justice is very, very rarely rendered or so poorly done! coz everything was also! inverted in this country named France!
fortunately, all this is starting to be well-known all over the world!
the same for USA!!

(Original video in Eng, we translated in FRench:
"Pas d'âme, pas de libre arbitre". La fin de l'humanité ?
quote: "it's probably too late! ? 80% ? of the people are asleep, hypnotized. It's been 18 months of bullshit now, and they are still in denial. Most won't handle food deprivation and/or loosing their homes.
Freedom, free will and soul are concepts to most people. We have to fight this last battle but it will be our last.
We'll fight! and, and ... ?? "
quote: "the dark cabal wish and hope that they can pull this off through MSM and through the whole process of alienating the humans from nature, but in the end they will fail, this is not the first time and every time they fail, and why ? because we are a soul and have a personality, and the soul cannot be manipulated, every human in their heart knows what is right and wrong."

Please Read Description below. (Original video in Eng, we translated in FRench here:
Very late 1800s or early 1900s, in a private meeting, he said: “[Very] soon, every 'individual' will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every Individual will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. ... Americans!, well any Individuals, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading [Birth Certificate] to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund the government, by floating lines and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.
This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realising it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American, individual will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America, + France, Europe, worldwide.”

Original Movie. ENG subtitles!
A Monkey in Winter (French: 'Un singe en hiver') is a 1959 novel by the French writer Antoine Blondin. It tells the story of a reformed alcohol addict who runs a small hotel in Normandy and has promised his wife to never drink alcohol again.
Link to Bitchute Channel:
Many years later, Albert and his family are thriving in their small resort town of Normandy, and Albert has kept his promise to himself. However, when advertising professional Gabriel Fouquet (Jean-Paul Belmondo) comes to town, the limits of Albert's iron will are tested due to the young man's charming disposition and penchant for alcohol. To support a guest, Gabriel who is nervous because he is to meet his daughter for the first time, he tells war stories and begins to drink to infuse courage... ''
The book received the 1959 Prix Interallié.
It was the basis for the 1962 film 'A Monkey in Winter', starring Jean Gabin and Jean-Paul Belmondo. Suzanne Flon
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Original Language: French (France)
Director: Henri Verneuil
Writer: Michel Audiard, François Boyer
Runtime: 1h 43m

Note: sans Amour, la vie ne vaut pas d'être vécue!

Video 1 subtitled in French.
Lets Face it. Sneaky Manipulative People are not only politicians, meRdias leaders & other dealers, they are everywhere within society. and often occupy a position of responsibility! those people are those who disguise their interests as your interests!
those ones are placed in power, from the hEllites.
Open your eyes!! all about > mask+lockdown+pcr test+health pass+vaxx
These people; with the hEllites. will do their best to manipulate you into believing such 'new normal' are objective facts. They’ll tell you that the people out there does also think, you’re out of touch with!
Open your eyes!! about > mask+lockdown+pcr test+health pass+vaxx
Then... That’s what they want you to believe. The truth is these people don’t want to help you. They want to control you!
They want to change you, not to better your life, but to validate their own lives status and to keep you from outgrowing them! but sure to keep you from remaining a Human Being from now on.
Once you let such manipulative people in your life; the hEllites and their servile politicians, merdias leaders, some officials, they can be extremely hard to get rid of. They'll flip flop on issues, act slippery when you try to hold them accountable, and promise help that never comes.
Now, let do not put up with passive-aggressive behavior only!
let have enough confidence in ourself to actively deal with manipulative people as soon as we spot them around,
ignoring those ones during adverse social interactions conserves mental resources. Avoiding such negative people is the best strategy. But sometimes... It's just not enough!
Open your eyes!! all about > mask+lockdown+pcr test+health pass+vaxx
QED: The better strategy is to IGNORE them completely!

"viruses are not living things"! protein waste products in solvent solutions! ..
what a flu is?? a flu is solvent detoxification!! the way it is!
water > in the body, where natural "soaps & solvents" do the right work and clean it out!
it has always been that way!! in ze NORMAL human body condition.

(Eng/French vid - please Read description details below). Listen up! today is August 23, 2021, so about 18 months later, ze things placed in power still forcing upon us Insanity!!
> for the very first time in human history!! you can pass a disease you did not develop on to someone else who got vaccinated against it !
FR: pour la toute première fois dans l'histoire de l'humanité, vous pouvez transmettre une maladie que vous n'avez pas contracté!
à quelqu'un qui a été vacciné contre elle !
1/ humanoids are coming! (Eng)
Link to France Grandeur and Decadence Bitchute Channel:
2/ French employees under private law are covered by the labor code (FR)
3/ Testimonial gathered by 'Isabelle' and her association, about terrible side effects due to covid jabs in France (FR)
4/ look him in the eyes! look her in the eyes! look 'em in the eyes! (Eng)
5/ french female YTuber's ranting! and suggesting all-out strike all over the country.(FR)
6/ pedoland in France, worldwide... a serviceman testifies! he and many others KNOW about! (FR)
so to y'all french servicemen!! please show & tell ! move your fuckin' ass! prove you have balls!!!

ALLÔ! someone out there?? HURRY UP ! even if the double, triple VAXXED are definitely lost!
we owe to take our country, regions, back to the People! only back to the People!


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

207 videos

Category None

From 'Yellow Vests Mindset' to 'France Grandeur and Decadence' Channel (up-to-date Sep 14, 2020). French Gilets Jaunes for years now, but certainly NOT part of Yellow Vests Movement infiltrated by all kind of 'leftarded' since early 2019. yet, YV movement is about a "collective awareness" and 'still growing, behind the scene. We are French Citizens and do claim the Right to live with dignity in a rich country, we come all together, located everywhere across France, 'coming from various social & economic backgrounds, many others will join, 'coz we are simply left with no other choice.
we: three team-mates. 'WORLD' we're all livin' in is definitely a full Joke! :-P but here is our Mission:
Link to Bitchute Channel:
👉 To Subscribers: Please Read videos Description that contents some more information too! :)
Note: NONE email - Many VIDEOS still not loading or buffering! something went wrong out there for YEARS now, plus no more 'subscribers' and to Question... Whatsoever, that sounds weird, disappointing and discouraging! sorry, we cannot PAY apps!
> Press conference of 19 seriously injured people in France during Yellow Vest Demonstrations (
> EVIL secretary of State to the Minister of the Interior (
French Senators and Decadence (
formal complaint to the ICC on June 11, 2019 in La Haye Netherlands > against FAKE president + ministers (
"Today, priority is not to become immortal beings but to stop the proliferation of ze Gilets jaunes! (
> Police REPRESSION in France, ILLEGAL GLIF4 grenades, LBD40 “flashball” bullet launchers! (
>"Where Wrong is Right is the Motto" French MSM Medias, in the pay of governments for decades now. (
> 'communication' recorded in the file to the ICC prosecutor service, (
> MSM ; so-called 'journalist' mentioned that he: "regretted there were no stadiums like under the Pinochet regime, where to coop up 'arrested' yellow vests"... (
> on ne lâchera RIEN (
>He knew oh so well of french policians & PEDOPHILES. 'come and stop me if I am wrong' he said (
> they won't inform french people about 'deep state' & related rules, (
> Words of a Gilet Jaune (
>Tremble, tyrants and you traitors. The shame of all parties,Tremble! (
>French public debt market, fascism in the banking system. (
> CETA will result in an increase in poor-welfare animal products entering the EU market. (
> To Honour the Courage, Bravery and Heroism of The Fire Brigade (
> was indicted the President of the Assembly, for "illegal taking of interest", (
> Did I speak to you of symbol U and symbol Pu. captions tell: All images you are gonna watch were never broadcasted on French TV (
> French Police Practice Observatory...about Repression in FRance! (
> in the dark days of Repression, (
> Ahead of the First Anniversary of Yellow Vest Movement (
> How THEY Hijacked Our Democracy (
> without significant Action > against 'Seats of Power', the movement will be killed by ... (
> Nov 19, 2019 - Multi Shot Launchers. Contract Value 727,450 €uros (
> On December 5, across France, it seems like many unionized people are getting aware of this sham! (
> severe repression, ongoing police brutality;High Time to Wake Up! to Fight Back (
> Women are unstoppable, Truth is the Answer, Love is the Reason. (
> on Dec 16, 2019, French MP preventing Citizen from Freely Expressing His Thoughts! (
ETC, etc, etc...