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Join me, Kaiser and Peridodic Pete as we talk about Crash Town the best filler arc in yugioh 5Ds possibly the best filler arc in all of yugioh. the Crash Town arc starts at ep 86 of yugioh 5ds and ends at ep 92.
links to those in the cast
Kaiser Shounen
Periodic Pete

Join me, Kaiser and Peridodic Pete as we talk about Yugioh 5Ds. mostly covering the first and Secord season of it.
links to those in the cast
Kaiser Shounen
Periodic Pete

Join me, Kaiser and Peridodic Pete as we talk about Yugioh 5Ds. mostly covering the first and Secord season of it. had to brake up video due to file size.

links to those in the cast
Kaiser Shounen
Periodic Pete

Join me and my friend Nretsew the Perv as we talk about Ecchi/Harem/Hentai and erotic content in general.
links to those in the cast
Nretsew the Perv

join me as a recommend this little gem of a series. Demon City Blues series. written by Hideyuki Kikuchi of vampire hunter D & Demon city Shinjuku fame.

join me, my friends
as we talk about yugioh zexal

links to those in the cast
Kaiser Shounen
Periodic Pete

The best video ever

join me and my friend jean Luc as we talk about both the anime & light novel for Eminace in shadow. the alex jones of light novels.

Join me and my friend Kaiser Shounen as we talk about yugioh arc-v
also the battle beast dual sucks

links to those in the podcast
young Kaiser

links to the videos we talked about

join me and my friend Heraclius as we talk about the transformers movie.
an infamous movie, and a cult classic.

join me and my friend jean Luc as we talk about both the anime & manga for DNAngel.
had to brake up the video into two parts again due to file size.

join me and my friend jean Luc as we talk about both the anime & manga for DNAngel.
had to brake up the video into two parts again due to file size.

Join me and my friend Kaiser Shounen as we talk about yugioh vrains.
also had to split the video into two because of the file size.
links to those in the podcast
young Kaiser

links to the videos we talked about time stamp 11:17

Join me and my friend Kaiser Shounen as we talk about yugioh vrains.
also had to split the video into two because of the file size.
links to those in the podcast
young Kaiser

links to the videos we talked about time stamp 11:17

warning there will be spoilers

join me, my friends
as we talk about the Secord & third season of Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru or Oregairu, My youth romantic comedy is wrong as I expected in English.

links to those in the cast

NZ copyright laws so nice try japan and America
English version
Copyright Act 1994
Fair dealing with a work for the purposes of criticism or review, of that or another work or of a performance of a work, does not infringe copyright in the work if such fair dealing is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgment.
Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of reporting current events by means of a sound recording, film, or communication work does not infringe copyright in the work.
Fair dealing with a work (other than a photograph) for the purposes of reporting current events by any means other than those referred to in subsection (2) does not infringe copyright in the work if such fair dealing is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgment.


join me, my friends, and my hated rival PlotProgressor B
as we talk about the first season of Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru or Oregairu, My youth romantic comedy is wrong as I expected in English.

links to those in the cast
PlotProgressor B

because of file size had to split the video in half.

join me, my friends, and my hated rival PlotProgressor B
as we talk about the first season of Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru or Oregairu, My youth romantic comedy is wrong as I expected in English.

links to those in the cast
PlotProgressor B

because of file size had to split the video in half.

welcome to behind the scenes, the directors Cut of this podcast.

Warning this review may contain spoilers.
join me as I review the manga of Elfen lied

Warning this review may contain spoilers.
join me as I review log horizon season 1

join me and my friends fvlminatvs and Heraclius as we talk about Macross 7 a show that has a rather mixed reputation as the black sheep of the Macross franchise.
because of file size had to split the video in half.

join me and my friends fvlminatvs and Heraclius as we talk about Macross 7 a show that has a rather mixed reputation as the black sheep of the Macross franchise.
because of file size had to split the video in half.

join me and my friend young Kaiser as we talk about a classic anime of the 90s cowboy bebop.
links to those in the podcast
young Kaiser

join me and young Kaiser as we cover season 5 of boku no hero.
and for the next few months I am going to making more content to make up for the time I was away, because I was busy with RL shit.
had to brake this into two parts for bitchite file size was too big.

link to people to took part or helped with this project

join me and young Kaiser as we cover season 5 of boku no hero.
and for the next few months I am going to making more content to make up for the time I was away, because I was busy with RL shit.
had to brake this into two parts for bitchite file size was too big.

link to people to took part or helped with this project

join me different type of video I am doing.
and also me shilling something for a friend of mine that works in a light novel company
killing two birds with one stone.


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

73 videos

Category Anime & Animation

Content from your local bio-mechanical lifeform™, that nobody really watches, or cares about anyway. But jokes aside, I make videos talking about anime, manga, light novels, and more, so if you like Japanese media, you've come to the right place.

(A subsidiary of Sunrise Entertainment™)