F3thinker !

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F3thinker !

F3thinker !


This is for You Julian. In my Eyes your a Hero. Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press is a thing of the past. Main Stream Media has turned its back on exposing the Enemies of Humanity. I will always remember what you have done Julian. I will never forget the sacrifice you have made to bring into the light of day the TRUTH. For so many this means NOTHING but for me it means Everything. I will fight for the Truth and those that uphold it until I take my last breath. Silence is NOT an Option !!!!!

Our Enemies are making a BIG Impact. Why does not the Opposition do the same ?
God Bless my Enemies and all those Brave enough to Stand with me. I'm here to
Fight not hide away in the Shadows.

I'm doing everything I can to Fight these Bastards that are Hell Bent and determined to Destroy Us. Please Consider showing Your Support by Interacting and Taking Part by giving a LIKE - Thumbs Up .................... Thank You so Much for Your Support. God Bless You ..........................

Reverend Simon Sideways:

The Peoples Voice:

Soundtrack- No One Will Save You:


The Battle taking place is deeply Spiritual. Our Enemy Hate Jesus Christ. They have Social Engineered the destruction of Christianity. The result is a Culture without Moral Compass. The Twisting and Distortion of Gender is all the work of our Enemy. The Enemy is Winning. So many are Silent and those like myself are few in number. Its paramount you show your support to those fighting this Battle.
What Message am I trying to convey in this Video ? First, I want to work in the Abstract and encourage those watching to put the pieces together themselves. Video creation for me is an Art Form. Satan likes to turn everything upside down. The Elite Plutocrats do likewise to communicate in secret with one another. By using this Music I am doing what they do, turning things upside down, putting it in a context that is a contradiction. The music is being used to promote Jesus Christ instead of promoting Satan. Using their weapons against themselves by inverting and turning things upside down. Life has new meaning in the context of Jesus Christ NOT Satan. The music was never intended to be used in this context. It is this that gives greater power and meaning to the association and promoting of Christ as the new meaning of Life. For me this is a slap in the face for the Enemy. Its very clear that the WEF and W.H.O promote and support Satan with their 666 in their logo. You cannot worship Satan and deny Christ. The Battle is Spiritual we face, we must never loose sight of this. These Monsters working against Humanity believe profoundly in the Adversary to Humanity. Never doubt this ..........
A lot of my Haters and those that attack me need to have their hand held and things explained for them. This is after all a big step up from their coloring books and dot to dot picture paintings. Comments like, This is Satanic. I'm not a F3thinker because I don't have my comments section open, etc etc etc. These goons are brain dead idiots that like Satan come to Kill, destroy and pollute. Anything that requires a little thought is to taxing for these servants of the Enemy. They think and expect I should give them a platform to undermine my work. These people are Toxic spinless scum bags that give NOTHING and demand EVERYTHING. Not on my Channel. its NEVER going to happen ..............

God Bless ..................

Just been on the end of what I believe was an Attack. For the first time ever I experienced a massive Hard Drive failiure. I was at the time working on a video. I was unable to retrieve anything from the Hard Drive. There is no justifiable reason for this catastrophic failure other than Sabatage.
This is what happens when you challenge and expose the Monsters at War against Humanity. I will continue to fight and Speak my Truth and do my best to awaken and protect so many that have been deceived and cheated. I'm happy and content with the little support I get from those that don't Fear showing their support of my work/Opposition by Liking and Thumbing Up my Videos. I'm so grateful and this support lifts my spirit and makes me feel not so alone. Thank You to those that Like and Thumb Up my work. It means a lot to me ..... God Bless. I hope 2024 brings the Justice so desperately needed. Its about time that they pay for all the Death and Misery they have inflicted upon Humanity.

Sometimes You have to pick a side. But most prefer to remain Silent. There is a great Quote for this.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
............... ( John Stuart Mill ) .................

Thank You so much for showing your support by being here. God Bless.
Please check out and consider Subscribing to Remarque88. My favourite Channel by far and has done so much to expose the nefarious Agenda at play against Humanity. Thank You ............. God Bless

Thank You so much for being here. Thank You ................................ God Bless

Please Check out this Channel for the Hard Facts regarding Convid and its Aftermath:


Greta Thunberg is a Fraud Climate Change Activist because she has never called out the Chemtrails and Weapons of Weather Warfare used against Humanity.
To promote my work I leave LINKS to my Video in the comments of other Channels. This is where the Enemies of Truth and Light Attack my Channel and Insult me personally. It will not work because I will NOT Stop fighting for the TRUTH. The TRUTH must be told and the DARKNESS of this World Exposed. Information Warfare and the fight for Truth is very Real. Their Narrative must be challenged.

The Global Warming Scam. Another big Stick to Beat Us with and Punish the Dumb Sheep.

Amazing Polly

I hope your ready because what these scheming
Monsters are putting in place is beyond belief. Through
the Back Door they have Undermined and Subverted all
Governments of the Western World. They have Erected
the Central Pillar to enable themselves to Dictate and
Enforce Vaccine Mandates. Mark my Words, Nobody and
I do mean, Nobody, will escape their Death Shot
Vaccine Protocol. Unless We the People exercise our Will
to refuse and resist. The W.H.O will be the untouchable
Scape Goat. Our sell out spineless Government will raise
their dirty corrupt hands and declare, all Authority and
Power and Control reside with the Almighty W.H.O.
What they say and demand will go. The W.H.O itself a
mouthpiece and representative of the New World
Order and One World Government. The apparatus
created and established to commit a World Genocide. All
perpetrated and achieved under the deception and
subterfuge of fighting a Pandemic. This great deception
equates to an Enforced Mass Extermination of the World
Population. The so called Cure will be the Killer and
Destruction of Humanity. The Georgia Guide stones
forewarned us of their Evil intentions. To reduce the
Population of Earth to 500 Million Souls. I hope your
ready because they mean business. These Monsters are
NOT playing around. They want US gone. The
Infrastructure to achieve this is now being put in place.
Get Ready, your LIFE depends on it !
Silence will equal Death. Your time to rise is fast
approaching. Staying in the shadows is no longer an
option. Your Life is worth fighting for and we will be
given no alternative but to fight when faced with
Medical Tyranny.
Their Evil scheme will backfire and be their undoing and
downfall. We will be part of making History and
reshaping the Future for the Better. A Future without
Globalist Central Bankers and the Wealth of this World
in the hands of the few. The opportunity to change
everything is about to come our way. These arrogant
deluded fools have miscalculated and underestimated the
will and fortitude of the masses. This will be their
undoing and destruction. Your participation will be
essential in this defining moment that will guarantee our
Success and Victory. Calm before the Storm !!!!

My Favorite Channels that challenge the Horrible Arrogant Bastards that are Hell bent on destroying and Murdering the Sleeping Hypnotized Masses. If you are ever searching for Content Creators with BALLS, look no further than those below. O, Yea, that's Right, Woman don't have BALLS. But if they did, Amazing Polly would need a Wheel Barrow to carry and push her BALLS because they would be that big !!!

Amazing Polly


The Corbett Report

Wow, so many Rothschild Lovers. You know your right over the Target when
all the Servants and Slaves for the Dark-Side Thumb Down your Video
and do their bidding. They must keep their Masters happy. The very same
people that are using Social Engineering to corrupt the Minds of this
upcoming Generation and leave without Moral Compass. To destroy and
ridicule the spiritual path and belief in GOD. These people are at WAR
against GOD. As they undermine and turn everything upside down.
Distorting and encouraging confusion on what was a clear line between
the sexes, Male and Female. The many that accept and support their
twisted Agenda, Men dressed as Woman influencing the young minds
of children, have embraced destruction and Moral Decay. All of this making
a clear path to a Godless spiritual bankrupt social fragmented Future. The
winner of this created distorted Hellscape will be the Adversary to GOD.
The same adversary the masses have been conditioned and convinced
does not Exist !

Thank You for being Here. Those of You that Support Me and stand in the
Light and not Darkness ............. Thank You

Please Like & Subscribe ................ Thank You ............... God Bless

Please Like & Subscribe ................ Thank You ............... God Bless

I Fight For YOU ................... Even though most do not Know, or Care, what they do ! As Our Countries are being Devoured and Destroyed. A New System being put in Place by Stealth that will be the New Paradigm of Total Enslavement for All Humanity. Get The Fuck Up and Fight Back ...... because I Refuse to Live and Take part in what is being Forced Upon Us All. A Digital Hell Hole devoid of Freedom and Privacy that will manifest as Our ............ 'New Normal'. The Technocratic Prison of total Domination and CONTROL for those that survive the Death Drive to Kill and Cull and Reduce the Population of Earth.

Please Like & Subscribe ................ Thank You ............... God Bless

Please Like & Subscribe ................ Thank You ............... God Bless

Please Like & Subscribe ..................... Thank You ........ God Bless


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

118 videos

Category Education

We must Fight Back. The World they are manifesting is not the World I want my Children to inherit. Hell No, these M F's need to be stopped at all cost. It really doesn't bear thinking about what they intend for all Humanity. I do NOT and NEVER will CONSENT to this TYRANNY. Over my DEAD Body/. Believe me this is a HILL I am prepared to DIE on. It's worth DYING for and I will be in good company with the MILLIONS that also gave and SACRIFICED their LIVES in the 1st and 2nd WORLD WARS for YOURS and MY FREEDOMS. Never forget what so many gave so WE could be FREE. These Bastards are not taking it from me without a FIGHT. This is now the MIND SET we all need. When reason fails and the WILL of the PEOPLE means NOTHING then...........................
