Jim Rizoli

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Jim Rizoli

Jim Rizoli


Blacks want their money

If there is a Hell, it would be Haiti

*** Hoaxbusters
*** Child custody battles
*** Jim’s divorce
*** Rabies lie - malnutrition/mistreatment; not virus

Let the discussion begin, be nice.

This is how they create a crisis

Everything comes down to the Holocaust

Jim and (Late Joe Rizoli), Diane King (Dianna Ploss)
*** RADIO: https://speakfreeradio.com/category/podcasts/hoaxbusters/
*** VIDEO/AUDIO: speakfreeradio.com/hoaxbustersvideoopens in a new tab
Recommended Channels
BITCHUTE - Jim Rizoli - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kDHBE5vylTdI/
GOYIM TV - HOLOTRUTHER - https://www.goyimtv.tv/channel/2244538652/Holotruther/videos
BRIGHTEON - RizoliTV - https://www.brighteon.com/channels/jimrizoli
UGETUBE: https://ugetube.com/@nosixmillion
ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@RizoliTV:d
Recommended Videos/Links
**** moneytreepublishing.com/shop
**** THE HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE, Dr. E. Michael Jones
**** Joe's BitChute videos: https://www.BitChute.com/channel/aErQDXgmf3tO/
**** https://www.voy.com/241653/
**** Holocaust links
****** http://colchestercollection.com??/subjects??/holocaust??.html
****** Holocaust Deprogramming Course: https://ia801707.us.archive.org??/26??/items??/holo??-deprogramming??-course??/Holo??%20Deprogramming??%20Course??%20??.pdf
****** Holocaust Handbooks

Holocaust Facts: https://justpaste.it/7zupf
Zundel videos: https://archive.org/details/zundel-videos

More Old World Stuff 1800's

Fred turns over his Auschwitz File to Jim Rizoli in 2020
and latest update 2024

Not pleasant for those in the room

The Demons (Vatican) talking about Demons (Apparitions) what could go wrong?

I might not agree with his religion but he's right on board with me on the Holocaust topic here.

Brave Catholic Priest, Fr James Mawdsley tackles a sensitive subject that many Catholics have been indoctrinated into believing because of its emotional power about suffering. But it's lies built upon lies, and a Catholic must follow the truth. Original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxrdHcNjtJ0

The second of Jim Rizoli's CORE REVISIONIST Interviews,

The Pawnbroker is the morality-breaking hoax movie

*** Revisiting the `Good War’s’ Aftermath Dwight D. Murphey: The American public has long thought of the Allied effort in World War II as a “great crusade” that pitted good and decency against "Nazi" evil. Even after all these years, it is likely that the last thing the public wants to learn is that vast and unspeakable wrongs were committed by both the Western Allies and the Soviet Union during the war and its aftermath. It flies in the face of that reluctance for MacDonogh to tell “the brutal history” at great length [in his book, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation]. That willingness is commendable for its intellectual bravery. https://ihr.org/other/MurpheyAfterthereich
*** Declining church attendance - JUST TELL THE TRUTH - Jesus Christ said, John 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
*** Christian Groups See Need in Changing Approach to Deal With Historic Decline in Americans’ Church Attendance Fox News
*** Italy Faces a Catastrophic Collapse of Catholic Faith as Mass Attendance Falls to 10%
*** In England, Clergy Warn of ‘Doom Spiral’ as Church Attendance Drops off at Record Fate
*** EMJ - Jews in Russia - https://www.bitchute.com/video/91sK2ETk4ke1/
*** Diary of Anne Frank revisited
*** Ryan Messano - Arrested (court rules)
*** Older jewish person’s call to Jim last night

This Govt is insane!

More Old World buildings

Good to see some people see through the Holocaust Lies

EMJ provides some good history here.

All opinions welcome??? He might want to interview me

Getting the facts about free speech

*** Jim and Diane - 9 years together - Anniversary
*** Jim’s health battles
*** BRIAN RUHE PRESENTS - DIANE KING AND JOHN KAMINSKI (OCT 16, 2018), JUNE 8, 2022 - About Jim begins 1:10:00
*** Circumstances of Jim coming to Texas
*** Jim’s MA house update