Curious Magpie

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Curious Magpie



Glitches in everyday life can mean a bonus for someone who is quick thinking or just plain clever and take advantage of an offer they can't refuse

Do you know of any?

Programming The Nation takes an encompassing look at the history of subliminal messaging in America. Since the late 1950s subliminal content has been military tested and delivered through all forms of mass-media including Hollywood

William T. Still reports
Unless we get rid of the disease known as the Federal Reserve, no amount of change within government will fix anything. It's just putting a Bandaid on the wound as Americans slave away

John O'Looney was asked to warn people about what one woman experienced at the hospital
Why would she need a tetanus for trapping her hand in the door?

June Slater, says how it is

Watch the narrative that AstraZeneca's vaccine is safe completely fall apart
Astra Zeneca vaccine has been withdrawn worldwide this week
They are saying it's because they have a glut of newer versions
Yeah, right!

Never forget what they did
No link between vaccine and blood clots!
Hillary Jones, Lorraine Kelly, Richard Madeley
The TV 'doctors' were paid around £250,000 to spout this crap
They were all complicit

“There was an 81% miscarriage rate after the ‘Covid Vaccine’. This is the Government’s own data…and when I spoke up…I was offered $M’s to stay quiet…which I refused…so I was immediately fired…” -Dr. James Thorp on the Mass Casualties of the ‘Covid Vaccine’.

Dr Peter Glidden explains what a head cold actually is and how to 'treat' it

A Naturopathic doctor who has practiced for over 30 years

How much clout does a cease and desist letter have?
Do you think WHO will dobey?

The digital ID system has you, has your blood, has your genetic code has your photograph, it can identify how you walk, so even if you can’t see your face, you can be picked up by gait
Why do the Chinese accept this and, more importantly, will you?
They are NOT elites

This lad can name all the classical composers just by listening to a few notes of a composition

BBC, On This Day, 1981

Any taxes we pay were never made law
Royalty and governments took taxes to help fund wars
It was so successful that even though there was no ongoing war, they continued taking our money
They spend it in ridiculous ways and amounts and when it runs out, they just introduce another one
Why do we allow it?

For the oldies!

This cheeky cow didn't tell them what was in it until they had had a bit!

Black soldier fly larvae anyone?

Keep this video for posterity
You can look back on it and have a record of his lies

I don't think that tax was ever made law
It was introduced to fund war but because it was so successful, they continued taking it from the common man
Now they waster our money and simply introduce another tax

WHO pandemic treaty vote could be invalid under international law due to the World Health Organisation’s incompetency in producing the paperwork at the correct time

I wouldn't have complied anyway

Using a bit of initiative, this fella manages his weekly shopping on a scooter

To give the appearance of normality


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

496 videos

Category Education

Aiming to open people's eyes about the lies, the cover ups and to expose the truth
Many would consider this being a conspiracy theorist but I like to think that I have an open mind and consider my self a conspiracy researcher
My opinions and views don't mean you have to have the same opinions and views
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