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GoddessKRING 09 23 21 beyong duality thinking
my intuitive ideas on 'reality' and life on earth as a human being

Goddess KRING 09 21 21 thoughts on today
see my photo aRt here:
you can support me here too:

http://www.upupupinc.com/ a real treat! Here is up up up Inc on July 23rd in Everett Washington....I'm excited to film them again Saturday July 31st in Seattle at equinox studios 7pm. "UP UP UP Inc." http://www.upupupinc.com #upupupinc #upupupinctour2021cast

one of my wounds from childhood is feeling ashamed i was even born. thats pretty awful and it's reared its head again recently. just did this video monologue about it which helped me feel better and more "valid" in my own skin. Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated feelings by Goddess KRING

tin foil hat big foot forest dance GoddessKRING. 25 things i like about myself by shannon kringen

1. non conformist
2. left handed
3. only child
4. highly sensitive person (HSP) i sense things others don't notice at all.
5. introvert who shares her unique ideas and inner world
6. naturally curly hair
7. good DNA, pretty hair skin nails eyes, muscular legs- blessed with strong immune system
8. had naturally large boobs DDD (had them reduced and miss them sometimes! ha ha)
9. good with animals (tuned in)
10. empathy for others and self
11. i see and trust the wisdom in nature
12. i question authority
13. not easily brainwashed or manipulated
14. i see shapes and patterns and make art. photos/paintings/poems
15. educated on nutrition and exercise and sleep for body AND mind health- for my cat too
16. attracted to brave trailblazers (in both science and the arts)
17. brave in standing alone when needed in my opinions
18. musical- sensitive and a big lover of it and do some music-ish aRt
19. synesthesia= i see shapes and textures and patterns when i hear sounds and music in general
20. i understand symbolism/metaphor/analogy
21. creative open multi media creator- people say i inspire them!
22. intuitive and perceptive= built my art model career and improv. monologues as "Goddess KRING"
23. i appreciate everyone's individuality (people plants and animals!)
24. fresh eye- "beginners mind" like a child, seeing wonder of life
25. autistic in my own aRtistic way

monologue on what holds me back in life. mostly my own self criticism...personal power and ego Goddess KRING 032321

human rights and ethics Goddess KRING

woodpecker on todays nature walk Goddess KRING. saw a woodpecker today in my forest walk: The woodpecker's home within the tree is analogous of a fierce determination to return and protect that which is sacred to us. When this bird comes pecking, it is a call for us to return to our roots, back to the womb of our ideas and use our intellect and discernment to follow through with our plans....had a long walk in the rainy forest and saw a red headed wood pecker and it symbolizes this "In General, the Red-headed Woodpecker is symbolic that you are illuminating the world. ... The woodpecker meaning encourages you to strike a balance between being kind and being cautious. It symbolizes the need to understand different rhythms, patterns, and cycles, and to do your best to adapt to them and flourish"


Goddess KRING 02 25 21 thoughts on everyone being unique/aRt therapy group today. thoughts on how special and unique everyone is and yet this is not always appreciated- how to be your authentic self and connect with others despite feeling like an "alien"
support me here:
shannon kringen free range thinker.
my radio show:
music i have recorded:
visual art:

I went to my old high school South whidbey high school today and did this little video this is a mural that I painted that my high school art teacher commissioned me to do in 1986 when I was a senior in high school

new mic test with filter! an old sock! its a yeti mic! i love it so far. going to use this mic for both videos i make and my "Free Range Human Goddess KRING" radio show! http://www.shannonkringen.com/ https://www.mixcloud.com/goddesskring/ https://goddesskring.bandcamp.com/

new mic and light and i took a good walk. hope to heal my boundaries.

draw and paint from photos of me here:
and see more of my multi media aRt.

kring020121 free range human being. Goddess KRING feeling like an outsider now even more. 020121

after the art model gig online and talking about the support group i was part of today. 01-22-21 more of my "free range human expression" http://www.shannonkringen.com/

Art Model Shannon Kringen home studio webcam set up http://www.shannonkringen.com/figuremodel.htm

my current concerns on health, medical and economic take over etc.

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity

i joined "rumble", "bitchute", "parler", "weme" they allow more diversity of thought, ideas, expression etc. i share there and find other free thinkers there. i might also join "Odysee" for video sharing and watching.

Shannon Kringen on "mewe"

Goddess KRING bitchute videos:

Shannon Kringen on parler:

Shannon Kringen videos on rumble:

my main website:

my radio show "Goddess KRING" radio on hollow earth radio is a free speech platform:

Goddess KRING podcasts on hollow earth radio every thursday
3-4 pm pacific standard USA time zone (west coast in the usa)

Goddess KRING radio archived on mixcloud every week:

you can also join my patreon to support my creative expression artist and model shannon kringen

free to publish my photos under creative commons:

thanks everyone. good luck to us all.

~Shannon Kringen Goddess KRING
human being who loves nature (not chemicals)


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

49 videos

Category Vlogging

me sharing my ideas freely questioning the status quo. creative commons photos by me: https://www.flickr.com/photos/shannonkringen/ support me here: https://www.patreon.com/goddesskring