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Join Alec Zeck as he interviews Dr. Fernanda Durlene about finding inner Chi through discovering our true body type. Dr. Fernanda discusses her unique approach to wholeness through Chinese medicine, starting with a diet specific to our own body type, as well as achieving balance through rest and meditation.

Dr. Fernanda Durlene graduated from the University of California in Irvine with a B.A and received her Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from South Baylo University. She has also completed her doctorate degree from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She has a post-doctoral certificate in cannabis medicine and treatment protocol. Fernanda holds an Arizona state license for acupuncture (L.Ac) and a National Diplomate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from NCCAOM. She operates a holistic retreat center in Sedona, where she offers her expertise in acupuncture, meridian yoga, life coaching, Chinese herbs and cannabis, reiki and more.

For more information on Dr. Fernanda, please visit:

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In this episode, Alec Zeck sits down with Eric Laarakker and Mario Brainovic from Analemma to discuss the mystery of life and it’s makeup and connection to the most intelligent element on earth – water.

Developed by Dutch scientists, Ańalemma is a clear quartz, crystal tube-wand filled with a special “Mother Water” that transforms regular tap and bottled water into a supercharged, full spectrum, coherent state. Ańalemma has already documented a variety of positive, independently studied effects on living creatures that ingest the water – noting that another groundbreaking double-blind study is nearing completion. Through a simple process, Analemma radically changes the state of water by rearranging the H20 molecules into a liquid crystalline structure.

For more information on Analemma, and to receive a discount on products, please visit:

Use code HFfH for 10% off!

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In this episode, Alec Zeck sits down with Dr. Sam Bailey to discuss her journey from a career in allopathic medicine to the realization that everything is not as it seems – germ theory to terrain theory, virus isolation, bioresonance, gain of function, lab leaks and a special shout-out to Mr. Schwab!

Dr. Sam Bailey completed her medical training at the University of Otago, gaining a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB). As a resident doctor she worked in all areas of medicine, with a particular focus on emergency medicine and cardiology. Following her residency, she continued as a general practitioner specializing in sexual health before becoming a clinical trials research physician, supervising phase I-IV clinical trials.

In early 2020, with the arrival of Covid-19, Sam began researching the scientific evidence behind lockdowns, social distancing and PCR tests. After releasing a YouTube video in September 2020, where she stated she would not take a coronavirus vaccine, she was sacked halfway through filming a second series of “The CheckUp”. Subsequently, she lost some of her employment as a medical doctor and has had ongoing legal battles with the New Zealand medical authorities who are attempting to silence her views on Covid-19.

Sam is co-author of the #1 best seller in Amazon Microbiology Science: ‘Virus Mania’, which examines how the medical industry continually invents epidemics to make billion-dollar profits at our expense.

For more information on Sam, please visit:

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In this episode, Alec Zeck talks to Sheela Mahdavi about her personal journey from a pre-diabetic diagnosis at a young age to starting down the path of health freedom with natural remedies.

Sheela Mahdavi is a nutritionist, detoxification specialist, herbalist, and founder of Food Over Drugs, a food education and herbal supplement company. Sheela has held a passion for educating people about the power of food and how to reverse disease ever since she began reversing her own health conditions without the use of medications. After graduating with a B.S. in Nutritional Science, she went on to host educational workshops and seminars around Southern California all while slowly formulating natural alternatives to medications for her friends and family. By 2019, the demand for her formulas caused her company, Food Over Drugs, to officially launch. Today, her formulas have reached over 21 countries around the world. And with nearly half a million followers on TikTok, Sheela continues to educate the world about the power of food and how it can be used to heal the body.

For more information on Sheela, please visit:

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A presentation by Jacob Diaz, Mike Donio, Dr. Jordan Grant, Mike Stone and Alec Zeck addressing the fallacious reasoning, misinterpretations, and pseudoscience of virology.

From the presenters: “This field of so-called science is the foundation for which every tyrannical, inhumane measure was justified during the COVID-19 era.

The lockdowns, the social distancing, the masking, the experimental vaccines, the mandates, the business closures, the job loss, the severe depression, the economic impact, the censorship, the centralization of power, the increased government control, the segregation, the discrimination, the harmful hospital protocols, the unnecessary death, and every other piece of the official COVID-19 narrative rests on the shoulders of the completely unproven concept of pathogenic disease causing particles that are passed from person-to-person.

Additionally, much of the allopathic medical system is based on the pseudoscientific and unproven germ theory of disease, including childhood vaccination programs, which are responsible for tremendous harm across several generations of children.
We are of the firm belief that, if we are to get back to the true nature of heath and disease,
the germ theory of disease and virology must be dismantled, and the knowledge of its fallacious reasoning, misinterpretations, and pseudoscience must be widespread, especially amongst the health freedom community.

We hope that you’ll share this PDF and the corresponding video presentation with as many people as you can. On page 46 is a link to a frequently updated list of resources on this topic for those who wish to go deeper on any specific aspect of this presentation.”

Follow this link to download the PDF of this presentation:

In this episode, get ready to go on a deep dive with Alec Zeck as he interviews Ian “The Wizard” Mitchell on a fascinating range of topics centered around the idea of quantum biology and human potential – bio-hacking, wavelength modulation, lifespan expansion, and much more.

Over the past decade, Ian has developed novel therapeutics using Lipofullerenic-Conjugates and holds multiple patents across a host of different scientific disciplines such as nano-medicine and materials science. Additionally, he holds joint patents with the University of Tulsa for viral inhibitors, cancer screening technology, and personalized cell culture media for both laboratory and clinical settings. Ian recently developed the first viable gamma ray shielding system for use on spacecraft and space habitats and a carbon negative concrete to inhibit greenhouse gas proliferation. He is the lead scientist at Biocharged and Wizard Sciences, product developer at Dave Asprey’s newest company B-Proof, Inc., resident biochemist at Triscriptions and the Polymath-in-Residence at Austin, Texas-based Ecliptic Capital.

For more information on Ian and details on products discussed in the episode, please visit:
Use special discount code: HFFH for 15% off

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In this episode, Alec Zeck talks with Mollie Engelhart about her experience as a restaurateur, growing and operating a successful regenerative farm, the pitfalls of modern convenience and big government, and the importance of getting back to our true roots.

Mollie Engelhart is an executive chef and owner of Sage Plant Based Bistro, a growing group of plant-based organic comfort food restaurants in the greater Los Angeles area. She operates a 17-acre organic farm, Sow a Heart, focused on regenerative agriculture that doubles as an animal rescue including an aviary for rescued parrots. Mollie is also an executive producer of the award-winning documentary film, "May I Be Frank."

For more information about Mollie, please visit:

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In this episode, join Alec Zeck as he interviews two former healthcare employees about their unlawful termination, their current legal process for justice and how their experience through it all has led to a beautiful and sovereign awakening.

For more information, please visit:

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In this episode, Alec Zeck and Dr. Jess Peatross welcome back Dr. Bill McGraw to present the overwhelming evidence of the dangers of aluminum toxicity, its relation to Alzheimer’s disease, and the blatantly obvious cure – it’s all there in the data.

Alzheimer’s disease was first discovered in 1906. Since then, “modern” medicine has manipulated the major media to keep a simple and incredibly effective cure a secret. Thanks to the internet and independent publishing, the information is widely available, yet there are many major media distractions that prevent the dissemination of the facts about this cure. Reversing Alzheimer’s disease is possible by drinking silica-rich water in the form of orthosilicic acid (OSA). There are over 25 peer-reviewed published studies demonstrating how OSA reverses the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Bill McGraw discusses the data and shows proof that Alzheimer’s disease can become a problem of the past. He includes all the data and sources of information, as well as the facts from the miracle Blue Zones. The Blue Zones are areas of the world where the drinking water naturally contains OSA. If you or someone you know suffers from symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, you can’t afford to miss this!

To learn more about Dr. Bill McGraw, please visit:

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In this episode, Alec Zeck sits down with Brandon Bozarth to discuss infinite awareness, the problem with pursuing the ‘American Dream’, and why ‘fighting for freedom’ is useless when we learn and know that we are already internally and fundamentally free.

Brandon Bozarth teaches the embodiment of the "Non-Dual Awakening" realization that has been referenced in every major religion and spiritual tradition over the last 10,000 years. He founded Integrated Self Inquiry (ISI) as a process of revealing inner peace through radical truth-telling. His holistic approach to experiencing genuine freedom in all areas of life has been taught in workshops, retreats, and in his online courses all over the world over the past decade.

To learn more about Brandon, please visit:

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Jodie doesn’t hold back on sharing the exact advice she could’ve used when entering the pediatrician’s office as a new mom. And for this strength, many new mothers will not have to endure what she and her family did years back. She’s a force and we are proud to have her as a core member of HFFH.

In this episode, Alec Zeck and Jodie Meschuk talk to Rebecca Strong about her experience as a health and wellness writer, the state of modern journalism, and how the blanket mainstream response to the ‘pandemic’ led her down an overwhelming rabbit hole – follow the money, find the answers.

Rebecca Strong is a Boston-based health and wellness writer for Insider, Health magazine, Healthline, Bustle, Eat This Not That, and other outlets, a former tech reporter, and an alumna of Emerson College. Her latest independently published piece, "Putting Big Bad Pharma Back on Trial in the COVID-19 Era" can be found on Medium, and you can follow her work on Twitter at @_bexstrong.

For Rebecca’s original article, ‘Putting Big Bad Pharma Back on Trial in the COVID-19 Era’, please visit:

To find more of Rebecca’s work, please visit:

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In this episode, Alec Zeck chats with Amandha Vollmer, one of the OG terrain theorists and a jack-of-all-trades in the natural health world to discuss the monkey business surrounding monkeypox as well as nutrition, veganism, and the psyche that allows people to keep falling for nonsense.

For more information on Amandha, please visit:

For Andrew Kaufman’s video on monkeypox, please visit:

For the original papers on the identification of monkeypox, please visit:

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In this episode, Alec Zeck and Vin Esposito sit down with John O’Looney as he shares his perspective as a funeral director during the ‘pandemic’, his outlook on the future of humanity and his passion for loving and serving others.

John O’Looney is the owner and director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services located north of London in the UK. John began speaking out after the rollout of the ‘pandemic’ when his first-hand experience consistently contradicted the narrative.

If you’ve been educated, informed and enriched by this podcast and would like to help support the fight for health freedom, please visit:

In this episode, Alec talks with Greg Paul, co-creator of the course, Law for Mankind, about taking control of your own choices and overcoming deep-rooted fears by living a life of sovereignty through the common law of love.

Please join Greg’s FREE Common Law Q&A this Wednesday May 25th at 11AM PST!

From HFFH Director, Alec Zeck:

Do you really need to fight for your freedom? Or is it something that you already have and you simply need to know how to express it?

We’ve come to understand that the former will lead you down a never-ending path of seeking and the latter is more than likely the truth. Freedom is something you already have, you’ve just been conditioned, propagandized and led to believe that you don’t.

So how do we go about expressing the freedom that is inherent to our BEING?

I consider Jon and Greg‘s course, Law for Mankind, to be the most important material I’ve come across in the last 2 1/2 years.

Jon Little and Greg Paul, the men who developed the course, are hosting a live, open-to-all Q&A on Wednesday the 25th of May at 11AM PST. I highly, highly recommend signing up to give you a sense of what their course is about.

You want to be able to hold those who commit trespasses against you— especially in the COVID era— accountable for their actions, right?

You want to be able to navigate the legal system while asserting your rights, right?

You want to be able to avoid controversy, seek remedy and handle things outside of court, right?

And, most importantly, you want to know how to be free, both internally and externally, right?

I cannot stress enough the importance of the material offered by Greg Paul and Jon Little at The Sovereign’s Way.

This course is worth ALL of the bangs for ALL of the bucks.

But don’t take it from me, sign up for the free Q&A here and find out for yourself!

If you’ve been educated, informed and enriched by this podcast and would like to help support the fight for health freedom, please visit:

In this episode, Alec Zeck, Vin Esposito and Tara Pilling sit down with Josh Trent to talk about true inner freedom and living an authentic life by breaking barriers, practicing breath work and finding emotional intelligence.

Josh Trent is the Founder of Wellness Force Media, host of the Wellness and Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath & Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 19+ years as a trainer, researcher, and facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world.

The Wellness Force Media Mission is to help humans heal mental, emotional and physical health through podcasts, programs, and a global community that believes in optimizing our potential to live life well.

For more information on Josh, please visit:

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In this episode, Alec Zeck sits down with the wonderful and brilliant Dr. Lee Merritt to discuss a number of health and health freedom related topics that society faces today.

Dr. Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the Board of the Arizona Medical Association and is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. In 1980, she graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York, where she was elected to life membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. She then completed an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency in the United States Navy and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon before returning to Rochester, where she was the only woman to be appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery.

Dr. Merritt has had a long interest in wellness and fitness and has been Fellowship Certified by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. More recently she has appeared on numerous radio programs discussing Covid-19, the futility of mask mandates and other lies and omissions from the medical “technocrats”.

To learn more about Dr. Lee Merritt, please visit:

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It doesn't take a degree or extensive training in mathematics to see that the official pandemic numbers do not add up. In this episode, Dr. Jess Peatross and Dr. Leland Stillman sit down with Mathew Crawford, a mathematician with an extensive background in real-world statistics, to discuss the many inconsistencies in the narrative surrounding the pandemic. Mathew publishes a substack called, "Rounding the Earth," where you can read more about his statistical observations of the pandemic and life in general.

For the "Rounding the Earth" newsletter, please visit:

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In this episode, Alec Zeck speaks with Mike Donio, a scientist that rejects the modern approach to science due to its completely pseudoscientific approach, lack of accounting for variables, bold assumptions, and overall failure to adhere to the scientific method.

Mike holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from esteemed universities including a concentration in Biotechnology Enterprise from Johns Hopkins.

In Mike’s two decades as a biotech and pharmaceutical scientist, he saw firsthand why we should never, ever “trust the science.”

For more on Mike, please visit:

Scientists for Health Freedom


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In this episode, Alec Zeck and Danny from Terminal CWO have a discussion with whistleblower Major Sam Sigoloff, a Doctor of Osteopathy in the military, on what woke him up to the inconsistencies in the official COVID narrative, the dangers of the mRNA product and the glaring issues shown in the DMED data.

For the Children’s Health Defense article on Sam’s court case for granting exemptions, please visit:

For Danny’s article on the illegal and coercive government order, including the SOD memorandum, please visit:

To read about the DOD’s changing of the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) military health surveillance data, please visit:

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Veda Austin’s work is incredible — We all know that water is essential to sustain life, but Veda’s beautiful, intentional relationship with water indicates that water’s relationship to us extends far beyond what materialistic sciences have shown us thus far. Water communicates with us, through us, and for us, revealing to us deep aspects of ourselves, our environment, and the interdependent relationship between all things.

To find out more about Veda, please visit:

To donate to Health Freedom for Humanity, please visit:

You won’t want to miss this one!

Veda Austin’s work is incredible — We all know that water is essential to sustain life, but Veda’s beautiful, intentional relationship with water indicates that water’s relationship to us extends far beyond what materialistic sciences have shown us thus far. Water communicates with us, through us, and for us, revealing to us deep aspects of ourselves, our environment, and the interdependent relationship between all things.

To donate to Health Freedom for Humanity, please visit:

Jason Shurka has a unique perspective as a result of some serious physical setbacks in childhood. Listen in on what he has done to transform those traumas into hope.

To learn more about Jason, please visit:

To donate to Health Freedom for Humanity, please visit:

In this episode, Jeff Witzeman speaks with holistic coach, author, and speaker, Meredith Miller. Fresh off her testimony during the Grand Jury Model Proceeding with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Meredith breaks down the factors that have created psychological warfare over the last couple of years and how to overcome it.

Meredith's own healing journey began in the year 2000 with a severe illness, then a near-death experience in 2003, which led her to pursue a new direction in life. Her mission is to bridge the gap between trauma and purpose, helping people to self-heal after toxic relationships. She has trained extensively in the holistic healing arts and personal development for over a decade.

To learn more about Meredith, please visit:

To donate to Health Freedom for Humanity, please visit:

In this episode, Alec Zeck, Jodie Meschuk, and Jeff Witzeman have a deep discussion with Catherine Austin Fitts on the centralization of power, how to fight it with local communities, where to put money, cryptocurrency, how to protect assets and how to live in harmony on our planet.

For more on Catherine, please visit:

To donate to Health Freedom for Humanity, please visit:


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

111 videos

Category None

Health Freedom for Humanity unites people from all walks of life under one common purpose: the reclamation and defense of health freedom.

We are a community of advocates, parents, teachers, actors, veterans, doctors, lawyers, and friends, who stand to ensure Health Freedom for all people. We come from every religion, political affiliation, socioeconomic background, and philosophy on personal health, but are united in our belief that mandated medical procedures of any kind, medical coercion, or any restrictions on health choice violate basic human rights.

We welcome you to stand with us to protect and advance this right against all past, current, and future infringements, via education, personal empowerment, community support, and unity in action.

We are Health Freedom for Humanity.

Join us