Jackals Podcast

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Jackals Podcast

The Jackal


the normie rednecks never attack bankers, jews, politicians or rich fucks. But they are ready to fight to the death with you over nothing.

it is very important to curse right as the drones and missiles are flying towards them. It is time to celebrate my friends. tonight the iron dome fails

(✔) a man let you in this chat ONLY because he wants to date you
(✔) a man gave you admin for the same reason
(✔) you have NOTHING of value to say to me, I am hereby BLOCKING YOU and will not be responding to any more your messages. I will urge other men in this chat to block you as well
(✔) you are an emotional parasite who's only here for attention and drama, destroying this chat/hobby/group.
(✔) no one cares about your dumb opinions who are always the opposite of what we say, so you could get your pussy hard knowing you bullied men to change their opinion for you.
(✔) you should not be allowed to vote or leave the house

you already are treating me bad

if you see a woman ordering a baked potato with salad on your first date just #%@ her %@ head. Order a pizza like a normal person you stupid fucking whore!

sheriff mickael chitwood has been abusing me and blackmailing me for the past year, demanding nudes and wanting to look at my "boy pussy". he also talks about how he wants to raid me at 5AM and tighten my cuffs. i am reporting that man to different mental hospitals in florida

Sounds like a very logical and just plan. you might as well let your wife take BBC. Oh, you tailgated me and honked at me for no reason with your semi truck driving to a red light? Let me go die in a war defending your kids bro.

"What if the final cut-scene is like... monologue how Hitler might have been the good guy"
"What if in this level you get to play as a camp warden and you get to kick them in the pit, like in 300"
Looks like the Jackal got another easy work from home job and roasties have to work in a steel mill.

self defense situation. you touch me i fucking touch you

if you use a dating app you better unsubscribe right now and i forbid you to watch my videos ever again. fucking banished you LOSER!

We were all the same people in 2008 Occupy Wallstreet. Do you remember? Before they divided us. We have almost the same views. They brainwashed you to believe we were polar opposites! We agree on free Palestine. We agree the rich need to be k2lled. We agree on constitutional and human rights. Reddit was ran by ghislaine maxwell who trafficked children, and you believed her that we were all "radical nazis who want to hang all n2ggers!"

a very nutritious and delicious meal for only $1.30
2 fucking types of protein: whey protein + egg protein
you put some chicken breasts...now you got meat too!

visible broken. mudafucka looks like hes on chemo


Created 1 year, 12 months ago.

618 videos

Category Entertainment

Jackal is an FBI deep cover informant who regularly reports jewish pedophiles, jewish kidnappers or tunneling jews. You could say he really hates those kinds of people. It's all sunshine and starbucks at the Jackals Podcast. We're just talking about boys. Nothing illegal.