
channel image




No caption needed...except perhaps, 'it's CONsErVaTiVeS' turn on the chopping block.' ((ahem, really ALL the right-wing is who this goes to))
And yet another impromptu MESSAGE!

Thank you, Bryan Sharpe. You and the team have done a LOT of great work! To you and to people watching, keep up! 'Can you, can you keep up?'


Demonstrations in Ottawa turned violent Friday as protesters, according to authorities, assaulted officers and tried to remove their weapons.

"All means of de-escalation have been used to move forward in our goal of returning Ottawa to (its) normalcy," police in Canada's capital said in a tweet.

Police tweeted a photograph of mounted officers forming a line and later said people fell when officers on horseback tried to disperse the crowd. (msn.com)

Hotep Jesus weighs in!

Get a copy of the Patriot Report below ⬇️
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A Hotep Nation Production


}} [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxnBUlEgEWo]

A man who isn't afraid to SPEAK ON IT and bring clarity, understanding and focus to the room. Not limited by labels like "AD[H]D" or "agent" or anything at all.
An excellent teacher even just in how he expresses himself, in his craft, and by example. That A+ in English served you extremely well man. Salute. #ReceiptKing #AllPraiseToTheMostHighGod

Another impromptu upload.
I can't lie, it WAS a must watch. I had to...and after the Erica LeShai post got interesting attention & also beautiful feedback, I just had to post what I would consider a spin-off.
The black woman did it, now it's the black man's turn! Broadast yourself, Joshua Lee! Thanks very much for your service, insight and sharing your intelligence & charisma with the world!

(The way I resonated with this stream and the conversations that need to be had...If there was any stream to post, it'd be this one. Also we need more brothers like King Chaka. Let's do more to give legends their flowers before they're gone!!)

A2 R_1728


He may not look like it, you may not recognize it, but he BEEN giving worship. But you can sometimes see when he's giving praise to the Most High God.
[[A Passion for Praise (sermon)]]

This was initially streamed on November 2nd 2021.



Btw, I'll get on the men's shortcomings at some point for sure, cos they also need to be put in their place. Discipline, emotionally or otherwise, must be maintained/handed to 'em! Challenge us!


[Addendum January 2nd 2022 @03:58 UTC]

Erica LeShai decsribing how a community that's actually got stability gets compromised by political messaging and loss of sight of their individual position: https://youtube.com/watch?v=uAKNh4hbON8&t=223s @3:43
(It's interesting how this plays out, as covered by J-LEETHAL on other streams, where the state of black families was very healthy & strong even during overt oppression up until the presence and influence of different movements such as feminism and of agents such as Gloria Steinem.)

Also, Zeze from A2Z TV speaking on black genocide and on people tryna make toys & dolls out of this heartbreak of the black community: https://youtu.be/Xa8V_UqhCH0?t=3965 @1:06:05


Discomfort for when men remove themselves from their essence... 10.1 R_15{

- 'Are you upset? You look teary eyed.' Interesting moment.
- 'It's counterproductive', as J-LEETHAL succinctly put it (Hotep Jesus spoke on this in a FreshanFit podcast | A2 R_1753)



[MIRROR] Twerking in Restaurants, Young Pharaoh, Conscious Community, WHAT'S HAPPENING? - Erica LeShai (720p)

*A focused person dealing with people with no sense of priority.*
also... THIS IS THE MOST SOCIALLY HONEST BLACK WOMAN I'VE EVER COME ACROSS IN 2021 (& probably ever)!! Plus, her words and how she expresses herself (as well as the experiences she expresses) are super valuable! I see her as an EXCELLENT teacher! {{

Hello Beautiful People! To my wonderful subscribers, thanks for checking in! To the new viewers, welcome! Be sure to subscribe for new videos posted every week!

http://ericaleshai.com for earrings and new music
TikTok: ericaleshai
Look up Erica LeShai on all music streaming platforms for music!

}} Oh and hey, she's one of the few people on the internet I've heard to drill the lesson all the way with consistency/persistence in terms of wrapping the discussion up with what we must do to establish positive change or AT LEAST start making progress.{R_1579}

My first thought was that this was probably the video Erica watched from which she resonated with the message{: https://youtu.be/Qd8JbXgAAEQ}, however it was a video closer to August 1st considering the timing.
There are multiple, multiple instances where Young Pharaoh mentioned him dissociating from, and mentioned ending his direct investment into the black community, but you can easily find those. (It's most likely `THE TRUE REASON I MOVED INTO A WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD`.)

#Intelligent #CultureIsWonderful #Ignants #TheGame #QuestionEverything #TWEWY #IntellectualBankruptcy

(This was originally posted July 31st 2021.)


@pharaoh_aten Revival Tribute #1 (2nd half)
An impromptu upload after a lot of the community tried to denigrate him and destroy his work (they had his Insta deleted by mass-flagging the page).

Hopefully people come together in the ambition & desire to restore and preserve that work from the past 5 years from his page. Too valuable to just throw away. We need something like Nick has for SacredAlmighty.com as an alternative to YouTube (just as an example).

Thanks for all the teaching, leadership and service, Young Pharaoh.

#TWEWY #TheGame #AngelicAdvice

#CultureIsWonderful #Ignants #Purpose

(This was originally posted January 25th 2021.)

R_1574~1580{honest helpers targeted} + <R_1200{was probably done for initial lesson}

@pharaoh_aten Revival Tribute #1
An impromptu upload after a lot of the general community tried to denigrate him (they had his Insta deleted by mass-flagging the page). (Would've uploaded to Odysee, but there's some BS going on with that where I can't sync channels from LBRY which retired its browser interface.)

Don't expect everything from me. Hopefully people come together in the ambition & desire to restore and preserve that work from the past 5 years of his page. Too valuable to just throw away. We need something like Nick has for SacredAlmighty.com as an alternative to YouTube (just as an example).

Thanks for all the teaching, leadership and service, Young Pharaoh.

Oh yeah, I made reference to this on Snapchat MONTHS ago, relating to The World Ends With You.
#TWEWY #TheGame #AngelicAdvice

#CultureIsWonderful #Ignants #Purpose

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Addendum [16-08-2021 @17:20 UTC]: This was originally posted January 25th 2021.

The link once was...


((First published at 06:18 UTC on November 19th, 2020.))

evolution & creativity (anticipation with each generation{ of consoles, for example }). A lot to do with upcoming video on deteriorating game experience linked to Lucas's Cyberpunk video and EmpLemon's video.

Description {{

Let's discuss

Join our DISCORD: https://discord.gg/6EatsQ2
Be sure to visit https:www.EricDJuly.com for updates, news and much more.
You can also visit www.ForCanonSake.com to listen to all of the episodes of my podcast.
For all things related to my band, BackWordz, visit www.BackWordzMusic.com



((First published at 08:43 UTC on November 19th, 2020.))

lookin for a specific phrase he put out there... Think it was something about complementing the creativity of the community, like @5:42.
This is largely the reason I mirrored the other two Shadicstick videos. lol

Description {{

Before I start, I know some stuff is going on at SEGA, but I started this video before that news broke and I would really like to bring some positivity in all the bad happening within this community at the moment. I know it may sound foolish but I still have hope for the next Sonic the Hedgehog game. I think there are quite a few contributing factors in this, but the biggest has been that in all actuality Sonic has been killing it over the past 2 years and people forget that. While yes, we got Sonic Forces, we've gotten other games like Sonic Mania and Team Sonic Racing, have been getting a ton of Sonic media in the form of the movie and the comics, and continue to get solid content in the mobile games.

00:00 - Preface
00:38 - Introduction
02:33 - Pushing Past Forces
03:58 - The Sonic Adventure 3 Conundrum
05:05 - So In Conclusion

Sonic YouTubers mentioned in the video

Knuckles Channel 3 & Knuckles

Sam Procrastinates

The Sega Scourge


BUY SOME MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/shadicstick-merch

Did you like this video? Go ahead check out some more content on my channel.

How to FIX Smash Ultimate Online!

Minecraft Steve is the BEST Character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

What the NEXT Sonic the Hedgehog Game NEEDS

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{Principles of Creation ~} The iCC Church in the House Experience with Bishop Wayne Malcolm (29/11/20)

May be what I dub Kindergarten Curriculum in terms of the essence of spiritual faith, but in that way it is a critical and FUNDAMETAL pillar in this journey, and you will likely find this uplifting by the very core of this basis.


Nothing in this earth MATTERS...compared to THE Creator.
[[Make Your Masterpiece, 2020 Foundation]]

failed to upload

What I didn't realise for a long time was that this was pretty much an archetype of Boondocks in the flesh; a "nigga moment".

back when I had the purpose of these videos fresh and full of depth (back) in my mind. Now BitChute has lost them with its "failure to upload". I'mma have to keep track of all my uploads now. kmt
All I remember is that this is a message that we need to step up; and it's important because NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR IT. How is it a mystery or unfound that lies are propagated, or that honest people who speak meaningful, productive/conducive truth get shunned and disregarded?
1296{fearmongering? Rly? Screenshots_20201228-07####.jpg}~ bitchute.com/video/vpZb1c7aHM3M/ ~@5:08 onwards.

Anyway, this was supposed to be one of the FIRST videos archived, as it distinguishes the ignant from an integral person. This can be a tool to aid in discernment in all situations and social unrest from here on.
It's also interesting because it addresses a "rabbit hole" (if you will), or at least circumvents it. There was more to this, but again, my mind is somewhere else atm. Stupid technical difficulties and BitChute butchering.

May have lost other things, but all I frikking remember is: -> Shadicstick's Why You Should Be Hyped for 30th Anniversary -> YoungRippa59's PS5 Initial Review -> Obvs this video: Nipsey Hussle Shooting Is Unfortunate.
Looking back, it seems to be pretty much everything between Nov 19th & 21st..


SPIDEY SQUAD DRAMA AGAIN? (Evan Filarca & The Amazing Lucas) LIVE REACTIONS 🔥 - Joseph Witty

Just found this and was awe-struck by the...neurodivergence and cognitive dissonance (as in no one is cognizant of, or actually waking up to the meaning of what one another was saying).
This is stream is very piss-poor, but it has a lot of food for thought. I'm just curious, who would you support? (I'm willing to bet [on] who you wouldn't (the one critically thinking "child"), but I'm more interested in your reasoning. ;) Excuse all the emotional stupidity and vanity (and lack of integrity), don't let your brains melt too much. Too much ignant. All witty and no wit. "Let em talk" their bs. "Ay, chat, AM I SPEAKING FACTS??" (@1:07:43)
If I find the actual Hangout archive, I'm linking it.

Anyway, once again, people are too tired to care. I'm not surprised the world is falling.

Partly evident of the fact that people like to refuse to accept (or at least UNDERSTAND the point/his point) that being too young is a factor of not knowing what you want (you can be too young to know what you want){~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1Qyz3kDAYg&t=7m24s }.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Addendum @11:02 January 6th 2021{

...r1299. Guess one can be too young to know anything...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Also his guy's intelligence really shows(!) ~} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIA_LPrhF1Y
-> "i'm no low IQ" -> "Know what I'm sayin'...."
-> "it's not that big of a deal" {~ *earlier* "Ay we don't do drama..." *later* "I would get involved, but..." }
-> "We really don't need this man... / Bruh it's 2 in the morning man & I'm tired af! Yall have to chop this shit up!" *meanwhile* "This is pretty entertaining" *afterwards: plays Spider-Man*

Inconsistent hypocrites definitely don't know what they want, nor what they are doing, NOR DEFO what they are talking about. Again; vain, vapid, postmodern.
Shoutouts to Cynical Brandon @56:35 tho.

Oh, guess we know it's all talk{~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u0n3exuhjI&t=19m29s @19:29}. #CultureOfGaming

Sheesh, I never knew how much of an aftermath this apology video was. That's what it was about? ~} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHD1koC1wDU

Instruction: get off my page. If you are only here for entertainment and NOT education/intelligence, this applies to you. If you couldn't care less, or if you don't want to CREATE anything for positive change; "get the fuck off ma stage!"
As EmpLemon would say to (his) Empty Subscribers, "UNSUBSCRIBE! CAN YOU UNSUBSCRIBE??"

Gotta do something about YouTube and BitChute. All that followers stuff is nuts. Who can I INTERACT with?... Anyways..

You wonder why the truth is shunned and messengers are infringed?...


Okay, WOW! "People love masturbating to problems, not solutions." Just happened with a Tesco video in a priv chat this morning too. Why do you think I haven't done much on Snapchat and Instagram in a while? I'm remapping and re-evaluating myself.

Oh, and he pretty much called out all political systems of governance everywhere. LOL! Hence #QuestionEverything.
That's what I love about this clip, and that's why there's so much substance behind what "radical" people like The Definition of Anarchy said (about him [Lucas]). It's hilarious😂

Lucas is also saying something important here about people that make speaking out and causing change in the community difficult.

...And also also, he describes how (the exaggeration of) realness in dynamic will pretty much breed postmodernism (nothing is real or has a vivid essence anymore, basically).


This is pretty crucial too. See through the matrix, as it were.



Wow. This is really constructive! It's a shame this channel operator didn't record the whole livestream when he had the chance... Annoying.
Really important that this is understood! I've been fooled about this before, and I'm overjoyed that I found this!


Get these weeds out of the community.

This is the industry and culture that LS Mark was speaking out about in his video. LOL.


Disrespecting/belittle the integrity of the source material...and FANBOYS take it!...


Only 20 minutes since upload and the Comments Circus has arrived! Come on in for your brain-melting needs! {

Bro its a fucking kids movie you clown

My Reply·
You do realize that a mentality like that will progressively lead to unintelligent kids with no discernment or thirst for growth, right? Oh, you don't care, do you? I sure hope you're not addressing me like that.
((I didn't even touch all the bases in regards to where society probably goes if this continues. Eh... But look how little respect he has.
He don't deserve respect imo. We ought to veer away from this))


The integrity and identity of a series, character, and its brand overall being skewed, flanderized and diminished. FANservice. I think there are better videos on this topic than this, but they're from at least a year ago at this point. The one video I can infer as a link to this is (not JebTube's, but) Ruby of Blue's video on what makes Sonic Adventure 2 an Outstanding game (remember, Shōnen. Remember that if you're going to watch the full 2-parter). Maybe also Yoshiller's video on what makes a good Sonic game. There's more videos that properly define Sonic's identity/meaning/philosophy as a freedom fighter (for one thing) in a comprehensive yet straightforward way, but I don't remember them. I don't have access to my saves right now... Maybe I'll make my own video essay on it someday instead...or make a game that embodies it all...(?)

It's now politics, not games.


people like this...
These are the little bitches we let belittle/violate/tarnish smart people that happen to like games, that have aptitude in the realm of digital tech and creating immersive experiences.
These are also the people we let get away with corruption with our stupidity (as covered by Tree of Logic surrounding his supposed death from AIDS, which I alluded that Angela Stanton King questioned when people praised him, celebrated him and paid tributes to him in the context of potentially (sexually) violating a person.)

Egotistical, disrespectful idle threats. Don't do this if you have integrity. Resorting to ad hominems and trying to demean people when they bring you on their platform? That's a Brandon Tatum move vs Hotep Jesus ("YOU WANNA BE HOOD, N****?!"{ watch?v=y0Ms_i4uGtk }). That's a DreamRare move (debating myself on whether to actually cover that topic of DreamRare's livestream on Young Pharaoh's platform last week). R1262

{{ Precursor to this: #1~} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW_VJTMtm1I
#2~} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGdCL63Jj48
}}[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKXZ-LVA5Og ]

mixed ability base and neurodivergence.
Thanks diversity. ;)

It's issues like this that destroy the credibility of "geeks" and gamers and people that are into digital tech. It gives rise to people like Kingface (in a video I'm about to upload{~ https://www.bitchute.com/video/GQzeMlkoGKwR/ }).

As a fan of Sonic, I can attest that what he's pointing out is accurate. Premy has even thought little of Sega recently (even though he enjoyed the movie himself and pretty much said in his SEGA update video, I mirrored, that he would accept all the substandard and soulless merchandising and other mal-habits like microtransactions just to get a good game in the end, come the 30th Sonic Anniversary -- though his point was valid: it's not hard to be good again, they have made amazing games & immersive experiences with & without Sonic before...), so it's clear that this is a stark problem.
These are the "fans" that we ought to weed out, call out (hold to account), or at least stay away from. There are good fans creating amazing experiences in the midst of the "Sonic drought". Let's call out dumb crap whilst uplifting genuinely good and vivid/meaningful/intricate creativity from the community in the process.

How are we allowing disrespect to permeate itself (such that we accept and even celebrate subpar products like the Sonic movie, which is disrespectful to the identity of Sonic itself, nevermind the fans)? We even adopt it ourselves. "Stop streaming, Lucas." What?

We need to weed these people out of production (whether producing games, producing movies, projecting the voices of the vocal majority in its community{ that's influencing the company behind the series that is supposed to be a meaningful legacy }...producing more bab-...).

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDdvnZakMCw \ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e34XV_7uz5E]

Taking the lead {like a genius/grown boss} in the midst of a WAR. + context of excuses (that were made for Obama) {{

Trump's Iran speech was GENIUS

#TrumpSpeech #TrumpStatement #TrumpIran #TrumpSoleimani

Trump addresses the nation after Iran attacks bases in Iraq and it's pure genius.

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#CultureIs... Okay, can you not see that you're playing yourselves by bigging up "culture" for the WRONG reasons? I'm just trying to expose that here so that it's your responsibility to notice it. Want to choose death? Live FOR pride and remain ignorant. Also for once he peeps down a rabbit hole. {{

Jillian Michael ROASTS Lizzie

#JillianMichaels #Lizzie #JillianMichaelsLizzie #

Jillian Michaels, the former host of NBC’s weight-loss reality show The Biggest Loser, is being criticized for body-shaming Lizzo and I have no idea why.

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G O O D R E A D S OF 2018 :

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}} This theory sounds good...

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3RTGw59tps] https://instagram.com/p/CHlqi5VlGmJ/

#CultureIsWonderful Know your friends + passive-aggressive begrudging (women) {{

CNN and Warren DESTROY Bernie Sanders at the Iowa Debates

#IowaDebate #BernieSandersElizabethWarren #BernieSanders #ElizabethWarren

Bernies Sanders gets demolished in the Iowa debate thanks to CNN and Elizabeth Warren.

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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uehTxmEXrQ] <- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Al6cgXQWiI <-- https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hx35MyDoUOHJ/

"Everything that you touch with this political narrative turns to fricking cancer. PLEASE stop it!" @5:40 warning. {{

Incredibles 2 movie Review - Feminist Propaganda

I been waiting for over 14 years, and now The Incredibles are back! Was it worth the wait? Here's my review for INCREDIBLES 2. Answer is no.

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Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

64 videos

Category None

Also find me on{
- Odysee (LBRY): https://odysee.com/@Turf.PSA:e {~or~ https://lbry.tv/@Turf.PSA:e?view=about -- LBRY.tv is retired, so ignore that one.}
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- other links for now: https://linktr.ee/Turf.PSA

Peer archive/channel for value and content posted to platforms elsewhere.
Will deal with those (Big) Tech issues in due time.
Anyway, hope it all helps you learn and grow. Evolve and teach, disciple with discipline.

Apologies for any quality issues and technical concerns on this platform, but as SPIRITUAL So once said "Don't pay attention to none of the bullshit! GET THE MESSAGE! Focus on yourself, do your own research, always go within!"
If you want better, I suggest investigating, or to develop a platform yourself and show us what can be accomplished.

Oh, and you can call me an Autonomous Journalist, rather than an "independent journalist". ~ Turf.PSA, 22/04/2021