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Anklage & Verdachtsmeldung bei der Kantonspolizei Zuerich wegen Biologischem Terror, Beihilfe zu Massenmord & Genozid

The Truth from the Pillow Man about the US-Elections.

All was planned many years even decades ago. No matter if DT would have remained president, I know, that it would not have made a big difference, since they are all in it. But what is important to understand here, is that all Governments conspire against the world population and they figured out back in 2001 when no outrage occurred with 9/11 they can pull off every thing they want. Now COVID scam, US-Election setup and it will go on and on and on. We must oppose the NWO and these dirty & evil elites.


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

2 videos

Category Science & Technology

SLTE will inform viewers of important developments in any aspect of live. SLTE keeps an eye on the BEAST System and their dirty tricks with faked or staged terror attacks, propaganda and NWO agendas.
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