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Truth Droppers R Us


George Carlin on the obsession of Germs

Today feels like a great day to talk about electricity/radiation and it’s impact on every living species on the planet. The underlying precursor to the entire pandemic. 😮 The same culprit for the massive decrease in the birds, bees, and insect populations.

1889 - First flu outbreak and the rollout of power lines
1919 - Kansas flu and the rollout of the radio
From 1933 till now the flu has never been proven to transmit person to person
1957 - Radar era and Asian Flu outbreak
1968 - hong kong flu in relation to the roll out of more technology
1997 - spike in brain cancers due to cell phones
1998 to 2006 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease explode due to H-AARP
2020 - the roll out of “fastest internet ever” across the globe leading to the global outbreak

👍The above illnesses came from the over electrification of our planet… not microbes

Have you seen Dr. Kirk Moore in the news lately? He now breaks his silence with a gut wrenching interview with Eric about everything he is facing for doing the right thing at the right time.

Dr Kirk Moore is a board-certified Plastic Surgeon in Midvale/Sandy, Utah. He has been in practice for over 20 years, and has worked diligently on creating a surgical experience second to none, especially as it relates to a unique, innovative breast augmentation procedure.

Born in France, and growing up in Italy, and with an undergraduate degree in Political Science, his well-rounded perspectives have always been a key driver allowing him to view everything with worldly perspectives. When Covid came along, his first inclination was to believe what he was being told and what he was seeing in the news. After a very short time, though, he realized it was not what it seemed. There were just too many assumptions being made and there was an absolute disregard of basic scientific principles.

Not treating people early for a disease that was ultimately very treatable, fundamentally violated his driving philosophy: ‘First Do No Harm’. His personal ethical standards and moral foundations do not allow him to just ignore his patient and pretend their problems don’t exist.

After extensive personally-driven education, he realized that his patients could be treated, very successfully; and he started doing just that. Then, those treatment options were limited by our very own government!

The ‘wait for a vaccine’ philosophy was a travesty. He has saved hundreds of lives with early treatment and has not had one death in any of the patients he has treated.

When the vaccines were ‘approved’, far too expeditiously, and without any long-term safety studies, his skepticism grew dramatically. This was mass genocide—-actual ‘iatrogenocide’.

The AMA Code of Ethics calls for moral usurpation of legal mandates when they conflict with the ethical values of the physician and patient. He abided by that moral code in treating his patients, as they asked to be treated.


A little satelloon documentation from Eric Dubay.

Matt Hancock gets utterly annihilated over Covid lockdowns

NENA | 99 Red Balloons [1984]

…Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
The 99 red balloons go by

99 Decision Street
99 ministers meet
To worry, worry, super scurry
Call the troops out in a hurry
This is what we've waited for
This is it boys, this is war…


Whitty says the booster vaccine is a 'very important part of immunity to COVID' and is urging people to 'get their COVID booster before the offer ends' on Sunday 12 February.

How can anyone resist a bargain like this?

Surely the queues will be HUGE?!

Katherine Watt: The Militarization Of Public Health

Link to documents below

Documents via FOIA

Claim ID
38.72 MB

Leaked Police video from Ukraine shows WADS of cash 💸💰 found in the search of Ukraine's former Deputy Defence Minister Aleksandr Mironyuk.

Imagine what the Zelenskys' sofas would be like!

UK Ellwood calls for DIRECT ENGAGEMENT with the Russians and the start of World War 3!

I tell you what would be. Great idea put all of these politicians and the young adult children in the front line

No one is interested in your fake war. Twats.

Why does this MANIAC not have the whip removed yet Andrew Bridgen does.

Realistically he should be sectioned as a danger to the people of this country.

Old tech hidden from us.


CBS News on Biden’s classified documents scandal: “We keep hearing about transparency, but then you hear stories like this.”

This is how they cover up mass murder.

Colchester, England: Concerned locals swarm a council meeting as they discuss "sustainability", putting them on notice that plans for a "15 minute city" will not be tolerated.

All local councils on the UK100 list ( need to be met with massive pushback. Write emails, send letters, make phone calls, organise protests and turn up at council meetings. Let them know at every turn that we are not going to put up with what they have planned for us, without our consent.

If we learned anything from the scamdemic, it's that politicians can only foist their WEF prescribed agendas onto us if we comply with them; when we refuse to comply in large enough numbers, it all falls apart like a House of cards


Created 3 years ago.

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