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Talking about the recent discussion of a possible 'Civil War' here in modern America...

Expressing gratitude, in my own way, for the success of the Spanish conquistadors and the other European explorers...

Discussing the self reinforced thinking related to 'long covid' .. And a few other things

Discussing the latest announcements from the Biden admin regarding mRNA shots.... Reiterating the lack of science involved...

Ruminating on FB posts and the lack of comments from people I know... Among other things...

Some thoughts on real science vs voodoo consensus in regards to an eclipse, economics, climate, and covid...

Saw a bit of a video that set me off...

Talking about Covid shot consequences

Talking about how those in positions of power responded to the feedback provided by a fentynil user and the recipients of the experimental covid shots...

How I feel about the fearful, close minded people who walk among us...

Talking a little about the Fed's CBDC plans and the first amendment violations during covid....


Talking about the interpretive meaning of these words ...

Ruminating about exactly how far we've come in terms of what is tolerated....

Ruminating on bud light, target and other things

Just some thoughts on how paying trillions of increasingly worthless dollars to African Americans and others would probably work...

Discussing the recent covid conference, a video about some studies on the heart problems associated with the jabs, getting back on Facebook and some other things…

Covid conference:

part 1)


Press conference:

Heart problems:

An extension of the thinking from my last video...

Reframing covid events per Redfield's testimony...

Coronavirus investigation committee:

Video John Campbell 3/13/23
A credible explanation behind vaccine adverse events, Marc Girardot

An angry rant this morning... had to get it off my chest... Law enforcement needs to get the lead out of their asses!

Well, it's almost time for March Madness... so the impending mass insanity that we are likely to see is a topic which is apropos...

Expressing Skepticism this morning...

Talking about a video on bitchute by Kim Iverson, an interview with Sachia Latipova, former pharmaceutical executive, discussing FOIA released documents showing the covid operation was handled by DOD ...

Sachia Latipova interview via Kim Iverson

Jan 14 2023

Thinking classically this am...


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

161 videos

Category Vlogging

A channel for some piano playing and commentary on various topics …

CIC session 85 (Fullmich, Fischer & co…)December 31st