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A.I Generated

A.I Generated


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

95 videos

Category Music

This is where I dump the worthy Mashups that I have created. Subscribe for updates of the weird jams I mash out, I backup my keepers here every few months.

The Mashups are created by first chosing two songs, then inputting them into a website that uses Artificial Intelligence to resequence the two songs. Sometimes for the better, often for the worse, I have spared you having to scour through the worst by only uploading the songs that work (in my opinion).

Some are songs I have thought reminded me of one another, some are a pure shot in the dark a "what if" type scenario.
Some are purposely mashed because of being polar opposites. Sometimes I search for a song that matches a particular songs bpm, sometimes I just throw shiy t at the wall to see of it sticks.

All in all the use of A.I to alter music is fun, interesting for me, because I have to relinquish all musical/creative control. All I can do is give the computer two songs, the rest is fate.